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         Carlsson Arvid:     more books (21)
  1. Stress in Health and Disease
  2. Progress in Dopamine Research Schizophrenia: A Guide for Physicians
  3. Arvid Carlsson: "nunca entenderemos el cerebro": Premio Nobel de Medicina en 2002: el investigador sueco, que ha dedicado su vida al estudio del cerebro, ... An article from: Epoca by María Corisco, 2004-04-30
  4. People Connected to Lund University: Lars Hörmander, Arvid Carlsson, Ernst Wigforss, Gustaf Retzius, Etzel Cardeña, Johannes Rydberg
  5. Swedish Neuroscientists: Torsten Wiesel, Ulf Von Euler, Arvid Carlsson, Lars Leksell, Tomas Hökfelt, Peter Eriksson, Sten Grillner
  6. Biologiste Suédois: Gustaf Magnus Retzius, Torsten Wiesel, Olof Rudbeck le Jeune, Arvid Carlsson, Anders Retzius, Svante Pääbo, Adam Afzelius (French Edition)
  7. Swedish Physiologists: Swedish Neuroscientists, Torsten Wiesel, Ulf Von Euler, Arvid Carlsson, Lars Leksell, A. J. Carlson, Tomas Hökfelt
  8. Catecholamines PT. a: Basic & Peripheral Mechanisms (Neurology and Neurobiology) by Earl Usdin, Arvid Carlsson, et all 1984-05
  9. Messengers of the Brain by Arvid Carlsson, Lena Carlsson, 2002-01-01
  10. Dopamine Receptor Agonists 2. Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica Suppl. 1983/2 by Arvid & Nilsson, J. Lars G., eds Carlsson, 1983
  11. Cellular localization of brain monoamines, (Acta physiologica Scandinavica) by Arvid Carlsson, 1962
  12. Analysis of the Mgtt -ATP dependent storage mechanism in the amine granules of the adrenal medulla, (Acta physiologica Scandinavica) by Arvid Carlsson, 1963
  13. Ciencia: Los Nobel de la comunicación.(TT: Science: The Nobel of communication.): An article from: Siempre! by René Anaya, 2000-10-26
  14. NOTICIARIO CULTURAL.(TT: Cultural news.): An article from: Siempre! by José Gordon, 2000-10-19

1. Presentation - Arvid Carlsson
Arvid Carlsson. Sidor för dig som Informationsansvarig Arvid Carlsson Tekniskt ansvarig Webmaster Senast ändrad 200112-11 173212.
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2. Arvid Carlsson - Arvid Carlsson
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3. David Carlsson
Arvid Carlsson The Nobel Prize did change my life! Nobel Prize winner Arvid Carlsson is not yet thinking of taking it easy. At
Arvid Carlsson:
"The Nobel Prize did change my life!"
Nobel Prize winner Arvid Carlsson is not yet thinking of taking it easy.
At the verge of his 80th birthday he is still running his company in Gothenburg in southern Sweden, making the most of the money and respect the award brought along to develop and research drugs to help people with mental and neurological disorders.
An interview with a man ECNP can be proud to have recently voted honorary member.
1. When you started out as a scientist, was there a specific disorder you wanted to help cure?
"No, everything that has happened to me has been a coincidence. Even getting into neuropsychopharmacology in the first place. When I started to study medicine in 1941, I more or less had made up my mind to become a scientist.
2. It must be very exciting to take part in the discovery of something major as you experienced later on in your career?
"It is indeed very exciting. What happened a few years after defending my doctoral thesis was that I applied for a professorship but ended as number 2.Actually my friend Folke Serin got the position, which is quite right as he is my senior by five years. The reason, however, that I was turned down was that they were not impressed with my research and advised me to leave the focus of calcium metabolism if I wanted to remain a pharmacologist. So I did and that led me to many more exciting experiences, starting in the Laboratory of Chemical Pharmacology of the National Heart Institute in Maryland, in the United States.

