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         De Hevesy George:     more books (15)
  1. George de Hevesy, Life and Work by H. Levi, 1985-01-01
  2. George De Hevesy
  3. Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. Chemistry, 1942 - 1962. by George, HAHN, Otto, VIRTANEN, Artturi Ilmari et al. NOBEL. DE HEVESY, 1964
  4. Hafnium: Chemical element, Chemical symbol, Atomic number, Transition metal, Mendeleev's predicted elements, Zirconium, Stable nuclide, Dirk Coster, George de Hevesy.
  5. Hungarian Expatriates in Sweden: Eduardo Rózsa-Flores, George de Hevesy, Nándor Wagner, Sándor Bródy, Carl Von Garaguly
  6. Träger Des Atoms for Peace Award: Dwight D. Eisenhower, John Cockcroft, Isidor Isaac Rabi, George de Hevesy, Aage Niels Bohr, Ben Mottelson (German Edition)
  7. Jewish Chemists: Walter Gilbert, Ada Yonath, George de Hevesy, Aaron Klug, Ernst Boris Chain, Samuel Ruben, Grigory Mairanovsky
  8. Chimiste Hongrois: George de Hevesy, Richard Adolf Zsigmondy, Istvan Markó, Pál Kitaibel, József Jakab Winterl (French Edition)
  9. Swedish People of Hungarian Descent: Hungarian Expatriates in Sweden, Eduardo Rózsa-Flores, George de Hevesy, Nándor Wagner, Anders Limpar
  10. Chimiste Suédois: Alfred Nobel, Svante August Arrhenius, Jöns Jacob Berzelius, George de Hevesy, Carl Wilhelm Scheele (French Edition)
  11. Nuklearmediziner: George de Hevesy, Otmar Schober, Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, Gynter Mödder, Andrew Newberg, Elmar Doppelfeld (German Edition)
  12. Advances in Radiobiology. Proceedings 5th. 1956 by George Carl De Hevesy, 1957-01-01
  13. Selected Papers by George Carl De Hevesy, 1967-06

61. New Page 1
Four Tales of george de hevesy. First Story Getting the Lead Out. Vol I. PergamonPress, New York; 1962. Huggins, C. A valentine for george hevesy. Int. J. App.
Tales from the Atomic Age Paul W. Frame These stories originally appeared in the Health Physics Society newsletter. Four Tales of George de Hevesy First Story: Getting the Lead Out Ernest Rutherford often boasted, "[I have] never given one of my students a hopeless problem" (Wilson 1983). Had he been in a humorous mood, he might even have made this comment in the presence of George de Hevesy. January 1911. George de Hevesy had good reason to regret crossing the English Channel - the resulting seasickness laid him up in bed for two weeks before he could continue his journey. His destination: the University of Manchester’s Institute of Physics. His intent: to learn what he needed about electrical conductivity measurements in gases and return home. But the Hungarian-born chemist was entering the domain of Ernest Rutherford, and while there it was Rutherford who would control his fate. And Rutherford had a problem that Hevesy might help solve. He had recently acquired a considerable quantity of Radium D, a valuable byproduct of radium he hoped to make use of. The problem was that the Radium D was mixed up in a large quantity of lead, and the latter made it exceedingly difficult to investigate the radiations from the Radium D. So one day, by design or happenstance, Rutherford and his newly arrived chemist found themselves together in the laboratory basement where the radioactive lead was stored. Perhaps with a friendly arm on Hevesy’s shoulders, Rutherford issued a challenge, "My boy, if you are worth your salt, you separate Radium D from all that nuisance lead." (Levi 1985).

