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Corey Elias James: more detail |
41. MSN Encarta - Corey, Elias James Sign in above. corey, elias james. corey, elias james (1928 ), Americanchemist and Nobel Prize winner. Find more about corey, elias james from, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583145/Corey_Elias_James.html | |
42. Elias James Corey: Awards Won By Elias James Corey 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of elias james corey. OTHER-NOBEL, 1990, CHEMISTRY. http://www.123awards.com/artist/4980.asp | |
43. History Of Chemistry Chandrasekhar 1983 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, SubramanyanChandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar elias james corey, 1990 The http://www.chemistrycoach.com/history_of_chemistry.htm | |
44. Elias James Corey Article on elias james corey from WorldHistory.com, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index elias james corey. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/E/Elias-James-Corey.htm | |
45. MSN Encarta - Elias James Corey Translate this page Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesión arriba. elias james corey. Másinformación sobre elias james corey de, Otras funciones de Encarta. http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_201500417/Elias_James_Corey.html | |
46. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra elias james corey. Fecha Biografía elias james corey, nacióen Methuen, ciudad del estado de Massachusetts en 1928. Comenzó sus http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=525&idpremio=489 |
47. Prix Nobel De 1990 à 1994 Translate this page Prix Nobel de 1990 à 1994, 1990 elias james corey (1928 - ). 1991 1992 1993 1994 1990. elias james corey. Pour le développement http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Nobel_1990.html |
48. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Corey Translate this page Theatrum Chemicum. Personae elias james corey. elias james corey. n. 1928.Premio Nobel per la chimica 1990. Premio Nobel 1989 Premio Nobel 1991. http://www.minerva.unito.it/Theatrum Chemicum/NobelChimica/Corey.htm | |
49. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Chemistry - Chemists - Oth 12. corey, elias james 1990 Nobel Autobiography http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1990/corey-autobio.h Read the autobiography of elias james corey http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=554800 |
50. NodeWorks - Nobel Laureates: Corey, Elias James in entire NodeWorks Directory. http://dir.nodeworks.com/Science/Chemistry/Nobel_Prize_in_Chemistry/Nobel_Laurea | |
51. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Chemistry/Nobel_Prize_in_Chemistry/Nobel_ Top Science Chemistry Nobel Prize in Chemistry Nobel Laureates corey, eliasjames (2 links). News about corey, elias james Books about corey, elias james http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Chemistry/Nobel_Prize_in_Chemistry | |
52. LookSmart - Directory - Other Chemists A-D corey, elias james 1990 Nobel Autobiography Read the autobiography ofelias james corey, recipient of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us263953/us330310/us554800/?&s |
54. SearchBug Directory: Science: Chemistry: History Alder, Kurt (2) Avogadro, Amedeo (3) Babcock, Stephen Moulton (5) Bohr, Niels (21)Boyle, Robert (1) Brnsted, Johannes Nicolaus (3) corey, elias james (2) Curie http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Science/Chemistry/History/ | |
55. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results peace. These prizes were Rudolph A. Marcus, Can.US 1991 RichardR. Ernst, Swiss 1990 elias james corey, US 1989 Yugo.-Swiss http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
56. 1989(5th) Dr. elias james corey (United States). Professor at Harvard University. Bornin 1928. Dr. corey s study covered almost all fields of organic chemistry. http://www.japanprize.jp/e_1989(5th).htm | |
57. ChIN?Elias J. Corey(1990 ? elias james corey won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990 forhis development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis . http://chemport.ipe.ac.cn/cgi-bin/chemport/getfiler.cgi?ID=KWoBbIeP9dTn2Y3dmn1Yd |
58. ChIN S Summary Page Elias J. Corey, Harvard University, Cambridge Introduction elias james corey won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990 forhis development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis . http://chemport.ipe.ac.cn/cgi-bin/chemport/getfiler.cgi?ID=KWoBbIeP9dTn2Y3dmn1Yd |
59. E. J. Corey elias james corey was an American scientist who developed methods forsynthesizing naturally occurring substances from other chemicals. http://virtual.parkland.edu/lsonnichsen/che203/paragraphs/corey.htm | |
60. Premios Nobel De Química de la síntesis orgánica , corey, elias james. 1991, por su http://fai.unne.edu.ar/biologia/basicos/nobeles/nobelq~1.htm | |
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