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         Ducommun Elie:     more detail
  1. Precis Historique Du Mouvement En Faveur De La Paix (1899) (French Edition) by Elie Ducommun, 2010-09-10
  2. Kantonspolitiker (Genf): Micheline Calmy-Rey, Guillaume-Henri Dufour, Gustave Ador, Adrien Lachenal, Charles Pictet de Rochemont, Élie Ducommun (German Edition)
  3. Swiss Nobel Laureates: Albert Einstein, Henry Dunant, Felix Bloch, Richard R. Ernst, Emil Theodor Kocher, Élie Ducommun
  4. People From Geneva: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Henry Dunant, Élie Ducommun, Louis, Duke of Savoy, Jacques Necker
  5. People From the Canton of Geneva: People From Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Henry Dunant, Élie Ducommun, Louis
  6. Précis Historique Du Mouvement En Faveur De La Paix (French Edition) by Elie Ducommun, 2010-05-25
  7. The probable consequences of a European war by Elie Ducommun, 1906

41. Em Construção
Translate this page Doumer, Paul - Presidente da França. ducommun, elie - Nobel da Paz Dunant, Henri- Fundador da Cruz Vermelha. Dumas, Alejandro - Escritor e dramaturgo.
Aiguader, J. - Prefeito de Barcelona.
Allende, Salvador - Presidente de Chile.
Amstrong, Louis - Compositor de jazz.
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal - Fundador da moderna Turquia.
Bach, J.S. - Compositor.
Baden Powel - Fundador do escotismo
Barber, G.C. - Presidente da Igreja Metodista.
Barbosa de Oliveira, Rui - Senador e escritor
Barrera, Manuel - Ministro da Espanha.
Bartholdi, Frederik A. - Arquiteto (Estatua da Liberdade N.Y.).
Bassie, Count - Compositor de jazz. Beethoven, Ludvig van. - Compositor. Berlioz, Hector - Compositor. Bignanni, Enrico - Fundador da Primeira Internacional Sindicalista. Borgnine, Ernest. - Ator de Cinema. Brent, George - Ator de Cinema. Brodie, Israel. - Gran Rabino. Brundage, Avery. - Presidente do COI. Buckhanan, James. - Presidente dos Estados Unidos Carducci, Giosue - Nobel de Literatura. Carter Jimmy - Presidente dos Estados Unidos Cartwright, Alexander - Criador do jogo de Baseball. Chagall, Marc - Pintor. Chalgrin, Jean Francois - Arquiteto (Arco do Triunfo, Paris). Chrysler, Walter. - Industrial fundador de Chrysler.

42. Élie Ducommun :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
death in 1906. References. elie ducommun Bio. This content from encyclopediais licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Élie Ducommun
Online Encyclopedia

Élie Ducommun February 19 December 7 ) was a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize , which he shared with Charles Albert Gobat . Born in Geneva , he worked as a tutor, language teacher, journalist, and editor, as well as a translator for the Swiss federal Chancellery ( ). In he helped to found the Ligue de la paix et de la liberté (League for Peace and Liberty), though he continued working at other positions, including secretary for the Jura-Simplon Steel Company from to . That year, he was appointed director of the newly formed Bureau international de la paix (International Peace Office), the first non-governmental international peace organization, based in Bern . He refused to accept a salary for the position, stating that he wished to serve in this capacity solely for reasons of idealism. His keen organizational skills ensured the group's success. He was awarded in the Nobel Peace Prize in 1902, and served as director of the organization until his death in 1906.

