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         Esquivel Adolfo Perez:     more books (23)
  1. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel by unknown, 2006-09-30
  2. The International Bill of Human Rights by Paul Williams, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, et all 1999-07
  3. Christ in a Poncho: Testimonials of the Nonviolent Struggles in Latin America by Adolfo Perez Esquivel, 1983-04
  4. Caminar... Junto a Los Pueblos (Spanish Edition) by Adolfo Prez Esquivel, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, 1998-09
  5. Diálogo insólito.(Adolfo Pérez Esquivel)(diálogo entre organizaciones de derechos humanos y oficiales de fuerzas armadas en Argentina)(investigación de ... An article from: Proceso by Marcelo Izquierdo, 2007-06-03
  6. Argentine Torture Victims: Torture Victims of the Dirty War, Jacobo Timerman, Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo
  7. El petrimetre. (crítica a Adolfo Pérez Esquivel en España)(TT: The braggart) (TA: criticism against Adolfo Pérez Esquivel in Spain): An article from: Epoca by Alfonso Ussía, 1997-01-13
  8. Torture Victims of the Dirty War: Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo, Alicia Partnoy, José Luis Gioja, Antonio Di Benedetto
  9. Sculpteur Argentin: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Francesco Marino Di Teana, Lucio Fontana, Osvaldo Rodríguez, Manuel Zorrilla, Alicia Penalba (French Edition)
  10. Victims of the Dirty War: Torture Victims of the Dirty War, Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo, Alicia Partnoy
  11. LAS IGLESIAS EVANGÉLICAS DICEN, ¡BASTA!. Consulta Latinoamericana sobre Fe, Economía y Sociedad. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 28 abril - 1 mayo 2003. Ángel Luis Rivera, ed. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel et al by No Author, 2004-01-01
  12. Guerre Sale En Argentine: Dictature Militaire En Argentine, Centre Clandestin de Détention, Mères de La Place de Mai, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (French Edition)
  13. Personnalité Argentine: Che Guevara, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Carlos Souto, Eva Perón, Guillermo Cazenave, Monser Al Kassar, Francisco Moreno (French Edition)
  14. Hochschullehrer (Buenos Aires): J. Severino Croatto, Richard Gans, Adolfo Maria Pérez Esquivel, Franz Stephan Griese, Eliseo Verón (German Edition)

1. Esquivel Adolfo Perez Osvaldo Bayer Argentinien: Zehn Jahre Demokratie
Translate this page esquivel adolfo perez Osvaldo Bayer Argentinien Zehn Jahre Demokratie. Autor/ Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller esquivel adolfo perez Osvaldo Bayer.
Esquivel Adolfo Perez Osvaldo Bayer Argentinien: Zehn Jahre Demokratie
Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller: Esquivel Adolfo Perez Osvaldo Bayer
Titel: Argentinien: Zehn Jahre Demokratie.
Perez Esquivel Adolfo Bayer Osvaldo
Esquivel Adolfo Perez
Osvaldo Bayer
Kategorie: Argentinien
Rubrik: Kategorien Lernen Nachschlagen Wissen nach Themen Konzepte Ideologien Demokratie
Medium: Broschiert
i Perez Josep. Marti-Tramontana, Lehrbuch, mit Lösungsteil...

Tramontana. El problema vasco. (Lernmaterialien)...

Thomas J. Gemmecke Wolfgang G. A. Schmidt-Grundkurs Wirtschaftschinesisch, Lehrbuch...

Tramontana. Spanisch. Lösungsheft. (Lernmaterialien)...
... Ernie Watts (With Gilberto Gil)/ Gilberto Gil/ Eddie Gomez/ Mark Egan/ Marcus Miller/ Victor Bailey/ Marlon Graves/ Robert Sadin/ Romero Lubambo/ Kenny Kirkland/ Sharon Bryant-Afoxe (Ah-Fo-Shay)...

