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         Euler-chelpin Hans Karl August Simon Von:     more detail
  1. Person (Augsburg): Jürgen Möllemann, Johann Bayer, Hans Karl August Simon Von Euler-Chelpin, Afra Von Augsburg, Agnes Bernauer, Friedrich List (German Edition)

81. Verzeichnis | Mitglieder | Vorgängerakademien
Translate this page EULER, Leonhard, * 15.04.1707, † 18.09.1783. euler-chelpin, hans karl august Simonvon, * 15.02.1873, † 06.11.1964. EUTING, Julius, * 11.07.1839, † 02.01.1913.
Archiv der Berlin-
Brandenburgischen Akademie
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Verzeichnis E
B C D ... W X Y Z Name, Vorname Lebenszeit EBEL, Hermann Wilhelm EBELING, Daniel (Christoph Ludwig Daniel Friedrich) EBELING, Werner EBERHARD, Johann August ... EKWALL, Eilert * Okt. 1732 ELLER, Johann Theodor ELSNER, Jakob EMANUEL, Nikolai Markowitsch EMGE, Carl August ... EYTELWEIN, Johann Albert

82. November 7 - Today In Science History
hans von eulerchelpin. (source), Died 7 Nov 1964 (born 15 Feb 1873) hans karl AugustSimon von euler-chelpin, a German-born Swedish biochemist, shared the 1929
NOVEMBER 7 - BIRTHS Norton David Zinder
Born 7 Nov 1928
American biologist and molecular geneticist who studied a species of Salmonella (bacteria that cause illnesses such as typhoid fever or food poisoning in humans and other warm- blooded animals). He discovered genetic transduction, or transfer of genetic information by viruses. Genetic material is transferred from one bacterial cell to another by means of a phage, or a virus that invades the bacterial cell, assumes control over the cell's genetic material, reproduces, then eventually destroys the cell. His discovery of this genetic transfer has led to further studies into the mapping and behavior of genes found in bacteria. Daniel Nathans in collaboration with Zinder in 1962 demonstrated that RNA from a bacterial virus directed the synthesis by cell extracts of viral coat protein. Konrad Lorenz
Born 7 Nov 1903; died 27 Feb 1989.
Austrian zoologist , founder of modern ethology, the study of animal behaviour by means of comparative zoological methods. He was known affectionately by his pupils as the "father of the grey geese" which he studied. His ideas revealed how behavioral patterns may be traced to an evolutionary past, and he was also known for his work on the roots of aggression. He shared the 1973 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, for developing a unified, evolutionary theory of animal and human behaviour. He was also a vehement environmentalist, criticizing prodigality and believed that nature protection is necessary for the preservation of humanity. Even late in life, he participated in demonstrations even if in conflict with government and authorities.

83. Laureáti Nobelovy Ceny Za Chemii
1928, Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus. 1929, Sir Arthur Harden. 1929, hans karl AugustSimon von eulerchelpin. 1930, hans Fischer. 1931, Carl Bosch. 1931, Friedrich Bergius.
Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za chemii OLOMOUC, ALDA 1998 ISBN 80-85600-54-4 Struktura stránky: Na poèátku byl dynamit struèný životopis Alfreda Bernharda Nobela a histo rie Nobelovy nadace - Nobelova cena za chemii (pøehled státù podle poètu udìlených cen) Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za chemii v letech 1901-1998 Recenze knihy Kniha - Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za chemii Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21. 10. 1833 Stockholm - 10. 12. 1896 San Remo Na poèátku byl dynamit Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21. 10. 1833 Stockholm – 10. 12. 1896 San Remo) patøil k nejvýznamnìjším vynálezcùm devatenáctého století. Pøihlásil na tøistapadesát patentù ve všech státech svìta a málokdo se dožil uplatnìní svých vynálezù jako právì on. Jeho vynálezy byly výsledkem práce Nobelových laboratoøí v Nìmecku, Francii, Skotsku, Itálii a Švédsku. Své objevy realizoval v devadesáti továrnách a firmách dvaceti zemí pìti kontinentù. Pocházel z rodiny švédského chemika a podnikatele, ale rodina záhy odešla do Ruska, kde jeho otec díky vynálezùm protipìchotních a vodních min dosáhl velmi rychle váženého postavení. Alfred Nobel je znám pøedevším jako vynálezce smutnì proslaveného dynamitu (1867), ale obrovskou senzaci zpùsobil také jeho testament, který napsal na sklonku svého života 27. listopadu 1895 v Paøíži. Vyøízení pozùstalosti se protáhlo až do roku 1900, nebo nìkteøí zákonní dìdicové se snažili zpochybnit její platnost, a potíže nastaly také kvùli Nobelovu skuteènému bydlišti a váhavému postoji institucí, které mìly podle závìti pøevzít odpovìdnost pøi udílení penìžitých odmìn. Založení Nobelovy nadace a pøedpisy pro instituce oprávnìné udìlovat ceny schválil švédský král 29. èervna 1900 a první Nobelovy ceny byly udìleny již o rok pozdìji.

