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         Hodgkin Dorothy Crowfoot:     more detail
  1. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by J. William Moncrief, 2001
  2. Biochimiste: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Robert Crane, Fernand Seguin, George Wald, Ernst Boris Chain, Juan Negrín, Paul Nurse, Eduard Buchner (French Edition)
  3. Birkbeck, Science and History, (Occasional Publications: New Series - Department of Geograph) by Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, 1970-01
  4. Structure of vitamin B‚‚‚, by Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, 1955
  5. Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin, O.M: A biographical memoir by Guy Dodson, 2002
  6. Structural Studies on Molecules of Biological Interest: A Volume in Honour of Dorthy Hodgkin

61. (IUCr-Crystallographers Online) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin By M.F. Perutz
Crystallography Online Crystallographers Online. dorothy CrowfootHodgkin by MF Perutz. (First appeared in the Independent Newspaper).
Crystallographers Online
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin by M.F. Perutz
(First appeared in the Independent Newspaper) In October 1964 the Daily Mail carried a headline "Grandmother wins Nobel Prize". Dorothy Hodgkin won it "for her determination by X-ray techniques of the structures of biologically important molecules". She used a physical method, X-ray crystallography, first developed by W. L. Bragg, to find the arrangements of the atoms in simple salts and minerals. She had the courage, skill, and sheer willpower to extend the method to compounds that were far more complex than anything attempted before. The most important of these were cholesterol, vitamin D, penicillin and vitamin B12. Later she was most famous for her work on insulin, but this reached its climax only five years after she had won the prize. In the early Forties, when Howard Florey and Ernest Chain had isolated penicillin from Alexander Fleming's mould, some of the best chemists in Britain and the United States tried to find its chemical constitution. They were taken aback when a young woman, using not chemistry but X-ray analysis, then still mistrusted as an upstart physical technique, had the face to tell them what it was. When Dorothy Hodgkin insisted that its core was a ring of three carbon atoms and a nitrogen which was believed to be too unstable to exist, one of the chemists, John Cornforth, exclaimed angrily: "If that's the formula of penicillin, I'll give up chemistry and grow mushrooms". Fortunately he swallowed his words and won the Chemistry Prize himself 30 years later. Hodgkin's formula proved right and was the starting-point for the synthesis of chemically modified penicillins that have saved many lives.

62. (IUCr-Crystallographers Online) An Obituary Of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin By M. Vi
Crystallography Online Crystallographers Online. An obituary of dorothy CrowfootHodgkin by M. Vijayan. An outstanding scientist and great humanist.
Crystallographers Online
An obituary of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin by M. Vijayan
An outstanding scientist and great humanist
Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, who passed away on July 30, 1994, at the age of 84, was an outstanding scientist, great humanist and above all a splendid human being. Among her peers in the scientific community, there would have been others who were respected as much as Dorothy was but perhaps none who was loved more than she was. Dorothy was born on May 12, 1910, in Cairo where her father, John Crowfoot, was then serving with the Egyptian Ministry of Education. She had most of her secondary education at Sir John Leman School in Beccles, Suffolk, England. Subsequently, she joined Sommerville College at Oxford in 1928. At a time when very few women studied science subjects, she took her basic degree in Chemistry. It was during this period that Dorothy carried out her first X-ray studies, those on thallium dialkyl halides, with H.M. Powell. While at Cambridge, Dorothy, along with Bernal, was also involved in X-ray measurements on sterols which she continued in Oxford. She and her associates determined the structures of a number of steroids including cholesterol, over the years.

63. Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin
dorothy Mary crowfoot hodgkin. She will be remembered as a greatchemist, a saintly, gentle and tolerant lover of people, and a
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Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin
"She will be remembered as a great chemist, a saintly, gentle and tolerant lover of people, and a devoted protagonist of peace."
-M. F. Perutz about Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin Dorothy Mary Crowfoot was born in Cairo, Egypt, on May 12, 1910. She attended Somerville College at Oxford in 1932 and received a Chemistry degree. While in college, Dorothy used x-ray crystallography to show atomic structure and discovered that crystals are made of atoms in repeating, regular patterns. In 1933, Dorothy began her real crystallography research. She determined the structural atom layout and certain molecules' molecular shape. She also recorded the first x-ray diffraction pattern of a globular protein with Dr. J. D. Bernal. This determined that a protein molecule's arrangement is perfectly definite and that mother liquid is needed to surround protein crystals in order to study them. Also with her research, she showed crystal packing molecules and their scheme of hydrogen bonds. This was a great chemical breakthrough because they were the first analyses made from 3-D calculations. In 1934, Dorothy returned to Oxford University and took x-ray photographs of insulin by herself, changing modern biolgoy. Then, in 1937, she graduated from Cambridge University with a doctorate and married Dr. Thomas Hodgkin.

