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         Cori Gerty Theresa:     more detail
  1. Biochimiste Américain: Robert Crane, George Wald, Roger Tsien, Robert Furchgott, Gertrude Elion, Gerty Theresa Cori, Edward Adelbert Doisy (French Edition)

21. JCE Online: Biographical Snapshots: Snapshot
Larner, J. gerty theresa cori, Aug 8, 1896Oct 26, 1957. In Biographical Memoirs;Bernhard, W., Ed.; National Academy Press Washington, DC, 1992; Vol.
Subscriptions Software Orders Support Contributors ... Biographical Snapshots Biographical Snapshots of Famous Women and Minority Chemists: Snapshot This short biographical "snapshot" provides basic information about the person's chemical work, gender, ethnicity, and cultural background. A list of references is given along with additional WWW sites to further your exploration into the life and work of this chemist.
Gerty Radnitz Cori Born: Major discipline: Biochemistry Died: Minor discipline:
Gerty Radnitz Cori was the first American woman to win a Nobel Prize in Science. She was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia on August 15, 1896. At the age of 18, she entered medical school at the Carl Ferdinand University of Prague. Here she became fascinated with biochemistry because it applied chemistry to solve biological problems. In 1920 she married Carl Cori, whom she had known since the beginning of medical school. Unstable political and economic conditions in Europe forced them to emigrate. In 1922, Carl Cori took a position at the New York State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases in Buffalo. Gerty arrived six months later, after Carl had found her a position as an assistant pathologist at the Institute. They became U.S. citizens in 1931.
Keywords: Nobel prize; Cori cycle; enzymes; carbohydrate metabolism

22. St. Louis Walk Of Fame - Carl & Gerty Cori
Carl Ferdinand cori and gerty theresa Radnitz earned medical degrees fromthe German University of Prague in 1920 and married later that year.
Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Theresa Radnitz earned medical degrees from the German University of Prague in 1920 and married later that year. After they joined the Washington University School of Medicine in 1931, their discovery of the mechanism for blood glucose regulation earned them the Nobel Prize in 1947. Gerty Cori was the first American woman to be so honored. In addition, six eventual Nobel laureates received training in their laboratory. Carl Cori said of their remarkable collaboration: "Our efforts have been largely complementary, and one without the other would not have gone so far..."
Date of Birth
Field/Achievement Location of Star Date of Induction Carl: 12-5-1896
Gerty: 8-15-1896 Science/Education 6605 Delmar Washington University
The official site of Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Inductees Location of Stars Nomination Criteria Induction Ceremony ... Acknowledgements
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23. Medicine-Worldwide: Cori, Gerty Theresa
Translate this page Biographie. Kapitelübersicht gerty theresa cori - Carl Ferdinandcori. gerty theresa cori - Carl Ferdinand cori. Biochemiker. gerty
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Kapitelübersicht: Gerty Theresa Cori - Carl Ferdinand Cori
Gerty Theresa Cori - Carl Ferdinand Cori
Biochemiker Gerty T. Cori, Carl F. Cori Gerty T. Cori: * 15. August 1896 in Prag Carl F. Cori: * 5. Dezember 1896 in Prag State Institute for Study of Malignant Diseases Obwohl sie immer gemeinsam forschten, wurde vor allem Carl Cori bekannt. Eine Professur erhielt Gerty Cori erst 1947, in dem Jahr, als sie auch den Nobelpreis erhielt. Zehn Jahre später starb sie - anerkannt und hoch geehrt - an Myelofibrose, einer seltenen Erkrankung mit bindegewebiger Verödung des Knochenmarks. Obwohl die letzten Jahre von der Krankheit gezeichnet, war sie ihrer Lebensphilosophie immer treu geblieben: "Ich glaube, dass die Wunder des menschlichen Geistes in Kunst und Wissenschaft zum Ausdruck kommen, und ich sehe zwischen beiden keinen Gegensatz. Ehrlichkeit, vor allem intellektuelle Integrität, Mut und Freundlichkeit sind noch immer die Tugenden, die ich bewundere. Die Liebe zu meiner Arbeit und die Hingabe an sie sind für mich die Grundlage des Glücks."
Kapitelübersicht: Gerty Theresa Cori - Carl Ferdinand Cori
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24. Medicine-Worldwide: Cori, Gerty Theresa
Translate this page Gesundheit im Internet. Biographie. gerty theresa cori - Carl Ferdinandcori. gerty theresa cori - Carl Ferdinand cori. Biochemiker. gerty T

