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Branting Karl Hjalmar: more detail |
61. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 1920, Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste. 1921, branting, karl hjalmar; Lange, ChristianLous. 1922, Nansen, Fridtjof. 1925, Chamberlain, Sir Austen; Dawes, Charles Gates. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_peace_hist.htm | |
62. First Ordinary Session Of The Assembly Substitute Jonas Eliel Lofgren, Substitute Ernest Trygger, Delegate Erik TeodorMarks von Wurtemberg, Delegate karl hjalmar branting, Delegate Axel Theodor http://www.indiana.edu/~league/1thordinaryassemb.htm | |
63. Second Session Of The Assembly Sweden Sten Gustaf Fredrik Troil Ramel, Substitute karl hjalmar branting, DelegateJonas Eliel Lofgren, Delegate Anna Bugge Wicksell, Substitute Bo Osten Unden http://www.indiana.edu/~league/2ndassemb.htm | |
64. Swedensite Svenskar Nya dikter . 1921. Fredspriset. karl hjalmar branting fick fredsprisetsamtidigt med norrmannen Ch L Lange. hjalmar branting fick http://www.swedensite.com/svenskar.htm | |
65. AmIAnnoying.com: Nobel Peace Prize International Committee Of The Red Cross (1917) * Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste(1920) * Lange, Christian Lous (1921) * branting, karl hjalmar (1921) * Nansen http://www.amiannoying.com/(rlk4xqr1vauibd45v5jsxvfk)/collection.aspx?collection |
66. Sweden b. 1858 d. 1926) HP 19 Oct 1917 - 10 Mar 1920 Nils Edén (b. 1871 - d. 1945) Lp/SAP10 Mar 1920 - 27 Oct 1920 karl hjalmar branting (1st time) (b. 1860 - d http://www.worldstatesmen.org/Sweden.html | |
67. Ämnesordsökning Titel, De ville så mycket svenska politiker från karl XIV Johan till OlofPalme / Bo Bjelvenstam. Utgivningsår, 1999. Titel, Den unge hjalmar branting. http://katalog.tb.trollhattan.se/sv/opac/sok_amnesord.asp?TextAmne=Branting, Hja |
68. ThinkQuest : Library : The Nobel Prize 1923. No award. 1922. Fridtjof Nansen. 1921. karl hjalmar branting, ChristianLous Lange. 1920. Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois. 1919. Thomas Woodrow Wilson. http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0313040/petl.html | |
69. Nobel Peace Prize karl hjalmar branting Prime Minister. Swedish Delegate to the Conseilde la Société des Nations (Council of the League of Nations). and. http://www.greenepa.net/~barondin/library/npp.html | |
70. Det Norske Nobelinstitutt - Liste Over Fredsprisvinnere 1921 Prisen ble delt likt mellom branting, karl hjalmar, Sverige,18601925. Statsminister, Sveriges delegat til Folkeforbundets http://www.nobel.no/nor_lau_list.html | |
71. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates 1921 The prize was divided equally between branting, karl hjalmar,Sweden, 18601925. Prime Minister, Swedish delegate to the http://www.nobel.no/eng_lau_list.html | |
72. Overzicht - Nobelprijzen 1921 - 1930 . karl hjalmar branting (°1860 +1925) Christian Lange (°1869 +1938) vredeswerk.Frederic Soddy (°1877 +1956) scheikunde scheikunde van radioactieve stoffen. http://www.willebroek.info/HISTORY/OVRVW/OVR_Nobel-02.htm | |
73. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS 1922 Fridtjof Nansen. 1921 karl hjalmar branting, Christian Lous Lange.1920 Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois. 1919 Thomas Woodrow Wilson. http://www.anarchy.no/nobel.html | |
74. CAPLEX Nettleksikon Www.caplex.no USA. 1920. Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois. Frankrike. 1921. karl hjalmar branting.Sverige. Christian Lous Lange. Norge. 1922. Fridtjof Nansen. Norge. 192324. Ikkeutdelt. http://www.caplex.net/web/tabeller/tabeller.asp?art_id=t-npris1 |
75. CAMNET Archives -- December 2003 (#423) Menachem 1978 Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes 1996 Borlaug, Norman 1970 Bourgeois, LeonVictor Auguste 1920 Brandt, Willy 1971 branting, karl hjalmar 1921 BoydOrr http://listserv.cnr.it/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0312&L=camnet&F=&S=&P=55363 |
76. Hjalmar Branting hjalmar branting in the news. karl hjalmar branting (November 23,1860February 24, 1925) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/H/Hjalmar-Branting.htm | |
77. Chapter 8 hjalmar branting s Uppfostran. of classical Swedish social democracy was that itwas rational, in a sense of the word rational approved by Sir karl Popper. http://www.howardri.org/dilemmas8.htm | |
78. Lars Åhmans Hemsida 19201920.10.27. hjalmar branting 1860-1925 (s). 1914-1917.03.30. hjalmarHammarskjöld 1862-1953 (m). 1911-1914.02.17. karl Staaff, igen (fp). http://home.swipnet.se/lars_ahman/sverige.htm | |
79. Hiru.com - B branting, karl hjalmar; Braque, Georges; braquicéfalo, la; http://www.hiru.com/hiztegiak/enciclopedia/B?query_start=1201 |
80. PEACE PRIZE League of Nations. 1921 The prize was divided equally between branting,karl hjalmar, Sweden, 18601925. Prime Minister, Swedish http://www.efn.org/~peace/pfk/nobelpeace.html | |
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