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         Franck James:     more books (62)
  1. Max Born, James Franck, Physiker in ihrer Zeit: Der Luxus des Gewissens : Ausstellung der Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Ausstellungskataloge ... Preussischer Kulturbesitz) (German Edition)
  2. James Franck und Max Born in Gottingen: Reden zur akademischen Feier aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr ihres Geburtsjahres (Gottinger Universitatsreden) (German Edition)
  3. A History of England, Volume 4 by James Franck Bright, 2010-03-24
  4. English History for the Use of Public Schools by James Franck Bright, 2010-03-22
  5. French Exercises: On Rules Taken From The Marlborough French Grammar (1884) by James Franck Bright, 2010-05-22
  6. Maria Theresa by James Franck Bright, 2010-03-09
  7. History of England by James Franck Bright, 2010-08-14
  8. A History of England, Volume 5 by James Franck Bright, 2010-03-16
  9. James Franck: the Scientist and Political Responsibility
  10. Ehrenbürger Von Göttingen: Carl Friedrich Gauß, Otto Hahn, Manfred Eigen, Max Born, James Franck, Otto von Bismarck als Ehrenbürger (German Edition)
  11. Hochschullehrer (Baltimore): Charles Sanders Peirce, Riccardo Giacconi, James Franck, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Christian B. Anfinsen, René Girard (German Edition)
  12. James Franck
  13. Science and Conscience: World of Two Atomic Scientists, Max Born and James Franck by J W B Lemmerich, 1983-06
  14. Joseph II. by Rev. J. Franck Bright by Bright. J. Franck (James Franck). 1832-1920., 1897-01-01

1. Franck
James Franck (18821964). BACK TO GALLERY INDEX. Lastmodified, May 27, 2003.
James Franck BACK TO GALLERY INDEX Last modified, May 27, 2003.

2. James Franck
franck james. Coleman,P. The Liberal Conspiracy. 1989 (107); Constantine,A.Psychic Dictatorship in the USA 1995 (190); Quigley,C. Tragedy and Hope.
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3. WIEM: Franck James
franck james (18821964), fizyk niemiecki, profesor uniwersytetu wGetyndze, od 1935 w USA. Fizyka, Niemcy franck james (1882-1964).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Franck James
Franck James (1882-1964), fizyk niemiecki, profesor uniwersytetu w  Getyndze , od 1935 w USA. Od 1913 prowadzi³ prace (wraz z  G. Hertzem ) nad wzbudzaniem i  jonizacj± atomów, za co obaj otrzymali Nagrodê Nobla w 1925. By³ wspó³autorem sformu³owania zasady, w my¶l której moleku³y nie ulegaj± przemieszczeniu w wyniku przej¶æ kwantowych zachodz±cych w nich. Do¶wiadczalnie wykaza³ istnienie dyskretnych poziomów energetycznych atomów. W 1945 by³ przeciwny zrzuceniu bomby atomowej w Japonii (tzw. raport Francka). WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

4. James Franck [Pictures And Photos Of]
James Franck. James Franck Picture, Photo, Photograph; middle age; threequarterview; moustache; suit; franck james A11. Item ID franck james A11.
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For more information visit our home page Niels Henrik David Bohr, Albert Einstein, James Franck, Isidor Isaac Rabi Description L-R: Bohr, Franck, Einstein, Rabi, on the occasion of Francks and Einsteins receiving honorary degrees of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology; Princeton; Item ID Bohr D5 Niels Henrik David Bohr, James Franck, George von Hevesy Description L to R: Bohr, Franck, Hevesy ; suit ; standing ; talking Item ID Bohr N C16 Niels Henrik David Bohr, James Franck Description L-R: Bohr, Franck, Hans Marius Hansen ; suit ; sitting ; talking ; table Item ID Bohr N C27 Niels Henrik David Bohr, James Franck Description L-R: Bohr, Franck ; talking ; Copenhagen Conference Item ID Bohr N C43 Niels Henrik David Bohr, Max Born, James Franck, Oskar Benjamin Klein Description L-R standing: Carl Wilhelm Oseen, Bohr, Franck, Klein. Born is seated. outdoors ; smiling ; Göttingen ; at the "Bohr Festspiels" Item ID Bohr N E2 Max Born, James Franck, Robert Wichard Pohl

5. Hertha Sponer-Franck [Pictures And Photos Of]
age, fullface, suit, moustache, standing, talking, smiling, outdoors; excursionto the Weser, 1929. LR Franck, Oldenberg, Sponer-Franck; franck james C5.
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For more information visit our home page James Franck, Hertha Sponer-Franck Description L-R: Franck, Otto Oldenberg, Sponer-Franck ; standing ; talking ; outdoors Item ID Franck C4 James Franck, Otto Oldenberg, Hertha Sponer-Franck Description middle age, full-face, suit, moustache, standing, talking, smiling, outdoors; "excursion to the Weser, 1929." L-R: Franck, Oldenberg, Sponer-Franck Item ID Franck James C5

