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Gobat Charles Albert: more detail |
41. Encyclopedia4U - Charles Albert Gobat - Encyclopedia Article charles albert gobat. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article charles albert gobat . http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/c/charles-albert-gobat.html | |
42. Nobel Peace Prize Winners Founder and President of the International Peace Campaign. charles albert gobat,Switzerland. Secretary General of the InterParliamentary Union, Berne. http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/listofweek/nobel.html | |
43. WHKMLA : History Of Switzerland, 1891-1914 Cross (1863) and organixer of the (first) Geneva Convention (1864); the Nobel PeacePrize for 1902 went to Elie Ducommun and charles albert gobat, both Swiss http://www.zum.de/whkmla/region/italy/ch18911914.html | |
44. 20th Century Year By YEar 1902 Berne. gobat, charles albert, Switzerland, b. 1843, d. 1914 SecretaryGeneral of the InterParliamentary Union, Berne. Honorary http://www.multied.com/20th/1902.html | |
45. Kalender Translate this page charles albert gobat 70 Jahre, Politiker (30.11.2002) Inhalt suchen oben *21 Mai1843 Genf +16 Mrz 1914 Bern 1902 Nobelpreis für Frieden mit Elie Ducommun http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k000521.htm | |
46. La Biblioteca Planettiana Translate this page PREMIO NOBEL PER LA PACE 1902. charles albert gobat (Tramelan, 1843- Berna, 1914). charles albert gobat, Segretario generale dell http://www.comune.jesi.an.it/planettiana/leggerelapace/gobat.htm | |
47. Kulturmagazin Areion Online - Tabelle Ausgabe 168 Translate this page 1902, Ducommun, Elie, 1833-1906, Schweiz. 1902, gobat, charles albert,1843-1914, Schweiz. 1903, Cremer, William Randal, 1938-1908, Großbritannien. http://www.areion.de/tabelleausgabe168.html | |
48. Charles Involved in the XYZ Affair. Carlo Poerio (18031867) Italian revolutionary.charles-albert gobat (1834-1914) Swiss politician. charles http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/c/charles.html | |
49. Civilization Fanatics' Forums - Switzerland Civ V0.5 I ve used the Swiss flag instead of a graphic and animation of the Swiss leader,charlesalbert gobat. charles albert gobat. Never heard of. I ll look it up. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=82598 |
50. Charles - Dictionary Definition charles Addams. charles Albanel. charles albert Fechter. charles albert gobat.charles albert of Savoy. charles Alexandre Dupuy. charles Alexandre de Calonne. http://www.yourdictionary.net/Charles.html | |
51. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. Translate this page Addams. charles Albanel, charles albert Fechter, charles albert gobat.charles albert of Savoy, charles albertson, charles Alexandre Dupuy. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Charged_particle | |
52. The Web Goat Island. Goat, The. Gob. gobat, charles albert. Gobelins, Manufacture nationaledes. Gobi. Sponsored Link. GPU. Goa. Goat Island. Goat, The. Gob. gobat, charles albert. http://www.slider.com/Enc/G/Go.htm | |
53. Det Norske Nobelinstitutt - Liste Over Fredsprisvinnere Æressekretær for Det internasjonale fredsbyrå (Bureau InternationalPermanent de la Paix); og gobat, charles albert, Sveits, 18431914. http://www.nobel.no/nor_lau_list.html | |
54. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanentde la Paix), Bern; and gobat, charles albert, Switzerland, 18431914. http://www.nobel.no/eng_lau_list.html | |
55. Premio Nobel/Paz - Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page und Tettau 1904 Institut de droit international (Institute of International Law)1903 William Randal Cremer 1902 Élie Ducommun, charles albert gobat 1901 Jean http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Premio_Nobel_de_la_Paz |
56. Premios Nóbel De La Paz Translate this page 1902 Ducommun, Elie (Suiza) gobat, charles A. (Suiza). 1925 Dawes, charles G. (EEUU)Chamberlain, (Joseph) Austen (Gran Bretaña 1952 Schweitzer, albert (Francia http://www.educar.org/articulos/NobelPaz.asp | |
57. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS international (Institute of International Law). 1903 William Randal Cremer.1902 Élie Ducommun, charles albert gobat. 1901 Jean Henry Dunant. http://www.anarchy.no/nobel.html | |
58. Friedensnobelpreis Translate this page 1902 Elie Ducommun (1833-1906), Schweiz Ehrensekretär des Ständigen InternationalenFriedensbüros charles albert gobat (1843-1914), Schweiz Sekretär der http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/kaiserreich/wissenschaft/nobelpreis/frieden/ | |
59. Personnages Illustres Translate this page Samuel gobat et son épouse Marie, née Zeller. DESCRIPTION DE SA VIE. JACOBgobat. charles albert gobat. Prix Nobel de la paix 1902. DESCRIPTION DE SA VIE. http://www.cremines.ch/cremines/personnages_illustres.htm | |
60. Peace Prize Winners 1901-1998 Sir William R. Cremer Founder, International Arbitration League 1902 Elie DucommunLectures and writings to promote peace charles albert gobat Activities in http://www.bloomington.k12.mn.us/peacesite/Peace_Prize_Winners_1901-1998/peace_p | |
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