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         Chandrasekhar Subramanyan:     more detail

1. India's Hall Of Fame
India's Hall of Fame. Prof.chandrasekhar subramanyan. Born in Lahore, India, in 1910, theoretical astrophysicist Chandrasekhar was elected to the National Acadamy of Sciences (USA) only two years after he became a US citizen in 1953.
India's Hall of Fame
Prof.Chandrasekhar Subramanyan
Born in Lahore, India, in 1910, theoretical astrophysicist Chandrasekhar was elected to the National Acadamy of Sciences (USA) only two years after he became a US citizen in 1953. Chandrasekhar was noted for his work in the field of stellar evolution, and in the early 1930s he was the first to theorize that a collapsing massive star would become an object so dense that not even light could escape it. Although this finding was greeted with some skepticism at the time it was announced, it went on to form the foundation of the theory of black holes, and eventually earned Chandrasekhar a shared Nobel Prize in physics for 1983. Chandrashekhar estimated the limit (Chandrashekhar limit) on the size of a highly dense variety of star known as 'White Dwarf'. If this star's mass exceeds the limit, it explodes to become a bright supernova. He also made significant contributions to understanding the atmosphere of stars and the way matter and motion are distributed among the stars in the galaxy. Chandrashekar, who recieved the Nobel Prize in 1983, was honoured yet again when the largest x-ray telescope aboard the US Space Shuttle was named 'Chandra Telescope'. In addition to his work on star degeneration, Chandrasekhar contributed important theorems on the stability of cosmic masses in the presence of gravitation, rotation, and magnetic fields; this work proved to be crucial for the understanding of the spiral structure of galaxies.
This web page was last updated on 3/20/2002.

2. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar - Wikipedia NL
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar (19 oktober 1910 21augustus 1995) is een van oorsprong Indiaas theoretisch natuurkundige.
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar 19 oktober 21 augustus ) is een van oorsprong Indiaas theoretisch natuurkundige . Hij toonde in aan dat sterren met een massa groter dan 1,4 maal die van de zon ineen zouden storten tot objecten met een enorme dichtheid. Objecten met zo'n enorme zwaartekracht dat zelfs het licht niet zou kunnen ontsnappen. Zijn ontdekking werd met de nodige skespis bekeken, maar tegenwoordig weten we dat dat neutronensterren en zwarte gaten zijn. De massa van 1,4 maal de zonmassa wordt ook wel de Chandrasekhar-limiet genoemd. Als de massa minder is dan 1,4 zonmassa's, dan eindigt een ster als witte dwerg . Voorbeelden van witte dwergen: Sirius B en O2 Eridani B. Chandrasekhar kreeg hiervoor in de Nobelprijs voor de Natuurkunde . Hij droeg verder bij aan het begrip van de stabiliteit van grote kosmische structuren, zoals spiraalstelsels. Chandrasekhar werd geboren in Lahore , destijds in Brits India (nu Pakistan ). Hij overleed in Chicago Illinois VS . De Chandra X-Ray Observatory is naar hem vernoemd. Voor een overzicht van alle pagina's met betrekking tot India op Wikipedia zie India van A tot Z Categorieën Natuurkundige Views Personal tools Plaatsbepaling Zoeken trukendoos Andere talen

3. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
SUBRAMANYAN CHANDRASEKHAR. 10. 10. 1910 1995. indický fyzik. Byl nejstaršíz osmi detí. Fyziku zacal studovat na univerzite v roce 1927.
indický fyzik Byl nejstarší z osmi dìtí. Fyziku zaèal studovat na univerzitì v roce 1927. Bìhem studia ho zaujaly práce o bílých trpaslících, tìlesech považovaných v té dobì za koneèný stupeò vývoje hvìzd. V osmnácti letech mu velmi významný vìdecký èasopis uveøejnil èlánek a to mu otevøelo cestu ke studiu na univerzitì v Cambridge. Indii opustil v roce 1030. Jakmile se mu podaøilo pøekonat moøskou nemoc, vzpomnìl si na bílé trpaslíky. Napadlo jej, že by mohl spojit teorii i bílých trpaslících a speciální teorii relativity. Výsledky jej pøekvapily. Došel k závìru, že bílí trpaslíci nejsou jedinou možnou závìreènou fází vývoje hvìzd. Na pøednášce jeho teorii odmítl pøední britský astronom Sir A. Eddington. Trvalo nìkolik desítek let, než teorie byla pøijata. Roku 1983 za ni byl odmìnìn Nobelovou cenou za fyziku. ZPÌT

4. Ref: Scientists Of The Second Half Of The 20th Century - By Miles Hodges
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar (1910 1995). Links to other information onchandrasekhar subramanyan Chandrasekhar (The Nobel Foundation).

