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41. Gallery Guide - Dennis Gabor Hologram (1971) options . dennis gabor hologram (1971). Holography was invented in 1948by Hungarian scientist dennis gabor, who won a Nobel Prize for his work. http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/galleryguide/E3103.asp | |
42. Gallery Guide - Dennis Gabor Hologram (1971) dennis gabor hologram (1971). Holography was invented in 1948 by Hungarianscientist dennis gabor, who won a Nobel Prize for his work. http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/galleryguide/E3103.asp?showinfo=yes |
43. Dennis Gabor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia MSN Encarta gabor, dennis - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Gabor | |
44. Dennis Gabor Quotes And Quotations - BrainyQuote dennis gabor Quotes, Poetry dennis gabor Till now man has been up againstNature; from now on he will be up against his own nature. dennis http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/d/dennis_gabor.html | |
45. Dennis Gabor Quotes And Quotations - BrainyQuote dennis gabor Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them. Addthe Quote of the Day to Your Site it s Easy! dennis gabor Quotes, http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/dennisgabo107282.html | |
46. AIM25: Thesaurus-assisted Personal Name Search 3 Match(es). Your search was gabor dennis 19001979 physicist.Your search matched 3 record(s). Numbers 1 to 3 are listed here. http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/thesaurus/thes_search?keyword=Gabor | Dennis | 19 |
47. MSN Encarta - Gabor, Dennis Translate this page Sind Sie schon Abonennt? Melden Sie sich oben an. gabor, dennis. ErfahrenSie mehr über gabor, dennis aus, Andere Features aus Encarta. http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562367/Gabor_Dennis.html | |
48. Lexikon - Dennis Gabor Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Translate this page Google News zum Stichwort. dennis gabor. Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärungim Lexikon. Artikel auf Englisch dennis gabor. http://www.net-lexikon.de/Dennis-Gabor.html |
49. History Of Holography Scientist dennis gabor developed the theory of holography whileworking to improve the resolution of an electron microscope. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blholography.htm | |
50. NOVOFER International Dennis Gabor Award TeL. (36 1) 3198913, Fax (36 1) 319-8916, GSM (36 30) 210-1515. INTERNATIONALdennis gabor AWARD. International dennis gabor Award (IDGA) in the year of 2003. http://www.novofer.hu/w_igdaw.html | |
51. Dennis Gabor College http://www.szamalk.hu/okk/English/GDF.htm | |
52. Dennis Gabor College dennis gabor College of Technology Distance Education Foundation. dennis gaborCollege. Address H1115 Budapest, Etele út 68. Phone (+36-1) 203-0304. Fax http://www.szamalk.hu/okk/English/GDFMain.htm | |
53. Antoine Henri Becquerel gabor, dennis. 19001979. Biography. On June 5, 1900, dennis gabor wasborn to Bertalan and Adrienne gabor in Budapest, Hungary. http://stwi.weizmann.ac.il/g-junior/matmon/common_tools/scientists/gabor.htm | |
54. Dennis Gabor, Inventor And Nobel Laureate dennis gabor, inventor and Nobel Laureate. gabor was the ideal candidatefor the Nobel prize in physics (1971), since Nobel s will http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~streater/gabor.html | |
55. Dennis Gabor :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius dennis gabor. Online Encyclopedia dennis gabor (Gábor Dénes) (5th June, 1900,Budapest 9th February, 1979, London) was a Hungarian physicist. dennis gabor. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/d/de/dennis_gabor.html | |
56. Dennis Gabor Translate this page http://membres.lycos.fr/holotpe/id52.htm | |
57. Dennis Gabor Definition Meaning Information Explanation dennis gabor. dennis gabor (G¡bor D©nes) (5th June, 1900, Budapest 9th February, 1979, London) was a Hungarian physicist. http://www.free-definition.com/Dennis-Gabor.html | |
58. Dennis Gabor [Pictures And Photos Of] old age ; full-face ; suit. dennis gabor....... dennis gabor. dennis gabor Picture, Photo, Photograph; old age ; fullface; suit; gabor A1. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Gabor_Dennis.html | |
59. Stereoscopy.com - FAQ dennis gabor. dennis gabor. dennis gabor (Gábor Dénes) was born in Budapest,Hungary, on June 5, 1900 and died in London on February 8th, 1979. http://www.stereoscopy.com/faq/gabor.html | |
60. Dennis Gabor Translate this page dennis gabor. 1900 - 1979. Für die Mehrheit der Menschen ist Arbeit die einzigeZerstreuung, die sie auf Dauer aushalten können. zum nächsten Autor. http://www.otium-bremen.de/autoren/a-gabor.htm | |
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