64. FAMOUSWOMEN: Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot
FAMOUSWOMEN Sorry, no results found for hodgkin, dorothy crowfoot .,_Dorothy_Crowfoot_
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65. WiP: Herstory: Spotlight Scientist: Dorothy Hodgkin
Sources Byers, Nina. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. Contribution of 20th CenturyWomen to Physics. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin, Independent Newspaper.
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  • Spotlight Scientist
    Dorothy Hodgkin
    (November 1998) Vital Life Statistics D orothy Hodgkin was born in Cairo, Egypt, on May 12, 1910. Her parents were both archaeologists working there at the time. She spent most of her schooling time at Sir John Leman School in Beccles, Suffolk, England. I n 1928, she joined Sommerville College at Oxford. Then she moved to Cambridge in 1932 to work with J.D. Bernal for her doctorate degree. After finished her degree, she returned to Oxford in 1934. Three years later, she married historian Thomas Hodgkin. S he studied the structure of penicillin during the 1940s. After discovering that, she began work on vitamin B12, which prevents and cures anaemia. Throughout this time, Hodgkin also worked on the structure of insulin. Finally, she discovered the structure of insulin, then proceeded to study its many forms. H odgkin worked to educate people about science and make it more popular throughout her life. She also exerted tremendous influence on science internationally. She traveled around the world, and people from many different nations worked on projects with her.
  • 66. WiP: Herstory: Spotlight Scientist: Dorothy Hodgkin
    Source Byers, Nina. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. Contribution of 20th Century Womento Physics. Perutz, Max. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin, Independent Newspaper.
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    " Herstory " of Women in Science
    WiP Homepage Physics Homepage Purdue Homepage
    Dorothy Hodgkin
    (November 1998)
    Vital Life Statistics
    Dorothy Hodgkin was born in Cairo, Egypt, on May 12, 1910. Her parents were both archaeologists working there at the time. She spent most of her schooling time at Sir John Leman School in Beccles, Suffolk, England. In 1928, she joined Sommerville College at Oxford. Then she moved to Cambridge in 1932 to work with J.D. Bernal for her doctorate degree. After finished her degree, she returned to Oxford in 1934. Three years later, she married historian Thomas Hodgkin. She studied the structure of penicillin during the 1940s. After discovering that, she began work on vitamin B12, which prevents and cures anaemia. Throughout this time, Hodgkin also worked on the structure of insulin. Finally, she discovered the structure of insulin, then proceeded to study its many forms. Hodgkin worked to educate people about science and make it more popular throughout her life. She also exerted tremendous influence on science internationally. She traveled around the world, and people from many different nations worked on projects with her.

    67. Fachhochschule Lübeck
    Translate this page dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. Chemie. Ein Leben für die Kristalle. dorothycrowfoot hodgkin. 12.5.1910 - 29.7.1994 . 1910 dorothy
    Select Language Englisch Schwedisch Französisch Finnisch Spanisch Portugiesisch Lettisch Hochschule Aktuelles Studieren an der FH Service Hochschule
    Suche: Suche in Personalliste Web (Google) Startseite Impressum Intranet Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Chemie
    Ein Leben für die Kristalle
    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    1910 Dorothy Crowfoot wird in Kairo geboren. Bereits in der Schule interessiert sie sich sehr für die Strukturanalyse von Kristallen und für Chemie. Sie findet damit schon früh ihre Berufung fürs Leben. 1928 - 1932 studiert sie als eine der ganz wenigen Studentinnen Chemie, Archäologie und Kristallographie an der Universität Oxford. 1934 unterrichtet Dorothy Crowfoot am Somerville College. 1937 Promotion am Somerville College und Heirat mit dem Historiker Thomas Hodgkin. 1938 erkrankt sie kurz nach der Geburt ihres ersten Kindes an schwerem, unheilbarem Gelenkrheuma. Trotz der Verwachsungen ihrer Gelenke und den damit verbundenen Schmerzen bleibt sie ihrer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit treu. Immer wieder engagiert die dreifache Mutter auch Frauen in ihrer Arbeitsgruppe. 1947 wird Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Mitglied der exklusiven Royal Society – als dritte Frau überhaupt.

