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61. History For Sale Offers Authentic Autographs, Rare Historical HUBBARD, ELBERT, 1. HUBBARD, JOHN, 1. HUBBARD, L. RON, 2. HUBBELL, CARL, 13.hubel, david H. 1. HUCKS, BENTFIELD C. 1. HUD MOVIE CAST, 1. HUDSON, JAMESH. 1. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/displaysigners.asp?sstart=48&signer=H&dpp=15 |
62. Biographical Files "H"- Chesney Medical Archives Shung Hubbard, Jesse Donald Hubbard, Lois Hubbard, Oscar Edwin hubel, david HunterHuber Cameron Bruce Hudak, Mark Huddleson, Irene Myrle Huddleson, James H., Jr http://www.medicalarchives.jhmi.edu/bio-h.htm | |
63. Program 7: Sensation And Perception to Roger W. Sperry, for his discovery of the functional specialization of the cerebralhemispheres, and the other half jointly to david H. hubel and Torsten N http://www.learner.org/discoveringpsychology/07/e07expand.html | |
64. Society For Neuroscience | Autobiographies Seymour S. Kety, Theodore H. Bullock, Robert Galambos, Louis Sokoloff, Rita LeviMontalcini,Brenda Milner, Vernon Mountcastle, david H. hubel, Torsten N http://web.sfn.org/content/Programs/HistoryofNeuroscience1/Autobiographies/ | |
65. Committee Listings 97) Thomas D. Albright (99) Mark A. Bisby (99) Michael Davis (97) Thomas R. Insel(98) Stephen W. Scheff (99) Linda A. Toth (98) david H. hubel, ex officio http://web.sfn.org/NL/1996/November-December/committe_listings.html | |
66. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books Peters, 1998. ISBN 1568810725 . hubel, david H. Eye, Brain, and VisionWH Freeman Co, 1988. ISBN 0716750201 . Huddleston, Rodney http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/h.html | |
67. Learning - Module 1: Information Organization hubel, david H. (1979) The Brain Introducing an issue about neurobiology and itscentral problem How does the human brain work? Scientific American, Vol. http://www-ang.kfunigraz.ac.at/~holzinge/multi-media/multimedia-learning-informa | |
68. Physiological Foundations Of Psychology Roger Wolcott Sperry (19131994) Roger Sperry Roger Sperry Roger Sperry Roger W.Sperry, Nobel Laureate david Hunter hubel (1926-) david H. hubel, MD david H http://faculty.colostate-pueblo.edu/paul.kulkosky/physiological.htm | |
69. Huglings Jackson Lectures Institute. 1980. Dr. Donald Tower. 1982. Dr. david H. hubel, HarvardUniversity (Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1981). 1984. Dr. david Kuhl. 1985. http://www.mni.mcgill.ca/hughlings_lectures.html | |
70. BioFinder Kategorien Suche hubel, david H. Autobiography; Huggins, Charles Brenton;Huxley, Andrew Fielding; Huxley, Thomas Henry; Interview mit http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/library/biofinder/135.html | |
71. Www.discounttextbooks.net/SearchBook/txtbkBrowse/a/Foreword%20by%20David%20H.%20 PDF I. Fachdidaktik / Fachgeschichte/ ?thetik und Kunstp?agogik http://www.discounttextbooks.net/SearchBook/txtbkBrowse/a/Foreword by David H. H |
72. Neuerwerbungslisten 10/2003 / Zentralbibliothek Der Translate this page hubel, david H. Auge und Gehirn Neurobiologie des Sehens / david H. hubel. - 2.Aufl. - Heidelberg Spektrum d. Wissenschaft, 1990. - 238 S. Ill., graph. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel_inst/00/PY/2003_10_22.html | |
73. Neural Networks 1989; Philip D. Wasserman; Eye, Brain, and Vision 1988; david H. hubel;Robot Vision 1986; Berthold Klaus Paul Horn; An Introduction to http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~croft/research/neural/ | |
74. Premios Nobel De Fisiología Y Medicina Translate this page 1980, Dausset, Jean (Francia) Snell, George (EEUU) Benacerraf, Baruj (EEUU). 1981,hubel, david H. (EEUU) Sperry, Roger W. (EEUU) Wiesel, Torsten N. (Suecia). http://fcmjtrigo.sld.cu/nobel.htm | |
75. Autorenliste H Translate this page H. Name, Sterbe-Jahr, Rechte-Inhaber, WebSite, EMail, Freigabe / Stand. Horaz,,8 n.Chr. 21.10.2003. Hubbuch, Karl, 1979, 24.12.2003. hubel, david Hunter, -, 26.02.2004. http://www.vossweb.info/zitatesammler/menu/autor/h/400 | |
76. Bibliography (1998); Friedlaender, Mitchell H. 20/20 A Total Guide to Improving Your Visionand Preventing Eye Disease. (1991); hubel, david H. Eye, Brain, and Vision. http://www.innvista.com/health/ailments/eyeail/biblio.htm | |
77. University Of Toronto -- Nobel Prize Centennial Lectures 2001 david H. hubel (Medicine, 1981). david hubel was born in Windsor, Ontario in1926 of American parents, though three of his grandparents were Canadian. http://www.utoronto.ca/president/nobel01/bios.htm | |
78. The Function Of Bursts Of Spikes During Visual Fixation In The Awake Primate Lat Susana MartinezConde, * Stephen L. Macknik, * and david H. hubel *. * Departmentof Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, 220 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=129798&rendertype=abst |
79. Academy Members (H) Horowitz, Norman, Harold, II, 1, FELLOW. Horvitz, H. Robert, II, 2, FELLOW. Hubbell,Wayne, Lester, II, 1, FELLOW. hubel, david, Hunter, II, 3, FELLOW. http://www.amacad.org/members/h_pg2.htm | |
80. PNAS -- Abstracts: Martinez-Conde Et Al. 99 (21): 13920 Kingdom. Contributed by david H. hubel, August 19, 2002. When imagesare stabilized on the retina, visual perception fades. During http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/99/21/13920 | |
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