6. James Franck - Encyclopedia Article About James Franck. Free Access, No Registra
encyclopedia article about James Franck. James Franck in Free online English dictionary,thesaurus and encyclopedia. Franck, James, deutscher Physiker, * 26. Franck
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James Franck
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition James Franck August 26 August 26 is the 238th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (239th in leap years). There are 127 days remaining.
  • 55 BC - Julius Caesar invades Britain
  • 1071 - The Seljuk Turks defeat the Byzantine Empire at Manzikert
  • 1346 - Battle of Crécy
  • 1429 - Joan of Arc enters Paris
  • 1498 - Michelangelo commissioned to carve the Pieta
  • 1789 - Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen approved by Constituent Assembly at Versailles

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 -
  • February 2 - The Knights of Columbus are formed in New Haven, Connecticut
  • February 7 - In Mississippi City the last heavyweight boxing championship bareknuckle fight takes place.

Click the link for more information. May 20 May 20 is the 140th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (141st in leap years). There are 225 days remaining.
  • 325 - First Council of Nicaea - first "Ecumenical Council" of the Christian Church.

7. James Franck
James Franck, Education on the Internet James Franck was born in Hamburg,Germany, on 26th August, 1882. He studied at the University
James Franck
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James Franck was born in Hamburg, Germany , on 26th August, 1882. He studied at the University of Heildelberg before obtaining his doctorate from the University of Berlin in 1906. Franck stayed in Berlin and with Gustav Hertz carried out experiments where they bombarded mercury atoms with electrons and traced the energy changes that resulted from the collisions. Their experiments helped to substantiate they theory put forward by Nils Bohr that an atom can absorb internal energy only in precise and definite amounts. During the First World War Franck served in the German Army and after the war he became professor of experimental physics at Gottingen.

8. James Franck - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
James Franck. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. James Franck (August26, 1882 May 20, 1964) was a German physicist and Nobel laureate.
James Franck
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
James Franck August 26 May 20 ) was a German physicist and Nobel laureate He was born in Hamburg , and did research in the United States regarding quantum physics . For this work, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics This article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it Categories Nobel Prize in Physics winners Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox

9. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Franck James
franck james . Page 1 sur 1.*, Réservé htm. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour franck james .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Franck James" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Franck, James Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Franck, James (1882-1964), physicien et chimiste am©ricain d’origine allemande. James Franck Encyclop©die EncartaImage espace, exploration de l' Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article espace, exploration de l' ski Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article ski R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search Portraits de personnages celebres : FRAN
Images of famous historical people whose name begins with F. Images de personnages historiques c�l�bres dont le nom commence par F
The Yards de James Gray avec Mark Wahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix et Charlize Theron

The Yards Mark Wahlberg et Joaquin Phoenix r¨glent leurs comptes dans un drame sobre et classieux. Un chef d'oeuvre L©o Handler vient de purger une peine de prison afin de prot©ger un groupe d'amis.

10. Franck-jesse-james
for a reward. Frank James, Jesse James, Nashville, Tennessee, 1865.franck james. JESSE JAMESJackson County, Missouri, 1862, age 14.
Name Alexander Franklin James Born in 1843 Clay County, Missouri Died in 1915 War Service served in the War for Southern Independence, joining the regular Confederate Army and was in the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. Later, he joined the Confederate guerrilla forces under William C. Quantrill. Post War Outlaw Name Jesse Woodson James Born September 5 1847 Clay County, Missouri Died killed on April 2,1882 and buried in Kearney, Missouri. War Service served in the War for Southern Independence, joining the regular Confederate Army and was in the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. Later, he joined the Confederate guerrilla forces under William C. Quantrill. Post War Outlaw Alexander Franklin James (1843-1915) Born in Clay County, Missouri. Frank served in the War for Southern Independence, joining the regular Confederate Army and was in the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. Later, he joined the Confederate guerrilla forces under William C. Quantrill. After the war, Frank helped organize a band of ex-Confederates who did not accept the Union victory but did see great value in Union dollars. Frank surrendered to the Governor of Missouri after his brother Jesse’s death. Frank submitted himself to justice but was never convicted of any crimes. He died in 1915, an American patriot and productive member of society. Jesse Woodson James (1847-1882) Born in Clay County, Missouri. Jesse joined a band of Confederate raiders during the War for Southern Independence. After the war he and his brother Frank joined a group of men that would eventually be known as the “James Gang.” At first they robbed banks, but in 1873 they began robbing trains. One of Jesse’s gang, Bob Ford, finally shot him for a reward

