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         Dulbecco Renato:     more books (45)
  1. Microbiology by Bernard D. Davis, Renato Dulbecco, et all 1990-01
  2. The Design of Life by Dr. Renato Dulbecco, 1990-09-10
  3. Virology by Renato Dulbecco, Harold S. Ginsberg, 1988-05
  4. Frontiers of Life, Four-Volume Set, Volume 1-4
  5. Encyclopedia of Human Biology, Nine-Volume Set, Second Edition (v. 1-9)
  6. Renato Dulbecco: Marguerite Vogt, DNA Polymerase, Rita Levi-Montalcini, University of Turin, Human Genome Project
  7. Virologue: Frank Macfarlane Burnet, Luc Montagnier, Philippe Maupas, Renato Dulbecco, Peter Duesberg, Harald Zur Hausen, Lise Thiry, Jean Cohen (French Edition)
  8. Biography - Dulbecco, Renato (1914-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  9. Catanzaro: People From Catanzaro, U.s. Catanzaro, Renato Dulbecco, F.c. Catanzaro, Anthony Anastasio, Gianni Amelio, Salvatore Ferraro
  10. [Group of 22 papers]. Includes: LURIA, & Renato DULBECCO. Genetic Recombinations Leading to Production of Active Bacteriophage from Ultraviolet Inactivated Bacteriophage Particles. by Salvador Edward (b. 1912). LURIA, 1949-01-01
  11. People From Catanzaro: Renato Dulbecco, Anthony Anastasio, Gianni Amelio, Salvatore Ferraro, Daniele Cacia, Francesco Acri, Mimmo Rotella
  12. Italian Antifascists: Primo Levi, Emilio Lussu, Oriana Fallaci, Renato Dulbecco, Indro Montanelli, Benedetto Croce, Carlo Rosselli
  13. Naissance Dans La Province de Catanzaro: Cassiodore, Mimmo Rotella, Gianni Amelio, Renato Dulbecco, Mattia Preti, Guglielmo Pepe (French Edition)
  14. Italian Resistance Members: Italo Calvino, Primo Levi, Enrico Berlinguer, Enrico Mattei, Emilio Lussu, Andrea Zanzotto, Renato Dulbecco

1. Renato Dulbecco
Renato Dulbecco (1914 ) Index. VitaSynposisReferences. Vita. Born in 1914, Liguria, Italy. M.D. 1934, University of Turin. Postdoc with Salvador Luria, Indiana University Daniel Kevles, "Renato
Renato Dulbecco (1914- )
Vita Synposis References
  • Born in 1914, Liguria, Italy
  • M.D. 1934, University of Turin
  • Postdoc with Salvador Luria , Indiana University
  • Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1975, with David Baltimore and Howard Temin.
Dulbecco is a pivotal figure in the history of tumor virus research. An Italian immigrant with an M.D., Dulbecco came to the U.S. in order to learn research biology that could be applied to medicine. He spent a postdoctoral fellowship with Salvador Luria, one of the founders of the phage group, in the late 1940s. There he worked side by side with James Watson, then a graduate student. Dulbecco modified techniques used by the bacteriophage researchers and applied them to animal viruses, which had more relevance to human disease. His "plaque assay" made laboratory research on the genetics of tumor viruses practical and opened the door to the flood of tumor virus research in the 1960s and 1970s. Dulbecco shared the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with David Baltimore and Howard Temin, two researchers who independently isolated, using tumor viruses, the paradigm-shattering enzyme reverse transcriptase.
  • Daniel Kevles, "Renato Dulbecco and the new animal virology: Medicine, methods, and molecules," Journal of the History of Biology 26 (3) (1993): 409-442.

