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         Hauptmann Gerhart Johann Robert:     more detail
  1. Gerhart Hauptmann's Before Daybreak (Studies in the Germanic languages and literatures ; no. 92) by Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, 1979-06
  2. Biography - Hauptmann, Gerhart (Johann Robert) (1862-1946): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  3. Samtliche Werke. Bande 1-9 by Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, 1962
  4. Dramatists of to-day: Rostand, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Pinero, Shaw, Phillips, Maeterlinck : being an informal discussion of their significant work by Edward Everett Hale, 1906

1. Astrologos Books, NY
No Refund or Exchange. Item No M38212A608322091, Price $112, Order now! Authorhauptmann gerhart johann robert.Tr. by Oakley Williams. Title Parsival.
Astrologos Books 1st Page Previous Page Back to Top Next Page ... Last Page Print-to-order black and white reprints of rare, hard-to-find and out of print books Author: National Conference on Parole 2d Washington 1956. Ed. by Marjorie Bell. Title: Parole in Principle and Practice; a Manual and Report. Description: Item No: M-34353A598723498 Price: Order now! Author: Casanowicz Immanuel Moses. Title: Paronomasia in the Old Testament. Description: Item No: M-34894A598713557 Price: Order now! Author: Parry Richard Randolph. Title: Parry Family Records. Description: Item No: M-16957A059899422 Price: Order now! Author: Engelmann Emil. Title: Parsival Und Lohengrin; Swei Sagen Aus Den Mittelalter Fur Das Deutsche Haus Bearb. Mit Einen Titelbild Von Adolf Closs. Description: Item No: M-38212A608322091 Price: Order now! Author: Hauptmann Gerhart Johann Robert.Tr. by Oakley Williams. Title: Parsival. Description: Item No: M-77419A059857168 Price: Order now! Author: Clapp Theodore. Ed. by John Duffy. Title: Parson Clapp of the Strangers' Church of New Orleans. Description: Item No: M-84739A598252541 Price: Order now!

2. Literature 1912
primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding productionin the realm of dramatic art . gerhart johann robert hauptmann. Germany.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1912
"primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art" Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann Germany b. 1862
d. 1946 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1912
Presentation Speech
Gerhart Hauptmann
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Last modified June 25, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

3. Gerhart Hauptmann
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. gerhart (johann robert) hauptmann (18621946) Prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. hauptmann won the
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B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946) Prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. His early naturalistic plays are still frequently performed. Hauptmann's best-known works include The Weavers (1893), a humanist drama of a rebellion against the mechanisms of the Industrial Revolution, and Hannele (1884), about the conflict between reality and fantasy. ENGELSGESANG
durch Finsternisse getrageb;
wir haben auf unsern Federn
es blitzen im Grund unsrer Augen
die Zinnen der ewigen Stadt.
In Berlin Hauptmann came in contact with progressive intellectuals, among them the poet and dramatist Arno Holz (1863-1929), whose play Neue Gleise (1892) deeply influenced him. Holz had earlier published Die Kunst, ihr Wesen und ihre Gesetze (1891), in which he tried to give naturalism a theoretic base. VOR SONNENAUFGANG (1889), Hauptmann's his first play, with its shocking realism, created an uproar among the audience when it was first performed in Freie Bühne in Berlin. In the play, Alfred Loth, a young socialist, falls in love with Helene Krause, the sister-in-law of his former college friend, a ruthless coal-mining engineer, and is corrupted by his power. Alfred leaves Helene, who kills herself. "He is not a realist who sporadically suffers from whimsical fits of philosophical romanticizing", wrote Theodor Fontane later, "but a realist in good style, which is to say that from the beginning to the end he is always the same."

4. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann: Awards Won By Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann
The biggest english dictionary Awards of gerhart johann robert hauptmann. Real Dictionary. Make 123Awards your start page. Add 123Awards to Favourites.
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5. Gerhart Hauptmann
gerhart hauptmann ist ein hervoragender deutscher Dramatiker des 20 des Naturalismus. gerhart hauptmann wurde am 15 Haus in Düsseldorf. gerhart johann robert hauptmann Winner
Gerhart Hauptmann
Gerhart Hauptmann ist ein hervoragender deutscher Dramatiker des 20. Jahrhunderts und ein Repräsentant des Naturalismus G erhart Hauptmann wurde am 15. November 1862 als Sohn eines Hotelbesitzers in Schlesien geboren. 1877 erlebte Hauptmann mit 15 Jahren den wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch des Vaters. 1879 wurde er während seines Aufenthalts als Landwirtschaftshelfer auf dem Gut von Verwandten lungenkrank und war erst 1904 völlig wiederherstellt. Frühzeitg zeigte Hauptmann sein dichterisches Interesse. Er besuchte 1882-82 die Kunst- und Gewerbeschule zu Breslau. Zwischen 1882-88 hörte er Vorlesungen an mehreren deutschen und schweizerischen Universitäten. Nach einer Mittelmeerreise, einem Aufenthalt als freier Bildhauer in Rom und seiner Heirat 1885 wohnte er in Berlin, Zürich und Erkner bei Berlin. Da begann er, seine dichterische Begabung zu Tage zu legen. S eit 1901 lebte Hauptmann mit seiner zweiten Frau, Margarete Marschalk, einer Schauspielerin und Geigerin in Agnetendorf, Kloster auf Hiddensee, in der Südschweiz und an der Riviera. 1907 machte er eine Reise nach Griechenland, die für seine Dichtung von Bedeutung war. 1932 machte er seine zweite Reise nach Amerika, wo er als Repräsentant der deutschen Dichtung gefeiert wurde. Er gewann zahlreiche Ehrungen, einschließlich Ehrendoktor der Universität Oxford 1907 und Nobelpreis für Literatur 1912. Am 6. Juni 1946 starb er in seinem Haus in Agnetendorf. Seine wichtigsten Dramen sind u.a.:

6. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann Winner Of The 1912 Nobel Prize In Literature
gerhart johann robert hauptmann, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature,at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. gerhart johann robert hauptmann.
1912 Nobel Laureate in Literature
    primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art.

    Residence: Germany
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

7. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann Winner Of The 1912 Nobel Prize In Literature
gerhart johann robert hauptmann, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. gerhart johann robert hauptmann. 1912 Nobel Laureate in Literature Books by gerhart
1912 Nobel Laureate in Literature
    primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art.

    Residence: Germany
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

8. Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert (1862-1946) Was Able To Settle To
HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'hauptmann, gerhart johann robert (18621946)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals,

9. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann (1862-1946) German Writer.
hauptmann, gerhart johann robert Guide picks. gerhart johann robert hauptmann biographyhauptmann published his first work, PROMETHIDENLOOS, when he was 23.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Literature: Classic Find a Writer ... H - Last Names Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann R Home Essentials A-to-Z Writers in Classic Literature Book Lists ... Read Mark Twain zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); About Books Find a Writer Find Literature For Students ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert
(1862-1946) German writer. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann eceived the 1912 Nobel Prize in Literature "primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art."
Recent Up a category Autobiography of Gerhart Hauptmann Hauptmann tells the story of his life: "I was born on November 15, 1862. The place of my birth is Bad Obersalzbrunn, a spa famous for its medicinal springs." Gerhart Hauptmann Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946) Prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann Winner of the 1912 Nobel Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.

10. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann (1862-1946) German Writer.
hauptmann, gerhart johann robert. gerhart hauptmann gerhart (johann robert) hauptmann(18621946) Prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Literature: Classic Find a Writer ... H - Last Names Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann R Home Essentials A-to-Z Writers in Classic Literature Book Lists ... Read Mark Twain zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); About Books Find a Writer Find Literature For Students ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Subscribe to the About Literature: Classic newsletter. Search Literature: Classic
Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert
(1862-1946) German writer. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann eceived the 1912 Nobel Prize in Literature "primarily in recognition of his fruitful, varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art."
Recent Up a category Autobiography of Gerhart Hauptmann Hauptmann tells the story of his life: "I was born on November 15, 1862. The place of my birth is Bad Obersalzbrunn, a spa famous for its medicinal springs." Gerhart Hauptmann Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946) Prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann Winner of the 1912 Nobel Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.

11. Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert
hauptmann, gerhart johann robert (18621946). I was born on November15, 1862. The place of my birth is Bad Obersalzbrunn, a spa
Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert I was born on November 15, 1862. The place of my birth is Bad Obersalzbrunn, a spa famous for its medicinal springs. The house of my birth is the inn «Zur Preussischen Krone». My father was Robert Hauptmann, my mother Marie Hauptmann, née Straehler. I am the youngest of four children. I remember growing up in an educated and lively middle-class house. I attended the village school, learned some Latin from a tutor, and had violin lessons. Later I went to Breslau, the capital of our province, where I lived in boardinghouses and attended a Gymnasium. Fortunately, my Breslau school period did not crush me, but it left scars from which I only slowly recovered. I should have perished if there had not been a way out. I went to the country and began to study agriculture. The tortures of school, begun in 1874, ended in 1878. But agriculture remained an episode. Once in solitude I reamed to stand on my own feet and have my own thoughts. I grew conscious of myself, my value, and my rights. In this way I gained independence, firmness, and a freedom of intellect that I still enjoy today. Hungry for culture, I resumed to Breslau where I spent a second, happier period. I attended the art academy, did sculpturing, learned what youth, hope, and beauty are, the value of friends, masters, and teachers.

12. Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann Biography
Biography of gerhart johann robert hauptmann, recipient of the 1912Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Obersalzbrunn, Germany.
Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann biography
Biography of Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, recipient of the 1912 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Obersalzbrunn, Germany.
Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, recipient of the 1912 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Obersalzbrunn, Germany. His father, Robert Hauptmann, was a hotel owner, and his mother was Marie Strachler Hauptmann. He was educated at the Breslau Art Institute and the University of Jena, where he studied history. He worked briefly as a sculptor before devoting his energies to writing. Hauptmann published his first work, PROMETHIDENLOOS, when he was 23. His first play, VOR SONNENAUFGANG, gained him recognition as a writer. His best known work is DIE WEBER (THE WEAVERS), which was published in 1893. bodyOffer(22089) Gerhart Hauptmann died in Agnetendorf, Germany in 1946. CHRONOLOGY He was born in Obersalzbrunn, Germany. (November 15) He entered the Breslau Art Institute. He entered the University of Jena. PROMETHIDENLOOS; He married Marie Thienemann.; He moved to Berlin. VOR SONNENAUFGANG (BEFORE DAYBREAK) DAS FRIEDENSFEST (THE COMING OF PEACE) EINSAME MENSCHEN (LONELY LIVES) DIE WEBER (THE WEAVERS); DER BIBERPELZ (THE BEAVER COAT)

13. Literaturnobelpreisträger Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann
Translate this page Nobelpreisträger der Literatur. © des Bildes, gerhart johann RobertHauptmann (1862 - 1946). Auszeichnungsjahr 1912. Herkunftsland Deutschland.

14. Hartman, Robert - MavicaNET
Barth, Heinrich (18211865) Becher, johannes robert (1891 Beethoven, Ludvig van (1770-18 Hauff, Wilhelm (1802-1827) hauptmann, gerhart johann Robe Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
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Belarusian Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian (cyr.) Serbian (lat.) Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Cultura Filosofia Discipline filosofiche Etica ... Historical Persons: Germany Hartman, Robert Questa categoria necessita di un redattore. Desidera diventare un redattore

Categorie sorelle... Andersch, Alfred (1914-1980) Assiologia applicata: business Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (17... Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 -... Barth, Heinrich (1821-1865) Becher, Johannes Robert (1891–... Beethoven, Ludvig van (1770-18... Benn, Gotfried (1886-1956) Bismark, Otto von Blokh Ernst Bohme, Jacob Boltzmann, Ludwig Bolzano, Bernard Borchert, Wolfgang (1921-1947)