    68. Women In Science: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin--Scientist
    dorothy crowfoot hodgkin (19101994) was the second woman to win an unshared NobelPrize for chemistry (in 1964; Marie Curie had been the first in 1911).
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    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910-1994) was the second woman to win an unshared Nobel Prize for chemistry (in 1964; Marie Curie had been the first in 1911). Hodgkin was not only a world-renowned theorist and mathematician but also an important pioneer in using the tools of experimental physics to elucidate the foundations of biochemical structure. Born in Cairo, Egypt, and schooled in England, Hodgkin had a childhood interest in science that would find its full expression in the realm of crystals and the technique of X-ray crystallography, wherein patterns of diffraction made by passing X-rays through crystals yielded dramatic new information about their molecular structures. With unmatched interpretive skills, Hodgkin determined the structures of penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin, which had immediate and profound effects on disease control as well as the study of other complex substances such as DNA. Be sure to read about how other female,

    69. LookSmart Australia
    hodgkin, dorothy crowfoot A Science Odyssey PBS Online provides a biography ofthe woman who discovered vitamin B12 as well as the structure of penicillin.;317836;

    70. BBC - Radio4 Womanshour -Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. 19601969. In 1937, using x-ray diffraction,dorothy hodgkin began her research into the structure of penicillin.
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    home ... Drama Women's History Timeline Messageboard About Us Email Us About the BBC ... Help Like this page? Send it to a friend! Browse through the 20th century 1990 - now Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin In 1937, using x-ray diffraction, Dorothy Hodgkin began her research into the structure of penicillin. By 1945 this had been achieved and she turned her attention to the structure of Vitamin B12. Already rewarded by being one of the first women elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, she was awarded a Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1964, for her work. In 1969, she completed what she saw as her greatest discovery, the molecular structure of insulin. A passionate advocate of disarmament, Dorothy Hodgkin was always willing to use her position as a renowned scientist to further her cause. One famous occasion was when she met with her former student, Margaret Thatcher, to discuss world peace. Her portrait, by the artist Maggie Hambling, hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. About the Women's History Timeline top listen to the latest Woman's Hour listen again to previous programmes Varicose veins What are your experiences?

    71. Klikk - Magasin Om Utdanning Og Læring
    dorothy crowfoot hodgkin Molekylers struktur Som den tredje kvinnen, etterCurieene, fikk dorothy crowfoot hodgkin nobelprisen i kjemi i 1964.

    72. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin [Pictures And Photos Of]
    dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin Picture, Photo, Photograph;middle age; fullface;; hodgkin A1. Item ID hodgkin A1. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin.
    A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
    For more information visit our home page Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Description middle age; full-face; Item ID Hodgkin A1 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Description middle age; profile; smiling; sitting Item ID Hodgkin B1 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Description middle age; three-quarter view; casual dress; smiling Item ID Hodgkin C2

    73. Her Name Is Dorothy
    1993 and received numerous medals. * dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. bornMay 12th 1910 died 1994. .. Nobel prizewinning chemist who
    Home Page A B C ... XYZ " the only sin passion can commit is to be joyless" English writer - Dorothy Sayers 1893-1957 Her Name Is Dorothy * Dorothy Arzner born 1900 died 1979 ..... winner of the FIRST prize in Britain's FIRST film festival in 1928 The International Festival of Women's Films, London FIRST woman director of sound films when she made Paramount's FIRST sound film The Wild Party in 1929 and began the FIRST film making course at the Pasadena Playhouse Dorothy Barton died 1992 ..... FIRST Northern woman elected to the Board of Management of the National Chamber of Trade. She was also the longest serving member in the NTC's history, chaired the Greater Manchester Council and became honorary Vice-President in 1991. In 1974 she was awarded the MBE Dorothy Buchanan ..... FIRST woman admitted as a full member of the Institute of Civil Engineers in 1927 Dorothy Carter born June 24th 1927 ..... FIRST woman President of the Gainsborough Town Bowling Club - 1990-91 (P/L) Dorothy Couper ..... FIRST woman to be appointed District Commandant in Scotland Yard's Special Constabulary - 1982/83. She was in charge of all 'Specials' in the police district which covered Paddington, Marylebone and St. John's Wood

