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         Hinshelwood Sir Cyril Norman:     more detail
  1. Report on the papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, O.M., F.R.S. (1897-1967): Deposited in the Library of the Royal Society, London by Jeannine Alton, 1974

41. Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov
Translate this page da Academia de Ciências da URSS Ganhou o Prêmio Nobel de Química (1956), juntamentecom o químico britânico, sir cyril norman hinshelwood, da Oxford

Translate this page 1955. Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold. 1928. hinshelwood, sir cyril norman. 1956.Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von. 1929. Semenov, Nikolay Nikolaevich.1956.
PREMIOS NOBEL EN QUIMICA NOMBRE AÑO NOMBRE AÑO Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Fischer, Hermann Emil Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Arrhenius, Svante August Karrer, Paul Ramsay, Sir William Kuhn, Richard Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Moissan, Henri Ruzicka, Leopold Buchner, Eduard De Hevesy, George Rutherford, Lord Ernest Hahn, Otto Ostwald, Wilhelm Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari Wallach, Otto Northrop, John Howard Curie, Marie Stanley, Wendell Meredith Grignard, Victor Sumner, James Batcheller Sabatier, Paul Robinson, Sir Robert Werner, Alfred Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Richards, Theodore William Giauque, William Francis Willstatter, Richard Martin Alder, Kurt Haber, Fritz Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Nernst, Walther Hermann McMillan, Edwin Mattison Soddy, Frederick Seaborg, Glenn Theodore Aston, Francis William Martin, Archer John Porter Pregl, Fritz Synge, Richard Laurence Millington Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf Staudinger, Hermann Svedberg, The Pauling, Linus Carl Wieland, Heinrich Otto

43. Biographies: Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry
de; Heyrovsky, Jaroslav; hinshelwood, cyril norman sir; Hodgkin,Dorothy Crowford; Hoffmann, Roald; Huber, Robert; Joliot, Frédéric;
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44. Sheffield Chemdex - Biographies
methods of analysis Comentarios Evaluarlo Visitas 18, Evaluación 0.00, Votos0, Comentarios 0 hinshelwood, sir cyril norman (Oxford University, Oxford

45. OAI Registry At UIUC (SampleRecord.asp)
xmlns= http// . title hinshelwood, sir cyrilnorman (18971967). creator hinshelwood sir cyril norman

46. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Química
Todd; 1956 sir cyril norman hinshelwood, Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov;
atelier/ fq ...para quem se lembrou hoje que o teste é amanhã! QUEM? Prémios Nobel da Física
Prémios Nobel da Química



Prémios Nobel da Química Galardoados com o Prémio Nobel da Química, atribuído pela Fundação Nobel, para distinguir trabalhos de grande importância na investigação Química:
  • 2002 John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka, Kurt Wüthrich 2001 William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless 2000 Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, John A. Pople 1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley 1995 Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland 1994 George A. Olah 1993 Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith 1992 Rudolph A. Marcus 1991 Richard R. Ernst 1990 Elias James Corey 1989 Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech

47. Prix Nobel De 1955 à 1959
Translate this page 1956 sir cyril norman hinshelwood (1997 - 1967) et Nicolas Nicolaevitch Semenov(1896 - 1986). sir cyril norman hinshelwood et Nicolas Nicolaevitch Semenov.
P rix Nobel de 1955 à 1959 Vincent du Vigneaud Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood et Nicolas Nicolaevitch Semenov Alexander Todd Frederik Sanger Jaroslav Heyrovsky
1955. Vincent du Vigneaud
Pour ses travaux sur les composés sulfureux d'importance biologique et surtout pour la première synthèse d'une hormone polypeptidique. (Chicago, 1901 - New York, 1978) Membre du Conseil National de la Recherche, Vincent du Vigneaud effectue ensuite plusieurs stages dans divers instituts américains, allemands, écossais et anglais. De retour aux Etats-Unis, il occupe la chaire de biochimie à l'Ecole de Médecine de l'Université George Washington, puis à partir de 1938 celle du College Médical de l'Université Comell. Après ses travaux sur l'insuline, il poursuit ses recherches sur deux hormones de l'hypophyse, l'ocytocine et la vasopressine. Puis il s'intéresse au métabolisme des peptides, à la transméthylation, au métabolisme des composés mono-carboniques, à la transsulfuration, et à des composés comme la pénicilline, la biotine, etc. La plupart de ces travaux sont exposés dans le livre qu'il publie en 1952, A Trail of Research in Sulfur Chemistry and Metabolism and Related Fields

