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         Hess Victor Franz:     more detail
  1. Hochschullehrer (Innsbruck): Victor Franz Hess, Adolf Windaus, Hans Fischer, Fritz Pregl, Karl Rahner, Andreas Maislinger (German Edition)
  2. Hochschullehrer (New York City): Hannah Arendt, Victor Franz Hess, Marshall Mcluhan, Günther Anders, Charles Socarides, Roman Vishniac (German Edition)
  3. Hochschullehrer (Universität Graz): Erwin Schrödinger, Joseph Schumpeter, Ernst Mach, Ludwig Boltzmann, Paul Guldin, Victor Franz Hess (German Edition)

1. WIEM: Hess Victor Franz
hess victor franz (18831963), wybitny fizyk austriacki, profesor uniwersytetów w Grazu i Innsbrucku, po przyczeniu Austrii do Niemiec
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Austria
Hess Victor Franz
Hess Victor Franz (1883-1963), wybitny fizyk austriacki, profesor uniwersytetów w Grazu i Innsbrucku, po przy³±czeniu Austrii do Niemiec wyemigrowa³ do USA, gdzie by³ profesorem uniwersytetu w Nowym Jorku. Autor prac z dziedziny fizyki atmosfery, w 1913 wspó³odkry³ (wraz z W. Kolhörsterem) promieniowanie kosmiczne , za co otrzyma³ w 1936 Nagrodê Nobla (obok C.D. Andersona WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

2. WIEM: Hess Victor Franz
hess victor franz (18831963), wybitny fizyk austriacki, profesor uniwersytetów w Grazu i Innsbrucku, po przylaczeniu Austrii do Niemiec
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Austria
Hess Victor Franz
Hess Victor Franz (1883-1963), wybitny fizyk austriacki, profesor uniwersytetów w Grazu i Innsbrucku, po przy³±czeniu Austrii do Niemiec wyemigrowa³ do USA, gdzie by³ profesorem uniwersytetu w Nowym Jorku. Autor prac z dziedziny fizyki atmosfery, w 1913 wspó³odkry³ (wraz z W. Kolhörsterem) promieniowanie kosmiczne , za co otrzyma³ w 1936 Nagrodê Nobla (obok C.D. Andersona WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

3. Victor Franz Hess
Victor Franz Hess. (24. cervna 1883 – 17. prosince 1964). Rakouský fyzik Victor Franz Hess se narodil roku 1883 v rodine lesního rady.
Victor Franz Hess (24. èervna 1883 – 17. prosince 1964) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1936 za objev kosmického záøení. Rakouský fyzik Victor Franz Hess se narodil roku 1883 v rodinì lesního rady. Studoval na univerzitì ve Štýrském Hradci a po jejím absolvování byl v letech 1910 – 1920 asistentem v radiologickém ústavu vídeòské akademie vìd. Od roku 1920 byl profesorem experimentální fyziky na univerzitì ve Štýrském Hradci. V letech 1921 - 1923 pùsobil na univerzitì ve Washingtonu jako vedoucí výzkumného radiologického ústavu a od roku 1931 byl profesorem na univerzitì v Innsbrucku a vedoucím ústavu pro výzkum záøení. Hessovy stìžejní vìdecké práce se týkaly výzkumu rùzných druhù záøení a elektrických vlastností atmosféry. Hess intenzivnì hledal pøíèinu ionizace vzduchu, která zpùsobuje vybíjení elektroskopu i tehdy, je-li ze všech stran kryt olovem. Již døíve fyzikové zjistili, že pùvodcem vybíjení elektroskopu není záøení vycházející z povrchových vrstev pùdy ani záøení radioaktivních plynù. V roce 1913 pøi pokusech s létajícími balóny dospìl k závìru, že toto záøení není pozemského pùvodu, nebo s rostoucí výškou roste jeho intenzita, a že tedy jediným možným zdrojem tohoto záøení je kosmos, a proto toto záøení pojmenoval kosmickým. Hessùv objev kosmického záøení mìl obrovský význam pro další rozvoj fyziky elementárních èástic a pozdìjší výzkum tohoto typu záøení pøinesl objev nových èástic, které se v pøírodì vyskytují jen jako složky tohoto záøení.

4. Victor Franz Hess - Encyclopedia Article About Victor Franz Hess. Free Access, N
encyclopedia article about Victor Franz Hess. Victor Franz Hess in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Victor Franz Hess. Franz Hess
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Victor Franz Hess
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Victor Francis Hess June 24 June 24 is the 175th day of the year (176th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 190 days remaining.
  • 1314 - Battle of Bannockburn. Scottish forces led by Robert the Bruce beat Edward II of England. Scotland regains its independence.
  • 1441 - Eton College founded.
  • 1497 - John Cabot lands on North America, either at Newfoundland or Cape Breton; first European discovery of the region since the Vikings.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 -
  • January 16 - The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, establishing the United States Civil service, is passed
  • January 19 - The first electric lighting system employing overhead wires begins service (Roselle, New Jersey) It was built by Thomas Edison.

