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61. As It Happens: INTERNATIONAL: Gao Xingian's Soul Mountain: Nobel Prize: Literatu The Nobel Foundation The Nobel Prize web site has a press release about gao xingjian. gao xingjian wins Nobel Prize for Literature. http://www.radio.cbc.ca/programs/asithappens/international/nobel.html | |
62. Note De Lectură Pe Marginea Unor Nuvele De Gao Xingjian Pe marginea unor nuvele de gao xingjian. Note de lectura. Volumul Une canne à pêche pour mon grandpère a fost promovat de Éditions http://revistarespiro.com/Issue4/ESEURI_Gao.htm | |
63. Mp13 Translate this page Quem é gao xingjian ? Com essa infeliz escolha de palavras, a Academia Sueca premiou o Sino-Francês gao xingjian com o Nobel de Literatura do ano 2000. http://www.geocities.com/slprometheus/html/mp13.htm | |
64. Gao Xingjian Translate this page Literaturnobelpreis 2000 (Nobel Prize Literature 2000) gao xingjian, franz. Kuenstler u. Schriftsteller, geb. 4. Jan. 1940. http://www.zuta.de/nplit/xingjian.htm | |
65. Les événements RFI Translate this page Né en 1940, gao xingjian, dans sa Chine natale, écrivait des pièces de théâtre et des essais consacrés à la littérature et traduisait Prévert et http://www.rfi.fr/fichiers/evenements/articles_evenements/limoges/gaoxingjian.as | |
66. BABELIA-ELPAIS.ES - Gao Xingjian Translate this page Ir a la página principal ENTREVISTA AL ESCRITOR gao xingjian. (Publicada en el Suplemento BABELIA del diario El Pais el sábado 24/3/2001). gao xingjian. http://www.arrakis.es/~trazeg/gao.html | |
67. Books By Gao Xingjian Books by gao xingjian. Price $17.95. Coop Discount 10%. Ink Paintings by gao xingjian by gao xingjian. Independent Publishers Group , cloth , 90 pages. http://www.frontlist.com/author/1038 | |
68. ?Salon Du Livre Gastland China Buchmesse Paris Ohne Gao Translate this page Salon du livre Gastland China Buchmesse Paris ohne gao xingjian Von Jürg Altwegg 19. März 2004 Gastland der Pariser Buchmesse http://www.faz.net/s/Rub1DA1FB848C1E44858CB87A0FE6AD1B68/Doc~E15CDCD37C275452DA0 | |
69. Gao Xingjian. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. gao xingjian. ( gou´ sh ing´jyän´) (KEY) , 1940, ChineseFrench novelist and playwright, b. Ganzhou. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ga/GaoXing.html | |
70. Gao Xingjian http://www.torbandena.com/archivio/gao.html | |
71. Schimmel Virtual Gallery: Front Wall Works by gao xingjian. You are now facing the front wall of the Schimmel Virtual Gallery. Click on any of the works to see a larger representation. http://www.pace.edu/schimmel/vg/gallery11/vgfront.html | |
72. BABELIA-ELPAIS.ES - Gao Xingjian rojos. La Soledad del Hombre. gao xingjian. http://www.elpais.es/suplementos/babelia/20010324/b6.html | |
73. Theater Workshop With Gao Xingjian Translate this page Theater-Workshop mit gao xingjian. ¸ß Der seit 1987 im französischen Exil lebende chinesische Dramatiker gao xingjian (geb. 1940 http://www.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/conf/theater.htm | |
74. Online NewsHour: Nobel Prize Winner - February 27, 2001 February 27, 2001. Ray Suarez talks with Chineseborn author gao xingjian, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature. Nobel Laureate gao xingjian, welcome. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/media/jan-june01/nobel_02-27.html | |
75. Gao_xingjian I gao xingjian I cao h¡nh kiÎn I ABC I. gao xingjian Literature Nobel 2000. I TiÌu sø I Gi¨i thõêng I B¡i Anh ngù I B¡i http://www.nhanvan.com/thuvien/authors/gao_xingjian.htm | |
76. Artfacts.Net: Gao Xingjian Translate this page Artists, Exhibitions, Galleries. Deutsch. gao xingjian 23.1. Participating Artists gao xingjian, Email this page. Ads. artprice. http://artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/exhibitionInfo/exhibition/8242 | |
77. Alibris: Gao Xingjian Used, new outof-print books by author gao xingjian. Offering browse BOOKS, Browse for author gao xingjian matched 10 titles. Sometimes http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Gao Xingjian | |
78. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Interview with gao xingjian Literature makes it possible to hold on to one s awareness of oneself as human http//www.france.diplomatie.fr/label_france http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=gao-810 |
79. [Éditions Caractères]Visite à Gao Xingjian Et Yang Lian Translate this page gao xingjian et YANG Lian Deux grands auteurs contemporains chinois. Visite à gao xingjian et Yang Lian. gao xingjian, Notes parisiennes, 1990. Extraits. http://www.editions-caracteres.fr/article.php3?id_article=19 |
80. [Éditions Caractères] GAO Xingjian Et YANG Lian Translate this page Accueil. Visite à gao xingjian et Yang Lian . gao xingjian et YANG Lian. gao xingjian. Visite à gao xingjian et Yang Lian. FÉVRIER 2004. http://www.editions-caracteres.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=15 |
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