62. New Page 1
investigations, Fermi hadn’t left the procurement of elements entirely up toSegrè; in October of 1934, he wrote george de hevesy in Copenhagen for help
Tales from the Atomic Age Paul W. Frame Fermi Strikes Gold and Hevesy Invents Neutron Activation Analysis This story appeared in the April 1997 issue of the Health Physics Society's Newsletter The discovery of artificial radioactivity was forecast by H.G. Wells (1914) for 1933. Frederic and Irene Joliot-Curie almost obliged Wells: two weeks into 1934 they produced radioactive During the aforementioned investigations, Fermi hadn’t left the procurement of elements entirely up to Segrè; in October of 1934, he wrote George de Hevesy in Copenhagen for help obtaining samples of the rare earths (Levi 1985). Hevesy responded with the names of people whom Fermi might contact, but he didn’t let on that he had what Fermi wanted—a collection of rare earths from the master chemist and founder of the Auer company, Carl Auer von Welsbach. Hevesy wasn’t about to do Fermi any favors, he intended to activate the rare earths himself. "That’s wonderful!" was Hevesy’s response on hearing Levi’s report. The episode triggered the realization that the half-lives and magnitudes of induced activities could be used to identify and quantify trace elements! The large dead time of the mechanical counting registers that led Robley Evans to invent the count rate meter (see "Tales . . . " July 1996

63. Prix Nobel De 1940 à 1944
george de hevesy (1885- 1966). 1944 Otto Hahn (1879 - 1968). 1943. george de hevesy.
P rix Nobel de 1940 à 1944 Aucun prix Nobel n'a été attribué. Aucun prix Nobel n'a été attribué. Aucun prix Nobel n'a été attribué. George de Hevesy Otto Hahn
1943. George de Hevesy
Pour ses travaux sur l'utilisation des isotopes comme traceurs dans l'étude des processus chimiques. (Leprix de 1943 ne sera remis qu'en 1944.) (Budapest, 1885 - Fribourg-en-Brisgau, 1966) On raconte (sa fille l'a confirmé) qu'à cette époque il habitait dans une pension de famille à Copenhague; comme il avait l'impression que l'on resservait de jour en jour les restes des plats en les accommodant de façon nouvelle, il ajouta pour en avoir la certitude du radium D aux reliefs du repas, et put ainsi suivre les transformations successives du ragoût en hachis, puis en soupe! En collaboration avec F. Paneth, à l'Institut du Radium à Vienne, il met au point en 1913 uae méthode utilisant les radioisotopes comme traceurs dans les réactions chimiques, Il accepte alors un poste de chargé de cours à l'Université de Budapest, où il poursuit ses recherches avec les professeurs Groh et Zechmeister. La déclaration de guerre de 1914 le trouve en Hollande; il rejoint bient6t l'équipe de H. J. G. Moseley à Oxford, alors que ce dernier vient de publier sa fameuse loi concernant les spectres de rayons X des éléments, qui permet d'en déterminer ou d'en contr61er le numéro atomique : les travaux du groupe oxfordien correspondent en effet à ses propres préoccupations. De retour à Budapest en 1918, il est nommé professeur.

64. George De Hevesy - Information
An online Encyclopedia with information and facts george de hevesy Information,and a wide range of other subjects. george de hevesy - Information.
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adsonar_pid=2712;adsonar_ps=1199;adsonar_zw=120;adsonar_zh=600;adsonar_jv=''; George de Hevesy August 1 July 5 ) was a Hungarian chemist who was important in the development of the tracer method where radioactive tracers are used to study chemical processes, e.g., the metabolism of animals. For this he was award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1943. When the Nazis invaded Denmark he dissolved the gold Nobel Prizes of Max von Laue and James Franck into aqua regia and placed this reagent on a shelf in his laboratory at the Niels Bohr Institute . After the war , he returned to find the solution undisturbed and precipitated the gold out of the acid. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details). . Wikipedia is powered by MediaWiki , an open source wiki engine.

