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         Hahn Otto:     more books (100)
  1. The Macmillan book of ornamental gardening by Otto Hahn, 1985
  2. Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling (R. Brockhaus Bildbiographien) (German Edition) by Otto W Hahn, 1990
  3. Daniel Spoerri (La Creation contemporaine) (French Edition) by Otto Hahn, 1990
  4. Cesar, compressions 1959-1989 (L'Autre musee) (French Edition) by Otto Hahn, 1990
  5. MASSON by Otto Hahn, 1965
  6. My Life by Otto Hahn, 1970-03-12
  7. Jung-Stilling zwischen Pietismus und Aufklarung: Sein Leben und sein literarisches Werk, 1778 bis 1787 (European university studies. Series XXIII, Theology) (German Edition) by Otto W Hahn, 1988
  8. Erlebnisse und Erkenntnisse (German Edition) by Otto Hahn, 1975
  9. Paintings, 1930-70 (Little Library of Art) by Victor Vasarely, 1970-12
  10. Die fehlerhafte Normenanwendung im Arbeitsverhaltnis: Zur Problematik d. Ruckforderung u. Einstellung irrtuml. Arbeitgeberleistungen (Schriften zum Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht) (German Edition) by Hans-Otto Hahn, 1976
  11. Otto Hahn: My Life. The Autobiography of a Scientist. Translated by Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins. by Otto (1879-1968). HAHN, 1970-01-01
  12. Otto Hahn in Selstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Dargestellt von.... by Otto] BERNINGER, Ernst H. [HAHN, 1974-01-01
  13. Gifhorn: Bullenkuhle, Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Humboldt Gymnasium
  14. Otto Hahn My Life The Autobiography of a Scientist by Otto Hahn, 1970

21. Otto Hahn
otto hahn) otto hahn was the chemist whose discovery of nuclear fission ultimately led to the ending The story of hahn's discovery began in 1938 with a report by
Figures in Radiation History
(Otto Hahn)
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22. Chemistry 1944
otto hahn. Germany. b. 1879 d. 1968. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944 PresentationSpeech otto hahn Biography Nobel Lecture Other Resources. prev 1943, 1945 next.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944
"for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei" Otto Hahn Germany Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck Institut) für Chemie
Berlin-Dahlem, Germany b. 1879
d. 1968 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944
Presentation Speech
Otto Hahn
Other Resources
The 1944 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified June 23, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

23. Hahn, Otto
hahn, otto. otto hahn. Landesbildstelle Berlin He was the author of the obituary memoir on otto hahn for the Royal Society.
Hahn, Otto
Otto Hahn Landesbildstelle Berlin nuclear fission . He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1944 and shared the Enrico Fermi Award in 1966 with Strassmann and Lise Meitner.
Early life.
Hahn was the son of a glazier. Although his parents wanted him to become an architect, he eventually decided to study chemistry at the University of Marburg. There Hahn worked hard at chemistry, though he was inclined to absent himself from physics and mathematics lectures in favour of art and philosophy, and he obtained his doctorate in 1901. After a year of military service, he returned to the university as chemistry lecture assistant, hoping to find a post in industry later on. In 1904 he went to London, primarily to learn English, and worked at University College with Sir William Ramsay, who was interested in radioactivity. While working on a crude radium preparation that Ramsay had given to him to purify, Hahn showed that a new radioactive substance, which he called radiothorium, was present. Fired by this early success and encouraged by Ramsay, who thought highly of him, he decided to continue with research on radioactivity rather than go into industry. With Ramsay's support he obtained a post at the University of Berlin. Before taking it up, he decided to spend several months in Montreal with Ernest Rutherford (later Lord Rutherford of Nelson) to gain further experience with radioactivity. Shortly after returning to Germany in 1906, Hahn was joined by Meitner, an Austrian physicist, and five years later they moved to the new Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry at Berlin-Dahlen. There Hahn became head of a small but independent department of radiochemistry.