Click the link for more information. December 17 December 17 is the 351st day of the year (352nd in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 14 days remaining.

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Victor Franz Hess. Everything you wanted to know about Victor Franz Hess but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about Victor Franz Hess here! Victor Franz Hess.
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Victor Franz Hess
Victor Francis Hess June 24 December 17 ) was an Austrian American physicist . After teaching at the universities of Graz and Innsbruck , he came to the UnitedStates in 1938 and was later naturalized. He became professor of physics at Fordham University in 1938. By means of instruments carried aloft in balloons, Hess and others provedthat radiation that ionizes the atmosphere isof cosmic origin. For this discovery of cosmic rays he shared with Carl David Anderson the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physics
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victor franz hess [n] United States physicist (born in Austria) who was a discoverer of cosmic radiation (1883-1964) Synonyms: hess See Also: physicist
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7. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Hess Victor Franz
hess victor franz . Page 1 sur 1. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour hess victor franz .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Hess Victor Franz" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Hess, Victor Franz Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Hess, Victor Franz (1883-1964), physicien am©ricain, laur©at du prix Nobel (1936), l'un des premiers   avoir travaill© dans le domaine des ... Victor Franz Hess Encyclop©die EncartaImage cosmiques, rayons Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article cosmiques, rayons Liszt, Franz Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Liszt, Franz Nuremberg, proc¨s de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Nuremberg, proc¨s de ski Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article ski R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search Yahoo! Encyclop©die - Victor Franz Hess
Encyclop©die Accueil Victor Franz Hess Recherche de sites web Physicien am©ricain d'origine autrichienne (Waldstein, 1883 — Mount Vernon, New York, 1964).

8. Victor Franz Hess - Wikipedia En Español
Translate this page No has entrado Registrarse/Entrar Ayuda. Otros idiomas Deutsch English. Victor Franz Hess. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Victor Franz Hess
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Victor Francis Hess 24 de junio 17 de diciembre ) fue un físico austríaco . Fue profesor en las universidades de Graz e Innsbruck , llegó a a los Estados Unidos en nacionalizandose. Fue profesor de Física en la Universidad de Fordham . Hess y sus colegas demostraron que la radiación que ioniza la atmósfera es de origen cósmico . Por su descubrimientos le fue otorgado el Premio Nobel de Física , compartido con Carl David Anderson en editar
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9. Victor Franz Hess
Victor Franz Hess. Victor Francis Hess (1883?1964) byl fyzik Americana. Po ucení u fakult Graz a Innsbruck, on se dostal do
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Victor Franz Hess
Victor Francis Hess ) byl fyzik Američana. Po učen­ u fakult Graz a Innsbruck, on se dostal do Spojen½ch st¡tů v 1938 a byl později naturalizovan½. On se stal profesorem fyziky u Fordhama Univ. v 1938. Prostředky k n¡strojům dopravoval nahoře na balonech, Hess a jin­ se uk¡zali jako ta radiace to ionizes vzduch je vesm­rn©ho původu. Pro tento objev kosmick©ho z¡Å™en­ on sd­lel to s C. D. Anderson 1936 [Nobelova cena ve fyzice].
Extern­ spojen­

Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia poř­zen½ překladačem Eurotran . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

10. Victor Franz Hess - Wikipedia
Translate this page Victor Franz Hess. Victor Franz Hess wurde auf Schloss Waldstein geboren, wo sein Vater als Förster in Diensten des Prinzen Öttingen-Wallenstein stand.
Victor Franz Hess
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Victor Franz Hess 24. Juni in Schloss Waldstein nahe Peggau Österreich 17. Dezember in New York USA ) erhielt für seine Entdeckung der Kosmischen Strahlung den Physik Nobelpreis bearbeiten
Victor Franz Hess wurde auf Schloss Waldstein geboren, wo sein Vater als Förster in Diensten des Prinzen Öttingen-Wallenstein stand. Seine Muttre war Serafine Edle von Grossbauer-Waldstätt. Die Ausbildung erhält Hess zur Gänze in Graz - von zunächst im Gymnasium, anschließend an der dortigen Universität , wo er Sub auspiciis Imperatoris " promovierte. Von 1910 bis 1920 arbeitete er nach einer kurzen Zeit am 2. Physikalischen Institut der Universität Wien, wo ihn Professor von Schweidler mit den neuesten Erkenntnissen auf dem Gebiet der Radioaktivität vertraut machte, am neugegründeten Institut für Radiumforschung der Akademie der Wissenschaften als Assistent unter Stephan Meyer. - Im ersten Welt-Krieg leitete Hess die Röntgenabteilung eines Reservelazaretts. wurde Hess als außerordentlicher Professor an die Universität Graz berufen, um nur kurze Zeit später für zwei Jahre in den USA zu arbeiten, wo er u. A. über die medizinische Anwendung des Radiums arbeitete. Zurück in Graz arbeitete er jedoch mangels finanzieller Mittel vornehmlich auf dem Gebiet der