84. 15. Februar - Freepedia
HansKarl august simon von euler-chelpin, schwedischer Chemiker, Nobelpreis für
15. Februar
aus Freepedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Hauptseite Druckversion
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85. Sheffield Chemdex - Biographies
Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1929 with hans karl august simon vonEulerChelpin for their investigations on the fermentation of sugar and

86. 484 (Svensk Rikskalender 1908 / 1908)
i högre matematisk analys, LVA, f. 61; (00) 05. von eulerchelpin. hans KarlAugust simon, fil.dr, prof. i allmän o. organisk kemi, f. 73; 06.
Svensk rikskalender 1908
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87. Liste Des Articles De Chimie - Wikipédia
euler-chelpin, hans karl august Simonvon; Europium; Eyring, Henry. F . Faraday, Michael; Fenn, John
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88. Nobelprijs Voor De Scheikunde - Wikipedia NL
Fischer (Dl); 1929 Arthur Harden (GB), hans karl august simon vonEulerChelpin (Zwe); 1928 Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (Dl); 1927
Nobelprijs voor de Scheikunde
Zie voor meer bijzonderheden: Nobelprijs en Alfred Nobel Bron van onderstaande lijst is de website van de Nobelstichting: Daar kan men o.a. meer bijzonderheden vinden over de motivering van de prijzen.

89. Börsenspiel Hauptseite
HansKarl august simon von euler-chelpin, schwedischer Chemiker, Nobelpreis für
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90. Hans Von Euler-Chelpin - Biography
hans von eulerchelpin Biography. hans von euler-chelpin was born on to Munich and von euler-chelpin spent most of the spectrum led von euler-chelpin to begin, in
Hans von Euler-Chelpin was born on February 15, 1873, at Augsburg. His father, who was then a captain in the Royal Bavarian Regiment, was transferred to Munich and von Euler-Chelpin spent most of his childhood not far away with his grandmother at Wasserburg. After going to school at Munich, Wurzburg and Ulm, he studied art from 1891 until 1893 at the Munich Academy of Painting, first under Schmid-Reutte and later under Lenbach, whose gifted and powerful personality greatly influenced him. His desire to study problems of colour and especially the colour of the spectrum led von Euler-Chelpin to begin, in 1893, the study of science.
He therefore went to the University of Berlin to study chemistry under Emil Fischer and A. Rosenheim, and physics under E. Warburg and Max Planck ; and in 1895 he took his doctorate at the University of Berlin.
W. Nernst
. In the summer of 1897 he went to work in the laboratory of Svante Arrhenius in Stockholm and was appointed assistant there. In 1898 he qualified as Privatdozent in physical chemistry in the Royal University at Stockholm , and in 1899 he was appointed as such in that University. Between 1899 and 1900 he visited the laboratory of

91. Arthur Harden - Biography
Arthur Harden Biography. Arthur Harden was born in Manchester, England, on October 12, 1865; his father was Albert Tyas Harden and his mother Eliza Macalister. hans von eulerchelpin. Biography .
Arthur Harden was born in Manchester, England, on October 12, 1865; his father was Albert Tyas Harden and his mother Eliza Macalister. He was educated at a private school in Victoria Park (1873-1877) and at Tettenhall College, Staffordshire (1877-1881). He entered The Owens College in the University of Manchester in 1882, studying under Sir H.E. Roscoe, and graduated in 1885 with first-class honours in chemistry. In 1886 he was awarded the Dalton Scholarship in Chemistry and he spent twelve months during 1887-1888 working with Otto Fischer at Erlangen. He returned to Manchester as lecturer and demonstrator, and remained until 1897 when he was appointed chemist to the newly founded British Institute of Preventive Medicine, which later became the Lister Institute. In 1907 he was appointed Head of the Biochemical Department, a position which he held until his retirement in 1930, and in 1912 he received the title of Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of London . He continued his scientific work at the Institute after his retirement.
Before he went to London, Harden had studied the action of light on mixtures of carbon dioxide and chlorine. He entered the Institute with an excellent chemical background and applied his methods to the investigation of biological phenomena (among others: the chemical action of bacteria and alcoholic fermentation). He studied the breakdown products of glucose but he was soon to be drawn to the problem of the chemistry of the yeast cell. His classic study of the chemistry of the fermentation of sugar by yeast juice, which have advanced the knowledge of the processes of intermediary metabolism in all living forms, lasted for many years and provided a stepping-stone for many research workers in allied fields. Harden himself contributed to the vitamin field with a series of papers on the antiscorbutic and antineuritic vitamins and their occurrence in food and drinks.