24. OPPI´S WORLD - Zeitpunkte - Biographie - Otto Hahn
Das Leben und Wirken des deutschen Chemikers, der die Grundlagen f¼r die Nutzung der Atomenergie legte, im œberblick.
Home Film Zeit Foto ... B I O G R A P H I E Otto Hahn
*08.03.1879 (Frankfurt a. M.)
deutscher Chemiker, schuf die Grundlagen zur Nutzung der Atomenergie.
1904 verbrachte Otto Hahn ein Forschungsjahr bei William Ramsey (1852-1916, Chemie-Nobelpreis 1904) in London. Hier lernte er die Chemie der radioaktiven Stoffe kennen und entdeckte 1905 neue Isotope der Elemente Thorium, Radium und Actinium. Ein weiterer Forschungsaufenthalt brachte ihn mit Ernst Rutherford (1871-1937, Chemie-Nobelpreis 1908) in Kanada zusammen.
Lise Meitner

Ab 1934 erforschten Hahn und Meitner die Bestrahlung von Uran mit Neutronen. Ihre Arbeit wurde durch die Judenverfolgung beendet, da Lise Meitner
Kalender Zeitpunkte ...

25. Hahn, Otto (1879-1968) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Chemists. Nationality. German. hahn, otto (18791968) German physical chemist who, with Strassman and Meitner, discovered the process of fission in 235U in 1937. Meitner, Strassman ©. Eric W. Weisstein. , (-)
Branch of Science Chemists Nationality German
Hahn, Otto (1879-1968)

German physical chemist who, with Strassman and Meitner , discovered the process of fission in U in 1937. Meitner Strassman

26. Biographie: Otto Hahn, 1879-1968
Translate this page 1879-1968. otto hahn. Photo otto hahn, 1968. Chemiker. 1879 8. März ottohahn wird in Frankfurt/Main als Sohn eines Geschäftsmannes geboren.
Otto Hahn
ab 1904
Entdeckung eines neuen radioaktiven Elements, das Radiothor genannt wird.
Gemeinsam mit Lise Meitner und Otto von Baeyer gelingt es ihm, zum ersten Mal, Betastrahl-Spektren von einer Reihe radioaktiver Strahlen zu erhalten. Dieses Verfahren spielt in der modernen Atomforschung eine wesentliche Rolle.
ab 1912
Direktor des Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituts, das er bereits seit 1924 kommissarisch leitet.
Zweiten Weltkrieges

In dieser Eigenschaft fordert Hahn immer wieder ein Atomwaffenverbot.
seit 1956

27. Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, And Fritz Strassmann
Lise Meitner and otto hahn. in their laboratory.3. In 1938 otto hahn (18791968), Lise Meitner (18781968), and Fritz Strassmann (19021980) were the first to recognize that the uranium atom under bombardment by neutrons, actually split.

    Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn

    in their laboratory.
    In 1938 Otto Hahn (1879–1968), Lise Meitner (1878–1968), and Fritz Strassmann (1902–1980) were the first to recognize that the uranium atom under bombardment by neutrons, actually split. With doctorate in hand from the University of Marburg in Germany, Hahn intended to make a career as an industrial chemist in a company with international business connections. He traveled to England to improve his English-language skills and found a job as an assistant in William Ramsay's laboratory at University College, London. Hahn quickly demonstrated his great skill as an experimentalist by isolating radioactive thorium. After working with Ernest Rutherford in Montreal, he joined Emil Fischer's institute at the University of Berlin, where he rose through the faculty ranks. Otto Hahn Hahn went in search of a collaborator with whom to pursue studies in experimental radioactivity and teamed up with Lise Meitner. She had come to Berlin to attend Max Planck's lectures in theoretical physics after receiving her doctorate in physics from the University of Vienna in 1905—the second doctorate in science from that university granted to a woman. In the first year of the Hahn–Meitner partnership they had to work in a remodeled carpenter's shop because the university did not yet accept women on an official basis. In 1912 their research group was relocated to the new Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, where Fritz Haber was head of the physical chemistry institute, Hahn was head of the radioactivity institute, and from 1918, Meitner was head of the radioactivity institute's physics department. During World War I, Hahn served in the German gas warfare service headed by Haber, and Meitner volunteered as an X-ray nurse for the Austrian army.