2. Adolfo Perez Esquivel - Wikipedia
Adolfo Perez Esquivel. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Adolfo PerezEsquivel (ur. 1931), argentynski architekt i rzezbiarz, obronca
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
Adolfo Perez Esquivel (ur. argentyński architekt i rzeźbiarz, obrońca praw człowieka, laureat pokojowej nagrody Nobla Stał na czele ruchu obrońc³w praw człowieka w rządzonej przez wojskowych Argentynie, Servicio Paz y Justicia ( ). Od prof. Argentine National School of Fine Arts. W uhonorowany pokojową nagrodą Nobla za zaangażowanie w obronę praw człowieka w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Views Personal tools nawigacja Szukaj narzędzia

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4. Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Translate this page Argentinien Zehn Jahre Demokratie. Adolfo Perez esquivel adolfo perez EsquivelArgentinien Zehn Jahre Demokratie. Bücher, Musik, DVD, Video, Spiele, Software.

Musik DVD Video ...

EUR 13,80 Argentinien: Zehn Jahre Demokratie.
Adolfo Perez Esquivel , Osvaldo Bayer
Schmetterling V., Stg., Juli 1994
var p2=''; document.write('Preisänderungen möglich, da Daten bis zu 7 Tage zwischengespeichert werden. In Kooperation mit Ama'+p2);

5. Pro Veritate, Volume 16 No 3 - Adolfo Perez Esquivel - Disa Digital Imaging Proj
Help. Article Adolfo Perez esquivel adolfo perez Esquivel. Perez Esquivel&f

6. Peace
Top of Page. E. Adolfo Perez esquivel adolfo perez Esquivel Winner of the 1980Nobel Prize in Peace Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive;
Nobel Peace Prize Winners These sites are suggested as starting points for students' Internet research. A B D E ...
Heroines of Peace: The Nine Nobel Women

A Jane Addams Amnesty International
  • Amnesty International - details of this human rights organization's campaigns and publications, plus links to Amnesty sites worldwide Amnesty International - history of the organization with a link to the prize acceptance speech
Susan B. Anthony

7. Impunidad En Argentina: Carta Abierta De Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Impunidad en Argentina Carta Abierta de adolfo perez esquivel. Impunity in Argentina An open letter by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. adolfo perez esquivel. italiano by Peace Nobel Laureate and Argentine writer, adolfo perez esquivel in response to a public meaculpa declaration
Impunidad en Argentina:
Carta Abierta de Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Impunity in Argentina:
An open letter by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Adolfo Perez Esquivel


This letter was sent on Fri, 5 May 1995 to the mailing list by It is a transcript of an open letter written by Peace Nobel Laureate and Argentine writer, Adolfo Perez Esquivel in response to a public mea-culpa declaration of the current Argentine Chief of Staff, General Martin Balza. General Balza who didn't participate directly in the repression as he was stationed abroad during that era, called for "closing and healing the wounds" for the future of Argentina, and said that "we are almost all to blame" for what happened during the "dirty war". Esquivel responds that such declarations are a first step but are not sufficient. He point out that there was no "war" in Argentina, but rather a genocide of thousands of defenseless people. That it is impossible to pardon the military when the executive government puts itself above the law by pardoning all those who were indicted by a just judicial process. Also, he reiterates the demand to know the truth from the executive branch and the military forces: Where are the disappeared? How did they disappear? Who comitted the atrocities? Questions that are yet to be answered officially.
Carta Abierta
Sr. Teniente General Martin Balza

8. [AlterPresse - Haiti] 3ème APC / Adolfo Perez Esquivel S'insurge Contre La Pauv
Prix Nobel de la Paix argentin, adolfo perez esquivel estime qu' « il n'existe pas de La domination, précise adolfo perez esquivel, n'est pas seulement économique mais également