92. Glossar CHELPIN
Translate this page 1. 1929. Victor de Broglie Chemie Arthur Harden und hans karl august Simonvon Euler Chelpin Medizin Christiaan Eijkman und Frederick Gowland Hopkins
Glossar CHELPIN ...
Glossar CHELPIN ...


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Nein Die Glosar Suche von " CHELPIN " ...Victor de Broglie Chemie Arthur Harden und Hans Karl August Simon von Euler Chelpin Medizin Christiaan Eijkman und Frederick Gowland Hopkins Literatur Thomas ...
15. Februar
...britischer Mathematiker und Philosoph 1873 Hans Karl August Simon von Euler Chelpin schwedischer Chemiker Nobelpreis für Chemie 1929 1890 Robert Ley deutscher ... Dauer: 0.68 Sekunden Glosar Begriffe Sitemap A B C D ... W CHELPIN des Orthopedia Shops ist untersagt Medizin Websites Medizin Websites Webkatalog

93. ÇнÀÀθí»çÀü
? ?. ? Euler Chelpin, hans karl AugustSimon von 1873.2.15 ~ 1964.11.7. . ?

94. »¯Ñ§ÃûÈËÌÃ
1903 Svante august Arrhenius(?). (?)?. 1905 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer. 1930 hans Fischer.化学教研组网页/d1mi
1627 Robert Boye 1791 MichaeI Faraday 1731 Henry Cavendish 1733 Joseph Priestley 1742 Carl Wilhelm Scheele 1743 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 1778 Humphry Davy Jons Jakob Berzelius 1800 Friedrch Wohler 1803 Justus von Liebig Robert Wilhelm Bunsen 1818 August Wilhelm Hofmann 1827 Pieltte Engene Marceiin Berthelot 1829 Friedrich August KeKule 1834 Carl Schorlemmer 1842 J.W.S.Rayleigh 1878 Lise Meitner (°ÂµØÀûÈË)·¢ÏÖÁË·ÅÉäÐÔÔªËØïä(Pa,91ºÅ)£¬È·Á¢ÁËÁѱäµÄ¸ÅÄî 1887 Henry Moseley Alfred Nobel Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Hermann Emil Fischer Svante August Arrhenius Sir William Ramsay ... Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Joliot (J.F.J.¾ÓÀï) Ir¨¨ne Joliot-Curie (I.J.¾ÓÀï) Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Debye (À¹úÈË)Ìá³ö·Ö×Ó´Åñ¾Ø¸ÅÄî²¢ÇÒÓ¦ÓXÉäÏßÑÜÉäŪÇå·Ö×ӽṹ Walter Norman Haworth (À¹úÈË)´ÓÊÂ̼ˮ»¯ºÏÎïºÍάÉúËØCµÄ½á¹¹Ñо¿ Paul Karrer (ÈðÊ¿ÈË)´ÓÊÂÀàºúÂܲ·ËØÀà¡¢ºË»ÆËØÀàÒÔ¼°Î¬ÉúËØA¡¢B2µÄÑо¿ Richard Kuhn Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt Leopold Ruzicka George de Hevesy ... Lord (Alexander R.) Todd

95. Börsenspiel Hauptseite
von Dohnányi, deutscher November - hans Magnus Enzensberger, deutscher
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96. ¿ÀÀÏ·¯ ÄÌÇÉ
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Hans (Karl August Simon) von Euler-Chelpin

