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         Esquivel Adolfo Perez:     more books (23)
  1. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel by unknown, 2006-09-30
  2. The International Bill of Human Rights by Paul Williams, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, et all 1999-07
  3. Christ in a Poncho: Testimonials of the Nonviolent Struggles in Latin America by Adolfo Perez Esquivel, 1983-04
  4. Caminar... Junto a Los Pueblos (Spanish Edition) by Adolfo Prez Esquivel, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, 1998-09
  5. Diálogo insólito.(Adolfo Pérez Esquivel)(diálogo entre organizaciones de derechos humanos y oficiales de fuerzas armadas en Argentina)(investigación de ... An article from: Proceso by Marcelo Izquierdo, 2007-06-03
  6. Argentine Torture Victims: Torture Victims of the Dirty War, Jacobo Timerman, Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo
  7. El petrimetre. (crítica a Adolfo Pérez Esquivel en España)(TT: The braggart) (TA: criticism against Adolfo Pérez Esquivel in Spain): An article from: Epoca by Alfonso Ussía, 1997-01-13
  8. Torture Victims of the Dirty War: Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo, Alicia Partnoy, José Luis Gioja, Antonio Di Benedetto
  9. Sculpteur Argentin: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Francesco Marino Di Teana, Lucio Fontana, Osvaldo Rodríguez, Manuel Zorrilla, Alicia Penalba (French Edition)
  10. Victims of the Dirty War: Torture Victims of the Dirty War, Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo, Alicia Partnoy
  11. LAS IGLESIAS EVANGÉLICAS DICEN, ¡BASTA!. Consulta Latinoamericana sobre Fe, Economía y Sociedad. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 28 abril - 1 mayo 2003. Ángel Luis Rivera, ed. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel et al by No Author, 2004-01-01
  12. Guerre Sale En Argentine: Dictature Militaire En Argentine, Centre Clandestin de Détention, Mères de La Place de Mai, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (French Edition)
  13. Personnalité Argentine: Che Guevara, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Carlos Souto, Eva Perón, Guillermo Cazenave, Monser Al Kassar, Francisco Moreno (French Edition)
  14. Hochschullehrer (Buenos Aires): J. Severino Croatto, Richard Gans, Adolfo Maria Pérez Esquivel, Franz Stephan Griese, Eliseo Verón (German Edition)

41. A-Infos ADOLFO PEREZ ESQUIVEL -Adhesión-
Translate this page adolfo perez esquivel -Adhesión-. Reciban mi fraterno saludo de Paz y Bien. adolfoperez esquivel. Difunde Coordinadora por la Libertad de Emilio Alí.
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Date Fri, 16 Feb 2001 20:37:48 -0300
MAR DEL PLATA, SÁBADO 17 DE FEBRERO ACTO-FESTIVAL POR LA LIBERTAD DE EMILIO ALÍ Peatonal San Martín esq. San Luís,frente a la Catedral a partir de las 19:00 hs. Fundación Servicio Paz y Justicia Buenos Aires, 17 de Febrero de 2001 ADHESION Por la presente quiero acompañar con mi solidaridad el acto por la Libertad de Emilio Alí, preso en Mar del Plata por reclamar pan y trabajo. La unión de diversos sectores en defensa de los derechos de los trabajadores hará posible la sociedad mas justa y solidaria que el pueblo reclama. Reciban mi fraterno saludo de Paz y Bien. ADOLFO PEREZ ESQUIVEL Difunde: Coordinadora por la Libertad de Emilio Alí

42. Equipo Nizkor - Carta De Adolfo Perez Esquivel Al Secretario Gral De La ONU.
Translate this page 22mar03. Carta de adolfo perez esquivel al Secretario Gral de la ONU. Sr. BuenosAires, 22 de marzo de 2003 adolfo perez esquivel Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Carta de Adolfo Perez Esquivel al Secretario Gral de la ONU. Sr. Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas,
Dr. Koffi Annan Le reclamo convocar a la Asamblea General a fin de:
  • Pedir el cese inmediato del fuego y el retiro de las fuerzas invasoras.
  • Aplicar sanciones a los responsables de invadir y masacrar al pueblo de Irak.
EE. UU. no puede arrogarse el derecho de vida o muerte sobre los pueblos. Se ha transformado en un estado totalitario que busca imponer por la fuerza al resto del mundo su voluntad, violando todos los principios del derecho y respeto a las personas y los pueblos. Reciba el fraterno saludo de Paz y Bien.- Buenos Aires, 22 de marzo de 2003
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Premio Nobel de la Paz
Este documento ha sido publicado el 07abr03 por el Equipo Nizkor y Derechos Human Rights