4. Arvid Carlsson -
Arvid Carlsson föddes 1923 i Uppsala. Han Arvid Carlsson är den åttonde svensk som fått Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin. Arvid
Arvid Carlsson
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Arvid Carlsson föddes 1923 i Uppsala . Han genomgick läkarutbildning och erhöll sin medicine doktorsgrad i Lund 1951. År 1959 utnämndes han till professor i farmakologi vid medicinska fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet . Sedan år 1989 har han där aktivt fortsatt sin forskargärning som [professor emeritus] . Arvid Carlsson är den åttonde svensk som fått Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin Arvid Carlsson belönades med Nobelpriset år 2000 för sin upptäckt att dopamin är en signalsubstans i hjärnan och att dopamin har stor betydelse för vår rörelseförmåga. Han forskningsrön ledde till att insikten att [parkinssons sjukdom] orsakas av dopaminbrist i vissa delar av hjärnan och till att man kunde få fram ett effektivt läkemedel (L-dopa ) mot denna sjukdom. Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Arvid Carlsson ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB A = Alltheweb , D = Dmoz , G = Google , W = Wikipedia , Y = Yahoo , NE = Nationalencyklopedin , SAOB = Svenska Akademiens ordbok Sätt betyg på den här artikeln: Startsida Senaste nytt Länkspegel Inställningar Sök:
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5. Arvid Carlsson
Translate this page Arvid carlsson arvid Carlsson nació en Upsala, Suecia.Se doctoró en Medicina en la Uiniverisdad de Lund y desde 1959 hasta 1988 fue catedrático de
Arvid Carlsson
Arvid Carlsson nació en Upsala, Suecia .Se doctoró en Medicina en la Uiniverisdad de Lund y desde hasta fue catedrático de Farmacología de la Universidad de Göteborg, Suecia. Desde esa fecha continua como profesor emérito de esa universidad. Recibió el Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina el año por sus investigaciones sobre la dopamina En sus estudios describe la forma en que la dopamina se distribuye en las distintas regiones del cerebro, sobre todo en los ganglios basales y su relación con el movimiento.. A partir de este hallazgo estudia la eficacia de la L-dopa, cuya aplicación en el tratamiento de enfermedades como el Parkinson ha sido fundamental. Además del Premio Nobel, sus trabajos han sido reconocidos por otros galardones como el premio Björk de la Universidad de Upsala, en , y el premio Paul Hoch de la Asociación Americana de la Enfermedad de Parkinson, en 1980. El premio Nobel fue compartido con Paul Greengard y Eric Kandel

6. Contribution à L'histoire Du Concept De Schizophrénie
Charles C. Thomas, Springfield; carlsson arvid (1978), Antipsychotic drugs, neurotransmitters and schizophrenia, American Journal of Psychiatry, 135(2)16473;
  • Abrams Richard (1994), The treatment that will not die, Psychiatric Clinics of North America. History of Psychiatry Andreasen Nancy C. (1999), A Unitary Model of Schizophrenia , Archives of General Psychiatry Andreasen Nancy C. (1997), Linking Mind and Brain in the Study of Mental Illnesses : A Project for a Scientific Psychopathology, Science Journal de Psychologie, Paris, History of Psychiatry , vi: 349-85 British Journal of Psychology, Bercherie Paul (1991), Histoire et structure du savoir psychiatrique. Les fondements de la clinique1. Editions Universitaires Berrios German E. (1985), Positive and negative symptoms and Jakson. A conceptual history. Archives of General Psychiatry, Berrios German E. (19xx), French views on positive and negative symptoms. A conceptual history. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Berrios German E. and Hauser R. (1988), The early development of Kraepelin's ideas on classification: a conceptual history, Psychological Medecine, xviii, 813-21 Berrios German E. (1991), Positive and negative signals: a conceptual history, in A. Marneros, N. C. Andreasen, M. T. Tsuang (eds), Negative versus positive schizophrenia, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg Berrios German E. and Beer Dominic (1994), The notion of unitary psychosis: a conceptual history