43. Comunicato Stampa
della Pace nel centenario del Premio Nobel per la Pace a elie ducommun .
FIRENZE/LONDRA 15.XII.2002 Comunicato stampa Il giorno 14 dicembre 2002 si è svolto a Firenze, presso l’aula Strozzi della locale Università, il convegno di studi: " ". La manifestazione è stata organizzata da AssoKipling, associazione culturale e di impegno civile R. L. "R. Kipling", in collaborazione con International Peace Bureau e con il patrocinio de The Gorbachev Foundation. Cristiano Franceschini , Presidente di Assokipling e l’importante messaggio di Cora Weiss Emilio Bianchi , giornalista), biografico ( Danilo Raveggi , responsabile del progetto K for peace ), massonico ( Alberto Barbero , giornalista), poetico ( Rita Susini , docente di belle arti) e quale primo Segretario Generale dell’IPB ( Fulgida Barattoni , I.P.B. italian consultant). Colin Archer Eduard Mancini (Vice Presidente onorario di Ecole instrument de la paix Roberto del Bianco PeaceLink, Italia) della comunicazione mediale pacifista, soprattutto attraverso internet, Nelida Ancora , Chile) dello sforzo pacifista cattolico nell’America Latina, Michael Hoffman (Docente DIU, New York) dei progressi del Diritto Internazionale Umanitario negli ultimi anni

44. 10 Dic 2002
Translate this page sul tema L’EREDITA’ DELLA PACE. Una riflessione collettiva nelcentenario del Premio Nobel per la Pace a elie ducommun. Con il
Comunicato stampa del 10 Dicembre 2002. Firenze In collaborazione con I.P.B. (l’ I nternational P eace B I.P.B. Gorbachev Foundation AssoKipling L’EREDITA’ DELLA PACE Una riflessione collettiva nel centenario del Premio Nobel per la Pace a Elie Ducommun Emilio Bianchi: " Percorsi ed esperienze di pace nel tardo Ottocento " Il XIX secolo tra guerre continue in Europa e in Occidente, la progressiva industrializzazione bellica, il generalizzato diffondersi di pietà e solidarietà per il sempre crescente numero di caduti, feriti e prigionieri. La guerra di Crimea e il " Souvenir de Solferino ". H. Dunant e la nascita del Diritto Internazionale Umanitario (Ginevra e L’Aja). La progressiva formazione del concetto di pace moderno. Il movimentismo pacifista di fine secolo e le prime istituzioni di pace non governative. Danilo Raveggi: "Elie Ducomunn, una testimonianza di vita e di impegno esemplare" La biografia dettagliata di E.D. con particolare riferimento alla sua attività di saggista-giornalista-poeta, alla sua militanza politica radicale fino al cancellierato del Cantone Ginevrino, al suo segretariato generale dell’IPB e al Premio Nobel nel 1902 con il discorso "L’inutilità delle guerre dimostrata dalla storia" Alberto Barbero : "Elie Ducommun Gran Maestro della Loggia Alpina, la massoneria per la Pace"

45. | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas
l arbitrage entre nations . Premio Nobel 1902. ducommun, elie.

Translate this page ducommun, elie - Nobel de la Paz y Fundador Oficina Internac. de laPaz. Berna. Dumas, Alejandro - Escritor, dramaturgo y periodista.
A B C D ... Z -D-
  • Da Cunha Barbosa Januário: (1780 – 1846) Poeta y Periodista brasilero. Uno de los grandes hombres de la Enmancipación de su país. Fundador del Gran Oriente del Brasil, siendo su primer Gran Orador; Da Fonseca Deodoro:(1827 –1892) Proclamador de la República del Brasil y Jefe del Gobierno Provisorio; Da Fonseca Hermes: (1855 – 1923) Sexto Presidente del Brasil; Da silva Paranhos Junior, José Maria: (20/04/1845-1912) Personaje de los más ilustres de la hisória del Brasil; Abogado,Historiador, Periodista, Político, Diplomático, y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del Brasil; Da Silveira Martins Gaspar: (1834 – 1901)Abogado Político. Senador y Ministro brasilero. Dantón, Georges-Jaques - Patriota francés. Daoíz Torres, Luis (1767-1808): Militar que se distinguió en las defensas de Orán y Ceuta y la guerra del Rosellón. Capitán jefe del Parque de Artillería de Monteleón de Madrid durante el levantamiento del "2 de Mayo", falleciendo en su defensa. Darío, Rubén - Poeta.