2. Dulbecco Renato
Translate this page Genoma (la parte italiana del progetto internazionale). Al Prof. RenatoDulbecco viene conferita la Laurea Honoris Causa in Filosofia.
LICEO SCIENTIFICO "VIEUSSEUX" CON SEZIONE CLASSICA "DE AMICIS" IMPERIA Ha iniziato le sue ricerche mettendo a punto una procedura per ottenere quantità di virus geneticamente puri. Nel 1955 riesce ad isolare il primo mutante del virus della poliomielite. Queste scoperte serviranno a Sabin per la preparazione del vaccino.
Nel 1960 Dulbecco incomincia ad interessarsi alla ricerca oncologica, non fermandosi alla superficie delle cellule, ma spingendo la sua indagine a livello molecolare. La scoperta più importante fu la dimostrazione che il DNA del virus viene incorporato nel materiale genetico cellulare, per cui la cellula subisce un'alterazione permanente. Un'altra scoperta importante fu che i geni virali che rimangono nella cellula mettono in funzione i loro "messaggeri", che alternano l'attività del DNA cellulare, interagendo con esso. Nel 1975 gli viene conferito il Premio Nobel in Medicina
Nel 1986 propose di costruire la "mappa del genoma" che permette di decifrare il patrimonio di 100 mila geni che compone la struttura genetica umana. Tale mappa renderà possibile caratterizzare ogni cellula del corpo attraverso i geni che sono espressi in essa. Per quanto riguarda il cancro, il confronto tra le cellule sane e quelle cancerose, potrà dire quali geni siano attivi in quelle cancerose ed assenti in quelle sane, e vicerversa. Attualmente è rientrato in Italia, dopo quasi 50 anni negli Stati Uniti, come esperto del CNR per il Progetto Genoma (la parte italiana del progetto internazionale).

3. WIEM: Dulbecco Renato
dulbecco renato (1914), onkolog amerykanski pochodzenia wloskiego.Od 1947 w USA. Medycyna, Stany Zjednoczone dulbecco renato (1914-).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Medycyna, Stany Zjednoczone
Dulbecco Renato
Dulbecco Renato onkolog amerykañski pochodzenia w³oskiego. Od 1947 w USA. 1952-1962 profesor w Kalifornijskim Instytucie Technologii w Pasadenie, od 1962 w Salk Institute for Biological Studies w La Jolla (San Diego), od 1972 w Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories w Londynie, od 1977 w Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim w Berkeley. Nagroda Nobla w 1975 (z D. Baltimore'em i  H.M. Teminem ) za prowadzone niezale¿nie badania nad wzajemnym oddzia³ywaniem wirusów rakotwórczych i materia³u genetycznego ¿ywej komórki (odkrycie enzymu odwrotnej transkryptazy WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

4. Granditaliani - Scienze Naturali - Dulbecco Renato
Translate this page Dulbecco, Renato.
Grandi personaggi di un grande popolo document.write(doClock("W0",", ","D0"," ","M0"," ","Y0")); Introduzione Categorie
Biologi, medici, naturalisti
Scienziati e inventori
e-mail Dulbecco, Renato Vita Catanzaro 1914 Opere Anni 50, ricerche sui virus oncogeni SV40
1972, studi sulle forme di cancro dell'uomo indotte da virus
1975, assegnazione del premio Nobel per la fisiologia o la medicina Bibliografia Link consigliati
Vota nella categoria SOCIALE Gilberto Marzuillo . Tutti i diritti riservati.

5. Granditaliani - Scienze Naturali - Dulbecco Renato - Vita
Translate this page Dulbecco, Renato. Vita. Dulbecco, Renato (Catanzaro 1914), biologoitaliano naturalizzato statunitense. Laureatosi in medicina
Grandi personaggi di un grande popolo document.write(doClock("W0",", ","D0"," ","M0"," ","Y0")); Introduzione Categorie
Biologi, medici, naturalisti
Scienziati e inventori
e-mail Dulbecco, Renato Vita Dulbecco, Renato Rita Levi Montalcini Salvatore Edoardo Luria "Dulbecco, Renato," Microsoft® Encarta® Enciclopedia Online 2002
Vota nella categoria SOCIALE Gilberto Marzuillo . Tutti i diritti riservati.

6. Dulbecco Renato - Scienze E Società Oggi....
Translate this page dulbecco renato. Scienze e società oggi. La tentazione della paura. 140 p.,€ 7,00 Passaggi Bompiani (data di pubblicazione prevista Luglio 2004)
Dulbecco Renato
(data di pubblicazione prevista: Luglio 2004)