7. Arvid Carlsson - Wikipedia En Español
Translate this page Arvid Carlsson. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Arvid Carlsson nació en Upsala, Suecia. Se doctoró en Medicina en la Universidad
Arvid Carlsson
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Arvid Carlsson nació en Upsala Suecia . Se doctoró en Medicina en la Universidad de Lund y desde hasta fue catedrático de Farmacología de la Universidad de Göteborg , Suecia. Desde esa fecha continúa como profesor emérito de esa universidad. Recibió el Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina el año por sus investigaciones sobre la dopamina En sus estudios describe la forma en que la dopamina se distribuye en las distintas regiones del cerebro, sobre todo en los ganglios basales y su relación con el movimiento. A partir de este hallazgo estudia la eficacia de la L-dopa , cuya aplicación en el tratamiento de enfermedades como el Parkinson ha sido fundamental. Además del Premio Nobel, sus trabajos han sido reconocidos por otros galardones como el premio Björk de la Universidad de Upsala, en , y el premio Paul Hoch de la Asociación Americana de la Enfermedad de Parkinson, en 1980. El premio Nobel fue compartido con Paul Greengard y Eric Kandel Ver también Views Herramientas personales Navegación Buscar Herramientas

8. Antikvariat Furioso Psykologi
Inb kartonage 239 sidor. Richters 1995. carlsson arvid/Lena Carlsson. Hjärnans budbärare. 130. Substanser som påverkar psyket. Allmänna förlaget 1988.
PSYKOLOGI Titel Pris Adrienne Carol Richters 1999 Ahlberg Alf En socialpsykologisk studie Ahlberg Alf Hft.146 sidor. Allen R. / Allen S. Pocket 187 sidor Almquist-O´Connor Dagmar Altea Rosemary Richters 2001 Anand Margot Leva i sjunde himlen Energica 1999 Anastasi Anne Individual Differences Hft 301 sidor Natur och kultur 1994. Antoni Nils Under Saturnus ring Natur och kultur 1968 Arcadius C.O. Norstedts 1904. Beck Martha Richters 2002 Bejerot Nils Narkotika och narkomani 3:e aktualiserade upplagan.Hft.192 sidor Bering Elna i redaktion Erfarenheter och upplevelser.Inb 208 sidor. Bettelheim Bruno The uses of Enchantment The meaning and importance of fairy tales. Paperback 323 sidor Penguin books 1976 Geber 1981. Bitter Wilhelm Verbum 1969. Caduceus 1995 Modification of Child and Adolescent Behavior Hft 318 sidor (engelsk text) Wadsworth publ. 1975 Boalt Gunnar Boalt Gunnar m.fl i redaktio Psykologisk-pedagogisk uppslagsbok Fyra halvfranska band, varav ett supplement och registerband med eng-svensk ordlista. Natur och kultur 1956 Borum Poul Wiken 1991.

9. Kvinnan..? Litt.lista
carlsson arvid/Carlsson Lena, 1988, Hjärnans budbärare. Forskningens Frontlinjer, Allmänna Förlaget, Stockholm, tryckort Uddevalla.

10. Arvid Carlsson - Autobiography
arvid carlsson – Autobiography. I grew up in an academic middleclass family. In 1926, when I was 3 years old, my father was appointed
I grew up in an academic middle-class family. In 1926, when I was 3 years old, my father was appointed professor of history at the University of Lund , Sweden, and moved there with his family from Uppsala, Sweden. My mother had passed a master-of-arts examination and my father a Ph.D. degree at the University of Uppsala . My mother had a keen interest in research throughout her life but gave priority to raising her children and to assisting her husband in his research. However, when her husband died at the age of 76 she, then 71 years old, started to devote herself entirely to her favorite area of research, that is the legal status of women in the Middle Ages in Sweden. She published a couple of books and a number of articles on this subject in Swedish, which rendered her an honorary Ph.D. degree at the University of Uppsala several years later. We were four children in the family, and we were all to take academic degrees at different levels. The family had a strong orientation toward humanities. However, in contrast to my elder brother and sister, who also chose humanities, I decided to study medicine, and my 7 years younger brother later joined me. The reason for this deviating behavior of mine was partly the kind of opposition often occurring in youngsters, partly some vague idea of science being more "useful than arts. My childhood and youth were characterized by a happy life in a stable environment with loving and supportive parents. I was probably just about average in terms of disobedience and escapades. At school, which I found fairly endurable, I had very good marks without too much effort.