15. Gerhart Hauptmann - Biografie
gerhart hauptmann, 1876,Er wurde auf den Namen Gerhard johann robert hauptmann getauft.
Gerhart Hauptmann, Schriftsteller und Dichter (1862-1946), Nobelpreisträger 1912
Text: Dr. Rüdiger Bernhardt Er ist nicht nur einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Dichter, sondern auch ein Sinnbild der deutschen Geistesentwicklung im späten 19. und der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er hat preußischen Glanz im Reich von 1871 erlebt, ihn ebenso kritisiert wie erwünscht; er hat deutsche Niederlagen miterlebt, mitgefühlt und mitbedacht, ohne daß seine daraus entstandenen utopischen Entwürfe einer menschlichen Gesellschaft bis heute umgesetzt worden wären. - Am 15. November 1862 wurde Gerhart Hauptmann zu Ober-Salzbrunn (Niederschlesien) im Hotel "Zur Krone" geboren.
Hotel "Zur Krone", Salzbrunn
Gerhart Hauptmann, 1876 Er wurde auf den Namen Gerhard Johann Robert Hauptmann getauft. Seine Vorfahren waren Handwerker, Häusler, Landwirte, Beamte und Kirchenmusikanten. Seine Schulzeit in der Dorfschule, ab 1874 in der Realschule in Breslau war für ihn eine Qual. Im April 1878 ging er von der Schule ab. Er wurde Landwirtschaftslehrling in Lohnig, dann in Lederose. Dort prägte ihn herrnhutischer Geist. In seinem Vor Sonnenaufgang (1889) bis zum späten Romanfragment Der neue Christophorus, Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus" vergleichbar, spielte dieses Denken eine Rolle. - Die Eltern mußten Hotel und Grundstück aufgeben. Der junge Hauptmann las, angeregt von dem Bruder Carl, was das Denken vieler Zeitgenossen, vor allem das Denken der jungen Naturalisten prägte, u.a. Ludwig Büchners "Kraft und Stoff". Den Beruf des Landwirts gab er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen auf.

16. Hartman, Robert S. - MavicaNET
Heinrich (18211865) Becher, johannes robert (1891 Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-18 Hauff, Wilhelm (1802-1827) hauptmann, gerhart johann Robe Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
selCatSelAlt="Deselect category"; selCatDesAlt="Select category"; selSitSelAlt="Annuler le marquage du site"; selSitDesAlt="Marquer un site"; STELLA ART GALLERY Andy Warhol
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Belarusian Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian (cyr.) Serbian (lat.) Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Culture Philosophie Disciplines philosophiques Ethique ... Personnages historiques: Allemagne Hartman, Robert S. Personne n'édite pas cette catégorie. Veillez-vous devenir notre Rédacteur

Catégories "soeurs" Andersch, Alfred (1914-1980) Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (17... Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1... Barth, Heinrich (1821-1865) Becher, Johannes Robert (1891–... Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-18... Benn, Gotfried (1886-1956) Bismark, Otto von Bloch, Ernst (1885-1977) Boehme, Jacob (1575-1624) Boltzmann, Ludwig Bolzano, Bernhard (1781-1848)

17. Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert - Gedenktafeln Berlin
Translate this page Kontext hauptmann, gerhart johann roberthauptmann, gerhart johann robert Inschriftgerhart / hauptmann / DER DEUTSCHEN ZWIETRACHT / MITTEN INS HERZ
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Technische Details
Ortsteil Wilmersdorf
Besondere Ortsangabe Einweihung 6.6.1966 Bemerkungen: Literaturhinweise Lexikon deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller, a. a. O. Autorenlexikon deutschsprachiger Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts... a. a. O. gedenktafeln/index

18. Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert - Gedenktafeln Berlin
Translate this page Kontext hauptmann, gerhart johann roberthauptmann, gerhart johann robert WohnhausInschrift BERLINER GEDENKTAFEL / In diesem Hause lebte von 1889 bis 1891
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In diesem Hause lebte von 1889 bis 1891
der Dramatiker
Technische Details : weiße Porzellantafel mit blauer Aufschrift ("BERLINER GEDENKTAFEL" weiß) und dem blauen Zepter, Signet der KPM, 60 cm x 43 cm
Ortsteil Charlottenburg
Verkehrsanbindung S 3, S 5, S 7, S 75, S 9 bis Savignyplatz Einweihung 20.10.1989 Werkstatt KPM Herausgeber der Tafel BVV Charlottenburg Bemerkungen: Literaturhinweise Literatur-Lexikon. Digitale Bibliothek, Band 9, Directmedia Berlin 1998, a. a. O.

19. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
hauptmann, gerhart johann robert (18621946). The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts01-01-1998 hauptmann, gerhart johann robert (1862-1946) German dramatist.

20. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
12. hauptmann, gerhart johann robert (18621946) The Hutchinson Dictionaryof the Arts; January 1, 1998 hauptmann, gerhart johann robert

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