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81. Genome Biology | Research News The newly discovered molecular switch the riboswitch involves an RNA moleculewith enzymatic activity the ribozyme, explained thomas R. cech, from the http://genomebiology.com/researchnews/default.asp?arx_id=gb-spotlight-20040319-0 |
82. Ribosomes Reveal Their RNA Secrets: Science News Online, Aug. 12, 2000 It s just RNA at the center, comments thomas R. cech, president of the HowardHughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Md. That s pretty exciting. . http://www.sciencenews.org/20000812/fob1.asp | |
83. The Real Moment Of Science Episode Guide Seventeen Catalysis, Chemical, and Biochemical, Part I, Dr. thomas R. cech.Eighteen Catalysis, Chemical, and Biochemical, Part II, Dr. thomas R. cech. http://casa.colorado.edu/~kachun/mos/epguide.html | |
84. Biochem. Soc. Trans (2002) 30, 1162-1166 - R. Cech - Ribozymes And RNA Catalysis Xray crystallography. Abbreviation used IGS, internal guide sequence.1 E-mail thomas.cech@colorado.edu. Abstract. In 1982 we reported http://www.biochemsoctrans.org/bst/030/bst0301162.htm | |
85. Biochem. Soc. Trans (2002) 30, 1162-1166 - R. Cech - Ribozymes And RNA Catalysis 1 Email thomas.cech@colorado.edu. 3 cech, TR (1990) Annu 15 van der Veen, R., Arnberg,AC, van der Horst, G., Bonen, L., Tabak, HF and Grivell, LA (1986) Cell 44 http://www.biochemsoctrans.org/bst/030/1162/bst0301162.htm | |
86. Chemistry International Prof. Dr. thomas R. cech. Eight plenary lecturers, including fourNobel Prize winners, headlined an array of leading chemists from http://www.iupac.org/publications/ci/1999/november/37thcongress.html | |
87. 50/50 Reflections On The Double Helix - News 03/28/03 Hunkapiller, Michael W. President, Applied Biosystems 03/28/03 cech, ThomasR. President, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Nobel Prize Laureate in http://www.bio-itworld.com/news/reflections_index_date.html | |
88. The Scientist - Hot Papers In Telomerase Oct. 11, 1999 Robert A. Weinberg of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and ThomasR. cech of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center discuss the http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1999/oct/hot1_991011.html | |
89. PNAS -- Search Result BIOCHEMISTRY Tracy M. Bryan, Jamie M. Sperger, Karen B. Chapman, and ThomasR. cech Telomerase reverse transcriptase genes identified in Tetrahymena http://www.pnas.org/cgi/search?qbe=pnas;252396199&journalcode=pnas&minscore=5000 |
90. Alexander R. Thomas Books Books Alexander R. thomas. Entheogens and the Future of Religion. By AlexanderR. thomas, Polly J. Smith 13 September, 2002 More Info? International Ethics. http://www.iriepeople.com/cgi-bin/amazon/amazon_products_feed-mode-books-search_ | |
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