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Frank Ilja Mikhailovich: more detail |
1. Born 22 Sept 1791 In Newington Butts, Surrey (now London) England frank ilja mikhailovich (19081990) USSR. 1958 Nobel Physics prizefor the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect. http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/PHPerson/F.htm | |
2. Nobel Prizes In Physics radiation. 1958. ilja mikhailovich frank. Russian. radiation 43. 1958. frank, ilja mikhailovich. Sergei I. Vavilov http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS | |
3. Nobel Prize Laureates With Russian Roots Aleksandr mikhailovich Prokhorov, was born in 1916 in family of emigrant from Russia ilja mikhailovich frank ( 1908 1990), was born in Saint-Petersberg, Russia http://www.rusalma.org/publ/nobel | |
4. Christiaan Stange's Strange Bedfellows Bookshop: Fyodor Dostoevsky Usually ships in 24 hours. Joseph frank / Paperback / Published 1979 ships in 24 hours. Fyodor mikhailovich Dostoevsky, James L study of the demonic in their work. ilja Kostovski http://www.kiosek.com/bookshop/dostoevsky_part2.html | |
5. Nagroda Nobla W Dziedzinie Fizyki - Wikipedia Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov. ilja mikhailovich frank. Igor Yergenyevich Tamm Cecil frank Powell. za rozwinicie metody (kliszy) fotograficznej badania procesów jdrowych i za http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagroda_Nobla_z_fizyki |
6. [1958 Nobel Prize Recipients In Chemistry, Physics, And Physiology Or Medicine] EL Tatum, Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm (physics) , Frederick Sanger (chemistry), PavelAlekseyevich Cherenkov (physics), ilja mikhailovich frank (physics), Joshua http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/BB/B/A/A/Z/ | |
7. Nagroda Nobla Z Fizyki - 1958 osrodku . Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov. ilja mikhailovich frank. IgorYevgenyevich Tamm. 1/3 nagrody. 1/3 nagrody. 1/3 nagrody. ZSRR. ZSRR.ZSRR. http://fizykmania.w.interia.pl/nobel/nobel1958.htm | |
8. Albert-Martmöller-Gymnasium Witten - Physik-Projekt Translate this page Fermat * Enrico Fermi * Richard Phillip Feynman * Hippolyte Fizeau * Jean BernardLéon Foucault * James Franck * ilja mikhailovich frank * Benjamin franklin http://ping.de/schule/amg/projekte/physik/physik.htm | |
9. FOM - Persberichten 1958 Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, ilja mikhailovich frank en Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm,Voor de ontdekking en interpretatie van het Cherenkoveffect (namelijk dat http://www.fom.nl/nieuws/nobelprijzen/alle.html | |
10. RussianCourier.com - Information - Personalities - Russian Noble Prize Winners. Russian epic tradition. (1958, literature) ilja mikhailovich frank (19081990), was born in Saint-Petersberg, Russia. The Prize for http://www.russiancourier.com/eng/info/personalities/162/ | |
11. Max-Born-Institut, Mitarbeiterliste Translate this page Fischer, frank, Z2, S-Dienst, Hotline Z2, 3777, ffischer@mbi-berlin.de. Lachko,ilja mikhailovich, B3, Haus B, 3.7, 1325, lachko@mbi-berlin.de. http://www.mbi-berlin.de/de/organization/staff/alphabetically/staff_print.html |
12. Premios_nobel_fisica Translate this page 1958, PAVEL ALEKSEYEVICH CHERENKOV - ilja mikhailovich frank - IGOR YEVGENYEVICHTAMM. 1959, EMILIO GINO SEGRE - OWEN CHAMBERLAIN. 1960, DONALD ARTHUR GLASER. http://es.geocities.com/tematika2003/premios_nobel_fisica.htm | |
13. Osteuropa-Institut Berlin, Arbeitsbereich Geschichte Und Kultur Translate this page frank Kämpfer Das frühsowjetische Plakat als historische ilja Mieck Osteuropäerin Santiago de Compostela. Clarke Waugh The Library of Aleksei mikhailovich. http://www.oei.fu-berlin.de/~geku/html/forschung/publi_fog_inh.htm | |
14. Wiley-VCH - Books | Physics | Thermal Physics | Fundamentals Of Classical And St 3527-30317-0 Smirnov, Boris mikhailovich Physics of ISBN 3-527-29610-7 Incropera,frank P. Liquid 0 Ferguson, David M. / Siepmann, J. ilja / Truhlar, Donald G http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/books/bySubjectPH00/bySubSubjectPH80/0-470-84 |
15. Top 500 Translate this page 2512 19 2003 444 BLR Korneevets, Alexandr mikhailovich 2512 24 2002 2509 37 2002 465BUL SIM Hristov, ilja 2509 330 2508 54 1998 477 GER Schmidt, frank 2508 18 http://opalnet.pl/~szachy/ratings/iccfall.htm | |
16. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Katalog Clavius Igor,19251997(12) Zhukov,Igor mikhailovich(1) Zibaso Zimmermann,Bernd Alois,19..(7)Zimmermann,frank Peter(1 Zjuzjukin,Ivan Ivanovic(1) Zlámal,ilja(1) Zlámal http://katalog.kjm.cz/clslaz.htm | |
17. Recent Acquisitions: December 2003 of the East enlargement of the EU / ilja Srubar (ed ScottSmith and H. KrabbendamLondon frank Cass, 2003 SSEES R.IX.b RUS Aleksei mikhailovich / Igor Andreev http://www.ssees.ac.uk/nbdec03.htm | |
18. ErdosA, Version 2004, February 2, 2004 This Is A List Of All Kornyei, I. Korobov, Nikolai mikhailovich Korte, Bernhard Leibman, Alexander Leighton,frank Thomson Leindler Martins, Cleide Martisovits, ilja Marton, Katalin http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/ErdosA | |
19. New Acquisitions Former Soviet Union - February 2004 ilja Repin auf der Suche nach Russland / herausgegeben von Main Stack PL451.A632001 Alpatov, Vladimir mikhailovich. London ; Portland, OR frank Cass, 2003 http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/Slavic/sov0204.html | |
20. HOOVER INSTITUTION ARCHIVES HOLDINGS ON WORLD WAR, 1914-1916. frank, Colman D. Miscellaneous papers, 19181919. Includes second statement on samesubject by ilja Trotzky Georgii mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1863-1919 http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/wwi/comment/hoover.htm | |
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