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         Curie Pierre:     more books (93)
  1. Frederic Joliot-Curie: the Man and His Theories by Pierre Biquard, 1966-01-01
  2. Etude de l'aimantation des corps ferromagnetiques au-dessus du point de Curie (in) Journal de Physique / Theorique et Appliquee / Cinquieme Serie - Tome I. - Octobre 1911 by Pierre and Foex, G. Weiss, 1911
  4. Frédéric Joliot-Curie: The Man and His Theories (Profiles in Science) by Pierre Biquard, 1966-12
  5. Frederic Joliot-Curie: The man and his theories (Profiles in science series) by Pierre Biquard, 1965
  6. Frédéric Joliot-Curie; the Man and His Theories by pierre biquard, 1966-01-01
  8. Passy: Marie Curie, Alphonse de Lamartine, Pierre Bretonneau, Gioachino Rossini, Honoré de Balzac, Benjamin Franklin, Rive Droite, 16th arrondissement of Paris, Paris
  9. Sur une Substance Nouvelle Radio- Active, Contenue dans la Pechblende. by Marie S. & Pierre. CURIE, 1898
  11. MARIE CURIE by Elisabeth Metzger, 1980
  12. Frederic Joliot-Curie, the Man and His Theories by Pierre Biquard, 1966-01-01
  13. The Curies: A Biography of the Most Controversial Family in Science by Denis Brian, 2005-08-01
  14. Radioactivity: From the Curies to the Atomic Age (History of Science) by Tom McGowen, 1986-03-01

101. Page D'accueil Collège Pierre Et Marie Curie
Translate this page Collège international pierre et Maire curie, le Pecq, Yvelines, France

102. Pierre Curie - Piezoelektrický Jev, Polonium, Radium
pierre curie slavný fyzik. Objevil piezoelektrický jev. Nobelova cena zafyziku. pierre curie. Domovská stránka Fyzici pierre curie.
Pierre Curie
Domovská stránka Fyzici Francouzský fyzik Pierre Curie se narodil 15. kvìtna 1859 v Paøíži v rodinì praktického lékaøe. Základní vzdìlání získal v ranném vìku doma. V roce 1876 se Curie stal v 16 letech bakaláøem paøížské Sorbonny a o dva roky pozdìji magistrem fyziky. V roce 1895 získal Curie titul doktor vìd.
Piezoelektrický jev
Pierre Curie se vìnoval výzkumùm krystalografie. Spolu se svým starším bratrem Jacquesem objevili v roce 1880 piezoelektrický jev.
Piezoelektrický jev
Pøi mechanickém namáhání ( tlak , tah, ohyb, krut) piezoelektrického krystalu nebo vhodnì vyøezané destièky se na stlaèených plochách objeví elektrické napìtí od nekompenzovaného náboje . Jedná se v podstatì o polarizaci látky tlakem. Napìtí bývá v øádu 10 V/Pa. Piezoelektrický jev se projevuje pouze v krystalech, jejichž elementární buòky nemají elektrický støed symetrie. Piezoelektrický jev se využívá napø. pro rezonanèní prvky oscilátorù, zdroje ultrazvuku, mikrofony, tlakomìry apod. [
Pierre Curie zkoumal paramagnetické, diamagnetické a feromagnetické látky. 1883 až 1895 napsal Curie významnou teoretickou práci o rùstu krystalù a sérii studií o symetrii krystalù.

103. Marie Curie
the Sorbonne. She married pierre curie in 1895, and in 1898 the coupleelectrified the world with the discovery of radium. In 1903

104. MIT Libraries' Catalog - Barton - Brief Results Display - Full Catalog
Subject, curie, Marie, 18671934. curie, pierre, 1859-1906. Chemists Poland Biography. Format, BK. Subject, curie, pierre, 1859-1906. Availability, All items.

105. Science In Poland - Maria Sklodowska-Curie
It was in the spring of this year that she met pierre curie. In December 1904 shewas appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by pierre curie.
Maria Sklodowska-Curie
Deutsch Version Maria (Marie Fr. ) Sklodowska-Curie (born in Warsaw, Poland, on November 7, 1867) was one of the first woman scientists to win worldwide fame, and indeed, one of the great scientists of this century. She had degrees in mathematics and physics. Winner of two Nobel Prizes, for Physics in 1903 and for Chemistry in 1911, she performed pioneering studies with radium and polonium and contributed profoundly to the understanding of radioactivity. Perhaps the most famous of all women scientists, Maria Sklodowska-Curie is notable for her many firsts
  • She was the first to use the term radioactivity for this phenomenon.
  • She was the first woman in Europe to receive her doctorate of science.
  • In 1903, she became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for Physics. The award, jointly awarded to Curie, her husband Pierre, and Henri Becquerel, was for the discovery of radioactivity.
  • She was also the first female lecturer, professor and head of Laboratory at the Sorbonne University in Paris (1906).
  • In 1911, she won an unprecedented second Nobel Prize (this time in chemistry) for her discovery and isolation of pure radium and radium components. She was the first person ever to receive two Nobel Prizes.