25. Cori, Gerty Theresa Geborene Radnitz
Translate this page cori, gerty theresa geborene Radnitz. cori, gerty theresa (geborene Radnitz),* 15. 8. 1896 Prag (Tschechische Republik), † 26. 10. 1957 St.
A B C D ... Cornelius, Hans Peter
Cori, Gerty Theresa geborene Radnitz
Cori, Gerty Theresa ( geborene Radnitz), * 15. 8. 1896 Prag ( Tschechische Republik gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Carl Ferdinand Cori ); ab 1922 in den USA, 1931 Professorin der Washington University in St. Louis. Hinweise zum Lexikon Suche nach hierher verweisenden Seiten

26. Cori, Carl Ferdinand
Translate this page Corex ®, cori, gerty theresa geborene Radnitz. cori, Carl Ferdinand. cori,Carl Ferdinand, * 5. 12. 1896 Prag (Tschechische Republik), † 20. 10.
A B C D ... Cori, Gerty Theresa geborene Radnitz
Cori, Carl Ferdinand
Cori, Carl Ferdinand, * 5. 12. 1896 Prag ( Tschechische Republik gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Gerty Theresa Cori ). Assistent von O. Loewi in den pharmakologischen Laboratorien der Wien und Graz. Ab 1922 in den USA, 1931 Professor der Washington University in St. Louis, 1967 Professor in Boston. Erhielt 1947 gemeinsam katalytischen Glykogen-Stoffwechsels. 1936 entdeckten sie mit dem Cori -Ester das erste Zwischenprodukt beim Aufbau des Glykogens. Hinweise zum Lexikon Suche nach hierher verweisenden Seiten

27. MSN Encarta - Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori
Translate this page gerty theresa Radnitz cori. gerty theresa Radnitz cori. Ver Carl cori. Más informaciónsobre gerty theresa Radnitz cori de, Otras funciones de Encarta.
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori . Ver Carl Cori. ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
  • M¡s de 41.000 art­culos Diccionario biling¼e Atlas din¡mico
M¡s informaci³n sobre Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori de Otras funciones de Encarta Principal Mi MSN ... Dinero ©2004 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Condiciones de uso Declaraci³n de privacidad aprobada por TRUSTe

28. MSN Encarta - Carl Ferdinand Cori
Translate this page Carl Ferdinand cori (1896-1984) y cori, gerty theresa Radnitz (1896-1957),matrimonio de bioquímicos estadounidenses, de origen checo que fue
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Carl Ferdinand Cori Carl Ferdinand Cori (1896-1984) y Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz (1896-1957), matrimonio de bioqu­micos estadounidenses, de origen checo que fue... ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
  • M¡s de 41.000 art­culos Diccionario biling¼e Atlas din¡mico
M¡s informaci³n sobre Carl Ferdinand Cori de Otras funciones de Encarta Principal Mi MSN ... Dinero ©2004 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Condiciones de uso Declaraci³n de privacidad aprobada por TRUSTe

29. Cori
cori, gerty theresa Radnitz. (18961957), biochemist. Born in Prague,Austria-Hungary (now Czech Republic), on August 15, 1896, gerty
Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz
(1896-1957), biochemist Their discoveries brought the Coris the 1947 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (shared with Bernardo A. Houssay of Argentina); Gerty Cori was the first American woman to receive a Nobel Prize in the sciences. In 1947 she was named professor of biochemistry at Washington University, a post she held for the rest of her life. From 1950 she sat on the board of directors of the National Science Foundation. The Coris' subsequent work led to the complete elucidation of the molecular structure of glycogen in 1952. Gerty Cori also contributed greatly to the understanding of glycogen storage diseases of children. She died in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 26, 1957
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gerty theresa cori Av gerty theresa cori (18961956). Hun ble foreholdtat hun jo ved sin aktivitet hindret mannens karriere. Artikkelserien

