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         De Klerk Fredrik Willem:     more detail

21. Friedensnobelpreisträger
Translate this page Israel). 1993, Nelson Mandela (RSA) fredrik willem de klerk (RSA) (fürdie friedliche Überwindung des Apartheid-Regimes). 1992, Rigoberta
Friedensnobelpreisträger Verleihung durch das norwegische Storting
(Storting = norwegische Parlament; wählt das Preiskomitee) Shirin Ebadi
iranische Menschenrechtlerin, Muslimin Carter, Jimmy US-Präsident für dessen internationales Wirken während und nach seiner Präsidentschaft Die Vereinten Nationen und deren Generalsekretär Kofin Aannan Kim Dae Jung für sein Engagement um Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Südkorea und Ostasien allgemein, sowie für den Frieden und Aussöhnungsbemühungen mit Nordkorea. "Ärzte ohne Grenzen"
(für humanitäre Arbeit in verschiedenen Ländern)
Friedensnobelpreis 1999
John Hume und David Trimble
(Einsatz für den Frieden in Nordirland) "Internationale Kampagne zur Ächtung von Landminen" Bischof Carlos Belo und Jose Ramos-Horta
(Widerstand gegen indonesisches Besatzerregime auf Ost-Timor) Joseph Rotblat und der von ihm mitbegründeten Pugwash-Bewegung
(Einsatz des Physikers und der Pugwash-Organisation für eine Abschaffung von Atomwaffen aller Art) Yasser Arafat (Präsident der PLO)
Shimon Peres (israelischer Außenminister)

Yitzhak Rabin (israelischer Premier)

(für den Friedensprozess um Palästina und Israel) Nelson Mandela (RSA) Fredrik Willem De Klerk (RSA) (für die friedliche Überwindung des Apartheid-Regimes) Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Guatemala) (Menschenrechtsaktivitäten) Augn Saan Suu Kyi (Burma) (Menschenrechtsaktivitäten) Michail Gorbatschow (SU) (für die Beendigung des Kalten Krieges) Dalai Lama (Tibet) (Menschenrechtsaktivitäten)

22. SIDEBAR: 100 Years Of Beatitude - Christianity Today Magazine
1993 Nelson Mandela fredrik willem de klerk The former is a lifelong Methodistand the latter professes belief in the Trinity; two otherwise diametrically
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23. Anonymous Are The Peacemakers - Christianity Today Magazine
representatives—including the (Afrikaner) Dutch Reformed Church s declaration thatapartheid is a sin—President fredrik willem de klerk enacted these same
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24. Candidatura De D. Baltasar Garzón Al Premio Nobel De La Paz
Translate this page 1991, Aung San Suu Kyi. 1992, Rigoberta Menchu Tum. 1993, Nelson Mandela,fredrik willem de klerk. 1994, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin.
El Premio Premiados Apoyo Institucional Por Internet ... El Premio Premiados El 14vo. Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Aung San Suu Kyi Rigoberta Menchu Tum Nelson Mandela, Fredrik Willem De Klerk Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin Joseph Rotblat, Conferencias Pugwash sobre Ciencia y Asuntos Mundiales Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, Jose Ramos-Horta John Hume, David Trimble Kim Dae Jung Jimmy Carter

25. CAMNET Archives -- December 2003 (#423)
D estournelles de 1909 Corrigan, Mairead 1976 Cremer, Sir William Randal 1903 DalaiLama 1989 Dawes, Charles Gates 1925 de klerk, fredrik willem 1993 Doctors