106. Curies Radium
pierre curie (18591906), Marie Sklodowska curie (1867-1934), and G. Bémont.On a new, strongly radioactive substance, contained in pitchblende1.
On a new, strongly radioactive substance, contained in pitchblende Becquerel Comptes Rendus , 1215-7 (1898) translated and reprinted in Henry A. Boorse and Lloyd Motz, eds., The World of the Atom , vol. 1 (New York: Basic Books, 1966) Two of us have shown that by purely chemical processes one can extract from pitchblende a strongly radioactive substance. This substance is closely related to bismuth in its analytical properties. We have stated the opinion that pitchblende may possibly contain a new element for which we have proposed the name polonium The investigations which we are now following are in accord with the first results obtained, but in the course of these researches we have found a second substance strongly radioactive and entirely different in its chemical properties from the first. In fact, polonium is precipitated out of acid solutions by hydrogen sulphide, its salts are soluble in acids, and water precipitates them from these solutions; polonium is completely precipitated by ammonia. The new radioactive substance that we have just found has all the chemical aspects of nearly pure barium: It is precipitated neither by hydrogen sulphide, nor ammonium sulphide, nor by ammonia; the sulphate is insoluble in acids and water; the carbonate is insoluble in water; the chloride, very soluble in water, is insoluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid and in alcohol. Finally this substance shows the easily recognized spectrum of barium.

107. Pierre E Marie Curie
Translate this page pierre curie inicia as suas investigações científicas dedicadas ao estudo dasradiações infravermelhas, em colaboração com Desains, e dos cristais, com
Pierre e Marie Curie
(Paris, 1859 - idem, 1906; Varsóvia, 1867 - Sallanches, 1934) Cientistas franceses. Pierre Curie inicia as suas investigações científicas dedicadas ao estudo das radiações infravermelhas, em colaboração com Desains, e dos cristais, com o seu irmão Paul-Jacques, e descobre em 1880 a piezo-electricidade. Em 1895 casa-se com Marie Sklodowska e, em colaboração com ela, descobre materiais radioactivos diferentes do urânio. A partir da pechblenda conseguem isolar o polónio e o rádio (1898). No mesmo ano descobrem o rádon, gás radioactivo, e, no ano seguinte, fixam o fenómeno da radioactividade induzida. Após a morte de Pierre, atropelado por um veículo, Marie prossegue as suas investigações. Em 1910 obtém o rádio em estado metálico. O casal Curie recebe o Prémio Nobel de Física em 1903, e Marie recebe o de Química em 1911. Falece de uma leucemia produzida pela sua excessiva exposição a substâncias radioactivas.

108. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
.. US Radium 1898 curie, pierre French curie, Marie Pol.Fr. .. Radiocarbon dating1947 Libby US Radium 1898 curie, pierre French curie, Marie Pol.-Fr.

109. Medicine-Worldwide: Curie, Marie - Curie, Pierre
Translate this page machte. Marie curie erhielt 2 Nobelpreise für Ihre Forschung. Logo Medicine-WorldWide, A Med-World AG. pierre curie. Zurück

110. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Curie, Pierre 1859 - 1906
curie, pierre 1859 1906 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. MEIDENBAUER,Jörg, Lásky slavných, D 14000. © Mestská knihovna v Praze Offline,
Curie, Pierre 1859 - 1906
Záhlaví Název Signatura MEIDENBAUER, Jörg Lásky slavných D 14000 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

111. Marie Curie Walking Tour
Metro Jussieu is adjacent to the Marie and pierre curie University. Marie hada miscarriage. 9. Marie and pierre curie University No.4, Place Jussieu.
This page is dedicated to physicist Marie Curie with links, photos, bios, and a walking tour of Paris where she lived and worked.
Walk in the footsteps of the world's
most famous woman physicist
for Hypatia's complete Biography of Marie Curie, Click Here
Proceed to the Left Bank of Paris
1. Port Royal Metro Station - a good place to start or end your tour.
There are Metro subway stations all over the area. Another possibility is Cardinal Lemoine Metro station on rue Monge. It is closest to the Pantheon and the Sorbonne area. Metro Jussieu is adjacent to the Marie and Pierre Curie University. Check the map of the Metro Stations
Marie Curie Bio - for kids
Her life as News Headlines
Planning your trip to Paris. Here are some useful websites:
Youth Hostels
Budget Eurotrip Rec.Travel Library
The Paris Pages
... Metropole Paris zine