Louis. Dörpfeld, prof. Dr. Wilhelm. Dowden, Edw. Drinkwater, John. ducommun,elie. 2.5 Ely, Rich. J. Engel, prof. Dr. Eduard. Ernle, Lord. Eucken, prof.
M. Campfens, J.M. Welcker
ARCHIEF H.C. MULLER (1855 - 1927)
Het archief van Dr. H.C. Muller werd geordend door zijn zoon Joan Muller en voorzien van uitvoerige notities en biografische bijzonderheden. Verschillende mappen die door J. Muller vermeld zijn, werden niet door ons aangetroffen. Dit zijn de dossiers:
1. officieele stukken, diploma's, lidmaatschappen, personalia, condoleance brieven
2. Multatuli
3. Multatuli herdenking 1920 te Utrecht
4. Huldiging 70ste verjaardag 31 oktober 1925
5. Correspondentie met uitgevers
6. Correspondentie met Nederlandse kunstenaars
7. Dossier Griekse brieven
8. Dossier Philhelleense beweging
9. Dossier varia Een korte biografie van H.C. Muller door P.J. Meertens is te vinden in het Mededelingenblad 33 (december 1967, pp. 34-37) uitgegeven door de Sociaal Historische Studie Kring, waar ook andere literatuur vermeld wordt. M. Campfens J.M. Welcker Amsterdam, maart 1969.

48. CAMNET Archives -- December 2003 (#423)
Dalai Lama 1989 Dawes, Charles Gates 1925 De Klerk, Fredrik Willem 1993 DoctorsWithout Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) 1999 ducommun, elie 1902 Dunant

49. WHKMLA : History Of Switzerland, 1891-1914
of the International Red Cross (1863) and organixer of the (first) Geneva Convention(1864); the Nobel Peace Prize for 1902 went to elie ducommun and Charles
Switzerland 1891-1914
A.) Foreign Policy

Switzerland, in continuation of her traditional policy of NEUTRALITY and aware of nationalism and imperialism fervent in her neighbouring countries and of the arms race going on, promoted international agreements aiming on the peaceful regulation of international relations, such as the PEACE CONFERENCES in Den Haag ("the Hague") in 1899 and 1907. When, largely due to the effort of French Pacifist PIERRE DE COUBERTIN, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) was founded, it established her headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1901 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Swiss JEAN HENRI DUNANT, the founder of the International Red Cross (1863) and organixer of the (first) Geneva Convention (1864); the Nobel Peace Prize for 1902 went to Elie Ducommun and Charles Albert Gobat, both Swiss, honorary secretaries of the INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU, BERNE (est. 1891); in 1908 and 1913, the institute, renamed Permanent International Peace Bureau , was again honoured by the prize being awarded to her presidents, Dane Fredrik Bajer (1908) and Belgian Henri La Fontaine (1913).

50. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
Translate this page ducommun, Anne-Marie. ducommun, Anne-Marie - 1935. ducommun, elie - 1897. ducommun,JC. ducommun, JC - 1869. ducommun, Jacqueline. - 1977. DUCOMMOKtJulesC6ar tU.

51. Biography-center - Letter D
ducommun, elie;Ducreux, Joseph;
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52. Premi Nobel
De Klerk, Fredrik Willem, 1993. Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières),1999. ducommun, elie, 1902. Dunant, Jean Henri, 1901. Esquivel, Adolfo Perez, 1980.

Archivio dei Premi Nobel
Museo On-line del Premio Nobel
Alfred Nobel fondatore del Premio Nobel. 21 ottobre 1833 -10 dicembre 1896
luogo di nascita: Stockholm, Sweden L'archivio internet dei Premi Nobel è completamente interattivo. Se avete un link interessante e molto usato circa una particolare personalità insignita del Nobel, potete aggiungere qui in-linea quel link. Cosa offre l'e-museo?
L'e-museo offre informazioni aggiornate su tutti i 736 vincitori del Premio, l'Organizzazione Nobel, Alfred Nobel, gli eventi e così pure materiale educativo e giochi. L'e-museo Nobel consta di più di 9.000 documenti statici, diversi data base ed un gran numero di produzioni multimediali connessi ai Premi Nobel.
Di seguito riportiamo l'elenco alfabetico dei Premi Nobel; cliccando sui singoli nomi è possibile connettersi alle relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi Nobel
Name Anno di conferimento Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Annan, Kofi ... Wilson, Thomas Woodrow in particolare sito ufficiale di MEDICI SENZA FRONTIERE - MSF ITALIA raggiungibile con la posta elettronica all'indirizzo:

