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21. Gao Xingjian - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia gao xingjian. (The Other Shore Plays by gao xingjian , 1986); ? ( A Fishing Rod for my Old Man , 1986) a short story collection; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gao_Xingjian | |
22. Gao XINGJIAN Biography of gao xingjian Bookbrowse.comA biography of gao xingjian, plus a substantial book excerpt and multiple book reviews from one or more recent books, at BookBrowse.com. http://www.cercle-bleu.fr/Gao-9606/default.htm | |
23. Im Gegenwind (Feuilleton, NZZ Online) gao xingjian und seine neue Heimat. http://u003sys0.nzz.ch/online/01_nzz_aktuell/feuilleton/00_feuilleton.htm | |
24. An Interview With Gao Xingjian - Bookbrowse.com An interview with gao xingjian, plus a substantial book excerpt and multiple book reviews from one or more recent books, at BookBrowse.com. http://www.bookbrowse.com/index.cfm?page=author&authorID=529&view=interview |
25. EVENE - Gao Xingjian - Biographie Translate this page Lundi 24 mai. gao xingjian Ecrivain français de langue chinoise Né à Ganzhou le 04 janvier 1940. SA BIOGRAPHIE De père banquier http://www.evene.fr/celebre/fiche.php?id_auteur=3635 |
26. EVENE - Gao Xingjian - Citations http://www.evene.fr/citations/auteur.php?ida=3635 |
27. Gao Xingjian, Nobelpreis Literatur 2000, Special - Lettern.de Translate this page gao xingjian - ein Chinese in Paris Der in Paris lebende chinesische Künstler und Schriftsteller Gao Xingjan erhielt den Nobelpreis für Literatur 2000. http://www.lettern.de/spgao.htm | |
28. Galerie La Tour Des Cardinaux - Gao Xingjian gao xingjian en ce qui concerne les arts http://www.cardinaux.com/site/gao.htm |
29. Galerie La Tour Des Cardinaux - Gao Xingjian Translate this page http://www.cardinaux.com/site_eng/gao_eng.htm |
30. Le Monde.fr : Gao Xingjian, écrivain Seul Et Libre, Par Liliane Et Noël Dutrai Translate this page POINT DE VUE gao xingjian, écrivain seul et libre, par Liliane et Noël Dutrait LE MONDE 12.02.04 Imprimer Envoyer par mail Classer. Invité ? http://www.lemonde.fr/txt/article/0,1-0@2-3232,36-352679,0.html | |
31. Gao Xingjian http://users.swing.be/paul-malvaux/xingjian.html | |
32. BBC News | WORLD | Profile: Gao Xingjian Profile of gao xingjian the first Chinese writer ever to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/newsid_968000/968684.stm | |
33. Gespräch Mit Gao Xingjian -"Die Literatur Erlaubt Es Uns, Das Bewusstsein Als M Translate this page Label France Wie definieren Sie sich heute? Über das Exil, die Schöpfung? gao xingjian Ich betrachte mich als einen Weltenbürger. http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/label_france/DEUTSCH/LETTRES/gao_xingjian/page.htm | |
34. Interview With Gao Xingjian "Literature Makes It Possible To Hold On To One's Aw Back to contents n°43 04/2001. n October 12, 2000 gao xingjian became the first writer in Chinese to be awarded the Nobel prize for Literature. http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/label_france/ENGLISH/LETTRES/gao_xingjian/page.htm | |
35. Gao Xingjian Receives 2000 Nobel Prize In Literature East Asian Studies News File. gao xingjian Receives 2000 Nobel Prize in Literature. October 12, 2000. Earlier Discussions of gao xingjian s Work. http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/documents/2000Nobel.htm | |
36. Gao Xingjian - HarperCollins gao xingjian gao xingjian (whose name is pronounced gow shing-jen) is the first Chinese recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. gao xingjian. http://www.harpercollins.com/catalog/author_xml.asp?authorid=20863 |
37. An Interview With Author Amitav Ghosh. A Conversation with gao xingjian gao xingjian is the first Chinese recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Born in 1940 in Jiangxi http://www.asiasource.org/arts/gao.cfm | |
38. Mairie De Metz - Gao Xingjian Translate this page gao xingjian RECU A METZ. Le Sénateur-Maire Metz. Peintre, écrivain et metteur en scène, gao xingjian est né en 1940 en Chine. Il est http://www.mairie-metz.fr:8080/METZ/CULTURE/CULT_XINGJIAN.html | |
39. Gao Xingjian http://www.fnac.net/le_cafe_litteraire_2001/html/gao_xingjian.html | |
40. Mimers Brunn - Skolarbeten, Uppsatser Och Artiklar I Seriös Tappning Mimers Brunn / Kategorier / Personer / gao xingjian Skrivet av Jonas Nilsson Kinesisk författare och konstnär, född i Ganzhou i Jiangxiprovinsen i östra http://www.mimersbrunn.se/arbeten/1193.asp | |
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