People of Ideas during
the Second Half of the Twentieth Century:
By Alphabetical Order:
A Achterberg, Jeanne
Aspect ,
Alain B Bateson, Gregory
John ... Harrison C Campbell, Joseph
Subramanyan ... Francis D Dawkins, Richard
Daniel C. ... Peter F. E Eccles, John
Mircea ... Paul F Feigenbaum, Mitchell
Richard G Gell-Mann, Murray
Sheldon L. ... Stanislav H Haldane, J. B. S.
Stephen ... Fred J Jantsch, Erich Jastrow, Robert K Katz, Stephen T. Elizabeth L Leakey, Richard Leslie, John ... James E. M Mandelbrot, Benoit Margulis, Lynn ... Norman P Penzias, Arno Perls, Fritz ... Ilya R Rifkin, Jeremy Rogers, Carl S Schneider, Stephen H. Sheldrake, Rupert ... Benjamin W Watson, James Dewey Weinberg, Steven ... Robert Z Zohar, Danah
By Historical Subject Area:
Philosophy/Theology of Science (go to page "THE PHILOSOPHERS')
Quantum Theory/Particle Physics
Scientific Cosmology/Big Bang
Chaos and Self-Organizing Systems

Translate this page O LIMITE DE chandrasekhar subramanyan Chandrasekhar (Chandra, para os amigos)nasceu em 19 de Outubro de 1910 na Índia, então colônia inglesa.
COMO VIVEM AS ESTRELAS O LIMITE DE CHANDRASEKHAR Subramanyan Chandrasekhar (Chandra, para os amigos) nasceu em 19 de Outubro de 1910 na Índia, então colônia inglesa. Aluno brilhante, aos 18 anos publicou seu primeiro trabalho cuja originalidade lhe valeu uma bolsa para se doutorar na Inglaterra. Aos 20 anos de idade, Chandra embarcou para a Inglaterra. Na viagem, apesar de sofrer fortes enjôos com os balanços do navio, conseguiu desenvolver uma sofisticada teoria sobre a evolução das estrelas. Nesse estudo, aplicou a relatividade de Einstein e algumas técnicas da mecânica quântica que tinham acabado de ser desenvolvidadas por Enrico Fermi e Paul Dirac. O resultado mais surpreendente de seus cálculos foi a constatação que nem toda estrela terminava sua vida como uma anã branca, como pensavam os astrofísicos da época. Chandra descobriu que as anãs brancas só podiam ter massa igual ou menor que 1,4 , valor que é chamado hoje de "limite de Chandrasekhar". Usando correções relativísticas no cálculo da pressão exercida pelo gás degenerado de elétrons, Chandrasekhar mostrou que essa pressão não podia exceder hcN , onde h é a constante de Planck, c é a velocidade da luz e N é a densidade de elétrons. A temperatura equivalente será então kT ~ hcN

6. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar - Wikipedia
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar. Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar,född 19 oktober 1910 i Lahore, Indien, död 21 augusti 1995.
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin.
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar , född 19 oktober i Lahore, Indien, död 21 augusti . Amerikansk nobelpristagare i fysik . Han fick priset med motiveringen " för hans teoretiska studier av de fysikaliska processer, som är av betydelse för stjärnornas struktur och utveckling ". Han delade priset med William A Fowler redigera
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7. Carnot Lazare
antiproton. chandrasekhar subramanyan. Born 19 Oct 1910 in Lahore,India (now Pakistan) Died 21 Aug 1995 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.


Born: 13 May 1753 in Nolay, Burgundy, France
Died: 2 Aug 1823 in Magdeburg, Prussian Saxony (now Germany)
More a mathematician, Carnot's interests in his last years turned toward the steam engine with the first steam engine coming to Magdeburg in 1818. His son Sadi Carnot visited him in Magdeburg in 1821 and it is clear that Lazare Carnot influenced his son. Sadi Carnot published his masterpiece on the thermodynamics of the steam engine three years later
Born: 8 June 1625 in Perinaldo, Republic of Genoa (now Italy)
Died: 14 Sept 1712 in Paris, France
In 1650, Cassini became professor of mathematics and astronomy at the University of Bologna, filling the chair which had been vacant since the death of

Celsius was born in Uppsala, one of a large number of scientists (all related) originating from Ovanåker in the province of Hälsingland. The family name is a latinised version of the name of the vicarage (Högen). His grandfathers were both professors in Uppsala: Magnus Celsius the mathematician and Anders Spole the astronomer. His father, Nils Celsius, was also professor in astronomy. Celsius, who was said to have been very talented in mathematics from an early age, was appointed professor of astronomy in 1730. He began his "grand tour", lasting for four years, in 1732, and he visited during these years almost all the notable european observatories of the day, where he worked with many of the leading 18th century astronomers.

8. Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan (1910-1995) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scienti
chandrasekhar, subramanyan (19101995), Indian astrophysicist who studiedat Cambridge, then moved to America and the University of Chicago.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality Indian
Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan (1910-1995)

Indian astrophysicist who studied at Cambridge, then moved to America and the University of Chicago. He has contributed significantly to many disparate branches of physics, including rotational figures of equilibrium, stellar interiors, black holes radiative transfer hydromagnetic stability, stellar dynamics, and many others. Chandrasekhar's name is immortalized in connection with the Chandrasekhar limit which is the largest mass a white dwarf can attain. The theory underlying this result was viciously attacked by Eddington , who used nonsensical and contradictory arguments to try to show it invalid. Chandrasekhar wrote in a letter home "The differences are of a 'political' nature. Prejudices! Prejudices! Eddington is simply stuck up! Take this piece of insolence. "If worse comes to the worst we can believe your theory. You see I am looking at it from the point of view not of the stars but of Nature.' As if the two are different. 'Nature' simply means Eddington personified as an Angel! what arguments could anyone muster against such brazen presumptuousness?" (Wali 1991, p. 133). Despite their scientific animosity, the two somehow remained friendly on a social level.
Additional biographies: Bruce Medalists Bonn MacTutor (St. Andrews)

9. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar - Autobiography
Fairly detailed and personal account of his life and work. Includes bibliography of major monographs. (From the Nobel eMuseum)
A Doll House ), was passionately devoted to her children, and was intensely ambitious for them.
My early education, till I was twelve, was at home by my parents and by private tuition. In 1918, my father was transferred to Madras where the family was permanently established at that time.
In Madras, I attended the Hindu High School, Triplicane, during the years 1922-25. My university education (1925-30) was at the Presidency College. I took my bachelor's degree, B.Sc. (Hon.), in physics in June 1930. In July of that year, I was awarded a Government of India scholarship for graduate studies in Cambridge , England. In Cambridge, I became a research student under the supervision of Professor R.H. Fowler (who was also responsible for my admission to Trinity College ). On the advice of Professor P.A.M. Dirac , I spent the third of my three undergraduate years at the in Copenhagen.
I took my Ph.D. degree at Cambridge in the summer of 1933. In the following October, I was elected to a Prize Fellowship at Trinity College for the period 1933-37. During my Fellowship years at Trinity, I formed lasting friendships with several, including Sir Arthur Eddington and Professor E.A. Milne.
While on a short visit to Harvard University (in Cambridge, Massachusetts), at the invitation of the then Director, Dr. Harlow Shapley, during the winter months (January-March) of 1936, I was offered a position as a Research Associate at the University of Chicago by Dr. Otto Struve and President Robert Maynard Hutchins. I joined the faculty of the

10. Physics 1983
in the universe . subramanyan chandrasekhar, William Alfred Fowler.1/2 of the prize, 1/2 of the prize. USA, USA. University of Chicago
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1983
"for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars" "for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the universe" Subramanyan Chandrasekhar William Alfred Fowler 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize USA USA University of Chicago
Chicago, IL, USA California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA, USA b. 1910
(in Lahore, India)
d. 1995 b. 1911
d. 1995 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1983
Press Release

Presentation Speech
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar ...
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1983 Prize in:

Physiology or Medicine Literature ... Economic Sciences Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified June 24, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

11. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Winner Of The 1983 Nobel Prize In Physics
subramanyan chandrasekhar, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. subramanyan chandrasekhar. 1983 Nobel Laureate in Physics subramanyan chandrasekhar's History( submitted by Kiter) chandrasekhar, subramanyan (19101995)
1983 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars.
    Born: 1910
    Place of Birth: Lahore, India
    Residence: U.S.A.
    Affiliation: University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Featured Internet Links Nobel News Links Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors

12. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Winner Of The 1983 Nobel Prize In Physics
subramanyan chandrasekhar, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at theNobel Prize Internet Archive. subramanyan chandrasekhar. 1983
1983 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars.
    Born: 1910
    Place of Birth: Lahore, India
    Residence: U.S.A.
    Affiliation: University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Featured Internet Links Nobel News Links Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors

13. NodeWorks - History: People: Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan
Subrahmanyan chandrasekhar was a creative, prolific genius whose ability to combine mathematical precision with physical insight changed humanity's view of stellar physics. His most famous 1. chandrasekhar, subramanyan Brief biography and details of his scientific animosity with 6. subramanyan chandrasekhar - Autobiography - Fairly detailed and personal account of his,_Subrahm
in entire NodeWorks Directory in Science in Astronomy in History in People in ++ Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan Top Science Astronomy History ... People Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was a creative, prolific genius whose ability to combine mathematical precision with physical insight changed humanity's view of stellar physics. His most famous discovery was that not all stars end up as white dwarf stars, but those retaining mass above a certain limit - today known as "Chandrasekhar's limit," undergo further collapse. (Source: NASA) Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan Brief biography and details of his scientific animosity with Eddington. (Author: Eric W. Weisstein) Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Fairly detailed biography from NASA KIDS. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Brief biography including six photographs, summary of awards, and other references. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Concise biography from the National Academy of Sciences. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 1910-1995 Brief obituary and photograph (from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day). Subramanyan Chandrasekhar - Autobiography Fairly detailed and personal account of his life and work. Includes bibliography of major monographs. (From the Nobel e-Museum)

14. International: Italiano: Società: Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie - Ope
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    chandrasekhar, subramanyan (19101995) Indický astrofyzik, pracoval vAnglii, pozdeji v USA. Zabýval se zejména teorií stavby hvezd.

    Lex, Hilbert, David (18621943), zaregistruj se - uvidíš to. Lex,chandrasekhar, subramanyan (1910-1995), zaregistruj se - uvidíš to.

    17. Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan Astronomy People
    5. chandrasekhar, subramanyan . Thumbshots, chandrasekhar, subramanyan Briefbiography and details of his scientific animosity with Eddington. Mars Landing Site Astronomy News ... Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan
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    18. Lexikon - Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
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    Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 19. Oktober in Lahore/ Pakistan 21. August in Chicago ) war ein US-amerikanischer Physiker Chandrasekhar erhielt den Nobelpreis f¼r Physik
    "f¼r seine theoretischen Studien der physikalischen Prozesse, die f¼r die Struktur und Entwicklung der Sterne von Bedeutung sind" Zu Ehren Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhars wurde ein von der NASA gebauter und gestarteter R¶ntgensatellit Chandra X-Ray Observatory benannt. B¼cher bei zum Stichwort: Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Info: Dieser Artikel aus Wikipedia wird durch die GNU FDL lizenziert.
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    19. History Of Chemistry
    in Chemistry 1989, Enzymatic RNA Molecules and the Replication of Chromosome Ends,The Cech Laboratory subramanyan chandrasekhar, subramanyan chandrasekhar
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    The links are organized from most comprehensive to least, except that foreign language links generally appear at the end. Although I have not given information about each link, you can learn a lot by passing the cursor over the link and reading the web address. Kurt Alder Kurt Alder Kurt Alder Kurt Alder ... Sir Humphry Davy; Electricity and Chemical Affinity , Sir Humphry Davy, Sir Humphry Davy Sir Humphry Davy
    Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936 ... Roald Hoffmann on NT , " The same and not the same " (highly recommended for high school students), "In Praise of Synthesis" A proporsed Methodological Improvement... Oxygen Prix Nobel de 1980 à 1984 ...
    Irene Joliot-Curie
    and Jean Frederic Joliot Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1935 Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie Irene Joliot-Curie ... Dr. Jerome Karle

    20. Chandrasekhar
    chandrasekhar, subramanyan. (19101995).
    Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan
    Indický astrofyzik, pracoval v Anglii, pozdìji v USA. Zabýval se zejména teorií stavby hvìzd. Odvodil maximální možnou hmotnost bílého trpaslíka (1.4 M Slunce , Chandrasekharova mez). Nad touto hranicí je trpaslík nestabilní. Dále se Chandrasekhar zabýval matematickou teorií èerných dìr a obecnou relativitou. Na jeho poèest byla pojmenována rentgenová družice Chandra vypuštìná v roce 1999.

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