7. Dulbecco, Renato - -
Translate this page Dulbecco, Renato. Klicken und sparen. 10.04.2004. dulbecco renato. Der Bauplan desLebens - Die Schlüsselfrage der Biologie dulbecco renato Geb. OLn.m. illustr.
Dulbecco, Renato
Dulbecco, Renato
Der Bauplan des Lebens - Die Schlüsselfragen der Biologie - Das Standartwerk des Medizin-Nobelpreisträgers : Dulbecco, Renato
Halbleinen. Guter Zustand/Guter Zustand. Ein empfehlenswertes und interessantes Buch mit Abbildungen und 649 Seiten. Index: 750
Erscheinungsjahr: 1991
Publisher: München: Piper, 1991
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Dulbecco, Renato
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Der Bauplan des Lebens - Die Schlüsselfragen der Biologie - Das Standartwerk des Medizin-Nobelpreisträgers
Dulbecco, Renato
Der Bauplan des Lebens. Die Schlüsselfragen der Biologie. (Mit 143 Abbildungen) : Dulbecco, Renato
649 S., OLn m. OU, Gr. -8 Vergriffen!
Publisher: Piper, München/Zürich, 1991
Hier geht es weiter zum Autor Dulbecco, Renato
Hier geht es weiter zum Buchtitel Der Bauplan des Lebens. Die Schlüsselfragen der Biologie. (Mit 143 Abbildungen)
Dulbecco, Renato
Der Bauplan des Lebens. Die Schlüsselfragen der Biologie : Dulbecco, Renato
OLn. m. OU. 644 S. Neuwertige deutsche Erstausgabe ***Nutzen Sie unseren kostenlosen GESCHENKSERVICE! Auf Wunsch verpacken wir das Buch in Geschenkpapier und senden es an Ihre Wunschadresse ! Erscheinungsjahr: 1991 Publisher: München: Piper, 1991

8. Dulbecco Renato Libri
EURO 8,80. Virologia dulbecco renato; Ginsberg Harold S. ; Zanichelli EURO 37,50. Renato

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9. Renato Dulbecco
Renato Dulbecco, Education on the Internet Renato Dulbecco was bornin Catanzaro, Italy, in 1914. He studied medicine in Turin
Renato Dulbecco
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Renato Dulbecco was born in Catanzaro, Italy , in 1914. He studied medicine in Turin before joining the Italian Resistance movement against Benito Mussolini during the Second World War After the war Dulbecco emigrated to the United States and worked with Salvador Luria at the University of Indiana before moving on to the University of California. Dulbecco discovered the molecular basis of the cancer-causing properties of a group of viruses. In 1975 he won the Nobel Prize for Medicine with David Baltimore and Howard Temin for their work on the cancer-causing properties of the genes of papovaviruses. Available from Amazon Books (order below)
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10. Renato Dulbecco - Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Renato Dulbecco. Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español.Renato Dulbecco nació en Catanzaro, Italia en 1914.
Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Cambios recientes Edita esta página Historial ... Aviso Legal No has entrado
Renato Dulbecco
Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Renato Dulbecco nació en Catanzaro Italia en . Estudió Medicina en la Universidad de Turin y desde fue profesor de Patología en esa misma universidad. A partir de se dedicó a la investigación en Bacteriología .Posteriormente se traslada a Estados Unidos , país del que adquirió la nacionalidad.Trabaja durante 10 años en el Instituto Tecnológico de California y posteriormente ocupa una cátedra en el Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratory de Londres Dedicó todas sus investigaciones al estudio de los tumores en especial a los efectos de los virus sobre las células . Con las conclusiones de sus estudios Dulbecco llegó a la idea de que los virus pueden desempeñar un papel destacado en la génesis del cáncer Obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina en , premio que compartió con David Baltimore y Howard M. Temin
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11. Renato Dulbecco
Renato Dulbecco. Renato Dulbecco (1914) Italian virologist who sharedthe Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1975 with Howard
Renato Dulbecco
Renato Dulbecco
Italian virologist who shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1975 with Howard M. Temin and David Baltimore, both of whom had studied under him.
Dulbecco obtained his M.D. from the University of Turin in 1936 and remained there several years as a member of its faculty. He came to the United States in 1947 and studied viruses, first with Salvador Luria at Indiana University, then at the California Institute of Technology (1949-63). He was a fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif. (1963-72), and returned there in 1977 as a distinguished research professor after serving for five years as a director of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London. During his second tenure at the Salk Institute, he served also on the faculty of the medical school of the University of California at San Diego (1977-81). Dulbecco, with Marguerite Vogt, pioneered the growing of animal viruses in culture in the 1950s and investigated how certain viruses gain control of the cells they infect. They showed that polyoma virus, which produces tumours in mice, inserts its DNA into the DNA of the host cell. The cell then undergoes transformation (a term used in this restricted sense by Dulbecco) into a cancer cell, reproducing the viral DNA along with its own and producing more cancer cells. Dulbecco suggested that human cancers could be caused by similar reproduction of foreign DNA fragments.