48. William Crookes
P. Zeemann, Scientific Worthies, sir William Crookes, in Nature, 7 November 1907;EE Fournier D Albe, Life of sir William Crookes CNH cyril norman hinshelwood.
William Crookes
A Victorian "man of science"
To get an idea of what Crookes was like read his entry in the Dictionary of National Biography
Crookes, Sir William 1832-1919
Occupation: Man of science Sources : Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. xcvi, A, 1919-1920 (portrait); P. Zeemann, Scientific Worthies, Sir William Crookes, in Nature, 7 November 1907; E. E. Fournier D'Albe, Life of Sir William Crookes, 1923; Crookes's own papers and addresses in Transactions of the Chemical Society and Proceedings of the Royal Society. published 1927
From Who's Who:
Awards : OM 1910; Kt 1897; FRS 1863; Hon. LLD Birmingham; Hon. DSc (Oxon, Cambridge, Ireland, Cape of Good Hope, Sheffield, Durham). Positions : Proprietor and editor of Chemical News; President, Royal Society, 1913-1915 (Foreign Secretary, 1908-1912). Personal Details : Born 17 June 1832; son of late Joseph Crookes; married 1856, Ellen (died 1916), daughter of W. Humphrey of Darlington; four sons one daughter; died, London, 4 April 1919. Education : Royal Coll. of Chemistry. Work Professor of Chemistry, Training Coll., Chester, 1855. Achievements : Discoverer of the Selenocyanides; Thallium, a new element, 1861; Repulsion resulting from Radiation, 1873; the Radiometer, 1875; Illumination of Lines of Molecular Pressure, 1878; Radiant Matter, 1879, an ultra-gaseous, fourth state, of matter; Radiant Matter Spectroscopy, 1881; New Elements in Gadolinite, etc, 1886; Genesis of Elements, 1887; Some Possibilities of Electricity, Wireless Telegraphy, 1892; Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen, 1898; the Spinthariscope, 1903; Eye-Preserving Glass for Spectacles, 1913.

49. June 19 - Today In Science History
for Physiology or Medicine. sir cyril norman hinshelwood. (source),Born 19 June 1897; died 9 Oct 1967. British chemist who worked
JUNE 19 - BIRTHS Viktor Ivanovich Patsayev
Born 19 June 1933; died 29 Jun 1971.
Soviet cosmonaut , design engineer on the Soyuz 11 mission, in which he, mission commander Georgy Dobrovolsky, and flight engineer Vladislav Volkov remained in space a record 24 days and created the first manned orbital scientific station by docking their spacecraft with the unmanned Salyut station launched two months earlier. Soyuz 11 was guided automatically to 100 m, then hand-docked to the Salyut 1 scientific station. Equipment aboard Salyut 1 included a telescope, spectrometer, electrophotometer, and television. The crew checked improved on-board spacecraft systems in different conditions of flight and conducted medico-biological research. They died in cabin depressurization of Soyuz 11 during its return trip to earth. Aage N. Bohr
Born 19 June 1922
Aage Niels Bohr is a Danish physicist , son of physicist Niels Bohr. They both contributed to the building of the atomic bomb during WW II. As his Nobel-winning father had done before him, Aage Bohr shared the 1975 Nobel Prize for Physics with Ben R. Mottelson and James Rainwater "for the discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection." The theory helped explain many nuclear properties by showing that nuclear particles can vibrate and rotate so as to distort the shape of the nucleus from the expected spherical symmetry into an ellipsoid.