26. PRO-GEN Output
1. fredrik LENTEN (zie 19028 21395 willem Berends KLEINE 21108 Cornelis de klerk, geborenop zaterdag, 12 mei 1877 te Nieuw en St Joosland, zoon van Jan de klerk
Eerste blad Vorig blad Blad 64 van 137 bladen. Volgend blad Laatste blad Gommert KLAP , geboren op vrijdag, 4 april 1919 te Nieuw en St Joosland, overleden op vrijdag, 26 oktober 1973 te Vlissingen op 54-jarige leeftijd, zoon van Cornelis KLAP (zie 20883) en Cornelia LEIJNSE (zie 20882).
Gehuwd op 24-jarige leeftijd op woensdag, 1 september 1943 te Nieuw en St Joosland met Pieternella EIKENHOUT , 20 jaar oud (zie 20888).
Uit dit huwelijk: 2 kinderen.
Gommert KLAP
Gehuwd met Maria van den ENDE (zie 20885).
Uit dit huwelijk: 1 kind.
Marcus Cornelis KLAP , geboren te Nieuw en St Joosland, zoon van Gommert KLAP (zie 20887) en Pieternella EIKENHOUT (zie 20888).
Gehuwd (1) te Nieuw en St Joosland met Pieternella Jacomina DAS (zie 20897).
Gehuwd (2) te Alkmaar met Gisela Renate WALTHER (zie 20898).
Uit het eerste huwelijk: 3 kinderen.
Maria KLAP , geboren op maandag, 26 maart 1917 te Nieuw en St Joosland, overleden op donderdag, 4 april 1918 te Nieuw en St Joosland op 1-jarige leeftijd, dochter van Cornelis KLAP (zie 20883) en Cornelia LEIJNSE (zie 20882).

27. Pace - ACLI Di PN
Translate this page desmond Tutu 1986 - Elie Wiesel 1989 - Dalai Lama 1990 - Mikhaik Gorbachev 1992 -Rigoberta Menchu 1993 - fredrik willem de klerk, Nelson Mandela 1994 - Yesser
Iniziative di PACE
Le ACLI aderiscono alla Tavola per la pace del FVG. Agenda
Attualmente le attività sono delegate al Circolo ACLI "A. Capitini" di Pordenone
Testimoni di pace
Appello ai candidati sindaci
28 Marzo 2004 Via Crucis Pordenone-Aviano Le vie della nonviolenza 2004 Verso la Marcia Perugia Assisi 2003 6 aprile 2003 VIA CRUCIS 14 marzo 2003 Appello di coscienza da parte dei Reduci delle Forze Armate degli Stati Uniti ai militari effettivi ed ai riservisti
17 marzo 2002 VIA CRUCIS Secondo giubileo degli Oppressi "La Pace nelle nostre mani: non solo utopia!"
I premi Nobel per la pace
Link della pace
Testimoni di pace
(354-430) Vesvovo d'Ipponia.
Francesco d'Assisi (1182-1226) Santo,eremita.
Antonio di Padova (1195-1231) Santo,teologo.
Erasmo da Rotterdam (1469-1536) Fiolsofo, teologo.

28. RTP
Translate this page on Science and World Affairs 1994 – Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres e Yitzhak Rabin1993 – Nelson Mandela e fredrik willem de klerk 1992 – Rigoberta Menchu

29. Premi Nobel Per La Pace
D. \n*Dalai Lama, 1989\n*Charles Gates Dawes, 1925\n*fredrik willem de klerk, 1993\n*DoctorsWithout Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), 1999\n*Elie Ducommun
Premi Nobel per la pace
Vedasi anche: Pace Pacifisti celebri Alfred Nobel Premio Nobel ... Premi Nobel italiani Premio in ordine Pace alfabetico cronologico Letteratura alfabetico cronologico ... cronologico
Premi Nobel per la Pace
Nobel per la Pace clicca qui
Amnesty International
Jimmy Carter
Dalai Lama Jean Henri Dunant
Bertha von Suttner
Websites: Tagoror Guajara Tacoronte Guia Todo Gomera ... Mi Buscador
Enciclopedia On Line: Questa pagina e disponibile con licenza GNU FDL

30. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ìèðà
Dalai Lama, 1989. Dawes, Charles Gates, 1925. de klerk, fredrik willem, 1993. Ducommun,Elie, 1902. fredrik willem de klerk President of the Republic of South Africa.
Alphabetical listing of Nobel Peace prize laureates
Name Year Awarded Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Angell, Sir Norman Arafat, Yasser Arnoldson, Klas Pontus Asser, Tobias Michael Carel Bajer, Fredrik Balch, Emily Greene Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois Begin, Menachem Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Borlaug, Norman Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Brandt, Willy Branting, Karl Hjalmar Boyd-Orr Of Brechin, Lord John Briand, Aristide Bride, Sean Mac Buisson, Ferdinand Bunche, Ralph Butler, Nicholas Murray Cassin, Rene Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Chamberlain, Sir Austen Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Corrigan, Mairead Cremer, Sir William Randal Dalai Lama Dawes, Charles Gates De Klerk, Fredrik Willem Ducommun, Elie Dunant, Jean Henri Esquivel, Adolfo Perez Fontaine, Henri La Fried, Alfred Hermann The Friends Service Council Gobat, Charles Albert Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich Hammarskjoeld, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl

31. Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank
Conferences on Science and World Affairs; 1994 Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and YassirArafat;1993 Nelson Mandela and fredrik willem de klerk; 1992 Rigoberta

Nobel Peace Prize
(for current year Peace Prize press release and concise Alfred Nobel bio and prize history: call +47-22-44-36-80, or fax +47-22-43-01-68, or write Norwegian Nobel Committee, Drammensvn. 19, N-0255, Oslo, Norway.) Peace Prize is part of family of 5 annual Nobel awards (physics, chemistry, literature, physiology or medicine, and peace) + Nobel memorial prize in economics added in 1968 (The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel). ONLY the Peace Prize is decided by Nobel Committee in Oslo Norway ; others chosen by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm, Sweden
Key Dates:
October = winners announced; December 10 = simultaneous award ceremonies in Stockholm and Oslo each year (date Alfred Nobel died); by February 1 , nominations must be received for that year's award.
Selection process:
right to put forward candidates is restricted to
  • present and past members of the Nobel Committee or "Storting" (Norwegian pariament), members of the different countries' national assemblies and governments, and members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

32. Olof Palmes Internationella Centrum
Botha avsattes och ersattes av fredrik willem de klerk 1990. FW de klerklegaliserade hela skalan av svarta befrielseorganisationer.

33. Caritas Australia Salutes 10 Years Of Democracy In South Africa - News From The
The first, President fredrik willem de klerk, who had the foresight to recognisethat if South Africa were to survive, its political system needed to change

Media Releases

News from the Field


Annual Report

Caritas Australia is a signatory to Australian Council for International Development (ACFID)
Caritas Australia salutes 10 years of democracy in South Africa Challenges which South Africa still face include finding ways to increase levels of employment for all its people - particularly its black majority - and curbing more effectively the spread of HIV/AIDS. On April 27, 1994, through democratically held elections the country managed to dismantle apartheid, the most conspicuously institutionalised expression of racism the world then knew, without major bloodshed or economic turmoil. Apartheid was a system that exposed all that was evil about dividing society along racial lines and then applying inequitable economic formulae and dehumanising often violent measures to ensure that a small elite held political power and restricted opportunities for the powerless majority. While isolated pockets of racism endure, the largely peaceful demise of the former system of administration has provided hope that life can change for the better for all South Africans. Much of the credit for completing the transition to majority rule in South Africa goes to two people. The first, President Fredrik Willem de Klerk, who had the foresight to recognise that if South Africa were to survive, its political system needed to change regardless of the wishes and fears of its white minority.

34. Philippus Johann
Barbara van Bronsveld, gehuwd fredrik Henrik la Mouche. B.7 willem van Bronsvelt (ouders),geboren in militair, directeur van de militie, klerk der financiën
A : Philippus Johann van Bronsveld, gestorven voor 1643, gehuwd Anthonetta van der Mijlen, op 26 Juli 1611 in Den Haag (dochter van Engebert Claesz van der Mijle en Elisabeth van der Bijl). Philips sterft voor 7 juli 1643. Bij de doop van Phillip van Bronsvelt (zijn Kleinzoon) is Dirk Adriaans Groenensteijn getuige indeplaats van Philipus Bronsvelt za[liger]. In boek over Dordrecht wordt hij Johan Philips genoemd. Gezien de namen van zijn kinderen en die van die van zijn schoonfamilie zou zijn vader Willem en moeder Katharina kunnen heten. Johan Bruinsvelt zou ook zijn vader kunnen zijn. Misschien is Johann wel niet zijn tweede roepnaam maar een patroniem (Johanszoon). Een zoon van Jan Bruinsvelt Harman is leerling goudsmid bij Heijndrick van der Mijle in Den Haag (2/9//1602). Deze Heijndrick kan een broer of oom zijn van van Anthonetta de vrouw van Philip. De weduwe van Jan Bruinsvelt lijkt ook in Den Haag te wonen. Het is mogelijk dat de familie uit het bisdom Munster komt Philips zoon Willem had daar kennelijk goederen. Het is mogelijk dat Bronsvelt een verbastering is van Barnsvelt.

