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41. Gao Xingjian - CV Translate this page gao xingjian, Romancier, dramaturge, metteur en scène et peintre, gao xingjian est né à Ganzhou en Chine en 1940. Il fait des http://www.theatre-contemporain.net/auteurs/gao/default.asp | |
42. Gao Xingjian - David Higham Associates gao xingjian. Titles Chinese playwright, novelist and artist gao xingjian became a critic of the Communist regime as a young man. He http://www.davidhigham.co.uk/html/Clients/Xingjian | |
43. Gao Xingjian gao xingjian. M. gao xingjian et les éditions du Seuil ont une autre démarche. http://www.republique-des-lettres.fr/mars_2004/xingjian_gao.php | |
44. Gao Xingjian gao xingjian. Le Salon du livre de Paris, qui se tiendra cette année http://www.republique-des-lettres.fr/fevrier_2004/xingjian_gao.php | |
45. Australian Literary Management - Gao Xingjian - Swedish Academy Bibliographical gao xingjian. Swedish Academy bibliographical notes. A selection of works by gao xingjian in English Wild Man A Contemporary Chinese Spoken Drama / transl. http://www.austlit.com/gao/gao-svenska-akademien.html | |
46. Australian Literary Management - Gao Xingjian - Soul Mountain, Chapter One Links to Soul Mountain - Chapter One Mabel Lee - Introduction to Soul Mountain Swedish Acedemy - bibliographical note Back to gao xingjian note. gao xingjian. http://www.austlit.com/gao/soul-mountain.html | |
47. MSN Encarta - Gao Xingjian Translate this page gao xingjian. gao xingjian (1940- ), escritor, pintor y músico chino, nacionalizado francés, galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Literatura en el año 2000. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1121500737/Gao_Xingjian.html | |
48. Photographs Of Gao Xingjian gao xingjian speaking to SOAS staff and students of Chinese on the afternoon of 8 March 2001. gao xingjian signing copies of Soul Mountain after the lecture. http://www.soas.ac.uk/literatures/Public/gaophotos.html | |
49. CLCWeb Comparative Literature And Culture A WWWeb Journal As a translator, she has brought the novel Soul Mountain by Nobel Laureate 2000 gao xingjian to English readers (Sydney HarperCollinsPublishers, 2000 http http://clcwebjournal.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb00-3/lee00.html | |
50. LiberOnWeb - Rizzoli - La Scala - Gao Xingjian http://www.liberonweb.com/rizzoli/ls_gao.asp | |
51. The Second Circle T H E S ECON D C IRC LE. r eview. SOUL MOUNTAIN by gao xingjian reviewed by Fionn Meade. UNTIL Mountain. SOUL MOUNTAIN by gao xingjian. http://www.thesecondcircle.com/fdm/xing.html | |
52. Gao Xingjian encyclopediaEncyclopedia gao xingjian, gou shiing jyän Pronunciation Key. Related content from HighBeam Research on gao xingjian. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0907192.html | |
53. Lire : Le Magazine Littéraire. L'actualité De La Littérature Francaise Et De Translate this page gao xingjian, un prix Nobel comme le jour Asiatique XXe siècle XXIe siècle Poésie Roman Théâtre par Rémi Coignet Lire.fr, novembre 2000 http://www.lire.fr/site.asp/idC=42229&idTC=29&idR=242&idG= | |
54. Gao Xingjian - Encyclopedia Article About Gao Xingjian. Free Access, No Registra encyclopedia article about gao xingjian. gao xingjian in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. gao xingjian. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Gao Xingjian | |
55. LIBROS EN RED - LibrosEnRed - Libros Digitales Gratis - Editorial - Autores - Li Translate this page gao xingjian - Premio Nobel De Literatura 2000. Eliane Farias, 18/11/2000. gao xingjian, escritor disidente, es el primer chino en recibir el Premio Nobel. http://www.librosenred.com/novedad.asp?id_articulo=52 |
56. Libération : Gao Xingjian Dit Non Au Salon Du Livre Translate this page tetiereculture. gao xingjian dit non au Salon du Livre Le Prix Nobel français met fin à plusieurs mois de controverse. Enfin peut-être. http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=186321 |
57. GAO XINGJIAN Inchiostri Su Carta 1983-1993 Translate this page gao xingjian Inchiostri su carta 1983-1993. TRIESTE GALLERIA TORBANDENA-TEATRO MIELA 4 aprile - 4 maggio 2003. gao xingjian Inchiostri su carta 1983-1993. http://www.miela.it/eventi/gaoxingjian/ | |
58. Gao Xingjian: A Literary Journey (e-link=Gao) Although his novel Soul Mountain is all about questioning of literature, Chinese history and even language gao xingjian, the first Chinese writer to win http://www.cityu.edu.hk/cityutoday/news/category/outreach/visits/n20010131_02.ht | |
59. Nobel Prize, Chinese Literature And Gao Xingjian (e-link=Gao Xingjian) Prize in Literature travelled across languages and cultures, from distant Sweden to arrive, for the first time, in the hands of a Chinese writergao xingjian. http://www.cityu.edu.hk/cityutoday/news/category/development/culture/n20010501_2 | |
60. Autorenverzeichnis: Xingjian Gao Translate this page Ab 1980, vier Jahre Zum Verlag . Autor Xingjian Gao gao xingjian (Gao ist der Familienname) wurde 1940 in Ganzhou in Ostchina geboren. http://www.perlentaucher.de/autoren/7167.html | |
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