50. ThinkQuest : Library : The Nobel Prize
1957. Lord (Alexander R.) Todd. 1956. sir cyril norman hinshelwood, NikolayNikolaevich Semenov. 1955. Vincent du Vigneaud. 1954. Linus Carl Pauling.
Index Biography
The Nobel Prize
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51. SAMTEL - Vive L'Anarchie !
Translate this page R. Hertschbach - Gerhard Herzberg - Germain Henri Hess - George de Hevesy- Jaroslav Heyrovsky - sir cyril norman hinshelwood - Dorothy Crowfoot
Langues du Monde Anarchie ...
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LIENS EXTERNES : aller voir le vénérable du sommet Liens de Chimie une espèce de page de liens ultime pour tout ce qui est chimie
ALCHIMIE : les site sur l'alchimie sont soit des trucs savants soit des trucs faits par des mecs chelou, bon t'façon on repère tout de suite les mecs chelou et puis c'est sympathique, je trouve, quelqu'un qui délire sur l'alchimie. L'emmerde c'est que c'est rarement un truc isolé, délirer sur l'alchimie çà implique aussi souvent de délirer sur tout un tas d'autres trucs classés occultes
The Alchemy Web Site and Virtual Library très chouette sites où ya un max de bouquins anciens sur l'alchimie qui ont été mis en ligne Alchimie et spagyrie traditionnelles encore un très chouette site mais euh y fait plutôt partie de la deuxième catégorie
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ANCIENS : [ Albert le Grand Altus Jean Aurelle Augurel Arnaud De Villeneuve Avicenne Valentin Basile Cagliostro Cyliani Roger Bacon

52. Nobelprisen I Kemi
Translate this page Synge 1953 Hermann Staudinger 1954 Linus Carl Pauling 1955 Vincent du Vigneaud1956 sir cyril norman hinshelwood, Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov 1957 Lord i kemi.html
Web Site Hosting fre e web hosting ... Reseller Hosting Nobelprisen i kemi
Nobelprisen i kemi uddeles, sammen med nobelprisen i fysik, af Videnskabsakademiet, og er en af de oprindelige nobelpriser som er blevet uddelt siden 1901.
Prismodtagere af Nobelprisen i kemi.
1901 Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff
1902 Hermann Emil Fischer
1903 Svante August Arrhenius
1904 Sir William Ramsay
1905 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer
1906 Henri Moissan
1907 Eduard Buchner
1908 Ernest Rutherford 1909 Wilhelm Ostwald 1910 Otto Wallach 1911 Marie Sklodowska-Curie 1912 Victor Grignard, Paul Sabatier 1913 Alfred Werner 1914 Theodore William Richards 1915 Richard Martin Willstätter 1918 Fritz Haber 1920 Walther Hermann Nernst 1921 Frederick Soddy 1922 Francis William Aston 1923 Fritz Pregl 1925 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy 1926 The (Theodor) Svedberg 1927 Heinrich Otto Wieland 1928 Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus 1929 Arthur Harden, Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin 1930 Hans Fischer 1931 Carl Bosch, Friedrich Bergius 1932 Irving Langmuir 1934 Harold Clayton Urey 1935 Frédéric Joliot, Irène Joliot-Curie

53. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Topics - Biographies
hinshelwood, sir cyril norman; Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot;Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot @ IRFAN US. Hoffmann, Darleane C. @ J. Chem. Ed.
Links for Chemists
Chemistry section of the WWW Virtual Library
Virtual Library
Science Chemistry : Biographies of Famous Chemists
Unless otherwise stated, the biographies listed below are provided and listed with the kind permission of the The Nobel Foundation . If you know of any biographies of Chemists or scientists whose work has advanced chemistry, that we do not list, please inform us via our comments form
  • Afzelius, Jan Alder, Kurt
      US @ St. Andrews UK
    Anfinsen, Christian B Arrhenius, Svante August Arfwedson, Johan August Astbury, William T. @ Leeds UK Aston, Francis William Avogadro, Lorenzo Romano AMADEO Carlo, comte de Quaregna et de Ceretto Baekeland, Leo Hendrik @ Time Magazine US von Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Barton, Sir Derek Harold Richard Balmer, Johann Jakob @ St Andrews UK Beckman, Arnold Orville IL Beer, August Bequerel, Henri Antoine
  • 54. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý
    1997 Nükleotitler ve nükleotit koenzimleri üzerine çalismalari için. 1956,hinshelwood, sir cyril norman Ingiltere, Oxford Üniversitesi, d. 1897, ö. onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar05.htm
    Arkeoloji, jeoloji, jeofizik ve bilimin diðer dallarýnda, yaþ tayini için karbon 14 yönteminin kullanýmýn keþfettiði için HEYROVSKY, JAROSLAV Çekoslovakya, Çekoslovakya Bilimler Akademisi Polarografya Enstitüsü, Prog. D. 1890, ö. 1967:
    Polarografik analiz yöntemlerini bulduðu ve geliþtirdiði için SANGER, FREDERICK Ýngiltere, Cambridge Üniversitesi, d. 1918:
    Proteinlerin, özellikle insülinin yapýsý konusunda çalýþmalarý için TODD, Lord ALEXANDER R. Ýngiltere, Cambridge Üniversitesi, D. 1907, ö. 1997:
    Nükleotitler ve nükleotit ko-enzimleri üzerine çalýþmalarý için HINSHELWOOD, Sir CYRIL NORMAN Ýngiltere, Oxford Üniversitesi, d. 1897, ö. 1967; ve
    SEMENOV, NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH SSCB, SSCB Bilimler Akademisi, Kimyasal Fizik Enstitüsü, Moskova, d. 1896:
    Kimyasal tepkimelerin mekanizmasý konusundaki araþtýrmalarý için DU VIGNEAUD, VINCENT A.B.D., Cornell Üniversitesi, New York, NY, d. 1901, ö. 1978:

    1957 Lord Alexander R. Todd. 1956 sir cyril norman hinshelwood, NikolayNikolaevich Semenov. 1955 Vincent du Vigneaud. 1954 Linus Carl Pauling.


    2001 William Knowles, K. Barry Sharpless, Ryoji Noyori
    2000 Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, John A. Pople 1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley 1995 Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland 1994 George A. Olah 1993 Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith 1992 Rudolph A. Marcus 1991 Richard R. Ernst 1990 Elias James Corey 1989 Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech 1988 Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, Hartmut Michel 1987 Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen 1986 Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, John C. Polanyi 1985 Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karle 1984 Robert Bruce Merrifield 1983 Henry Taube 1982 Aaron Klug 1981 Kenichi Fukui, Roald Hoffmann 1980 Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Frederick Sanger 1979 Herbert C. Brown, Georg Wittig 1978 Peter D. Mitchell 1977 Ilya Prigogine 1976 William N. Lipscomb

    56. ¿À´ÃÀÇ ´º½º
    HighPowered Chemist. sir cyril norman hinshelwood, a British physical chemistwho shed light on how chemicals react, was born 102 years ago tomorrow.
    18 Jun 1999
    High-Powered Chemist
    Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, a British physical chemist who shed light on how chemicals react, was born 102 years ago tomorrow. Hinshelwood, a professor at Oxford University, studied the decomposition of solid explosives by monitoring the gases they released and found that even simple decompositions occur in stages. He later explained "chain reactions," in which activated molecules initiate a series of independent reactions. Hinshelwood's 1926 work, "Kinetics of Chemical Change," became a classic and won him a share of the 1956 Nobel Prize in chemistry, along with Russian chemist Nikolay Semenov. Hinshelwood also studied how various nutrients, trace elements, and toxic substances influence the chemical reactions that occur during bacterial growth, publishing more than 100 papers on this subject as well. He died in 1967. [Source: Roy Porter, Ed., The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists (Oxford University Press, ed. 2, 1994).]