35. Parenteel Van Fredrik Bolhoven
Get. Hendrik Wilhelm de klerk, werkman, 55 1866 te Amsterdam (getuige(n) FredrikBolhoven, 65 zwager man, schilder, 34; Hendrik willem Westrik, matrassenmaker
Parenteel van Fredrik Bolhoven
I.1 Fredrik Bolhoven , soldaat op VOC-schip "De Pauw" uit Delfshaven naar Batavia (1767-1768), geboren circa 1747 te Bingum, OostFriesland, overleden op 09-02-1820 om 17.00 uur te Amsterdam. Bezoekt Batavia als soldaat (1767-1768) op VOC-schip vanuit Delft.
Gehuwd (1) op 18-04-1777 te Amsterdam (getuige(n): Harmen Sprot; Lena Pranger) met Trijntie Smit , 25 jaar oud, geboren op 29-09-1751 te Amsterdam, gedoopt op 29-09-1751 te Amsterdam, overleden op 15-04-1783 te Amsterdam op 31-jarige leeftijd, dochter van Gerbrand Smit en Lena Pranger
Gehuwd (2) op 14-01-1785 te Amsterdam (getuige(n): Johanna Dommer) met Lucretia van der Horst , geboren circa 1759 te Kampen, overleden op 22-02-1798 te Amsterdam, dochter van n.n. van der Horst en Johanna Dommer
Uit het eerste huwelijk:
Bolhove (zie II.1).
Lena Bolhoven , gedoopt (NdK) op 12-01-1780 te Amsterdam (getuige(n): Maretje Smit), overleden op 01-03-1845 om 13.00 uur te Amsterdam op 65-jarige leeftijd.
Gehuwd op 20-jarige leeftijd op 18-04-1800 te Amsterdam (getuige(n): Pieter Meester; Fredrik Bolhoven.) met

36. Efemérides - Premios Nobel De La Paz Desde 1901 Hasta 2001
Translate this page 1994, YASSER ARAFAT - SHIMON PERES - YITZHAK RABIN. 1993, NELSON MANdeLA- fredrik willem de klerk. 1992, RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM. 1991, AUNG SAN SUUKYI.
ESCUELAS EN LA RED WEBMAIL BUSCADOR Institucional D.G.E. SIGNIFICADOS El calendario Los meses Hoy CONTENIDO Por mes Fechas Patrias Conmemoraciones Calendario escolar 2004 MENDOZA FUENTES Material de
Belgrano Oeste 210

37. José Ramos Horta: Prémios Nobel
Translate this page 1993 - Nelson Mandela (África do Sul) / fredrik willem de klerk (Áfricado Sul). 1994 - Yasser Arafat / Shimon Peres / Yitzhak Rabin (Israel).
Prémios Nobel da Paz - Jean Henri Dunant (Suíça) / Frédéric Passy (França) - Élie Ducommun (Suíça) / Charles Albert Gobat (Suíça) - Sir William Randal Cremer (Grã-Bretanha) - Instituto de Direito Internacional - Baronesa Bertha von Suttner (Áustria) -Theodore Roosevelt (Estados Unidos) - Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (Itália) / Louis Renault (França) - Fredrik Bajer (Dinamarca) / Klas Pontus Arnoldson (Suécia) - Auguste Marie François Beernaert (Bélgica) / Barão Paul d'Estournelles de Constant (França) - Secretariado Internacional da Paz - Tobias Michael Carel Asser (Holanda) / Alfred Hermann Fried (Áustria) - Elihu Root (Estados Unidos) - Henri de La Fontaine (Bélgica) - Não atribuído - Não atribuído - Não atribuído - Cruz Vermelha Internacional - Não atribuído - Thomas Woodrow Wilson (Estados Unidos) - Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois (França) - Karl Hjalmar Branting (Suécia) / Christian Lous Lange (Noruega) - Fridtjof Nansen (Noruega) - Não atribuído - Não atribuído - Charles Gates Dawes (Estados Unidos) / Sir (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain (Grã-Bretanha) - Aristide Briand (França) / Gustav Stresemann (Alemanha) - Ludwig Quidde (Alemanha) / Ferdinand Buisson (França) - Não atribuído - Frank Billings Kellog (Estados Unidos) - Nathan Söderblom (Suécia) - Nicholas Murray Butler (Estados Unidos) / Jane Addams (Estados Unidos) - Não atribuído - Sir Norman Angell (Grã-Bretanha) - Arthur Henderson (Grã-Bretanha) - Carl von Ossietzky (Alemanha) - Carlos de Saavedra Lamas (Argentina) - Lord Cecil of Chelwood (Grã-Bretanha)

