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Bunin Ivan Alekseyevich: more detail | |||||
41. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. Iva Toguri DAquino, Ivaldi, ivan s Childhood. ivan alekseyevich bunin,ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, ivan Alexandrovich Vïshnegradsky. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Itchy_and_Scratchy | |
42. 4Reference || Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin Read about ivan alekseyevich bunin and thousands of other subjectsat 4Reference.net. ivan alekseyevich bunin. The Russian writer http://www.4reference.net/encyclopedias/wikipedia/Ivan_Alekseyevich_Bunin.html | |
43. Wissens-Portal (wispor.de) #wpx-linp.htm# 08.02.2004 / Auskunft, Wissen, Lernen, Translate this page 21.2.1984) NP-Literatur 1958 M Pasternack, Boris L./Sowjet./NP abgelehnt!/ (*10.2.1890+30.5.1960) NP-Literatur 1933 M bunin, ivan alekseyevich / Sowjet. http://www.wispor.de/wpx-linp.htm | |
44. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra Translate this page ivan alekseyevich bunin. Fecha de nacimiento 1870 Fecha de nacimiento1953 País de Nacimiento Rusia País de Concesión Apátrida. http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=183&idpremio=33 |
45. 20th Century Year By Year 1933 Literature bunin, ivan alekseyevich, stateless domicile in France, b. 1870, (in Voronezh,Russia), d. 1953 for the strict artistry with which he has carried http://www.multied.com/20th/1933.html | |
46. Bunin, Iwan - Vita Translate this page ivan alekseyevich bunin zum Text (Der Sohn). *22.Oktober 1870 in Woronesch,+8.November 1953 Paris/Frankreich. Stationen ua Russischer Dichter. http://www.lyrikwelt.de/autoren/bunin.htm | |
47. Literaturwelt: International/Russisch bunin, ivan alekseyevich The Nobel Prize in Literature 1933 for the strict artistrywith which he has carried on the classical Russian traditions in prose http://www.carpe.com/literaturwelt/International/Russisch/ | |
48. Selected Literatures And Authors Pages - Russian Literature ivan alekseyevich bunin (18701953). Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature- 1933. From Books and Writers. bunin, ivan alekseyevich (1870-1953). http://www.lib.vt.edu/subjects/slav/lit_authors_russian.html | |
49. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura 1931, Karlfeldt, Erik Axel. 1932, Galsworthy, John. 1933, bunin, ivan alekseyevich.1934, Pirandello, Luigi. 1936, O neill, Eugene Gladstone. 1937, Gard, Roger MartinDu. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbl/prznbly.html | |
50. Año 1972, Boell, Heinrich. 1987, Brodsky, Joseph. 1938, Buck, Pearl. 1933, bunin,ivan alekseyevich. 1957, Camus, Albert. 1981, Canetti, Elias. 1906, Carducci,Giosue. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbla.html | |
51. Specialty Definition List Of People By Name Bu Journey; Bunge, Mario, (born 1919), philosopher; bunin, ivan alekseyevich,(18701953), First Russian Nobel Prize Winner; Bunning, James http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/bu/bu.html | |
52. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Literatura (1922-1942) Galsworthy, John III. 1933. bunin, ivan alekseyevich. 1934. Pirandello,Luigi I. Pirandello, Luigi II. Pirandello, Luigi III. 1936. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=956 |
53. Bul bunin, ivan alekseyevich. Bunker Hill, battle of. Bunche, Ralph Johnson. Bundaberg.Bundestag. Bundy, McGeorge. bunin, ivan alekseyevich. Bunker Hill, battle of. http://www.slider.com/Enc/B/Bul.htm | |
54. Ivan Bunin -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Authoritative, engaging, and easy to use. Visit Britannica Store, BritannicaConcise Encyclopedia, bunin , ivan (alekseyevich) Britannica Concise. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=383600 |
55. UW Prof Has Book On Russian Writer | UW News Releases | University Of Waterloo The writer, ivan alekseyevich bunin, was born in Tsarist Russia in1870 and died in France in 1953. He achieved critical acclaim http://newsrelease.uwaterloo.ca/archive/news.php?id=1116 |
56. [Education] Number Of Nobel Prize Laureates All Prizes Institutional laureates, ivan alekseyevich bunin (Literature 1933; stateless domicilein France), and The 14th Dalai Lama (Peace 1989; Tibet) are excluded. . http://dataranking.com/table.cgi?LG=e&TP=ed06-1 |
57. Nobel Prize Winners USA. Main Street. 30. 1931. Erik Axel Karlfeldt. Sweden. 31. 1932. John Galsworthy.UK. 32. 1933. ivan alekseyevich bunin. USSR. 33. 1934. Luigi Pirandello. Italy. http://www.paritoshuttam.com/reading/nobel.html | |
58. Russian Classics . write a review. ivan alekseyevich (Alekseevich) bunin (1870 1953) Nobel Prizein Literature, 1933. The Gentleman from San Fransisco. read the reviews. . http://www.readliterature.com/russian.htm | |
59. Russian Authors, Chronological Maxim (Maksim) Gorki (Gorky) (1868 1936). ivan alekseyevich (Alekseevich)bunin (1870 - 1953). Andrey (Andrei) Bely (Belyi) (1880 - 1934). http://www.readliterature.com/russianchr.htm | |
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