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62. International Dennis Gabor Award (IDGA) In The Year Of 2003 a competition for experts who have made significant contribution to scientific fieldsinspired by the scientific achievements of dennis gabor (such as applied http://www.kfki.hu/opportunities/gaborddij_2003eng.html | |
63. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Fyzika (1964-1984) Alfvén, Hannes OG III. Néel, Louis EFI; Néel, Louis EF II. 1971. gabor, dennisI. gabor, dennis II. gabor, dennis III. 1972. Bardeen, John I. Bardeen, John II. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=945 |
64. Rugby Biographies rules. gabor, dennis 1900 1979. dennis came to England in 1934 havingbeen born in Hungary and educated at Budapest and Berlin. http://www.rugby-local-history.org.uk/biog.html | |
65. Dennis Gabor Foundation Fundatia GÁBOR DÉNES GÁBOR DÉNES Alapítvány dennis gabor Foundation. http://www.dntcj.ro/gdf/ | |
66. World Of Quotes - Dennis Gabor Quotes. dennis gabor Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with authorand subject indexes. 2 Quotes for dennis gabor in the Database. Pages 1. http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Dennis-Gabor/1/ | |
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71. History For Sale - Nobel Prize Autographs DENNIS GABOR dennis gabor SIGNATURE(S) - DOCUMENT 201803. dennis gabor. Signature dennis gabor , 8¼x5¾ sheet with his letterhead as Chairman http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prodetails.asp?documentid=201803&start=1&page |
72. Learn More About Dennis Gabor In The Online Encyclopedia. Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answered aboutdennis gabor. You are here Online Encyclopedia dennis gabor. dennis gabor. http://www.onlineencyclopedia.org/d/de/dennis_gabor.html | |
73. Gabore dennis gabor (June 5, 1900 Budapest February 9, 1979 London) Nobel Prizefor Physics, for his invention annd development of holographic method. http://www.inventor.hu/hireken/gabore.htm | |
74. Autiobiografie Van Dennis Gabor, Ontdekker En Ontwikkelaar Van De Holografie. _, Autiobiografie van dennis gabor, ontdekker en ontwikkelaar van deholografie. De jaren na de oorlog waren goed voor dennis gabor. http://www.stack.nl/~wvengen/uni/history/autobio_sum.php | |
75. Hologram (Information) Theory, Wave/Particle Duality And Quantum dennis gabor, Holography, 19481971 , Science, 177, 1972, 304. Free downloadgetacro. 2 gabor, dennis. Holography, 1948-1971 . Science, 177, 1972, 299ff. http://www.cox-internet.com/hermital/holoprt7-1.htm |
76. Peter&Partner, Dennis-Gabor-Strasse 2, D14469 Potsdam Translate this page unkown http://www.peterundpartner.de/deutsch/start.html | |
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78. Granular Synthesis - Discography & Bibliography gabor, dennis (1946) Theory of Communication The Journal of the Institutionof Electrical Engineers. London Unwin Brothers. 93(3) 429457. http://www.granularsynthesis.live.com.au/disc.html | |
79. Dennis Gabor - Dictionary Definition Dictionary Definitions, Dictionary Definition of dennis gabor. Click Here,The noun dennis gabor has 1 senses. http://www.yourdictionary.net/Dennis Gabor.html | |
80. Letter From Dennis Gabor IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGProfessor D gabor CBE, D.Sc, Dr.Ing, F.Inst.P, FIEE, FRS. D gabor. http://www.holography.demon.co.uk/reviews/regab.htm |
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