11. Arvid Carlsson - Curriculum Vitae
arvid carlsson – Curriculum Vitae. Born in Uppsala, Sweden, Jan. 25, 1923. Entered the University of Lund, Sweden, in 1941. ML
Born in Uppsala, Sweden, Jan. 25, 1923. Entered the University of Lund , Sweden, in 1941. "M.L." (corresponding to American M.D.), 1951, "M.D." (corresponding to American Ph.D.), 1951, Univ. of Lund. Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology, Univ. of Lund from 1944, Assistant Professor 1951, Associate Professor 1956. 1959 Professor of Pharmacology, Univ. of Gothenburg , Sweden (Chairman 1959-1976). Emeritus 1989. Visiting Scientist at the Laboratory of Chemical Pharmacology, National Heart Institute, Bethesda, Md., USA, 1955-1956. Address:
Awards and Distinguished Lectures Magnus Blix' Prize, Univ. of Lund, Sweden. "First Annual James Parkinson Lecture and Award", Parkinson's Disease Foundation, New York. "Pehr Dubb's Gold Medal, for research in neurochemistry, The Medical Society of Gothenburg. "Second Annual Grass Foundation Lecture", Society for Neuroscience in San Diego, California. "Anders Jahre's Medical Prize" University of Oslo, Norway. "Stanley R. Dean Lecture and Award, American College of Psychiatrists, Phoenix, Arizona.

12. Carlssonresearch
as Executive Vice President and COO 200204-19 Press Release Clinical development of ACR16 2000-12-11 arvid carlsson received Nobel Prize in Medicine 2000-03
Start About Us Business News ... Contact Us Carlsson Research is devoted to the discovery and clinical development of new pharmacological treatment principles for psychiatric and neurological disorders.
Carlsson Research has created an innovative and effective system, ISP, for developing drug candidates within the CNS area. News
Carlsson Research moves into the Biotech Building

Carlsson Research Appoints Christer de Flon President and CEO

Press Release: Licensing agreement with Merck

Dr. Peder Berntsson appointed CEO at Carlsson Research
6:e AP-fonden satsar 60 miljoner i Carlsson Research (Press release in Swedish)

13. Carlsson, Arvid
carlsson, arvid (1923). I grew up in an academic middle-class family. In 1926, when I was 3 years old, my father was appointed professor
Carlsson, Arvid I grew up in an academic middle-class family. In 1926, when I was 3 years old, my father was appointed professor of history at the University of Lund, Sweden, and moved there with his family from Uppsala, Sweden. My mother had passed a master-of-arts examination and my father a Ph.D. degree at the University of Uppsala. My mother had a keen interest in research throughout her life but gave priority to raising her children and to assisting her husband in his research. However, when her husband died at the age of 76 she, then 71 years old, started to devote herself entirely to her favorite area of research, that is the legal status of women in the Middle Ages in Sweden. She published a couple of books and a number of articles on this subject in Swedish, which rendered her an honorary Ph.D. degree at the University of Uppsala several years later.
We were four children in the family, and we were all to take academic degrees at different levels. The family had a strong orientation toward humanities. However, in contrast to my elder brother and sister, who also chose humanities, I decided to study medicine, and my 7 years younger brother later joined me. The reason for this deviating behavior of mine was partly the kind of opposition often occurring in youngsters, partly some vague idea of science being more "useful than arts.

14. Medicine-Worldwide: Carlsson, Arvid - Kandel, Eric
Translate this page Hier finden Sie Informationen über Leben und Wirken von arvid carlsson, PPaul Greengard, und Eric Kandel Pioniere der Neurologie, die 2000 mit dem Nobelpreis
Sie befinden sich hier: startseite persoenlichkeiten Medizingeschichte H istorisches zur Harnschau M eilensteine der Medizingeschichte ... Über uns
Kapitelübersicht: Arvid Carlsson Paul Greengard Eric Kandel Biographie
Arvid Carlsson
Mediziner, Pharmakologe Arvid Carlsson * 25. Januar 1923 in Uppsala (Schweden)
Paul Greengard
Psychiater, Pharmakologe, Biochemiker * 11. Dezember 1925 in New York
Eric Kandel
Physiologe, Psychiater, Neurobiologe * 07. November 1929 in Wien
Alle drei Genannten haben eines gemeinsam: Sie sind durch grundlegende Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Gehirnforschung - insbesondere zur Signalübertragung im Gehirn - hervorgetreten und haben dafür gemeinsam im Oktober 2000 den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin ( so der offizielle Name des Preises) erhalten, der diesmal mit umgerechnet 2,1 Millionen Mark dotiert ist. In einer Begründung des Preiskomitees vom Stockholmer Karolinska-Institut heißt es: "Ihre Forschungen waren entscheidend für das Verständnis der normalen Hirnfunktionen und wie Störungen dieser Signalübertragung neurologische und psychische Krankheiten verursachen können. Diese Erkenntnisse haben dann zur Entwicklung neuer Arzneimittel geführt." So haben ihre Forschungen unter anderem geholfen, Erkenntnisse über Parkinson-Krankheit,