65. Hevesy György - MiMi
hevesy GYÖRGY george de hevesy (1885. augusztus 1., Budapest -1966. július 05., Freiburg im Breisgau) Az 1943. évi kémiai
Kezdõlap Menu(0); MimiF3("Híres magyarok",0); pozicio('Híres magyarok','Hevesy György') MimiF1("Híres magyarok",0); Hevesy György Lásd még: Zsigmondy Richárd Oláh György
CreateTd(0) Hevesy György
(Budapest, 1885. VIII. 1. - Freiburg, 1966. VII. 5.)
Mivel 1885. VIII. 1-én Budapesten született, így iskoláit és egyetemi tanulmányait Budapesten kezdte, de tanult Berlinben, és rövid idõt töltött Zürichben az Eidgenössische Technische Schulen, callurl(''); CreateTd(1) HEVESY GYÖRGY
Hevesy György
Budapesten született 1885. augusztus 1-jén. A piarista gimnáziumban tanult. Egyetemi tanulmányait a budapesti, berlini és freiburgi egyetemen végezte. Pályafutását a zürichi egyetem tanársegédeként kezdte, callurl(''); CreateTd(2) Hevesy György
A budapesti piarista gimnáziumban érettségizett. Egyetemi tanulmányait a budapesti Tudományegyetemen kezdte, majd Németországban folytatta. Doktori dolgozatát Zürichben védte meg. Manchesterben Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), callurl('');

66. Kultúraközi Kommunikáció - Nobel-díjasok
A. Zsigmondy) 1925, kémiai SzentGyörgyi Albert (Albert von Szent-Györgyi) 1937,orvosi hevesy György (george de hevesy) 1943, kémiai Békésy György
Philipp E. A. von Lenard) 1905, fizikai
(Eugene P. Wigner) 1963, fizikai
(Dennis Gabor) 1971, fizikai
2002, irodalmi
- Philipp E. A. von Lenard
1905-ben fizikai Nobel-díjat kapott "a katódsugaras vizsgálatokra alapozott atommodelljéért (dinamida)".
A fiziológiai vagy orvostudományi, 1914. évi Nobel-díjat 1915-ben kapta "a vesztibuláris apparátus (egyensúlyszerv) fiziológiájával és
kórtanával kapcsolatos munkáiért". Svédországban élt.
- Richard A. Zsigmondy
Az 1925. évi kémiai Nobel-díjat 1926-ban kapta "a kolloid oldatok heterogén természetének magyarázatáért, és a kutatásai közben
alkalmazott módszerekért, amelyek a modern kolloidkémiában alapvető jelentőségűek". Németországban élt. 1937-ben orvosi Nobel-díjat kapott "a biológiai égésfolyamatok terén tett felfedezéséért, különösen a C-vitamin, valamint a fumársav- katalízis vonatkozásában". 1928-1945 között a szegedi tudományegyetem professzora volt, 1947-től az Egyesült Államokban élt.

67. Browse Alsos: People
Hersey, John journalist. Hertz, Gustav - physicist. hevesy, george de -chemist. Hickenlooper, Bourke - politician. Himmler, Heinrich - bureaucrat.
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A Abelson, Philip - physicist Abrahamson, James - bureaucrat Acheson, Dean - diplomat Agnew, Harold - physicist, bureaucrat Akers, Wallace - chemist Aleksandrov, Anatoly - physicist Alikhanov, Abram - physicist Allison, Samuel - chemist Alvarez, Luis - physicist Amaldi, Eduardo - physicist Anami, Korechika - military officer Anderson, Carl D. - physicist Anderson, Herbert - physicist Anderson, John - chemist, bureaucrat Andropov, Yuri - politician Arnold, Henry - military officer Artsmovich, Lev - physicist Arunachalam, V. S. - physicist, bureaucrat Aston, Francis W.

68. Alsos: Nobel Prize Winners In Chemistry
with radioactivity, such as Marie Curie, Frederick Soddy, Francis Aston, Harold Urey,Frédéric Joliot and his wife Irène JoliotCurie, and george de hevesy.

69. Nobel Quimica
Translate this page especialmente sobre la clorofila 1918 Haber, Fritz (Alemania) “ por la sistesisde los elementos del amoníacco” 1943 de hevesy, george (Hungria) “por su
Inicio Noticias Israel Noticias Uruguay Sociales ... Instituciones
El primer ministro israelí, Ariel Sharon, destituyó hoy a dos ministros del partido de la Unión Nacional (extrema derecha) opuestos a su plan de retirada de Gaza Premios Nobel a Judíos
Judíos laureados con el premio Nobel en Química
1905 von Baeyer, J.F.W.Adolph (Alemania)
“por sus servicios en pro del progreso de la química orgánica y la
química , merced a su trabajo en colorantes orgánicos y componentes hidro-
1906 Moisan, Henri (Francia)
“por sus investigaciones y aislación del elemento fluorine y por la introducción
al servicio de la ciencia, del horno eléctrico que lleva su nombre”
1910 Wallach, Otto (Alemania)
“por su trabajo pionero en el campo de los compuestos alicyclicos” 1915 Willstatter, Richard M. ( Alemania)