43. Informe De Adolfo Perez Esquivel A Los Embajadores De La Union Europea
Translate this page a los embajadores de la Unión Europea por el presidente del Servicio de Paz y Justiciade Buenos Aires y Premio Nobel de la Paz, adolfo Pérez Esquivelen la
Equipo Nizkor - Solidaridad Urgente
Apartado de Correo 15116
1. Ausencia de independencia y/o dependencia. Con esta injerencia y control, el Poder Ejecutivo se ha asegurado:
II. Causas que provienen de las practicas sociales e Institucionales autoritarias.
Desde la comunidad:
Desde las instituciones:
Las Fuerzas de Seguridad en lugar de democratizarse tienden a concentrar el poder punitivo.
Causas externas al poder judicial.
Control social: la inseguridad social:
Las violaciones masivas acaecidas en la plata
el 20 de Febrero de 1996
El SERPAJ, la Liga, Madres- Linea Fundadora y Familiares, el mismo 20 por la noche, pidieron audiencia al Gobernador Duhalde y al Sec. Piotti. No respondieron a los pedidos de audiencia.
Breve resumen:
Servicio de Paz y Justicia
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Marzo de 1996 Derechos Humanos en Argentina Informes sobre DDHH en Argentina Equipo Nizkor Derechos Mantenido por Margarita Lacabe

44. Mensenrechten
adolfo perez esquivel. (1931) Argentijns beeldhouwer en architect, voorvechtervan mensenrechten en geweldloze hervorming in Latijns Amerika. mensenrechten abcde.htm
Renovatie en Nieuwbouw telefoon 0494-496249 a b c Addams Jane
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Jean Henri Dunant
Vertegenwoordigers van 12 landen ondertekenen plechtig het eerste 'Verdrag van Genève tot verbetering van het lot der gewonden bij de legers te velde in oorlogstijd'. Hierdoor wordt het Rode Kruis officieel erkend en ontstaat, dank zij het Rode Kruis, het humanitair recht. Het humanitair recht beschermt de oorlogsslachtoffers en zal, in de daaropvolgende jaren, ontelbare mensenlevens redden. Voor zijn werk kreeg Henri Dunant in 1901 de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Later zou het Rode Kruis nog 4 maal de Nobelprijs krijgen. Ferdinand Buisson Buisson werd in 1841 geboren in Parijs, studeerde aan de Sorbonne en gaf les (tussen 1866 en 1870 in Zwitserland). Hij zette zich actief in voor de rechten van de mens. Als harde pacifist werd hij de stichter en president van de Liga voor de Rechten van de Mens. Samen met Ludwig Quidde kreeg hij in 1927 de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede.

45. - Argentine Nobel Laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel To Speak, Lead
Argentine Nobel Laureate adolfo perez Esquivelto Speak, Lead PeaceJam at Rhodes College.
ABOUT THIS SITE ABOUT LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES THE ANNAPOLIS GROUP MEMBER COLLEGES ON CAMPUS EXPERTS DATABASE TOP NEWS ON CAMPUS ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Argentine Nobel Laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel to Speak, Lead PeaceJam at Rhodes College Attention: Education editors Advisory: Friday, April 19 Embargo: An architect, sculptor and teacher by profession, Perez Esquivel began his activism against injustice full time in Argentina during the early 1970s, when his country experienced a civil war in which terrorist organizations created an atmosphere of insecurity and fear, committing murders, bomb attacks, abductions and blackmail. Thousands of people vanished without a trace under the cover of complete silence; most were brutally treated and put to death. More information is available at Contact Information: Ginny Davis, Rhodes College Office of Communications, 901-843-3470, 843-3875; Ginny Davis, Rhodes College Office of Communications, 901-843-3470, 843-3875; Sending Institution: Rhodes College Story Date: Keywords: Education, International Affairs, University, Research

46. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Definition Meaning Information Explanation
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Adolfo P©rez Esquivel
Adolfo P©rez Esquivel P©rez Esquivel ) (b. ), from Argentina , was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize . He is noted for leading protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas and for alleging that the Argentinan police are forming children into paramilitary squad s, an operation he compares to the creation of World War II 's Hitler Youth P©rez Esquivel was born in Buenos Aires and attended the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. For 25 years, he taught in primary schools secondary schools and at the university level. He has worked in a number of sculptural media. In the 1960s, Perez Esquivel began working with popularly based Latin America n Christian pacifist groups. In he was chosen as coordinator general for a network of Latin America base communities promoting liberation of the poor through non-violent means. When systematic repression followed the Argentine military coup of , he contributed to the formation and financing of the linkages between popularly based organizations to defend human right and support the victims' families. El Servicio de Paz y Justicia ("Service, Peace and Justice Foundation"), which he founded, evolved in this context, and served as an instrument for the defense of human rights by promoting an international campaign to denounce the atrocities committed by the military regime.

Translate this page El ALCA es un peligro. Por adolfo Pérez esquivel *. Sin duda soplanvientos de cambio hoy en nuestro país, animando las expectativas

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El AL CA es un peligro
(*) Premio Nobel de la Paz y miembro de la Autoconvocatoria No al ALCA Thursday, 30 October, 2003 16:48

48. [AlterPresse] 3ème APC / Adolfo Perez Esquivel S'insurge Contre La Pauvreté En
en Haïti et accuse. AlterPresse alterpresse at medialternatif
[AlterPresse] 3ème APC / Adolfo Perez Esquivel s'insurge contre la pauvreté en Haïti et accuse.
AlterPresse alterpresse at
Sam 23 Aou 16:43:13 EDT 2003

49. [AlterPresse] Adolfo Perez Esquivel à La 3ème APC
Translate this page AlterPresse adolfo perez esquivel à la 3ème APC. AlterPresse alterpresseat Mer 20 Aou 194508 EDT 2003 Message
[AlterPresse] Adolfo Perez Esquivel à la 3ème APC
AlterPresse alterpresse at
Mer 20 Aou 19:45:08 EDT 2003 Adolfo Perez Esquivel à la 3ème APC Cap Haitien, 20 août. 03 [AlterPresse] - Le Prix Nobel de la Paix argentin Adolfo Perez Esquivel est arrivé au Cap-Haitien ce 20 août afin de prendre part à la 3ème Assemblée des Peuples de la Caraïbe (APC). Adolfo Perez Esquivel fait partie d'une quinzaine de délégations étrangères qui sont présentes dans la deuxième ville d'Haïti pour cette assemblée. Le nombre des délégations étrangères à cette APC a doublé par rapport à l'année dernière, ont indiqué les organisateurs. Les plus grandes délégations sont celles de la République Dominicaine, avec environ 50 personnes, et Trinidad avec une vingtaine de délégués, a-t-on appris. Les dernières estimations des organisateurs font état de la présence d'un millier de personnes à la 3ème APC, alors qu'ils attendaient environ 600 personnes. [gp apr 20/08/2003 18:40] Pour tout service en communication contactez le Groupe Medialternatif E-mail : gm at

50. Whole World Feels Effect Of US Intent, Activist Says
that even before a war has started its repercussions are being felt in every cornerof the world, says Nobel Peace Prize laureate adolfo perez esquivel.
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E-Mail This Article Published on Friday, March 14, 2003 by the Whole World Feels Effect of US Intent, Activist Says
The chief threat to the world today is not Iraq, but the United States, Argentine activist says
by Timothy Appleby
The Bush administration's drive to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is so aggressive that even before a war has started its repercussions are being felt in every corner of the world, says Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel.
Nobel Peace Prize recipient Adolfo Perez Esquivel listens to a discussion titled: "A world without wars is possible" during the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Sunday, Feb. 3, 2002. (AP Photo/Douglas Engle)
Mr. Perez Esquivel, a native of Buenos Aires, is an architect, sculptor and teacher. He won the 1980 prize for his resistance to Argentina's Dirty War against leftist rebels. Imprisoned and tortured, he was freed with help from Amnesty International and the Pope. At 71, he leads the Latin American human-rights group Servicio, Paz y Justicia, and travels widely on behalf of the antiwar movement. He has been in Toronto and Ottawa under the auspices of the church group KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives.