15. MSN Encarta - Carlsson, Arvid
Already a subscriber? Sign in above. carlsson, arvid. Find more about carlsson, arvid from, Other Features from Encarta. Search Encarta for carlsson, arvid.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta
Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. Carlsson, Arvid Carlsson, Arvid (1923- ), Swedish pharmacologist and cowinner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his discoveries concerning dopamine... Related Items Nobel Prize cowinners 2 items Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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Find more about Carlsson, Arvid from Other Features from Encarta Try MSN Internet Software for FREE! MSN Home ... Feedback

16. Arvid Carlsson --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
Visit Britannica Store, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, carlsson, arvid Britannica Concise. MLA style arvid carlsson. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004.

17. Arvid Carlsson
Translate this page Nobelpreis fuer Medizin 2000 (Nobel Prize Medicine 2000) arvid carlsson, schwed. Pharmakologe, geb. 25. Jan. 1923.
Nobelpreis fuer Medizin 2000
(Nobel Prize Medicine 2000)
Arvid Carlsson, schwed. Pharmakologe, geb. 25. Jan. 1923

18. Arvid Carlsson Winner Of The 2000 Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
arvid carlsson, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. arvid carlsson. 2000
2000 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
    for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system

19. Dr Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate In Medicine, Opposes Fluoridation
Dr arvid carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (2000), Opposes Fluoridation. The Dr. Maas, meet Dr. arvid carlsson of Sweden. carlsson
Home About FAN Latest News Fluoridation ... FAQs Search
Dr Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (2000), Opposes Fluoridation The following is the summary of a 1978 essay Carlsson wrote for the Journal of the Swedish Medical Association, titled: " Current problems relating to the pharmacology and toxicology of fluorides ." (Volume 14, Pages 1388-1392). Summary Apart from these general considerations, a number of different reasons can be advanced against water fluoridation. In the first place, in our country - judging from current Scandinavian studies - no marked reduction in caries can be expected; one cannot, in fact, be sure that there will be any completely positive effect. Secondly, there is the danger of adverse effects in some individuals, among other things in the form of enamel damage, an increased tendency to caries and other symptoms of ailments, together with disruptions to the development of the growing individual. There is, if not definite proof, sound reason for doubt relating to such negative effects of water fluoridation. Against the background of the remarks above, it is hardly surprising that water fluoridation now seems to be on the way out. In

20. Nobel Laureate In Medicine, Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Opposes Fluoridation
is preferable on principle grounds and is as equally effective, says Dr. arvid carlsson of Sweden, cowinner of last year s Nobel Prize for medicine.
Kamloops This Week Nobel laureate opposes fluoride by Bob Shipley BRITISH COLUMBIA: As Kamloops prepares for a referendum on fluoridation, a world-famous doctor has expressed strong opposition to water fluoridation.
"I would advise against fluoridation. Individual prophylaxis (treatment) is preferable on principle grounds and is as equally effective," says Dr. Arvid Carlsson of Sweden, co-winner of last year's Nobel Prize for medicine.
Dr. Arvid Carlsson
Carlsson was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of how brain cells transmit signals to each other, laying the groundwork for improved treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.
He says fluoridation will harm some people and is not considered a proper health-care measure in his home country.
"Fluoridation of water supplies would also treat people who may not benefit from the treatment. Side-effects cannot be excluded and, thus, some people might only have negative effects without any benefit." "In Sweden, water fluoridation, to my knowledge, is no longer advocated by anybody. In Sweden, the emphasis nowadays is to keep the environment as clean as possible with regard to pharmacologically active and, thus, potentially toxic substances."

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