70. Kalender
Translate this page 1902 Otto Schmidt. 1885 george hevesy. 1871 Eduard Winterstein. 1863 GastonDoumergue. 1871 Eduard Winterstein. 1885 george hevesy. 1902 Otto Schmidt.
F r e i n f o k a l e n d e r A u g
Februar April Mai ... (suchen) 56 Jahre, Bundestagsabge. (CDU) Inhalt suchen oben
*1 Aug 1947 Annaberg-Buchholz
Sali Berisha
59 Jahre, alban. Politiker Inhalt suchen oben
*1 Aug 1944 Tropoja (Albanien)
Julie Bovasso
Inhalt suchen oben
*1 Aug 1930 +14 Sep 1991 New York
46 Jahre, Bundestagsabge. (CDU) Inhalt suchen oben
*1 Aug 1957
Artur Brauner Inhalt suchen oben
*1 Aug 1918 Stephan Braunfels Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1950 Georges Charpak Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1924 Dabrowica 1992 Nobelpreis Nobelpreise Dom DeLuise Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1933 Brooklyn New York. Filme Nathalie Delon Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1941 Oujda (Marokko) Filme Zoran Djindjic 50 Jahre, jugosl. Politiker Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1952 +12 Mrz 2003 Belgrad Vojislav Kostunica Milosevic an das Haager Kriegsverbrecher- Gaston Doumergue Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1863 +18 Jun 1937 Evelyne Dress Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1950 Lyon Filme Adrian Dunbar Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1958 Enniskillen Filme Norbert Formanski 52 Jahre, Bundestagsabge. (SPD) Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1951 Westerholt Bundestag Jerry Garcia Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1942 San Francisco Giancarlo Giannini Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1942 La Specia Filme Carl Ludwig von Haller Inhalt suchen oben *1 Aug 1768 +20 Mai 1854 Solothurn Gab der Zeitepoche nach 180c/Napoleon in Europa, mit seinem Werk "Restauration der Staatwissenschaft" ihren Namen.

71. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Topics - Biographies
Hess, Germain Henri @ Kiwi Web NZ; de hevesy, george; Heyrovsky, Jaroslav
Links for Chemists
Chemistry section of the WWW Virtual Library
Virtual Library
Science Chemistry : Biographies of Famous Chemists
Unless otherwise stated, the biographies listed below are provided and listed with the kind permission of the The Nobel Foundation . If you know of any biographies of Chemists or scientists whose work has advanced chemistry, that we do not list, please inform us via our comments form
  • Afzelius, Jan Alder, Kurt
      US @ St. Andrews UK
    Anfinsen, Christian B Arrhenius, Svante August Arfwedson, Johan August Astbury, William T. @ Leeds UK Aston, Francis William Avogadro, Lorenzo Romano AMADEO Carlo, comte de Quaregna et de Ceretto Baekeland, Leo Hendrik @ Time Magazine US von Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Barton, Sir Derek Harold Richard Balmer, Johann Jakob @ St Andrews UK Beckman, Arnold Orville IL Beer, August Bequerel, Henri Antoine
    1. On FreeFloating Planets. 2. Chemistry On george de hevesy (1885-1966).3. On Global Sea-Level Rise. 2. CHEMISTRY ON george de hevesy (1885-1966).