11. James Franck
James Franck. Franck, James, deutscher Physiker, * 26. 8. 1882 Hamburk,† 20. 5. 1964 G ? ttingen; Lebte seit 1933 v brlohu USA.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
James Franck
Franck, James, deutscher Physiker, * 26. 8. 1882 Hamburk, † 20. 5. 1964 G � ttingen; Lebte seit 1933 v doupěti USA. Arbeitete haupts � chlich auf dem Gebiet der Quanten - und Kernphysik. 1925 erhielt er mit Gustav Ludwig Hertz doupě Nobelpreis (s. Nobelova cena ) f � r Untersuchungen � ber doupě Elektronensto � Gasmolek � len ( Franck-Hertz Versuch
Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

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james franck [n] United States physicist (born in Germany) who with Gustav Hertz performed an electron scattering experiment that proved the existence of the stationary energy states postulated by Niels Bohr (1882-1964) Synonyms: franck See Also: physicist
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13. Franck
James Franck. Born 26 Aug 1926 in Hamburg, Germany Died 21 may 1964 in Göttingen.James Franck was born on August 26, 1882, in Hamburg, Germany.
James Franck
Born: 26 Aug 1926 in Hamburg, Germany
Died: 21 may 1964 in Göttingen
James Franck was born on August 26, 1882, in Hamburg, Germany. After attending the Wilhelm Gymnasium there, he studied mainly chemistry for a year at the University of Heidelberg , and then studied physics at the University of Berlin, where his principal tutors were Emil Warburg and Paul Drude. He received his Ph.D. at Berlin in 1906 under Warburg, and after a short period as an assistant in Frankfurt-am-Main, he returned to Berlin to become assistant to Heinrich Rubens. In 1911, he obtained the "venia legendi" for physics to lecture at the University of Berlin, and remained there until 1918 (with time out for the war in which he was awarded the Iron Cross, first class) as a member of the physics faculty having achieved the rank of associate professor.
After World War I, he was appointed member and Head of the Physics Division in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry at Berlin-Dahlem, which was at that time under the chairmanship of Fritz Haber. In 1920, Franck became Professor of Experimental Physics and Director of the Second Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Göttingen. During the period 1920-1933, when Göttingen became an important center for quantum physics, Franck was closely cooperating with Max Born , who then headed the Institute for Theoretical Physics. It was in Göttingen that Franck revealed himself as a highly gifted tutor, gathering around him and inspiring a circle of students and collaborators (among them:

14. James Franck
James Franck. (26. srpna 1882 – 21. kvetna 1964). Nemecký fyzikJames Franck se narodil roku 1882 v zámožné židovské rodine.
James Franck (26. srpna 1882 – 21. kvìtna 1964) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1925 spoleènì s G. Hertzem za experimentální práce a objev zákonù ovládajících dopad elektronu na atom. Nìmecký fyzik James Franck se narodil roku 1882 v zámožné židovské rodinì. Vystudoval chemii na univerzitì v Heidelbergu, studium fyziky na univerzitì v Berlínì ukonèil doktorátem. V roce 1921 se stal profesorem experimentální fyziky a øeditelem fyzikálního ústavu na univerzitì v Göttingenu. Po nástupu Hitlera k moci pùsobil od roku 1935 na univerzitì v Chicagu. Zpoèátku Franck studoval atomové a molekulární procesy, které souvisely s vyzaøováním plynù a par a s ionizací molekul rùzných plynù. V roce 1914 spoleènì s Hertzem experimentálnì studiem ionizace par rtuti pøi srážkách s elektrony potvrdil hypotézu o diskrétních stavech atomu a ve stejné dobì se pøièinil o objasnìní všech druhotných reakcí, které doprovázejí fotochemické reakce. Spoleènì se svými studenty použil kvantovou mechaniku na objasnìní vztahù mezi vnitromolekulovými silami ve dvouatomových i mnohoatomových molekulách a spektry tìchto molekul a vytvoøil základy spektrální metody zkoumání chemických sil. Tyto jeho závìry potvrdila pozdìjší rozsáhlá experimentální mìøení. V roce 1945 stál v èele komise sedmi badatelù, která v memorandu, adresovaném ministru války USA, nedoporuèovala použití atomové bomby proti Japonsku.

