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         Golgi Camillo:     more books (26)
  1. The Golgi Apparatus: State of the art 110 years after Camillo Golgi's discovery
  2. The Hidden Structure: A Scientific Biography of Camillo Golgi by Paolo Mazzarello, 1999-12-15
  3. La struttura nascosta: La vita di Camillo Golgi (Fonti e studi per la storia dell'Universita di Pavia) (Italian Edition) by Paolo Mazzarello, 1996
  4. Golgi: A Biography of the Founder of Modern Neuroscience by Paolo Mazzarello, 2009-11-24
  5. Sulla fina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso (Biblioteca della scienza italiana) (Italian Edition) by Camillo Golgi, 1995
  6. Golgi Centennial Symposium: Perspectives in Neurobiology: (Papers)
  7. University of Pavia: University of Pavia Alumni, University of Pavia Faculty, Alessandro Volta, Pope Sixtus Iv, Camillo Golgi
  8. Camillo Golgi: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  9. Italian Nobel Laureates: Enrico Fermi, Guglielmo Marconi, Camillo Golgi, Franco Modigliani, Luigi Pirandello, Carlo Rubbia, Giosuè Carducci
  10. Burials in Pavia: Burials at San Pietro in Ciel D'oro, Pavia, Augustine of Hippo, Camillo Golgi, Boethius, Liutprand, King of the Lombards
  11. Italian Neuroscientists: Camillo Golgi, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Ugo Cerletti, Paolo Mantegazza, Massimo Grattarola, Carlo Matteucci
  12. Malaria: Ddt, Camillo Golgi, Cinchona, Febris, Plasmodium, History of Malaria, Mass Drug Administration
  13. GOLGI, CAMILLO (1843-1926): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  14. People From Pavia: Gerolamo Cardano, Camillo Golgi, Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Lanfranc, Alessandro Rolla, Claudia Muzio, Matteo Chinosi

1. Biographies Info Science : Golgi Camillo

2. WIEM: Golgi Camillo
golgi camillo (18441926), woski lekarz, anatom i histolog. Od 1975 profesor uniwersytetu w Pawii. W 1873 opracowa metod barwienia preparatów
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Medycyna, Biologia, W³ochy
Golgi Camillo
Golgi Camillo (1844-1926), w³oski lekarz, anatom i histolog. Od 1975 profesor uniwersytetu w Pawii. W 1873 opracowa³ metodê barwienia preparatów mikroskopowych solami srebra, dziêki czemu zbada³ budowê neuronu . W 1887 ustali³, ¿e istniej± 3 odmiany paso¿yta zimnicy , odpowiadaj±ce jej typom klinicznym. W 1898 odkry³ aparat Golgiego Aparat Golgiego - schemat budowy Nagroda Nobla w 1906 za badania nad budow± uk³adu nerwowego (z S. Ramónem y Cajalem WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

3. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Golgi Camillo
golgi camillo . Page 1 sur 1. BiographiesInfo Science golgi camillo Page d affichage des biographies d Info Science
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4. WIEM: Golgi Camillo
golgi camillo (18441926), wloski lekarz, anatom i histolog. Od 1975 profesoruniwersytetu w Pawii. Medycyna, Biologia, Wlochy golgi camillo (1844-1926).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Medycyna, Biologia, W³ochy
Golgi Camillo
Golgi Camillo (1844-1926), w³oski lekarz, anatom i histolog. Od 1975 profesor uniwersytetu w Pawii. W 1873 opracowa³ metodê barwienia preparatów mikroskopowych solami srebra, dziêki czemu zbada³ budowê neuronu . W 1887 ustali³, ¿e istniej± 3 odmiany paso¿yta zimnicy , odpowiadaj±ce jej typom klinicznym. W 1898 odkry³ aparat Golgiego Aparat Golgiego - schemat budowy Nagroda Nobla w 1906 za badania nad budow± uk³adu nerwowego (z S. Ramónem y Cajalem WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

5. Biografia De Golgi, Camillo
Granditaliani Scienze naturali - golgi camillo - Translate this page Golgi, Camillo.
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6. Granditaliani - Scienze Naturali - Golgi Camillo - Vita
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e-mail Golgi, Camillo Vita Golgi, Camillo Sulla fina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso "Golgi, Camillo," Microsoft® Encarta® Enciclopedia Online 2002
Vota nella categoria SOCIALE Gilberto Marzuillo . Tutti i diritti riservati.