53. Irwin Abrams: "Je Me Souviens..."
It turned out that the records from my period of interest, when elie ducommun wassecretarygeneral, were in apple-pie order, and I was able to make good use
JE ME SOUVIENS... (I REMEMBER...) By Irwin Abrams Published as "Je me souviens..." in United Nations Library at Geneva: Catalogue of the Centenary Exhibition of the International Peace Bureau (Geneva: United Nations Office, 1992): 3-5. Arrival in Geneva My first port of call was Geneva, the site of the League of Nations and headquarters for the internationalists of the day. There I was to meet such leading figures of the pre-war peace movement as Ludwig Quidde, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a refugee from Hitler Germany; Christian Lange, also a Nobel peace prizewinner and a leading scholar on internationalism, who was a member of the Norwegian delegation to the League Assembly; and Theodore Ruyssen, a veteran of the French peace movement, now secretary-general of the International Union of Associations for the League of Nations. I was also to interview Hans Wehberg, international lawyer and publicist, who had an unrivalled knowledge of the peace movement's history. They were all helpful, and it was a privilege to meet such men, but a historian must have written records, and in Geneva I hoped to see what might be preserved of the archives of the IPB, which could go back to its founding in Berne by action of the World Peace Congress of l89l. I knew that it still occupied the same premises to which it had moved in l924. And I had also learned that the Library of the League had acquired the papers of Fried and Baroness von Suttner, both leaders in the peace movement in the 1890's.

54. � Lež Ducommun
1906. Odkazy. elie ducommun Bio. Toto je strojový preklad clánkuz encyklopedie Wikipedia porízený prekladacem Eurotran.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
� lež Ducommun
� lež Ducommun 19. ºnora 7. prosince ) byl v­těz Nobelova m­rov¡ cena , kter½ on sd­lel to s Charles Albert Gobat . Narozen½ v Ženeva , on pracoval jako instruktor, učitel jazyka, novin¡Å™ a editor, stejně jako překladatel pro Å¡v½carsk½ feder¡ln­ Chancellery ( ). V on pom¡hal založit Ligue de la paix et de la libert � (liga pro m­r a Liberty), ačkoli on pokračoval pracovat u jin½ch pozic, včetně sekret¡Å™ky pro Jura-Simplon ocel¡Å™sk¡ společnost od k . Ten rok, on byl jmenovan½ ředitel nově tvořen©ho ºÅ™adu mezin¡rodn­ de la paix (mezin¡rodn­ Office m­ra), prvn­ non-vl¡dn­ mezin¡rodn­ m­rov¡ organizace, um­stěn½ v Bern . On odm­tl přij­mat plat pro pozici, ř­kat, že on př¡l si sloužit v t©to kapacitě pouze pro důvody idealismu. Jeho horliv© organizačn­ dovednosti zajistily skupinov½ ºspěch. On byl udělen v Nobelově m­rov© ceně v 1902, a sloužil jako ředitel organizace until jeho smrt v 1906.

Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

55. Nobel Prize For Peace
1901 Henri Dunant (Switzerland); Frederick Passy (France) 1902 elie ducommun andAlbert Gobat (Switzerland) 1903 Sir William R. Cremer (UK) 1904 Institut de
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56. Constantijn Huygens Instituut - Arthur Eyffinger
A Place in Valhalla! A Portrait of elie ducommun retraced in The Hague ,in elie ducommun 18331906 (2002), 51-92. Conference elie ducommun.
Arthur Eyffinger
The Hague, 10 October 1947
Academic Training
1967-1974: Classics, Leyden University (Latin; Greek; Humanist Latin)
1974-1976: Postdoctoral Neo-Latin / Humanist Studies Amsterdam University
1977-1981: Ph. D. Classics Amsterdam University
1981: Dissertation on aspects of Hugo Grotius' literary works
Grotius Poeta ); promotor: Prof. J. IJsewijn
1984: Research at Cambridge (Clare)
Professional Career
1970-1985: Grotius Institute of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences Amsterdam, Editor Works of Hugo Grotius
1970-1973: Bachelor research assistant
1973-1975: Graduate research assistant
1975-1980: Co-editor series Poetry Hugo Grotius
1981-1985: Editor series Poetry Hugo Grotius
1985-1988: Deputy-Director Peace Palace Library 1988-2002: Head Librarian International Court of Justice (U.N.) 2003-present: Director Judicap
Major Affiliations
1980-present: Co-Founder and Board Member Grotiana Foundation 1980-2000: Secretary Grotiana Foundation 1980-2002: Editor Journal Grotiana N.S.