15. Oskar Kelins Gästbok - James Franck
JAMES FRANCK. James Franck föddes 1882 i Hamburg och var bl.a. verksami Berlin. Där studerade han med Gustav Hertz åren kring
om Oskar Klein
Franck och Hertz fick nobelpris i fysik 1925 "med anledning av deras upptäckt av lagarna för stöten mellan en elektron och en atom". Alla texter: Nobelmuseet Kommentarer skickas till: info @ Albanova universitetscentrum av HIFAB

16. James Franck - Biography
james franck – Biography. james franck was born on August 26, 1882,in Hamburg, Germany. After attending the Wilhelm Gymnasium
James Franck was born on August 26, 1882, in Hamburg, Germany. After attending the Wilhelm Gymnasium there, he studied mainly chemistry for a year at the University of Heidelberg , and then studied physics at the University of Berlin, where his principal tutors were Emil Warburg and Paul Drude. He received his Ph.D. at Berlin in 1906 under Warburg, and after a short period as an assistant in Frankfurt-am-Main, he returned to Berlin to become assistant to Heinrich Rubens. In 1911, he obtained the "venia legendi" for physics to lecture at the University of Berlin, and remained there until 1918 (with time out for the war in which he was awarded the Iron Cross, first class) as a member of the physics faculty having achieved the rank of associate professor.
Max Born
Blackett , Condon, Kopfermann, Kroebel, Maier-Leibnitz, Oppenheimer, and Rabinovich, to mention some of them), who in later years were to be renowned in their own fields.
After the Nazi regime assumed power in Germany, Franck and his family moved to Baltimore, U.S.A., where he had been invited to lecture as Speyer Professor at Johns Hopkins University . He then went to Copenhagen, Denmark, as a guest professor for a year. In 1935, he returned to the United States as Professor of Physics at Johns Hopkins University, leaving there in 1938 to accept a professorship in physical chemistry at the

17. Atomic Bomb: Decision -- The Franck Report, June 11, 1945
UP to Leo Szilard Online. The franck Report, June 11, 1945 Members of the Committee james franck (Chairman) Donald J
UP to Atomic Bomb: Decision
UP to Leo Szilard Online
The Franck Report, June 11, 1945
Report of the Committee on Political and Social Problems
Manhattan Project "Metallurgical Laboratory"
University of Chicago, June 11, 1945
(The Franck Report) Members of the Committee:
James Franck (Chairman)
Donald J. Hughes
J. J. Nickson
Eugene Rabinowitch
Glenn T. Seaborg
J. C. Stearns Leo Szilard Source:
U.S. National Archives, Washington D.C.: Record Group 77, Manhattan Engineer District Records, Harrison-Bundy File, folder #76. SECRET This document consists of 16 pages and figures No. 2 of 6 copies, Series A This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, U.S.C. 50; 31 and 32. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET THIS PAGE REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED Order Sec Army By TAG per
Political and Social Problems
I. Preamble

18. Franck, James (1882-1964) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Physicists. Nationality. American. Nationality. German. Prize Winners. Nobel Prize. Physics Prize. franck, james (18821964)
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality American ... Physics Prize
Franck, James (1882-1964)

German-American physicist who worked with Gustav Hertz bombarding gases with electrons of differing energies. At small energies, the electron was reflected. As high enough energies, however, the electron was absorbed and a quantum of energy release. The two shared the 1925 Nobel Prize in physics for this work. Hertz (Gustav)

19. James Franck, Initiator Of The Franck Report
james franck headed a group of atomic scientists in preparing the james franck. james franck was born on August 26, 1882 in Hamburg, Germany In 1925 franck and Gustav Ludwig Hertz received the Nobel Prize in Physics for joint work investigating
home key issues history resources ... contact us James Franck James Franck was born on August 26, 1882 in Hamburg, Germany. He studied chemistry at the University of Heidleburg and then physics at the University of Berlin. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Berlin in 1906. From 1911-1918, he lectured at the University of Berlin. After World War I, he became the head of the Physics Division at Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. In 1925 Franck and Gustav Ludwig Hertz received the Nobel Prize in Physics for joint work investigating the behavior of free electrons in various gases and the inelastic impacts of electrons on atoms. Their investigations resulted in experimental proof of some of the basic concepts of Bohr's atomic theory. After the Nazi regime assumed power in Germany, Franck moved his family to Baltimore, Maryland and became a professor at Johns Hopkins University. In 1938, he became a professor at the University of Chicago. Franck headed a group of atomic scientists in preparing the "Franck Report" for the US War Department. The report urged an open demonstration of the atomic bomb in an uninhabited place as an alternative to using the weapon without warning on Japan.

20. James Franck Institute
Conducts research and sponsors colloquia on chemical materials.
External links: Departments Physical Sci. Div'n. Chemistry Computer Sciences Geophysics Mathematics Physics
Institutes Computational Enrico Fermi Biophysical Franke, humanities
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