12. Il Sito Ufficiale Di Genova 2004 Capitale Europea Della Cultura
Translate this page Mercoledì 14 Aprile 2004 - Il premio Nobel Renato Dulbecco alla MostraL’Età di Rubens Renato dulbecco renato Dulbecco. Renato
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mailing list contattaci ... credits
Giovedì 27 Maggio 2004 - Accordo MTV-Genova sui Festival Ge Nova 04
Giovedì 27 Maggio 2004 - Accordo MTV-Genova sui Festival Ge Nova 04
Martedì 25 Maggio 2004 - Premiazione del gioco on-line “Il Personaggio europeo” Venerdì 21 Maggio 2004 – La Sampdoria alla mostra “L’Età di Rubens”
La squadra di calcio della Sampdoria ha visitato questa mattina la mostra “L’età di Rubens: dimore, committenti e collezionisti genovesi”, a Palazzo Ducale. I Blucerchiati e il Presidente della squadra Riccardo Garrone sono stati accompagnati da Davide Viziano, Presidente di Genova 2004 S.r.l. Giovedì 20 Maggio 2004 – Lo Yomiuri Shinbun di Tokio a Genova
Venerdì 14 Maggio 2004 - Conferenza stampa per la mostra su Renzo Piano
Giovedì 13 Maggio 2004 - Conferenza stampa per la mostra Transatlantici
Lunedì 10 Maggio 2004 - La solidarietà a Genova nel ricordo di Rosanna Benzi Si è tenuta, questa mattina alle 11,30, la premiazione del concorso per una sceneggiatura a tema "La solidarietà a Genova". Il concorso proposto dall’Associazione Gli Altri intende ricordare l’impegno sociale e di solidarietà della fondatrice Rosanna Benzi. La giuria, presieduta dalla regista Francesca Comencini e composta da Nennella Bonaiuto (sceneggiatrice), Osvaldo Pavese (sceneggiatore) e Luciano Seddaiu (Associazione Gli Altri - Direttore Generale Sogea), ha premiato l’autrice Sara Favati di Milano per la sceneggiatura dal titolo "Un nonno per Natale". Tale sceneggiatura sarà oggetto di un cortometraggio che sarà realizzato e prodotto entro settembre 2004.

13. Renato Dulbecco Textbooks Textbooks & Books Price Comparison - Direct Textbook
Search by ISBN, Title, Author, Keyword, or Advanced. Renato Dulbecco Textbooks.Next Textbooks by Renato Dulbecco. Next Textbooks by Renato Dulbecco. Love Us?
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Renato Dulbecco Textbooks
Next Textbooks by Renato Dulbecco Virology
Paperback - Show all editions
Renato Dulbecco
Harold S. Ginsberg , May, 1988 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers
List Price: $41.95
ISBN: 0397509057
Encyclopedia of Human Biology, 9 Volume Set

Hardcover - Show all editions
Renato Dulbecco
, 15 January, 1997 Academic Press
List Price: $2,682.95
ISBN: 0122269705
Frontiers of Life 4 Volume Set
Hardcover - Show all editions David Baltimore Renato Dulbecco Fran‡ois Jacob ... Rita Levi-Montalcini , October, 2001 Academic Press List Price: $1,900.00 ISBN: 0120773406 The Design of Life Paperback - Show all editions Renato Dulbecco , February, 1990 Yale Univ Pr List Price: $37.00 Customer Reviews: ISBN: 0300044771 Scienza, vita e avventura Unknown Binding - Show all editions Renato Dulbecco Sperling and Kupfer List Price: ISBN: 8820008696 Microbiology Hardcover - Show all editions Bernard D. Davis Renato Dulbecco Herman N. Eisen ... Harold S Ginsberg , November, 1989 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers List Price: $89.95 Customer Reviews: ISBN: 0397506899 Encyclopedia of Human Biology, 2

14. Record Trovati 3; In Questa Pagina Dal No. 1 Al No. 3
genetico 88-8274-472-8 - SPERLING KUPFER, - Fr. 13,50, 2003, pp.