57. Kalendrium
Podzielona równo pomiedzy dwóch laureatów elie ducommun (18331906),szwajcarski dzialacz polityczny, publicysta, filantrop.

veli (1875?) sefaret imami nobel ödülü dunant, jean henri (1828-1910) 1901 barisödülü ducommun, elie (1833-1906) 1902 baris ödülü carducci, giosue

59. Pages De Données
elie (Sosa 24 Retourà la page principale. ducommun, Abraham (Sosa 4042), Décès avant 1681.
FRAUD, "Gabriel"
(Sosa 200)
FRAUD, "Jean" Pierre
(Sosa 100)
CHABRIER, "Jeanne"
(Sosa 201)
FRAUD, "Jacques" Gabriel Jean (Sosa 50) MALEVAL ; MALAVAL, "Jean-Jacques"
MALEVAL ; MALAVAL, "Elisabeth"
(Sosa 101)
GREFFE, "Brigitte"
(Sosa 203)
Naissance: 17 septembre 1806
entre 1874 et 1875
Source archives familiales.
Famille FRAUD - DRUET Mariage: 05 janvier 1835 Source: (Sosa 204) DRUET, "Claude" Joseph (Sosa 102) WUILLERMOT, Claudine Marie (Sosa 205) DRUET, "Emilie" (Sosa 51) MARCEL, Louis Gabriel (Sosa 206) MARCEL, "Marie" (Sosa 103) ROCHE, "Victoire" (Sosa 207) Naissance: 28 septembre 1798 Profession: Source archives familiales. L'enfant du couple FRAUD - DRUET (Sosa 25) Pontaix, 26, , FRA
Laboureur Fils de Joseph et de Barbe Dalod. Demeure au hameau de Rhiens. Famille MILLET - DRUET Mariage: 19 septembre 1763 Source: DRUET, Joseph (Sosa 408) (Sosa 204) CHAVEYNIAT, Jeanne Marie (Sosa 409) CRITIN, Catherine
LACHERET ; LASCHERET ; LASSERET, "Charles" (Sosa 832) Naissance: Famille LACHERET ; LASCHERET ; LASSERET - DRUON DRUON, "Marguerite" (Sosa 833)

60. Odin - The Nobel Peace Prize
ducommun, elie, Switzerland, 1833 — 1906. Honorary Secretary Permanent InternationalPeace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Berne;. and.
Odin Government Ministries Archive ... Norway in facts and figures
The Nobel Peace Prize
In his will of 1895 Alfred Nobel stipulated that the scientific prizes and the prize for literature should be awarded by Swedish institutions. But the decision regarding the peace prize he left to a committee appointed by the Norwegian parliament, the Storting. The reasons why the Swede Alfred Nobel entrusted this honourable task to the Norwegian national assembly are not quite clear. Norway and Sweden had been united under the same sovereign since 1814, but towards the end of the century Norwegian agitation for the dissolution of that union became increasingly strong. It may well be that this gesture was an attempt to defuse a conflict that threatened to explode. On the other hand there is nothing to indicate that Nobel was particularly involved in this constitutional crisis, living outside Sweden as he did for most of his life. Another explanation might lie in his presumed respect for the work of the Storting in the international field: for instance, its decision of 1880 in favour of international arbitration and its active support of the interparliamentary movement.

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