11. Victor Franz Hess Definition Of Victor Franz Hess. What Is Victor Franz Hess? Me
Definition of Victor Franz Hess in the Dictionary and Thesaurus. Provides examples from classic literature, search by definition of Victor Franz Hess. Franz Hess
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Victor Franz Hess
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Victor Franz Hess - United States physicist (born in Austria) who was a discoverer of cosmic radiation (1883-1964) Victor Hess Hess physicist - a scientist trained in physics Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Victor Franz Hess" in the definition: archduke
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13. Victor F. Hess - Biography
victor F. hess – Biography. victor franz hess was born on the 24th of June, 1883, in Waldstein Castle, near Peggau in Steiermark, Austria.
Victor Franz Hess
He received his entire education in Graz: Gymnasium (1893-1901), and afterwards Graz University (1901-1905), where he took his doctor's degree in 1910.
He worked, for a short time, at the Physical Institute in Vienna, where Professor von Schweidler initiated him in recent discoveries in the field of radioactivity. During 1910-1920 he was Assistant under Stephan Meyer at the Institute of Radium Research of the Viennese Academy of Sciences. In 1919 he received the Lieben Prize for his discovery of the"ultra-radiation" (cosmic radiation), and the year after became Extraordinary Professor of Experimental Physics at the Graz University.
From 1921 to 1923, Hess was granted leave of absence, and worked in the United States, where he took a post as Director of the Research Laboratory (created by him) of the U.S. Radium Corporation, at Orange (New Jersey), and as Consulting Physicist for the U.S. Department of the Interior (Bureau of Mines), Washington D.C.
In 1923 he returned to Graz University and in 1925 he was appointed Ordinary Professor of Experimental Physics. In 1931 came his appointment as Professor at Innsbruck University and Director of the newly established Institute of Radiology. He founded the station at the Hafelekar mountain (2,300 m) near Innsbruck for observing and studying cosmic rays.

14. Physics 1936
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1936. for his discovery of cosmic radiation , for his discovery of the positron . victor franz hess, Carl David Anderson.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1936
"for his discovery of cosmic radiation" "for his discovery of the positron" Victor Franz Hess Carl David Anderson 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize Austria USA Innsbruck University
Innsbruck, Austria California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA, USA b. 1883
d. 1964 b. 1905
d. 1991 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1936
Presentation Speech
Victor F. Hess
The 1936 Prize in:


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15. Victor Franz Hess: Awards Won By Victor Franz Hess
The biggest english dictionary Awards of victor franz hess. Real Dictionary. Make 123Awards your start page. Add
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17. LookSmart - Directory - Victor Franz Hess
YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Physics Physicists Physicists HL hess, victor franz. victor franz hess Research the life
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Victor Franz Hess - Research the life and career of this scientist who worked with cosmic rays.
Directory Listings About
  • Hess, Victor - Encyclopedia Britannica
    Provides an overview of the Austrian physicist's accomplishments in the area of atmospheric radioactivity.
    Hess, Victor Franz - 1936 Nobel Biography

    Presents a career profile of the Austrian physicist detailing his contributions to the discovery of cosmic radiation.
    Hess, Victor Franz - Figures in Radiation History

    Presents the scientist's contributions to the identification and understanding of cosmic rays. Includes a list of his other achievements.
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    18. LookSmart - Directory - Other Physicists H-L
    hess, victor franz 1936 Nobel Biography Presents a career profile of the Austrian physicist detailing his contributions to the discovery of cosmic radiation.
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    YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Physics Physicists ... Physicists H-L
    Other Physicists H-L - Find resources on other physicists and Nobel Prize winners alphabetized H through L.
    Directory Listings About
  • Hertz, Gustav - Encyclopedia Britannica
    Provides a photograph and a biography of the man whose experiments led to the confirmation of Neils Bohr's theories of atomic structure.
    Hertz, Gustav Ludwig - 1925 Nobel Biography

    Read a biography and a copy of the Nobel presentation speech for this German pioneer in quantum physics.
    Hess, Victor Franz - 1936 Nobel Biography

    Presents a career profile of the Austrian physicist detailing his contributions to the discovery of cosmic radiation.
    Hess, Victor Franz - Figures in Radiation History

    Presents the scientist's contributions to the identification and understanding of cosmic rays. Includes a list of his other achievements.
    Hewish, Antony - 1974 Nobel Autobiography
    British-born cowinner of the physics prize presents a personal account of his career and his work in radio astrophysics. Hofstadter, Robert - 1961 Nobel Biography
  • 19. Victor Franz Hess Winner Of The 1936 Nobel Prize In Physics
    victor franz hess, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. victor franz hess. 1936 Nobel Laureate
    1936 Nobel Laureate in Physics
      for his discovery of cosmic radiation

      Residence: Austria
      Affiliation: Innsbruck University
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    20. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Physics
    Translate this page Guillaume, Charles Edouard, 1920. Heisenberg, Werner, 1932. Hertz, Gustav, 1925. hess, victor franz, 1936. Hewish, Antony, 1974. Hofstadter, Robert, 1961.
    Name Year Awarded Abrikosov, Alexei A. Alferov, Zhores I. Alfven, Hannes Alvarez, Luis W. ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

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