15. Board Of Trustees
IPOKRaTES board of trustees. dulbecco renato. Nobel Laureat. Italy/USA.Nobel Laureat Prof. Renato Dulbecco (middle). Carson Benjamin S.
home sitemap
Your E-mail to get informed about new IPOKRaTES seminars and activities IPOKRaTES board of trustees Dulbecco Renato Nobel Laureat Italy/USA Nobel Laureat Prof. Renato Dulbecco (middle) Carson Benjamin S Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA Melchers Fritz Professor Director,Biozentrum University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland Prof. Fritz Melchers (right) together with the chairman of IPOKRaTES Prof. Simbruner (left) Rogers Mark C. President of Paramount Capital, New York, USA Tancig Peter ( request ) Former Slovenian Minister of Science and Technology Ljubljana, Slovenia Frühwald Wolfgang (request) President of Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Augsburg, Germany Status: 100104 IPOKRaTES, a non-profit, non-governmental organisation

Translate this page story - le foto Patty Pravo Peppino Di Capri Pierangelo Bertoli Pippo Baudo PupoRaf Raffaella Carrà Raimondo Vianello Renato dulbecco renato Zero Renzo
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17. Renato Dulbecco - Autobiography
renato dulbecco – Autobiography. I was born in Catanzaro, Italy,from a Calabrese mother and a Ligurian father. I stayed in that
I was born in Catanzaro, Italy, from a Calabrese mother and a Ligurian father. I stayed in that city for a short time; my father was called into the army (World War I) and we moved to the north, Cuneo and Torino. At the end of the war my father, who was in the "Genio Civile", was sent to Imperia, Liguria, where we stayed for many years. The life I remember begins at Imperia, where I went to school, including the Ginnasio-Liceo "De Amicis". What I remember most of that period, besides my family and the few friends, was the rocky beach where I spent most of my time during the summer holiday, and a small meterological observatory, where I used to spend lots of my free time throughout the year. There I developed a strong liking for physics, which I put to good use by building an electronic seismograph, probably one of the first of its kind, which actually worked.
I graduated from high school at 16 (1930) and went to the University in Torino . Although I liked especially physics and mathematics for which I had considerable talent, I decided to study medicine. This profession had for me a strong emotional appeal, which was reinforced by having an uncle who was an excellent surgeon.
In Torino I was a very successful student, but I soon realized that I was interested in biology more than in applied medicine. So I went to work with Giuseppe Levi, the professor of Anatomy, where I learned Histology and the rudiments of cell culture. For my degree, however, I went to morbid anatomy and pathology. In Levi's laboratory I met two students who later had a strong influence on my life:

18. Dulbecco, Renato
dulbecco, renato. (b. Feb. 22, 1914, Catanzaro, Italy), Italian virologistwho shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
Dulbecco, Renato
(b. Feb. 22, 1914, Catanzaro, Italy), Italian virologist who shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1975 with Howard M. Temin and David Baltimore , both of whom had studied under him. Dulbecco obtained his M.D. from the University of Turin in 1936 and remained there several years as a member of its faculty. He came to the United States in 1947 and studied viruses, first with Salvador Luria at Indiana University, then at the California Institute of Technology (1949-63). He was a fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif. (1963-72), and returned there in 1977 as a distinguished research professor after serving for five years as a director of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London. During his second tenure at the Salk Institute, he served also on the faculty of the medical school of the University of California at San Diego (1977-81). Dulbecco, with Marguerite Vogt, pioneered the growing of animal viruses in culture in the 1950s and investigated how certain viruses gain control of the cells they infect. They showed that polyoma virus, which produces tumours in mice, inserts its DNA into the DNA of the host cell. The cell then undergoes transformation (a term used in this restricted sense by Dulbecco) into a cancer cell, reproducing the viral DNA along with its own and producing more cancer cells. Dulbecco suggested that human cancers could be caused by similar reproduction of foreign DNA fragments.

19. Dulbecco, Renato. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. dulbecco, renato. (r nät´d lb k´ ) (KEY) , 1914–, American biologist, b. Catanzaro, Italy.
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20. Dulbecco, Renato
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