97. ¢Æ¢Æ¢Æ û¼Ò³â °úÇи¶´ç¿¡ ¿À½Å°ÍÀ» ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï
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Vant' Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William von Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Moissan, Henri Buchner, Eduard Rutherford, Lord Emest Ostwald, Wilhelm Wallach, Otto Curie, Marie
Grignard, Victor
Sabatier, Paul
Werner, Alfred Richards, Theodore William Willstater, Rlichard Martin
Haber, Fritz
Nernst, Walther Hermann Soddy, Frederick Aston, Francis William Pregl, Fritz
Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf Svedberg, The(Theodor) Wieland, Heinrich Otto Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold
Harden, Sir Arthur
von Euler-Chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon
Fischer, Hans
Bosch, Carl Bergius, Friedrich Langmuir, Irving Urey, Harold Clayton Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus ¿©·¯ ±â¼¾È¿¡¼­ X¼±0fÀüÀÚÀÇ ±¼Àý¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Kuhn, Richard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Ruzicka, Leopold De Hevesy, George Hahn, Otto Virtanen, Arturi Ilmari Sumner, James Batcheller Northrop, John Howard Stanley, Wendell Meredith Robinson, Sir Robert

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A-ß CD
(Euler-Chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von Ludwig Schmid-Reutte) è Ôðàíö ôîí Ëåíáàõ (F ranz von L enbach X H G S derbaum  1902 Ýéëåð-Õåëüïèí æåíèëñÿ íà äî÷åðè ïðîôåññîðà õèìèè èç Óïñàëüñêîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà Àñòðèä Êëåâå (Astrid Cleve), êîòîðàÿ â òå÷åíèå ðÿäà ëåò âûïîëíÿëà íàó÷íóþ ðàáîòó âìåñòå ñ íèì. Ó íèõ áûëî ïÿòåðî äåòåé; âòîðîé èç íèõ, Óëüô ôîí Ýéëåð ( Ulf von Euler
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99. Resultados Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra
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100. Ëþäè/Êàëåíäàðü Ðîæäåíèé/15 ôåâðàëÿ
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1519 Pedro Menendez de AVILES, èñïàíñêèé íàâèãàòîð.
1710 ËÞÄÎÂÈÊ XV, âîøåäøèé â èñòîðèþ âûñêàçûâàíèåì: "Ïîñëå íàñ - õîòü ïîòîï".
1748 Jeremy BENTHAM, àíãëèéñêèé ôèëîñîô è ïèñàòåëü.
1856 Ýìèëü ÊÐÅÏÅËÈÍ (Emil KRAEPELIN)(1856 - 10.1926 ), íåìåöêèé ïñèõèàòð, îäèí èç íàèáîëåå âëèÿòåëüíûõ ó÷åíûõ ñâîåãî âðåìåíè.
1873 àíñ ÝÉËÅÐ-×ÅËÏÈÍ (Hans (Karl August Simon) von EULER-CHELPIN)(1873 - 11.1964), øâåäñêèé áèîõèìèê.
1861 Charles-Edouard GUILLAUME (Íîáåëåâñêàÿ ïðåìèÿ, 1920).
1874 Ïàîëî ÁÓÖÖÈ (Paolo BUZZI)(1874 - 1956), èòàëüÿíñêèé ïèñàòåëü, îäèí èç îñíîâàòåëåé ôóòóðèçìà. Ìíîãî ïèñàë â ðàçíûõ æàíðàõ. Ñðåäè åãî ïîýòè÷åñêèõ êíèã - ñáîðíèêè "Àýðîïëàíû" (1909), "Ñâîáîäíûå ñòèõè" (1913), "Ïîýìà ðàäèîâîëí" (1940), "Àòîìíîå" (1952). Íå ëèøåíû èíòåðåñà åãî ðîìàí-ïîýìà "Èçãíàíèå" (1906) è òåêñòû äëÿ òåàòðà èç öèêëà "Ñöåíè÷åñêèå ñèíòåçû" (1917). [73]
1915 Ðîáåðò ÕÎÔÑÒÅÄÒÅÐ (ÕÎÔØÒÀÄÒÅÐ)(Robert HOFSTADTER)(1915 - 1990), àìåðèêàíñêèé ôèçèê-ýêñïåðèìåíòàòîð. Ñîçäàë ñ÷åò÷èêè ðåíòãåíîâñêèõ è ãàììà-êâàíòîâ, íåéòðîíîâ; èññëåäîâàë ðàññåÿíèå ýëåêòðîíîâ âûñîêèõ ýíåðãèé íà àòîìíûõ ÿäðàõ, ÷òî ïðèâåëî ê îòêðûòèþ ñòðóêòóðû íóêëîíîâ. Ëàóðåàò Íîáåëåâñêîé ïðåìèè (1961).
1929 Graham HILL, áðèòàíñêèé àâòîãîíùèê.

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