    74. Feminist Of The Day: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    Feminist of the Day Info dorothy crowfoot hodgkin Chemist, xray researcher,humanitarian. . Want dorothy crowfoot hodgkin on your page every day?

    75. CWP At // Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    The Papers of dorothy Mary crowfoot hodgkin. Copyright 2001. To cite thiscitation hodgkin, dorothy crowfoot. CWP home BACK TO THE TOP.,_Dorothy_Crowfoot@841234567.html
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    86 Eminent Physicists

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    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
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    Some Important Contributions
    In 1934, with J. D. Bernal in Cambridge, photographed for the first time single crystals of a protein - pepsin. First to determine the three-dimensional structure of a complex bio-organic molecule.
    She determined the structure of cholesteryl iodide by x-ray diffraction in 1941-42 (published in 1945) in complete three-dimensional detail, at a time when no one else was determining complex structures in three dimensions because of the formidable calculations involved. Determined the structure of penicillin in 1944 (published in 1949), again in three-dimensional detail; there was only fragmentary and conflicting evidence on the structure from chemical work of this rather unstable molecule, which was of immense importance as an antibiotic during and immediately after World War II. Determined the structure of vitamin B-12 in 1956, using one of the first high-speed digital computers. This was by far the most complex molecule whose three-dimensional architecture had been established, and some of its unusual structural features were quite unanticipated.

    76. Nobel Prize Winning Chemists
    Nobel Prize Winning Chemists. 1963 1965. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin.The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1964. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin was Winners/d
    Nobel Prize Winning Chemists Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1964 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin was born in Cairo on May 12th, 1910 where her father, John winter Crowfoot, was working in the Egyptian Education Service. Her mother, Grace Mary Crowfoot (born Hood) was actively involved in all her father's work, and became an authority in her own right on early weaving techniques. She became interested in chemistry and in crystals at about the age of 10, and this interest was encouraged by Dr. A. F. Joseph, a friend of her parents in the Sudan, who gave her chemicals and helped her during her stay there to analyze ilmenite. She went to Oxford and Somerville College from 1928-32 and became devoted to Margery Fry, then Principal of the College. For a brief time during her first year, she combined archaeology and chemistry, analyzing glass tesserae from Jerash with E. G. J. Hartley. She was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1947, foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences in 1956, and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston) in 1958. She was awarded the Nobel Prize In Chemistry in 1964 "for their determination by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances." When she returned to Oxford in 1934, she continued the research that was begun at Cambridge with Bernal on the sterols and on the other biologically interesting molecules, including insulin, at first with one or two research students only. They were housed until 1958 in scattered rooms in the University museum. Their researches on penicilin began in 1942 during the war, and on vitamin B

    77. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - Wikipedia
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    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nicht die Wikipedia
    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin 12. Mai in Kairo 30. Juli in Shipston-on-Stour, England ) war eine englische Biochemikerin . Für ihre Analyse der Struktur des Vitamins B12 erhielt sie den Nobelpreis für Chemie Dorothy Crowfoot war die älteste von vier Töchtern eines englischen Kolonialbeamten in Kairo. Die Eltern reisten viel und liessen deshalb ihre Kinder bei Verwandten in England aufwachsen. Schon als Jugendliche war Dorothy Crowfoot fasziniert von Kristallen und chemischen Strukturen. Als sie mit 16 Parsons "Grundlagen der Chemie" las, beschloss sie Chemie zu studieren. Von bis belegte sie Chemie in Oxford , anschliessend ging sie nach Cambridge , um unter der Leitung von Bernal Sterole zu untersuchen. Sie war von der "Eleganz" der damals neuen Röntgenstrukturanalyse hingerissen. kehrte Dorothy Crowfoot als Lehrkraft nach Oxford zurück. Im selben Jahr begann sie mit der chemischen Analyse des Insulins , eine Analyse, die 35 Jahre dauern sollte, bis die gesamte Struktur dieses Stoffs aufgedeckt war.