    ScienceWeek - June 28, 2002
    Vol. 6 Number 26 An Online Research Digest Published Weekly Since 1997 The world little knows how many of the thoughts and theories which have passed through the mind of a scientific investigator have been crushed in silence and secrecy; that in the most successful instances not a tenth of the suggestions, the hopes, the wishes, the preliminary conclusions have been realized. Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Section 1 Contents of this Issue (Full reports in Section 2): 1. On Free-Floating Planets 2. Chemistry: On George de Hevesy (1885-1966) 3. On Global Sea-Level Rise 4. On X-Ray Emission from Comets ... 26. ScienceWeek Notices and Subscription Information Section 2 1. ON FREE-FLOATING PLANETS In 1995, astronomers reported the first tentative evidence of planets orbiting stars outside our Solar System, and since then astronomers have detected perturbations in the motions of dozens of nearby stars, these perturbations presumably due to the gravity of planets. Currently, the identification and study of extrasolar planets depends for the most part on indirect methods such as those involving the measurement of perturbations of the observed brightness or motions of their parent stars. One emerging problem is the classification of a number of giant extrasolar planets: Are they planets or brown dwarf stars? Brown dwarf stars are formed by the contraction of a lump of gas with a mass too small for nuclear reactions to begin in the core. Such a star has a relatively short-lived luminosity (approximately 100 million years) as the result of conversion of gravitational energy to radiation. The surface temperature of a brown dwarf is below 2500 kelvins. As recently as 1994, brown dwarfs were "theoretical" stars, with no brown dwarfs considered to be unambiguously identified; at present, a number of stars have been recognized as brown dwarfs. In addition to the problem of classifying apparently supermassive extrasolar giant planets, there is the even more important problem of explaining their origin.

    73. Laureaci Nagrody Nobla W Dziedzinie Chemii
    1943. de hevesy, george, ( 18851966) Wegry, Stockholm University, Szwecja - zaprace z wykorzystaniem izotopów jako sladów w badaniu procesów chemicznych
    Laureaci Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie Chemii, których badania przyczyni³y siê do zg³êbienia tajemnic budowy atomu, odkrycia nowych pierwiastków chemicznych, ich izotopów oraz praktycznego zastosowania izotopów.
    Sir WILLIAM RAMSAY ( 1852- 1916) Wielka Brytania, London University,
    -odkrycie gazow szlachetnych w powietrzu i okreœlenie ich miejsca w uk³adzie okresowym
    Lord ERNEST RUTHERFORD (1871-1937) Wielka Brytania, Victoria University, Manchester,
    - za jego wk³ad w badania z zakresu chemii substancji promieniotwórczych
    MARIA SK£ODOWSKA- CURIE ( 1867-1934) Francja, Sorbonne University, Pary¿,
    -odkrycie pierwiastków radu i polonu, wyizolowanie radu oraz badanie charakteru zwiazków tego pierwiastka
    SODDY, FREDERICK ( 1877-1956) Wielka Brytania, Oxford University
    - za poszerzenie wiedzy na temat substancji promieniotwórczych i jego badania natury izotopów
    ASTON, FRANCIS WILLIAM ( 1877-1945) Wielka Brytania, Cambridge University
    -za odkrycia przy pomocy spektrografu masowego izotopów du¿ej liczby pierwiastków niepromieniotwórczych
    UREY, HAROLD CLAYTON ( 1893-1981)

    74. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry
    1942. no prize awarded. 1943. george de hevesy. Hungarian. nuclear. 1944. Otto Hahn.German. 95. 67. 1943. hevesy, george de. Georg Meyer. 1908. Freiburg. 1885 1966.81. 58.
    Nobel Prizes in Chemistry
    Department of Chemistry, York University
    4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to NOBEL PRIZE CHEMISTRY YEAR NAMES OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF CHEMISTRY Jacobus van't Hoff Dutch physical Emil Fischer German organic Svante Arrhenius Swedish physical Sir William Ramsay British physical Adolf von Baeyer German organic Henri Moissan French inorganic Eduard Buchner German organic/bioorganic Lord Ernest Rutherford British nuclear Wilhelm Ostwald Latvian physical Otto Wallach German organic Marie Curie Polish-French nuclear Victor Grignard French organic Paul Sabatier French organic Alfred Werner German inorganic Theodore Williams Richards American physical Richard Martin Willstatter German organic no prize awarded no prize awarded Fritz Haber German physical/industrial no prize awarded Walther Hermann Nernst German physical Frederick Soddy British nuclear Francis William Aston British analytical Fritz Pregl Slovenian analytical no prize awarded Richard Zsigmondy Austrian physical Theodor Svedberg Swedish physical Heinrich Wieland German organic Adolf Windaus German organic Hans von Euler-Chelpin German bioorganic Arthur Harden British bioorganic Hans Fischer German bioorganic Friedrich Bergius German physical Carl Bosch German physical Irving Langmuir American physical no prize awarded Harold Urey American nuclear Frederic Joliot French nuclear Irene Joliot-Curie French nuclear Peter Debye Dutch physical Sir Walter Haworth

