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41. Becker Medical Library Books granit. A=granit, ragnar, 1900 N=WL 102 G759m 1972 (BACS 341037). reception. A=granit, ragnar, 1900- N=QP435 G7 1955 (BACS 354580). http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BAG134.html | |
42. Becker Medical Library Books reception. A=granit, ragnar, 1900 N=QP435 G7 1955 (BACS 354580). reception. A=granit, ragnar, 1900- N=WL 700 G759r 1955 (BACS 597035). http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BTR111.html | |
43. Editing Ragnar Granit - Edit - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura y Ciencia · Terra Translate this page ragnar granit. Fecha de nacimiento 30 de octubre de 1900 País de Nacimiento País de Concesión Biografía Nació en Helsinki. Murió en 1991. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Ragnar_Granit&action=edit |
44. HistoryForSale - Nobel Prize Autographs RAGNAR GRANIT HALDAN HARTLINE HALDAN K. HARTLINE FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED CIRCA 1982 CO-SIGNED BYragnar granit - DOCUMENT 47899. HALDAN K. HARTLINE and ragnar granit. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prodetails.asp?documentid=47899&start=1&page= |
45. History For Sale Offers Authentic Autographs, Rare Historical GRANDY, FRED, 2. GRANGE, RED GALLOPING GHOST , 11. GRANGER, FRANCIS, 1. GRANGER, STEWART, 2. granit, ragnar, 1. GRANT, AMY, 9. GRANT, CARY, 12. GRANT, HORACE, 1. GRANT, LEE, 1. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/displaysigners.asp?sstart=28&signer=G&dpp=15 |
46. Famous People In Medicine ragnar Arthur granit (1900 1991). Finnish-born Swedish physiologist who was a corecipient (with George Wald and Haldan Hartline http://reality-sites.org/people/ragnar-granit.htm | |
47. Ragnar Granit 100 Years - Memories And Reflections ragnar granit 100 Years Memories and Reflections. Daniel Kernell 1. Keywords ragnar granit, life, laboratory, teacher of research . http://www.szp.swets.nl/szp/journals/jh093280.htm | |
48. Utain - Tampereen Yliopiston Toimittajakoulutuksen Viikkolehti Suomalaissyntyinen tiedenobelisti, ragnar granit, oli ylpeä suomalaisista juuristaan, mutta Nobelkehitysmaa Suomessa ei taideta olla ylpeitä granitista. http://utain.uta.fi/2004k/3/9071.html | |
49. Ragnar Granit: Awards Won By Ragnar Granit 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of ragnar granit. OTHER-NOBEL, 1967, MEDICINE. http://www.123awards.com/artist/6740.asp | |
50. Especiales Diario Médico Translate this page ragnar granit pudo demostrar que en la retina se diferencian tres clases de conos con diversas sensibilidades y reacciones frente a los colores que componen la http://www.diariomedico.com/medicinasiglo/nobel1967.html | |
51. Ragnar Granit Institute Start Page Welcome to the ragnar granit Institute website ragnar granit Institute Activity Report 19901999 (in PDF format, 380 kb), Int l Society for Bioelectromagnetism. http://www.rgi.tut.fi/ | |
52. Ragnar Granit Prize ragnar granit Prize for Young Scientists. Information on the ragnar granit Prize for Young Scientists. The First ragnar granit Prize for Young Scientists. http://butler.cc.tut.fi/~malmivuo/rgs/prize.htm | |
53. The Basis Of Motor Control. ~ GRANIT, Ragnar. Home Page. granit, ragnar. The Basis of Motor Control. Integrating the Activity of Muscles, Alpha and Gamma Motoneurons and Their Leading Control Systems. http://www.rarevols.co.uk/pages/00001616.htm | |
54. Receptors And Sensory Perception. ~ GRANIT, Ragnar. granit, ragnar. Receptors and Sensory Perception. A Discussion of Aims, Means, and Results of Electrophysiological Research into the Process of Reception. http://www.rarevols.co.uk/pages/00001765.htm | |
55. Granite [en] powerweb Provider mit Service. advertisement. related books. related publications. The Purposive Brain by ragnar granit The MIT Press; 31 July, 1980. http://www.archinform.net/stich/486.htm | |
56. Kalender Translate this page 1906 Giusep Farina. 1900 ragnar granit. 1896 Ruth Gordon. 1895 Gerhar Domagk. 1896 Ruth Gordon. 1900 ragnar granit. 1906 Giusep Farina. 1912 Paul H Simon. http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k001030.htm | |
57. Helsingin Yliopiston Opettaja- Ja Virkamiesluettelo 1918-2000. Lääketieteellin Christian Oskar Robert (* 1882 1930) 193235 Rancken, Dodo Emil Arthur (* 1872 1935) 1937-40 granit, ragnar Arthur (* 1900 1991), siirtyi vaiht. http://www.helsinki.fi/keskusarkisto/laaketiede/laakistdfysiol.html | |
58. NOBEL-GRANIT SAI MUISTOLAATAN granitin perhe asui tässä talossa 193340. ragnar granit väitteli Helsingin yliopistossa värinäkemisen mekanismista 1926. Hän http://www.helsinki.fi/ajankohtaista/uutisarkisto/12-2002/10-14-44-11 | |
59. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 1973 Karl von Frisch, Ger.; Konrad Lorenz Nirenberg, all US 1967 ragnar granit, Swed.; Haldan Nirenberg, US 1967 ragnar granit, Swed.; Haldan http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
60. 20th Century Year By Year 1967 Physiology or Medicine The prize was awarded jointly to granit, ragnar, Sweden, The Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, b. 1900 (in Helsinki, Finland), d. 1991 http://www.multied.com/20th/1967.html | |
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