2. No. 4 rue de la Glaciere (4th floor) - south of Port Royal Blvd.
In September, 1895, Marie and Pierre Curie marry, and they move to this 3 room flat. According to a recent biography, Marie had some reservations about marrying someone who was not a Polish patriot like herself. Pierre suggested that they live together in ajoining apartments. They got married instead, and the rest, as they say, is herstory. (The photo below is used with permission from AIP Photographic Archives).
Marie Curie Monster Website
Officially, Marie was studying for her teacher's certificate. Then in 1896, Becquerel discovers "mysterious" rays emanating from uranium salts. Marie decides to investigate this strange phenomena for her PhD.

112. Réseau Intranet Pédagogique Lycée P & M Curie Saint-Lô
Translate this page Lycée Technologique et Professionnel pierre et Marie curie BP 290- 50010 SAINT-LO, Powered by. Depuis Mars 1998 nous avons, à l
Pierre et Marie CURIE
BP 290 - 50010 SAINT-LO
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Linux Linux

- quelques exemples de configuration de notre serveur.
- une base documentaire et bibliographique.

113. EVENE - Pierre Curie - Biographie
Translate this page Lundi 24 mai. pierre curie Chimiste français Né à Paris le 15 mai 1859 Décédéà Paris le 19 avril 1906. TOUT pierre curie SUR » FNAC.COM «.

114. Pierre Et Marie Curie : Un Couple De Légende
Translate this page pierre et Marie curie un couple de légende, Il En celà, pierreet Marie curie formèrent un couple parfaitement ordinaire. Ce
Accueil Présentation Connaissance de l'Homme et de la Nature Environnante Evénementiel ... Environnement
Pierre et Marie Curie : un couple de légende
Il était une fois un couple de savants peu ordinaires ... Ainsi pourrait débuter le récit de leurs vies, tant les événements qui les ont marquées semblent l'accomplisement de leurs destinées : des destinées individuelles liées par ce même amour de la science et le don de soi que son exercice au quotidien exige... des destinées communément marquées par la gloire qui vous submerge et vous anéantit à la fois... une destinée commune brutalement interrompue par le décès prématuré de l'un d'eux, Pierre en l'occurence, à l'âge de 46 ans. C'est que les jours sombres alternèrent avec les jours heureux, en effet. En celà, Pierre et Marie Curie formèrent un couple parfaitement ordinaire. Ce qui les fit entrer dans la légende de leur vivant est à rechercher ailleurs - dans leurs caractères respectifs, probablement. Telle est précisément l'une des nombreuses questions auxquelles ce dossier tente de répondre ...
Ordonnancement des thèmes abordés au sein de ce dossier :

1. Une passion commune

pierre ET MARIE curie PARIS VI, le 24 Mai 2004. Etablissement UNIVERSITÉ pierre
Actualité Internet-ADSL Week-end Voyage ... UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE : PARIS VI le 5 Juin 2004
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116. Marie Curie And The Science Of Radioactivity
Marie curie and the science of radioactivity This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by The Center of History of Physics which is a division of The American Institute of Physics, contains

117. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Curie,_Pierre -
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118. Marie Sklodowska Curie | Physicist
She adopted the French spelling of her name (Marie) and also metPierre curie, who taught physics at University of Paris. Marie
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Marie Sklodowska Curie
Physicist You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals.
To that end, each of us must work for our own improvement and, at the same
time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being
to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.
Maria Sklodowska
(sklaw DAWF skah) was born November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She would become famous for her research into radioactivity, and was the first woman to win a Nobel prize. Marie Curie grew up in a family that valued education. As a young woman she went to Paris to study mathematics, chemistry and physics. She began studying at the Sorbonne in 1891, and was the first woman to teach there. She adopted the French spelling of her name (Marie) and also met Pierre Curie, who taught physics at University of Paris. Marie and Pierre soon married, and teamed up to conduct research on radioactive substances. They found that the uranium ore, or pitchblende, contained much more radioactivity than could be explained solely by the uranium content. The Curie's began a search for the source of the radioactivity and discovered two highly radioactive elements, "radium" and "polonium." The Curie's won the

119. ...::: Lycée Pierre & Marie Curie :::...
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