    57. Indian Rhodes Scholarships - About - Alumni
    Lester B PEARSON. St John s. 1957. PEACE, as President, 7th Session of theUnited Nations General Assembly. sir cyril norman hinshelwood. Balliol. 1956.
    Some Famous Oxford Alumni Roger Bacon , scholar John Wyclif , religious reformer Cardinal Thomas Wolsey , Lord Chancellor and churchman Sir Thomas Moore (Saint) , Statesman and scholar Desiderius Erasmus , humanist and scholar Sir Walter Raleigh , explorer and statesman John Donne , poet and philosopher Thomas Hobbes , philosopher Sir Christopher Wren , architect Robert Boyle , physicist and chemist William Penn , reformer and founder of Pennsylvania Edmund Halley , astronomer Jethro Tull , agriculturalist and inventor William Pitt the Elder , British Prime Minister Dr Samuel Johnson , diarist and writer Sir Robert Peel , British Prime Minister Cardinal John Newman , Prelate and theologian William Gladstone , British Prime Minister Edward Burne-Jones , artist William Morris , poet and artist Oscar Wilde , poet and playwright Gertrude Bell , explorer Sir Thomas Beecham , conductor Clement Attlee , British Prime Minister T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) , soldier and diplomat J R R Tolkein , novelist Lord Denning , judge Evelyn Waugh , novelist Senator J W Fulbright , politician and educationalist Theodeor Seuss Geisel , children's author and cartoonist Edward Heath , British Prime Minister Indira Gandhi , Indian Prime Minister Dame Iris Murdoch , novelist and philosopher The Rt Hon Tony Benn , MP, politician Margaret Thatcher , British Prime Minister Sir Robin Day , writer and broadcaster Baroness Williams of Crosby , politician and academic Robert Hawke , Australian Prime Minister Dennis Potter , playwright Stephen Hawking , theoretical physicist Michael Palin

    58. CAPLEX Nettleksikon
    USA. 1955. Vincent du Vigneaud. USA. 1956. sir cyril norman hinshelwood. Storbritannia.Nikolaj Nikolaevitsj Semenov. Sovjetunionen. 1957. Lord Alexander R. Todd.

    59. RTP
    Translate this page Jaroslav Heyrovsky 1958 - Frederick Sanger 1957 - Lord (Alexander R.) Todd 1956- sir cyril norman hinshelwood, Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov 1955 - Vincent du

    60. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry
    1956 sir cyril norman hinshelwood and Nikolay Nikolayevich SemënovStudies of the kinetics and mechanism of explosive reactions.
    Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    Jacobus Hendricus van't Hoff Chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure. Emil Hermann Fischer Work on carbohydrates and purines. Svante August Arrhenius Theory of electrolytic dissociation. Sir William Ramsay Discovery of helium, neon, xenon and krypton. Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Synthetic organic chemistry, particularily for the synthesis of indigo and triphenylmethane dyes. Preparing pure fluorine and developing the electric furnace (the Moissan furnace). Eduard Buchner Biochemical research including discovery of cell-less fermentation (fermentation in a test tube by extracting the active enzymes from yeast cells). Ernest Rutherford Study of radioactive substances. Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald Work on catalysis, chemical equilibrium and reaction rates. Otto Wallach Work on alicyclic compounds. Marie Curie Chemistry of radioactive isotopes. Francois Auguste Victor Grignard Discovery of the Grignard reaction.
    also Paul Sabatier Study of metal catalysts and particularily the hydrogenation of unsaturated organic molecules. Alfred Werner Work in coordination chemistry.

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