7. Camillo Golgi - Wikipedia En Español
Translate this page Otros idiomas English. Camillo Golgi. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedialibre. Camilo Golgi (7 de julio de 1843 - 21 de enero de 1926).
Camillo Golgi
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Camilo Golgi 7 de julio de 21 de enero de
Imágen de Nacido en Corteno al norte de Italia Médico por la Universidad de Padua , graduado en . En Golgi recibió el Premio Nobel de Medicina conjuntamente con Santiago Ramón y Cajal ) por sus estudios sobre la estructura del sistema nervioso . Murió en Pavia Italia , en Enero . El aparato de Golgi recibe su nombre, en su honor.
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8. Camillo Golgi Definition Of Camillo Golgi. What Is Camillo Golgi? Meaning Of Cam
Definition of Camillo Golgi in the Dictionary and Thesaurus. Provides examplesfrom classic literature, search by definition of Camillo Golgi. Golgi
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Camillo Golgi
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Camillo Golgi - Italian histologist noted for work on the structure of the nervous system and for his discovery of Golgi bodies (1844-1926) Golgi histologist - anatomist who specializes in the microscopic study of animal tissues Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Camillo Golgi" in the definition: brain cell
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9. Camillo Golgi - Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Camillo Golgi. Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español.Camillo Golgi (1843-1926). Nacido en Corteno al
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Camillo Golgi
Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Camillo Golgi ). Nacido en Corteno al norte de Italia ; graduado en medicina por la Universidad de Padua en . En 1906 recibió el Premio Nobel de Medicina conjuntamente con Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) por sus estudios sobre la estructura del sistema nervioso . Golgi murió en Pavia Italia , en enero de . El aparato de Golgi recibe su nombre, en honor a él.
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10. Camillo Golgi
Camillo Golgi. Camillo Golgi (1843 1926) Italian physician and cytologistwhose investigations into the fine structure of the nervous
Camillo Golgi
Camillo Golgi
Italian physician and cytologist whose investigations into the fine structure of the nervous system earned him (with the Spanish histologist Santiago Ramon y Cajal) the 1906 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
As a physician at a home for incurables in Abbiategrasso, Italy (1872-75), and with only rudimentary facilities at his disposal, Golgi devised (1873) the silver nitrate method of staining nerve tissue, an invaluable tool in subsequent nerve studies. This stain enabled him to demonstrate the existence of a kind of nerve cell (which came to be known as the Golgi cell) possessing many short, branching extensions (dendrites) and serving to connect several other nerve cells. The discovery of Golgi cells led the German anatomist Wilhelm von Waldeyer-Hartz to postulate, and Ramon y Cajal to establish, that the nerve cell is the basic structural unit of the nervous system, a critical point in the development of modern neurology. After his arrival at the University of Pavia (1876), Golgi found and described (1880) the point (now known as the Golgi tendon spindle or Golgi tendon organ) at which sensory nerve fibres end in rich branchings encapsulated within a tendon. He also discovered (1883) the presence in nerve cells of an irregular network of fibrils (small fibres), vesicles (cavities), and granules, now known as the Golgi complex or Golgi apparatus. The Golgi complex is found in all cells except bacteria and plays an important role in the modification and transport of proteins within the cell.

11. Camillo Golgi -
Camillo Golgi, läkare, cytolog?, italienare?, född 1844, död den21 januari 1926. Främst bekant som upptäckare av den organell
Camillo Golgi
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Camillo Golgi
läkare , cytolog , italienare född 1844 , död den 21 januari 1926 . Främst bekant som upptäckare av den organell i eukaryot a celler som idag kallas Golgiapparaten och som hanterar ämnen som skall skickas ut ur cellen. För sina undersökningar av nervsystem ets mikroskopiska struktur belönades han med 1906 års Nobelpris i fysiologi/medicin. Tidiga rön med primitiv utrustning Golgi verkade som läkare vid ett sjukhus för obotligt sjuka, där han med mycket bristfällig utrustning till sitt förfogande, år 1873 upptäckte tekniken att med silvernitrat färga nervvävnad, en ovärderlig metod i den fortsatta utforskningen av nervsystem et. Banbrytare inom neurologin Denna färgning gjorde det möjligt för honom att i hjärnan påvisa en speciell typ av nervcell Golgicell ), med talrika korta utskott (s.k. dendrit er) som gör att den kan sammanbinda många andra nervceller. Upptäckten av Golgicellerna fick den tyske anatom en [[Wilhelm von Waldeyer]] att uppställa teorin att nervcellen (neuronet) är nervsystemets grundläggande enhet, något som senare slogs fast av spanjoren [Santiago Ramón y Cajal] och som innebar ett viktigt kliv i utvecklingen av den moderna neurologi n. Ramón y Cajal delade Nobelpriset med Golgi.