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29. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Landau
Offizieller Webauftritt des OHG Landau mit Informationen zur Schule und aktuellen Veranstaltungen f¼r Sch¼ler, Lehrer oder Ehemalige.
OHG Landau skip intro

30. Otto-Hahn-Schule Frankfurt
Die Gesamtschule mit Oberstufe stellt sich mit aktuellen Informationen, Projekten und Sch¼lerarbeiten vor. Ferner gibt es eine Ehemaligenliste.

31. Otto-Hahn-Oberschule Berlin-Neukölln
Mit gymnasialer Oberstufe Sch¼ler zeigen einen œberblick zu Aktivit¤ten im Schulalltag, von FuŸball ¼ber Schulband (+CD) bis hin zu Projekten des Wahlpflichtunterrichts.
Wir freuen uns, dass ihr unsere Seiten besucht. Leider habt ihr die Java/JavaScript - Erkennung nicht aktiviert! bitte weiter !

32. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium
Stellt die Schulleitung und die Lehrer vor. H¤lt Stundentafeln und eine œbersicht der AGs bereit. AuŸerdem ein Abriss ¼ber die Geschichte des OHG, ein Terminkalender und ein Lageplan der Schule.

33. Max-Planck-Institut Für Chemie
Eine Einrichtung des ottohahn-Instituts in Mainz (Deutschland).
Aktuelles Sonstiges Impressum

34. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Monheim Am Rhein
Allgemeines ¼ber das Gaymnasium der Stadt Monheim am Rhein, Daten und Fakten zum Namensgeber otto hahn und Vorstellung der Aktivit¤ten der Schule.

35. Chemistry 1944
(1879 1968) 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei. Germany, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck Institut) f¼r Chemie, Berlin, Germany
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944
"for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei" Otto Hahn Germany Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck Institut) für Chemie
Berlin-Dahlem, Germany b. 1879
d. 1968 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944
Presentation Speech
Otto Hahn
Other Resources
The 1944 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified June 23, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

36. Homepage Des Abiturjahrgangs 2004 Am OHG Mak
Mit Informationen zum Jahrgang mit Fotos sowie Links, Chat und Forum.
Homepage des Abiturjahrgangs 2004 am OHG Mak
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den folgenden Themen:
Homepage des Abiturjahrgangs 2004 am OHG Mak
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37. Abi98 - Wir Haben Fertig - Die Homepage Des Abiturjahrgangs 1998 Vom Otto-Hahn-G
Komplette Abizeitung, Steckbriefe zu allen Abiturienten, G¤stebuch, Fotos
Abitur 1998 - Abi98 - Wir haben fertig
Biologie Leistungskurs 2 des Abitur-Jahrgangs 1998 des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums in Dinslaken
Biologie-LK 1 ds Abitur-Jahrgangs 1998 des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums in Dinslaken

Klassenbucheintraege des Abitur-Jahrgangs 1998 des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums in Dinslaken

Interview mit einem Cola-Automaten des Abitur-Jahrgangs 1998 des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums in Dinslaken
Aktuelles vom Abitur-Jahrgang 1998 des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums in Dinslaken

38. Otto Hahn Winner Of The 1944 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
otto hahn, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. Short Bio of otto hahn. otto hahn Biography( submitted by Chinnappan Baskar) Chemical Achievers otto hahn(
1944 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei.

    Residence: Germany
    Affiliation: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut, now Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Berlin-Dahlem
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

39. Otto Hahn Winner Of The 1944 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
otto hahn, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize InternetArchive. otto hahn. otto hahn Info (submitted by Jackson).
1944 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei.

    Residence: Germany
    Affiliation: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut, now Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Berlin-Dahlem
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

40. Otto-Hahn-Schule - Online - / ... Powered By Punapau Publisher -
Allgemeines, Fakten zum Unterricht, Vorstellung von Klassen, Sch¼lerrat und Elternrat sowie Informationen zu Aktivit¤ten mit den Themen Umwelt, Sch¼leraustausch und Schulfeste.
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