    78. (IUCr-CWW) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin By M.F. Perutz
    IUCr Home Page Crystallography World Wide dorothy crowfoot Hodgkinby MF Perutz. (First appeared in the Independent Newspaper)
    Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin by M.F. Perutz
    (First appeared in the Independent Newspaper) In October 1964 the Daily Mail carried a headline "Grandmother wins Nobel Prize". Dorothy Hodgkin won it "for her determination by X-ray techniques of the structures of biologically important molecules". She used a physical method, X-ray crystallography, first developed by W. L. Bragg, to find the arrangements of the atoms in simple salts and minerals. She had the courage, skill, and sheer willpower to extend the method to compounds that were far more complex than anything attempted before. The most important of these were cholesterol, vitamin D, penicillin and vitamin B12. Later she was most famous for her work on insulin, but this reached its climax only five years after she had won the prize. In the early Forties, when Howard Florey and Ernest Chain had isolated penicillin from Alexander Fleming's mould, some of the best chemists in Britain and the United States tried to find its chemical constitution. They were taken aback when a young woman, using not chemistry but X-ray analysis, then still mistrusted as an upstart physical technique, had the face to tell them what it was. When Dorothy Hodgkin insisted that its core was a ring of three carbon atoms and a nitrogen which was believed to be too unstable to exist, one of the chemists, John Cornforth, exclaimed angrily: "If that's the formula of penicillin, I'll give up chemistry and grow mushrooms". Fortunately he swallowed his words and won the Chemistry Prize himself 30 years later. Hodgkin's formula proved right and was the starting-point for the synthesis of chemically modified penicillins that have saved many lives.

    79. (IUCr-CWW) An Obituary Of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin By M. Vijayan
    IUCr Home Page Crystallography World Wide An obituary of dorothy CrowfootHodgkin by M. Vijayan. An outstanding scientist and great humanist.
    An obituary of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin by M. Vijayan
    An outstanding scientist and great humanist
    Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, who passed away on July 30, 1994, at the age of 84, was an outstanding scientist, great humanist and above all a splendid human being. Among her peers in the scientific community, there would have been others who were respected as much as Dorothy was but perhaps none who was loved more than she was. Dorothy was born on May 12, 1910, in Cairo where her father, John Crowfoot, was then serving with the Egyptian Ministry of Education. She had most of her secondary education at Sir John Leman School in Beccles, Suffolk, England. Subsequently, she joined Sommerville College at Oxford in 1928. At a time when very few women studied science subjects, she took her basic degree in Chemistry. It was during this period that Dorothy carried out her first X-ray studies, those on thallium dialkyl halides, with H.M. Powell. While at Cambridge, Dorothy, along with Bernal, was also involved in X-ray measurements on sterols which she continued in Oxford. She and her associates determined the structures of a number of steroids including cholesterol, over the years.

    80. Oxford Brookes University: Medical Video Archive: Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hod
    Professor dorothy crowfoot hodgkin OM FRS (19101994), Royal Society WolfsonResearch Professor, University of Oxford, 1960-77, then Emeritus Professor!
    Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994) Royal Society Wolfson Research Professor, University of Oxford, 1960-77, then Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford. Awarded Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1964 for work on structures of penicillin and vitamin B12. Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, OM FRS (1910-1994)
    in interview with Max Blythe
    Interview I Oxford, 6 November 1987
    MSVA 25
    Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, OM FRS (1910-1994)
    in interview with Max Blythe
    Interview II Oxford, March 1988
    MSVA 37
    Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994)
    in interview with Max Blythe Oxford,
    31 January 1989, Interview III
    Synopsis not yet available MSVA 41 Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994)
    in interview with Max Blythe Oxford, 4 September 1989, Interview IV Synopsis not yet available MSVA 47 Back to Interviewees

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