51. Address Es A
Country. Argentina. Name. adolfo perez esquivel. Comment. Nobel Peace laureate (1980),action education for peace and justice throughout Latin America. State. Office.
Index Information Addresses A... Addresses A... Country Argentina Name Adolfo Perez Esquivel Comment Nobel Peace laureate (1980), action education for peace and justice throughout Latin America State Office Private Street SERPAJ, Piedras 730 Postal / Zip Town Buenos Aires Phone Fax E-Mail Homepage

52. Center For Latin American Studies, UC Berkeley
adolfo perez esquivel 1980 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate A Global Viewof Human Rights . October 10, 2001. adolfo perez esquivel.
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
1980 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
"A Global View of Human Rights" October 10, 2001
Adolfo Perez Esquivel Nobel Laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel Condemns Economic Terrorism
Thad Dunning, Department of Political Science On October 10th, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel spoke to an audience of over one hundred people in UC Berkeley’s Stephens Hall. He discussed the causes and consequences of global conflict and criticized the toll of what he termed "economic terrorism" on human rights and national sovereignty around the world. "When we look at the 'silent bomb' of hunger and poverty, we have to understand this as a form of terrorism," said Perez Esquivel, an Argentine who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 for his work with the organization, Servicio Paz y Justicia . "One thing is clear: war will not bring about a change," he said.

53. Kerk En Vrede En Argentinië Ten Tijde Van Het Vidéla-regiem
beeld is dat Kerk en Vrede (en dan met name het Fonds Latijns Amerika) in die jarenerg veel werk maakte van de contacten met adolfo perez esquivel die vanaf
Kerk en Vrede en Argentinië ten tijde van het Vidéla-regiem Met het oog op de affaire Zorreguieta hebben we eens wat oude nummers van Militia Christi / Kerk en Vrede uit de jaren 1976-1984 doorgespit op zoek naar ‘Argentinië’. Het algemene beeld is dat Kerk en Vrede (en dan met name het Fonds Latijns Amerika) in die jaren erg veel werk maakte van de contacten met Adolfo Perez Esquivel die vanaf 1974 coördinator was van het Latijns-Amerikaanse SERPAJ-netwerk dat, evenals Kerk en Vrede, verbonden is met IFOR. Adolfo Perez Esquivel is Argentijn, heeft een tijd vastgezeten onder het Vidéla-regiem en ontving in 1980, op voordracht van Mairead Maguire (de ‘andere’ nog levende IFOR Nobelprijswinnares), de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Het mei-nummer van 1976 verslaat het (bliksem)bezoek dat Adolfo Perez Esquivel op uitnodiging van het FLA op 4 en 5 mei aan Nederland bracht. In twee-en-een-halve pagina wordt ingegaan op de onderdrukking in Latijns-Amerika, het geweldloos verzet, de rol van kerken en de betrokkenheid van het Westen. De titel van het artikel luidt: “Beursnotering Indikatie voor Onderdrukking”; met als ondertitel: ‘geweldloos verzet het enige middel om spiraal van geweld te doorbreken’. Kerk en Vrede heeft in die tijd ook een, door Joke Schravesande–Oranje geschreven, brochure uitgebracht: “Geen wapens voor bevrijding”. FLA regelde interviews met De Volkskrant, NRC en Hervormd Nederland. Esquivel zette FLA op het spoor om de gangen van de Nederlandse multinationals m.b.t. Latijns-Amerika na te gaan.

54. Au Peuple Frère Du Venezuela, Par Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Prix Nobel De La Paix
Translate this page Au peuple frère du Venezuela, par adolfo perez esquivel, Prix Nobelde la paix. Type de doc Communiqués et infos Date 13/12
Date : 13/12/02
"Il faut que les frères restent unis. C'est la première des lois. S'ils ne gardent pas en toutes circonstances une véritable union et s'ils se disputent entre eux, ceux du dehors viendront les dévorer".
Avec tous les peuples latino-américains, nous devons nous unir face aux graves défis que nous avons à affronter. Mais je sais bien aussi que "Personne ne peut donner ce qu'il n'a pas".
Je vous envoie un " abrazo " fraternel et solidaire de Paix et de Bien,
Adolfo Perez Esquivel.