31. Gerty Cori
gerty theresa cori, née Radnitz, (August 15, 1896 October 26, 1957) was an Americanbiochemist born in Prague (then Austria-Hungary) who, together with her
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Gerty Cori
Gerty Cori in the news Gerty Theresa Cori , née Radnitz August 15 October 26 ) was an American biochemist born in Prague (then Austria-Hungary ) who, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay , received a Nobel prize in for their discovery of how glycogen (animal starch) - a derivative of glucose - is broken down and resynthesized in the body, for use as a store and source of energy. In 1914, she started medicine at Charles University in Prague , where she met Carl Cori. After graduation, she converted to Catholicism so she could marry Carl in church. In 1921, she started working in a hospital in Vienna , but followed her husband to Buffalo, New York the next year.
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32. Carl Ferdinand & Gerty Theresa Cori
Carl Ferdinand cori gerty theresa cori (18961984) (1896-1957) American biochemists,husband-and-wife team whose discovery of a phosphate-containing form of

American biochemists, husband-and-wife team whose discovery of a phosphate-containing form of the simple sugar glucose, and its universal importance to carbohydrate metabolism, led to an understanding of hormonal influence on the interconversion of sugars and starches in the animal organism. Their discoveries earned them (with Bernardo Houssay) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1947.
They met while students at the German University of Prague and were married in 1920, receiving their medical degrees the same year. Emigrating to the United States in 1922, they joined the staff of the Institute for the Study of Malignant Disease, Buffalo, N.Y. (1922-31). As faculty members of the Washington University medical school, St. Louis (from 1931), they discovered (1936) the activated intermediate, glucose 1-phosphate (phosphate bound to a specific carbon atom on the glucose molecule), known as the "Cori ester." They demonstrated that it represents the first step in the conversion into glucose of the animal storage carbohydrate glycogen, large quantities of which are found in the liver, andbecause the reaction is reversiblein some cases the last step in the conversion of blood glucose to glycogen. Six years later they isolated and purified the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the glycogen-Cori ester reaction, and with it they achieved the test-tube synthesis of glycogen in 1943. Proof of the interconversion allowed them to formulate the "Cori cycle," postulating that liver glycogen is converted to blood glucose that is reconverted to glycogen in muscle, where its breakdown to lactic acid provides the energy utilized in muscle contraction. The lactic acid is used to re-form glycogen in the liver. Studying the way in which hormones affect carbohydrate metabolism in animals, the Coris showed that epinephrine induces the formation of a type of phosphorylase enzyme favouring conversion of glycogen to activated glucose and that insulin causes the removal of sugar from the blood by promoting the addition of phosphate to glucose.

33. Zürich Gruppe - Gerty Theresa Cori
Translate this page Der cori-Zyklus oder warum wir die Leber brauchen, um Kniebeugen machen zu können- gerty theresa cori (1896-1957). Innovator der Woche – gerty theresa cori.

34. Fachhochschule Lübeck
Translate this page gerty theresa cori. Medizin. Erste Nobelpreisträgerin für Medizin.gerty theresa cori. 15.8.1896 - 26.10.1957 . 1896 Am 15.
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Suche: Suche in Personalliste Web (Google) Startseite Impressum Intranet Gerty Theresa Cori Medizin
Erste Nobelpreisträgerin für Medizin
Gerty Theresa Cori
1896 Am 15. August wird Gerty Theresa Radnitz in Prag geboren. Dank ihres wohlhabenden Elternhauses erhält sie eine gute Schulbildung: Privatlehrer, Mädchen-Lyzeum und einen Gymnasialabschluss. 1914 - 1920 Medizinstudium an der deutschen Universität in Prag. Während des Studiums lernt sie ihren späteren Ehemann Carl Ferdinand Cori kennen, den sie 1920 heiratet. Im selben Jahr schließt Gerty ihr Studium mit dem medizinischen Doktorgrad ab. 1920 - 1922 Fachärztinausbildung an einer Wiener Kinderklinik. Es zeigt sich, dass sowohl für Gerty als auch Carl Cori die Arbeit in der Forschung interessanter und herausfordernder ist als die klinische Medizin. Die desolate wirtschaftliche Situation Europas nach dem 1. Weltkrieg bietet allerdings für Forschungsarbeiten keine Perspektive. 1922 Auswanderung der Coris in die USA, nach Buffalo (Bundesstaat New York), wo Carl eine Forschungsstelle am State Institute for Study of Malignant Diseases angeboten wird.