9. Black And White Photography, Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Latest PhotosWeblogFeatured GalleriesFeedbackAboutLinks. adolfo perez esquivel. New York, NY Perez Esquivel
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black and white photography by r. gardiner
PhotoLog > 07 Oct 01 (#195 of 261) prev next prev 23 Nov ... Links
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
New York, NY
Leica M6
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10. Grandes Pacifistas - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Translate this page En los 60 adolfo perez esquivel comenzó a trabajar con organizaciones popularesinvolucradas en el movimiento pacifista cristiano de Latinoamérica.
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Escultor, Premio Nobel de la Paz 1980 A dolfo Pérez Esquivel nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en 1931. Completó su educación universitaria en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes y en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Luego enseñó durante 25 años en los niveles primario, secundario y universitario. Como artista plástico ha producido intensamente en diversos medios y ha exhibido internacionalmente. E n los 60 Adolfo Perez Esquivel comenzó a trabajar con organizaciones populares involucradas en el movimiento pacifista cristiano de Latinoamérica. En 1974 fue elegido coordinador general para América Latina en grupos de base que promovían la liberación del continente por medios no-violentos. C uando los responsables del golpe militar de 1976 en Argentina comenzaron una política de represión sistemática, él contribuyó a la formación y el afianzamiento de los lazos entre organizaciones populares que defendían los derechos humanos y apoyaban a las familias de las víctimas. El Servicio de Paz y Justicia que fundó evolucionó en este contexto, y sirvió como instrumento para la defensa de los derechos humanos a través de la promoción de una campaña internacional que denunció las atrocidades cometidas por el régimen militar. E n 1975, Adolfo Perez Esquivel fue detenido por la policía militar brasileña; luego fue encarcelado en 1976, junto con obispos latinoamericanos y norteamericanos en Ecuador, y también en 1977, en Buenos Aires, en los cuarteles de la Policía Federal, donde fue torturado, retenido sin proceso y liberado recién 14 meses después. En prisión recibió -entre otras distinciones- el Memorial de Paz Juan XXIII. En 1980 le fue concedido el Premio Nobel de la Paz por sus esfuerzos en defensa de los derechos humanos.

11. Adolfo Perez Esquivel Winner Of The 1980 Nobel Prize In Peace
adolfo perez esquivel, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. adolfo perez esquivel. 1980 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Biography of esquivel( submitted by Anna) adolfo Pérez esquivel Nobel Lecture
1980 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
    Architect, sculptor and human rights leader.
    Born: 1931
    Location: Argentina
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

12. Adolfo Perez Esquivel Winner Of The 1980 Nobel Prize In Peace
adolfo perez esquivel, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive. adolfo perez esquivel. 1980 Nobel Peace Prize
1980 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
    Architect, sculptor and human rights leader.
    Born: 1931
    Location: Argentina
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Peace Chemistry ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

13. Adolfo Perez Esquivel: A Nobel Laureat's Letter To Bush
A Letter to President Bush. By adolfo perez esquivel. adolfo perez esquivel is anArgentinian peace activist and scholar. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980.
home subscribe about us books ... feedback New Print Edition of CounterPunch Available Exclusively to Subscribers: Liberation Four Years After: Iraqis Should Look to Serbia to Find Out What "Freedom" Will Be Like; Unfolding Nightmare: Inside the Humanitarian Disaster in Post-War Iraq; Good News, Bad News: Countering the Flood of Propaganda; You Want Victory?: Return to Vieques; Iraq's War Message to Latin America: You Could be Next. Remember, the CounterPunch website is supported exclusively by subscribers to our newsletter. Our worldwide web audience is soaring, with more than 60,000 visitors a day. This is inspiring news, but the work involved also compels us to remind you more urgently than ever to subscribe and/or make a (tax deductible) donation if you can afford it. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now! Or Call Toll Free 1-800-840 3683 or write CounterPunch, PO BOX 228, Petrolia, CA 95558 Recent Stories April 29, 2003

14. Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Declaration. Eva Joly. Version Française Contact. Signatories. Imprimer.adolfo perez esquivel. Peace Nobel Prize, Argentina. He was

15. Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Signatories. adolfo perez esquivel. Peace Nobel Prize, Argentina. He was torturedand imprisoned under the dictatorship, but always fought for peaceful solutions.

16. Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Home, WORLD HELLO DAY LETTERS. List. Previous, adolfo perez esquivel. Next.
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17. Impunidad En Argentina: Carta Abierta De Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Translate this page Impunità in Argentina Lettera Aperta di adolfo perez esquivel Premio Nobel perla Pace english / español. adolfo perez esquivel Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Impunità in Argentina:
Lettera Aperta di Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Premio Nobel per la Pace