12. Camillo Golgi
Camillo Golgi (18441926) Italian neurologist and histologist. In1873 Golgi developed a revolutionary staining technique, still
Camillo Golgi
Italian n eurologist and histologist
I n 1873 Golgi developed a revolutionary staining technique , still in use and named after him (Golgi staining or Golgi impregnation) , which permitted for the first time a clear visualization of a nerve cell body with all its processes . Ironically, he believed that his observations using this technique supported t he idea that neural tissue consist ed of fibers forming an intricate , non-cellular network U sing Golgi's technique, Cajal became the main supporter of the 'neuron theory' which correctly interpreted the nervous system as composed of anatomically and functionally distinct cells. Nonetheless, In 1906 Golgi deservedly shared the Nobel Prize with Cajal for their studies on the structure of the nervous system. Although he misinterpreted the overall view of the microscopic organization of the nervous system, he contributed greatly to the modern knowledge of its structure. Among other findings, Golgi described the morphological features of glial cells and of the relationships between glial cell processes and blood vessels. He also described two fundamental types of nerve cells, still named after him as 'Golgi type I' neurons, extending their axons at a distance from the cell body (the 'projection neurons' of the modern nomenclature), and 'Golgi type II' neurons, with axons ramifying in the vicinity of the cell body (corresponding to the 'local circuit neurons' and 'interneurons'). Among his other discoveries, in 1878 Golgi described the tendinous sensory corpuscles that bear his name (Golgi tendon organs). In the years 1886-1892, Golgi provided fundamental contributions to the study of malaria: he elucidated the cycle of the malaria agent, the

13. Sistema Museale Di Ateneo, Università Di Pavia
Translate this page Camillo golgi camillo Golgi (1843-1926) si laurea in medicina e chirurgiaa Pavia nel 1865. Siti di approfondimento Camillo Golgi.
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Biografie Personaggi:
G. B. Amici
Giuseppe Belli

Eugenio Beltrami

Enrico Bottini
Giovanni Pietro Frank

Camillo Golgi
Vittorio Marchi

Guglielmo Marconi

Carlo Martinotti
Claudio Monteverdi ... Alessandro Volta
Camillo Golgi Negli anni dal 1886 al 1893, affrontando il problema della malaria, scopre e determina, in antitesi ai sostenitori del bacillus malariae, il ciclo di sviluppo monogamico del plasmodio della forma quartana e terzana della malaria, e l'efficacia dell'azione del chinino sui parassiti malarici nel primo stadio del loro sviluppo. Siti di approfondimento: Camillo Golgi

14. Camillo Golgi
Camillo Golgi. (7. cervence 1843 – 21. ledna 1926). Nobelovu Italskýlékar a patolog Camillo Golgi se narodil roku 1843. Studoval
Camillo Golgi (7. èervence 1843 – 21. ledna 1926) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1906 spoleènì s S. R. y Cajalem za práce o struktuøe nervové soustavy. Italský lékaø a patolog Camillo Golgi se narodil roku 1843. Studoval medicínu na univerzitì v Pavii, kde také v letech 1875-1918 pùsobil jako profesor. Nìkolik let také pøednášel na katedøe všeobecné patologie a histologie na univerzitì v Sienì. Po svém návratu do Pavie se stal vedoucím katedry patologické anatomie a øeditelem ústavu pro histologii a patologii. Golgiho nejznámìjší práce a objevy patøí do oblasti anatomie centrální nervové soustavy. Mezi jeho nejdùležitìjší práce patøí objev a rozpracování metody pøípravy mikroskopických preparátù nervové tkánì pomocí roztoku dusiènanu støíbrného. Tato metoda poskytla možnost vytvoøit siluetový obraz nervových bunìk, neuronù, se všemi jejich výbìžky, klasifikovat všechny rozmanité tvary neuronù kùry velkých mozkových polokoulí, a øešit tak nejdùležitìjší problémy vzájemných vztahù mezi strukturou a funkcí centrální nervové soustavy. Golgiho zásluhou se v souèasné neurohistologii rozeznávají Golgiho buòky prvého a druhého typu a je znám Golgiho aparát (struktura protoplazmy té buòky nervové soustavy, která se zúèastòuje látkové pøemìny). V letech 1882-1892 se Golgi zabýval studiem pùvodce malárie a i pøesto, že se mu nepodaøilo jako Laveranovi najít pùvodce této infekèní choroby v èervených krvinkách, jsou jeho poznatky cenným pøínosem. Golgiho poznatky znamenaly novou etapu v rozvoji neurofyziologie.