35. MicroMegas • P A P E L E R Í A • Carl Ferdinand Cori Y Gerty Theresa Radnitz
Translate this page CARL FERDINAND cori Y gerty theresa RADNITZ (1896-1984). Click Here!Matrimonio de bioquímicos estadounidenses, de origen checo
Matrimonio de bioquímicos estadounidenses, de origen checo que fue galardonado con el premio Nobel

36. Gerty Theresa - Encyclopedia Article About Gerty Theresa. Free Access, No Regist
gerty theresa cori, née Radnitz, (August 15 August 15 is the 227th day of the yearin the Gregorian Calendar (228th in leap years), with 138 days remaining. Theresa
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Gerty Theresa
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gerty Theresa Cori , née Radnitz August 15 August 15 is the 227th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (228th in leap years), with 138 days remaining.
  • 1517 - First European connection with China - seven Portuguese armed vessels led by Fernao Pires de Andrade met Chinese officials at Pearl River estuary.
  • 1519 - Panama City, Panama founded
  • 1535 - Asuncion, Paraguay founded
  • 1877 - Thomas Edison makes the first-ever recording - "Mary Had a Little Lamb"

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s - Years: 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 -
  • January 4 - Utah is admitted as the 45th U.S. state.
  • January 5 - An Austrian newspaper reports that Wilhelm Röntgen discovered a type of radiation later known as X-rays.

Click the link for more information. October 26 October 26 is the 299th day of the year (300th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 66 days remaining.
  • 740 - An earthquake strikes Constantinople, causing much damage and death.

37. Gerty Cori :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
Online Encyclopedia gerty theresa cori (18961957) was an American biochemist bornin Austria-Hungary who, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand cori and
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Gerty Theresa Cori ) was an American biochemist born in Austria-Hungary who, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay , received a Nobel prize in 1947 for their discovery of how glycogen (animal starch) - a derivative of glucose - is broken down and resynthesized in the body, for use as a store and source of energy.
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38. Nat'l Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs (1992), Gerty Theresa Cori
gerty theresa cori 135 Glycogen structure and enzyme deficienciesin glycogen storage disease .
Read more than 3,000 books online FREE! More than 900 PDFs now available for sale HOME ABOUT NAP CONTACT NAP HELP ... ORDERING INFO Items in cart [0] TRY OUR SPECIAL DISCOVERY ENGINE Questions? Call 800-624-6242
Biographical Memoirs V.61
National Academy of Sciences ( NAS
Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-iv Contents, pp. v-viii Preface, pp. ix-x Bigraphical Memoirs, pp. 1-1 Lloyd Viel Berkner, pp. 2-25 Robert Bigham Brode, pp. 26-37 Karl Taylor Compton, pp. 38-57 Clyde Hamilton Coombs, pp. 58-77 Carl Ferdinand Cori, pp. 78-109 Gerty Theresa Cori, pp. 110-135 John Holmes Dingle, pp. 136-163 Harvey Fletcher, pp. 164-193 Robert Minard Garrels, pp. 194-213 Hollis Dow Hedberg, pp. 214-245 Dwight Joyce Ingle, pp. 246-269 Solomon Lefschetz, pp. 270-313 Arthur Weever Melton, pp. 314-329 Elvin Charles Stakman, pp. 330-349 Otto Struve, pp. 350-387 Norbert Wiener, pp. 388-437 Perry William Wilson, pp. 438-467 Clark Wissler, pp. 468-497 Wendell Phillips Woodring, pp. 498-515 Frederik William Holder Zachariasen, pp. 516-556

39. Women In Science-Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori
Women in Science. gerty theresa Radnitz cori. b. 1896 d. 1957 Biochemist. receivedan MD in 1970 at the German University of Prague and then immigrated to the USA;
Women in Science
Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori
b. 1896
d. 1957
  • received an M.D. in 1970 at the German University of Prague and then immigrated to the U.S.A. Cori and her husband were the co-discoverers of the process by which glucose is converted into glycogen, now referred to as the Cori cycle. co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1947 for this research. this discovery contributed to improvement in the treatment of diabetes because the body uses energy stored as glycogen when glucose reserves run low. Cori was the third woman in the world to receive a Nobel Prize.

40. Especiales Diario Médico
Translate this page El nóbel del año. Bernardo Houssay, gerty theresa cori y Carl F. cori. BernardoHoussay. Bernardo Houssay . gerty theresa cori. gerty theresa cori .
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Bernardo Houssay, Gerty Theresa Cori y Carl F. Cori Bernardo Houssay Bernardo Houssay .
Gerty Theresa Cori Gerty Theresa Cori .
Carl Ferdinand Cori Carl Ferdinand Cori .
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