55. | Perez Esquivel En El Encuentro Contra El Alca
Translate this page adolfo perez esquivel premio nobel de La Paz ha confirmado su participaciónen el 2do encuentro nacional contra el alca. Estos
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    Perez esquivel en el encuentro contra el alca
    Movimiento contra el ALCA (public ((i))LP) (14/05/2003 16:42) Adolfo Perez Esquivel premio nobel de La Paz ha confirmado su participación en el 2do encuentro nacional contra el alca. Estos algunos datos sobre sus actividades Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, nace en Buenos Aires el 26 de Noviembre de 1931. Realiza sus estudios en el Colegio San Francisco, en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires y en la Universidad Nacional de la Plata. En la década del sesenta comienza un trabajo con organizaciones de base de movimientos cristianos y fundamentalmente con los sectores más pobres. Posteriormente participa de los movimientos de no-violencia y en 1973 publica el periódico Paz y Justicia para difundir esa filosofía y continúa en la organización de grupos de base con sectores populares.
  • 56. Antiguos Alumnos | ADOLFO PEREZ ESQUIVEL | SANTA MARIA ILUCAN En Hidalgo. Encuen
    Translate this page Lista de antiguos alumnos adolfo perez esquivel, Preescolar en SANTA MARIA ILUCAN(Hidalgo). adolfo perez esquivel - Ya puedes registrarte. Paso 5 de 5.
    ADOLFO PEREZ ESQUIVEL - Ya puedes registrarte.
    Paso 5 de 5 Mexico Hidalgo TULA DE ALLENDE SANTA MARIA ILUCAN ...
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    57. Adolfo Perez Esquivel
    adolfo perez esquivel. Prix Nobel de la Paix, Argentina. Torturé

    58. Register-suchergebnisse | Graswurzelrevolution | Archiv
    Translate this page 100%, Solidarität mit adolfo perez esquivel, Red. 29 06/77, 13, 100%, Solidaritätsaktionfür adolfo perez, esquivel, adolfo perez, 58 09/81, 31,

    59. Board Of Judges
    adolfo perez esquivel, A gifted sculptor, adolfo perez esquivel served as a professorat the distinguished Manuel Belgrano Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in
    Activist Awards
    Citizen International Achievement Board of Directors ... Press Release
    International Activist Award
    Board of Judges
    , Mairead Corrigan Maguire has dedicated her life to promoting peaceful resolution of the conflict in Northern Ireland. When violence caused the death of three children in her family, she determined to fight to end the senseless violence and co-founded the Community for Peace People. After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976, she has continued to work tirelessly with grassroots community groups throughout her country, as well as with political and church leaders at home and abroad, seeking to promote dialogue between the two deeply divided communities. A powerful speaker, she has traveled throughout the world to share her message of peace and nonviolence.
    SHIMON PERES , Born in Poland, Shimon Peres emigrated to Israel in 1934 where he has had a long and distinguished career. In 1947, he joined the Haganah, the underground defense force, and the next year was inducted into the fledgling Israel Defense Force, where he worked closely with David BenGurion. Included in the key positions he has held over many years are Defense Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Labor Party and twice Prime Minister of Israel. For his vision and leadership in initiating and promoting the peace process in the Middle East, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. He is the author of seven books and hundreds of articles and essays.

    60. NPQ
    adolfo perez esquivel was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1980 forhis work in human rights. Also Korea. By adolfo perez esquivel. viewpoint/03-06-03.html
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    NOBEL LAUREATES IN EVENT OF WAR, BUSH SHOULD BE DECLARED 'CRIMINAL AGAINST HUMANITY' Adolfo Perez Esquivel was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1980 for his work in human rights. Also, a sidebar by U.N. envoy Maurice Strong, who comments on North Korea. By Adolfo Perez Esquivel BUENOS AIRES According to Greek mythology, under Zeus' order, Hephaestus (the Roman god Vulcan) created the first woman, Pandora, and endowed her with all the the good that existed. Zeus made her the custodian of a small box that contained all things evil. His express command was that she never open the box because it would provoke great calamities for all creation. Unable to contain her curiosity, Pandora opened the box, letting out all the evils that humanity suffers to this day. Only hope remained in the little box. Humanity, of course, ought not to be weighed down by the fatalism of all that has been written. But it is nonetheless necessary to remember the great lessons of human existence and thus to read the signs that tell us humanity is headed toward great suffering.

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