15. Glossar CAMILLO
Translate this page der Psychoanalyse de Graaf Reinier 1641 1673 niederländischer Anatom golgi camillo1843 1926 italienischer Histologe uA Entwickler der Silbernitratfärbung
Glossar CAMILLO ...
Glossar CAMILLO ...


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Nein Die Glosar Suche von " CAMILLO " Don ... der Priester und der Angehörigen bestimmter Adelsfamilien in Italien Don Camillo einen Fluss in Russland siehe Don Russland einen Fluss in Schottland siehe ...
Nobelpreis für Medizin
...seiner Arbeiten über die Bedeutung der Protozoen als Krankheitserreger 1906 Camillo Golgi IT und Santiago Ramón y Cajal ES in Anerkennung ihrer Arbeiten über ... Liste bedeutender Mediziner und Ärzte ... der Psychoanalyse de Graaf Reinier 1641 1673 niederländischer Anatom Golgi Camillo 1843 1926 italienischer Histologe u A Entwickler der Silbernitratfärbung ... ... 1839 Nobelpreise Physik Joseph John Thomson Chemie Henri Moissan Medizin Camillo Golgi und Santiago Ramón y Cajal Literatur Giosu Carducci ... Dauer: 0.7 Sekunden

16. CAMILLO GOLGI - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
Dictionary, Medical Dictionary. Search Dictionary CAMILLO GOLGI DictionaryEntry and Meaning. WordNet Dictionary. Definition n Italian golgi

17. Camillo Golgi
golgi kompleksini kesfetmis olan italyan bilim adami.1906 yilindatipfizyoloji alaninda verilen nobel ödülünü kazanmistir. golgi

18. Camillo Golgi
Camillo Golgi. Od http / / wwwihm. nlm. nih. gov. Camillo Golgibyl narozen v cervenci 1843 v Corteno, Itálie. Golgi, spolu
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Camillo Golgi
Od http: / / wwwihm. nlm. nih. gov Camillo Golgi byl narozen v červenci v Corteno It¡lie Golgi, spolu s Santiago beran � n y Cajal , přj­mal Nobelova cena ve fyziologii nebo medic­na pro jeho studia struktury nervov© soustavy. Golgi zemřel v Pavia , It¡lie, v lednu Golgi apar¡t je pojmenoval podle něj.
Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

19. Personnalités De La Recherche
Translate this page golgi camillo Physicien et histologiste italien (1843-1926). Il Golgi.golgi camillo Physicien et histologiste italien (1843-1926).

20. Camillo Golgi - Biography
camillo golgi – Biography. camillo golgi was born at Corteno nearBrescia on July 7, 1843*, the son of a physician. He studied
Camillo Golgi was born at Corteno near Brescia on July 7, 1843 , the son of a physician. He studied medicine at the University of Pavia under Mantegazza, Bizzozero and Oehl. After graduating in 1865 he continued to work in Pavia at the Hospital of St. Matteo. Golgi himself stated that Bizzozero greatly influenced him and his methods of scientific research; at that time most of his investigations were concerned with the nervous system, i.e. insanity, neurology and the lymphatics of the brain. In 1872 he accepted the post of Chief Medical Officer at the Hospital for the Chronically Sick at Abbiategrasso, and it is believed that in the seclusion of this hospital, in a little kitchen which he had converted into a laboratory, he first started his investigations into the nervous system. Golgi returned to the University of Pavia as Extraordinary Professor of Histology, went to Siena for a short time, but returned to Pavia and was appointed to the Chair for General Pathology in 1881, in succession to his teacher Bizzozero. He settled down in Pavia for good, and married Donna Lina, a niece of Bizzozero. Already while working at the Hospital of St. Matteo, Golgi became interested in the investigation of the causes of malaria and he must be credited for having determined the three forms of the parasite and the three types of fever. After prolonged studies he found a way of photographing the most characteristic phases in 1890.

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