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Bunin Ivan Alekseyevich: more detail | |||||
61. W-Akten Specials Translate this page die Nobelstiftung (1/3 in die Hauptstiftung, 2/3 in den Spezialtopf der entsprechendenKategorie) 1934 Luigi Pirandello 1933 ivan alekseyevich bunin 1932 John http://www.w-akten.de/themaderwoche/literaturnobelpreis.phtml | |
62. Clearing Reviews Having just completed The Three Sister s, Chekhov spends his days fishing and shootingthe breeze with ivan alekseyevich bunin and Maksim Gorky and his nights http://www.seanachai.org/html/chekhovreviews.html | |
63. Laureates 1934, Luigi Pirandello. 1933, ivan alekseyevich bunin. 1932, John Galsworthy.1931, Erik Axel Karlfeldt. 1930, Sinclair Lewis. 1929, Thomas Mann. 1928, SigridUndset. http://www.ndtv.com/ent/booksnobelprize.asp?part=2 |
64. \\ :: Labyrint.net :: // 1934 Luigi Pirandello. 1933 ivan alekseyevich bunin. 1932 John Galsworthy. 1931Erik Axel Karlfeldt. 1930 Sinclair Lewis. 1929 Thomas Mann. 1928 Sigrid Undset. http://labyrint.net/nobelova_cena.php | |
66. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature 1936, O Neill, Eugene, US, dramatist. 1934, Pirandello, Luigi, Italy, dramatist.1933, bunin, ivan alekseyevich, USSR, poet, novelist. 1932, Galsworthy, John, UK,novelist. http://www.worksonline.org/awards/nobel.htm | |
67. Nobel Prize Laureates With Russian Roots (1979, chemistry). ivan alekseyevich bunin (1870 1953). He wasborn in Voronez , Russia. The Prize for the strict with which he http://www.rusalma.org/publ/nobel/ | |
68. Authors On The Web Rita Mae Brown John Buchanan - Pearl S. Buck (Nobel, 1938) - Charles Bukowski- Sylvia Bukowski - ivan alekseyevich bunin (Nobel 1933) - John Burroughs http://www.people.virginia.edu/~jbh/author.html | |
69. Russian Literature: Free Web Books, Online Whilst Socialist realism gained official support in the Soviet Union, émigréwriters such as ivan alekseyevich bunin and Vladimir Nabokov continued to http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/themes/russian_lit.html | |
70. Russian Literature At Yale include the poet Konstantin Bal mont, the Russian translator of Shelley, Whitman,and Poe, and the short story writer ivan alekseyevich bunin, who won the http://www.library.yale.edu/beinecke/blruss.htm | |
71. GK- National Network Of Education Lewis, Sinclair, 1930. Karlfeldt, Erik Axel, 1931. Galsworthy, John, 1932. bunin,ivan alekseyevich, 1933. Pirandello, Luigi, 1934. O neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1936. http://www.indiaeducation.info/infomine/nobel/nobelarchive.htm | |
72. 10.1 Translating The Classics - Azeri Latin Versions Needed - By Anar ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Leo Tolstoy Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky Alexander OstrovskyAnton Pavlovich Chekhov ivan alekseyevich bunin * Maxim Gorky Leonid http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai101_folder/101_articles/101_anar | |
73. Current Issues: The Magazine: The Kenyon Review Fiction. Rick Bass The Fireman ivan alekseyevich bunin - Caucasus translatedby Graham Hettlinger Leah Stewart - Monopoly Joseph M. Schuster - Limousine. http://www.kenyonreview.org/Magazine/issues/00spring/ | |
74. Filmfest, With Russian Dressing Uchitel s work behind the lens, meanwhile, examines the latter ofyears of exiled Russian novelist ivan alekseyevich bunin. His http://www.northeasttimes.com/2000/1108/filmfest.html | |
75. IV&V Definition Of IV&V In Computing. What Is IV&V? Meaning Of IV&V Computer Ter enc.) Iva Toguri DAquino (enc.) Iva xanthifolia Iva, South Carolina (enc.)Ivaldi (enc.) ivan (comp.) ivan (enc.) ivan alekseyevich bunin (enc.), ivan http://computing-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/IV&V | |
76. Premio Nobel De Literatura - Wikipedia En Español ivan alekseyevich bunin 1932 John http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_Literatura | |
77. NRC Handelsblad - Registratie En Inloggen Henri Bergson 1928 Sigrid Undset 1929 Thomas Mann 1930 Sinclair Lewis 1931 ErikAxel Karlfeldt 1932 John Galsworthy 1933 ivan alekseyevich bunin 1934 Luigi http://www.nrc.nl/dossiers/Nobelprijs_Literatuur/artikel/1035177722449.html | |
78. Nobel For Literature: All Laureates prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of thisprize section 1934 Luigi Pirandello 1933 ivan alekseyevich bunin 1932 John http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/lit-list.html | |
79. Àíäðåé Äìèòðèåâè÷ Ñàõàðîâ / ANDREI SAKHAROV The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://sodin-mail.com/homepages/~natalia/nobel_russians/bunin/ivan.htm | |
80. Per Olaisen Antikvariat: Nobelpristagare I Litteratur 1932 Galsworthy, John (18671933). SVENSKA UTGÅVOR FOREIGN EDITIONS 1933Bunin, ivan alekseyevich (1870-1953). SVENSKA UTGÅVOR FOREIGN EDITIONS http://www.olaisen.se/s_nobel.htm | |
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