    75. A Friendly Link To Royal Society's Online Newsletter
    Medicine. george de hevesy (18851966), 1943, Chemistry. george de hevesyAugust 1, 1885, Budapest - July 5, 1966, Freiburg im Breisgau george
    Hungary's Nobel Prize Winners
    Philipp E. A. von Lenard (1862-1947) Physics Robert Bárány (1876-1936) Medicine Richard A. Zsigmondy (1865-1929) Chemistry Albert von Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986) Medicine George de Hevesy (1885-1966) Chemistry Georg von Békésy (1899-1972) Medicine Eugene P. Wigner (1902-1995) Physics Dennis Gabor (1900-1979) Physics John C. Polanyi (1930-) Chemistry George A. Olah (1927-) Chemistry John C. Harsanyi (1920-2000) Economics Imre Kertész (1929-) Literature
    June 7, 1862, Pozsony - May 20, 1947, Messelhausen
    Philippe Lenard (Fülöp Lénárd) received 1905 Nobel Prize in Physics for “his work on cathode rays." He lived in Germany and did not consider himself a Hungarian. ROBERT BÁRÁNY
    April 22, 1876, Vienna - April 8, 1936, Uppsala
    Robert (Róbert) Bárány received the Nobel Prize in Medicine "for his work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus." He lived in Sweden. RICHARD A. ZSIGMONDY
    April 1, 1865, Vienna - September 23, 1929, Göttingen
    Richard (Richárd) Zsigmondy received the 1925 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his demonstration of the heterogeneous nature of colloid solutions and for the methods he used, which have since become fundamental in modern colloid chemistry." He lived in Germany. ALBERT SZENT-GYÖRGYI
    September 16, 1893, Budapest - October 22, 1986, Woods Hole, MA

    76. The Universe Is Not Only Queerer Than We Suppose, It Is Queerer
    From The Camel s Nose by Knut SchimdtNielsen Many years ago I heard the taleof hevesy s george de hevesy, Hungarian chemist first radioactive tracer

    77. GK- National Network Of Education
    Kuhn, Richard, 1938. Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann, 1939. Ruzicka, Leopold,1939. de hevesy, george, 1943. Hahn, Otto, 1944. Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari, 1945.
    Associated Agencies Booker Prize Winners International Awards World Nations: Famous Industrial Town ... Nobel Prize Winners Nobel Prize Winners
    Literature Medicine Peace ... Economics
    Chemistry Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Moissan, Henri Buchner, Eduard Rutherford, Lord Ernest Ostwald, Wilhelm Wallach, Otto Curie, Marie Sabatier, Paul Grignard, Victor Werner, Alfred Richards, Theodore William

    78. The Gateway To Educational Materials
    Ines de Galard de Brassac de Bearn, JosephineEleanore-Marie-Pauline de Gennes Factorde Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de Havilland, Geoffrey de hevesy, george de Kalb


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    79. Georg Charles Von Hevesy --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    Georg Charles von hevesy. CorbisBettmann. also called george Charles dehevesy chemist and recipient of the 1943 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. von reichenbac

    80. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici_e_Ricercatori: De_Hevesy,_Geo
    Translate this page Top International Italiano Scienze Chimica Chimici e RicercatoriDe hevesy, george (0) Vedi anche International Italiano
    Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina Principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Chimici_e_Ricercatori/De_Hevesy,_George Top International Italiano Scienze ... Chimici e Ricercatori : De Hevesy, George
    Vedi anche: George de Hevesy ¨ stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1943, per l' applicazione di isotopi come indicatori in processi industriali. Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.5.3
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