Questa lettera è stata inviata venerdi 5 Maggio 1995 alla mailing list by . Si tratta della trascrizione di una lettera aperta scritta dal Premio Nobel per la Pace, lo scrittore argentino Adolfo Perez Esquivel, in risposta a un mea culpa pubblico pronunciato dal Capo di Stato Maggiore argentino Martin Balza. Il Generale Balza, che non ha partecipato direttamente all'oppressione, già che in quegli anni si trovava all'estero, si appella "alla chiusura e alla guarigione delle ferite" per il futuro dell'Argentina e dice che "siamo quasi tutti da condannare" per ciò che è accaduto durante gli anni della "guerra sporca". Esquivel risponde che dichiarazioni simili rappresentano un primo passo, ma non bastano. Sottolinea il fatto che non ci fu alcuna "guerra" in Argentina, ma piuttosto è avvenuto il genocidio di migliaia di persone inermi. Che è impossibile perdonare i militari, già che il governo esecutivo si pone al di sopra della legge concedendo l'indulto agli incriminati in processi giudiziali. Nel nome della ricerca della verità, ripropone una domanda, all'esecutivo e ai militari: Dove sono i desaparecidos? Come sono scomparsi? Chi ha commesso tutte quelle atrocità? Domande che ancora oggi attendono una risposta ufficiale.
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Premio Nobel de la Paz
Lettera Aperta
Al Sr. Tenente Generale Martin Balza

18. NAPF Programs: Youth Outreach: Peace Heroes: Adolfo Perez Esquivel, By Melody Le
NAPF Programs Youth Outreach Peace Heroes adolfo perez esquivel. adolfoperez esquivel by Melody Lentz. To create this new society
Home Issues NAPF Programs Take Action ... Peace Heroes Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
by Melody Lentz
"To create this new society, we must present outstretched and friendly hands, without hatred and rancor, even as we show great determination and never waver in the defense of truth and justice. Because we know that we cannot sow seeds with clenched fists. To sow we must open our hands." On October 13, 1980 a man unknown to most of the world stepped up to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He received it "in the name of the poorest and smallest of my brothers and sister because they are the most beloved of God." Adolfo Perez Esquivel worked for peace in Latin America for years by coordinating nonviolent groups to work together toward common goals. A sculptor and painter by profession, Esquivel, from Argentina, became active in Latin America nonviolence movements in the 1960s and 1970s. As a child, he admired peace heroes like Mahatama Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. As an adult, he desired to put his faith into action as he had seen these men do. In the early 1970s, he traveled to Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Honduras to work for peace with local movements, often aiding poor peasants in their struggles against the large landowners. In 1976, he was arrested in Ecuador and expelled from the country during a pilgrimage across Latin America. He was arrested again on April 4, 1977 in Argentina, where he was detained for fourteen months without a trial and was subjected to psychological and physical torture.

19. [AlterPresse - Haiti] Adolfo Perez Esquivel à La 3ème APC
Translate this page adolfo perez esquivel à la 3ème APC. Posté le mercredi 20 août2003. Cap Haitien, 20 août. 03 AlterPresse - Le Prix Nobel

20. Carta A Aznar De Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Translate this page ESPA Ñ A. 12 de marzo del 2004. Carta a Aznar de adolfo perez esquivel.Rebelión. Paz y Bien. adolfo perez esquivel. Premio Nobel de la Paz.
12 de marzo del 2004 Carta a Aznar de Adolfo Perez Esquivel
uenos Aires, 11 de marzo de 2004
At. Sr. Presidente de España
José Maria Aznar.
Quiero expresar mi más enérgico repudio a los graves atentados ocurridos hoy en Madrid.
Hechos como este atentan no solamente contra el pueblo español, sino contra toda la comunidad internacional, que no admite ninguna clase de terrorismo, provenga de donde provenga.
A los que han elegido esos métodos con sus nefastas prácticas de muerte, debe aplicárseles todo el peso de la ley, para salvaguardar el modo de vida democrático que los pueblos han elegido.
La violencia de las armas no les da la razón, ni el derecho de actuar con total impunidad.
De continuar, esta situación conlleva un grave peligro para el derecho de la autodeterminación de los pueblos a la Vida y la Paz.
Reciba mi solidaridad y apoyo a todo el pueblo español que sólo desea la paz. Paz y Bien. Adolfo Perez Esquivel. Premio Nobel de la Paz. Secretaría Premio Nobel de la Paz Servicio Paz y Justicia Envia esta noticia

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