38. New Page 1
Shimon Peres on the occasion of his eightieth birthday—was joined by an impressivelineup of Nobel laureates including fredrik willem de klerk of South Africa
“What an Extraordinary Place!” Rosh Hashana Reflections on Several Intertwined Anniversaries: 80, 30, 25, 10, 3, 2 A Weekly Briefing on Israeli and Middle Eastern Affairs September 23, 2003 Dr. Eran Lerman Director Israel/Middle East Office The American Jewish Committee “What an extraordinary place,” exclaimed Clinton during the evening celebrations. “I feel at home here.” (Our own AJC president, Harold Tanner, who was there, can attest to the immense warmth with which Clinton was received by the Israeli public.) As the heroic (in Hebrew, g vurot , a term associated with the age of 80) celebration rolled on, it brought into focus not only politics, but also Peres’s other favorite set of issues—namely, the need to reshape Israel as a society based on science-driven industries (such as nanotechnology)—a vision for which he now actively seeks the support of American Jewry. Again he opened windows to a vision of prosperity spreading to parts of the region beyond our borders. None of our trials and tribulations over these last few years have changed this man’s focus on the future. What is wrong with such an intervention? Two main issues arise:

39. International Kids Club World Peace World Love
the ANC. fredrik willem de klerk President of the Republic of SouthAfrica. 1992 RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM, Guatemala. Campaigner for
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About The Nobel prize for PEACE The Nobel prize.
What is it?

Nobel prizes were created by the will of Alfred Nobel, a notable Swedish chemist. He was the inventor of dynomite. The prize is awarded by the Norwegian NOBEL Committee to the person or persons who bestowed the "greatest benefit on mankind" each year. Six Nobel prizes are awarded in 6 different subjects Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and Literature. They have been awarded to a variety of people for a variety of reasons since 1901. See the list that follows! This year (2001) marks the centennial for the PEACE prize! 100 years of PEACE: Nobel Peace Prize Winners 1901-2000 The following people or organizations are recipients of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: KIM DAE JUNG for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular.

40. FORWARD : News
and peacemakers of our time, alongside the Communismdismantling Soviet leader MikhailGorbachev and the apartheid-abolishing fredrik willem de klerk of South
SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 current issue back issues subscribe
Peres Birthday Bash a Blast From the Oslo Past
CHEMI SHALEV The Peres extravaganza was doubly striking when juxtaposed against the grim atmosphere in which it was held. It was an expensive and merry affair, at a time when most Israelis are in a dark and somber mood, increasingly feeling the pinch of an endless economic recession. Moreover, the gathering of nearly two dozen former and current heads of state, along with hundreds of foreign ministers, top officials, millionaires and celebrities, all in Peres's honor, only served to highlight by contrast the growing isolation of Israel itself. Not since Yitzhak Rabin's funeral in 1995 had any Israeli managed to unite so much of the world in admiration. Indeed, only a few short hours before the Peres gala got underway, Israel was getting its knuckles rapped, by a lopsided 133-to-4 United Nations General Assembly majority, for its decision "in principle" to get rid of Yasser Arafat. If just the countries represented at Peres's birthday party had voted in Israel's favor, the results would have been radically different. This is the main reason that after years of hemming and hawing, Sharon has suddenly become a devotee of the so-called separation fence. In lieu of an active peace process, which polls show most Israelis supporting, Sharon's aides believe that completing the popular fence, or trying to, is the best way to mollify a restive public opinion. To this end Sharon hurriedly dispatched his trusted bureau chief, Dov Weisglass, along with the director-general of the Defense Ministry, Amos Yaron, on a quick trip to Washington this week to try and resolve the conflict with the Bush administration over the fence's path, especially near the West Bank town of Ariel. The two negotiators succeeded in postponing any decision on the administration threat to cut the cost of the fence from the American loan guarantees to Israel, but did not budge the substantive American opposition to the fence's deep forays into West Bank territory.

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