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         Branting Karl Hjalmar:     more detail

41. Skandinavischer Wohlfahrtsstaat: Branting, Hjalmar
Translate this page Stichwortkategorie AFR. karl hjalmar branting Schwedischer Politiker, Sozialdemokrat.Geboren am 23. 11. 1860 in Stockholm, gestorben am 24. 02.

42. Ministärer 1905-45
Olof Olsson. Sven Linders. Rickard Sandler (1925). Carl Svensson. . - karl Levinson.- Ernst Wigforss (1925). karl Schlyter. - hjalmar branting (jan-feb). 1926-28.
Ministärer 1905-1920
Partifärg Statsminister Justitie Utrikes Lantförsvar Sjöförsvar Civil Finans Ecklesiastik Jordbruk Konslutativa statsråd Samling Christian Lundeberg Gustaf Berg Fredrik Wachtmeister Lars Tingsten Arvid Lindman Johan Widén Elof Biesèrt Hjalmar Hammarskjöld Alfred Petersson i Påboda Karl Staaff Albert Petersson Liberal Karl Staaff statsministern Eric Trolle Ludvig Sidner Axel Schotte Fridtjuv Berg Gösta Tamm Erik Marks von Wûrtemberg Johannes Hellner David Bergström Höger Arvid Lindman Albert Petersson Arvid Taube Olof Malm Wilhelm Dyrssen (1907) Carl August Ehrensvärd (1910) Henning von Krusenstierna Julius Juhlin (1907) Hugo Hamilton Carl Swartz Hugo Hammarskjöld (1909) Elof Lindström Alfred Petersson i Påboda (1909) Oskar Nylander Carl Hederstierna Gustaf Roos (1909) Elof Lindström (1909) Hugo von Sydow Liberal Karl Staaff II Gustaf Sandström Albert Ehrensvärd dy David Bergström Jacob Larsson Axel Schotte Theodor Adelswärd Fridtjuv Berg Alfred Petersson i Påboda Bror Petrén Karl Stenström Högerbetonad Hjalmar Hammarskjöld Berndt Hasselrot Knut Wallenberg Emil Mörcke Dan Broström Oscar von Sydow Axel Vennersten Karl Gustaf Westman Johan Beck-Friis Steno Stenberg Sigfrid Linnér Emil Mörcke (1914) Högerbetonad Carl Swartz Steno Stenberg Arvid Lindman Joachim Åkerman Hans Ericson Walter Murray Conrad Carleson Alexis Hammarström Knut Dahlberg Herman Falk Mårten Ericsson Lib + S Nils Edén Eliel Löfgren Johannes Hellner Erik Nilsson Erik Palmstierna Axel Schotte (1919) Fredrik Holmquist Hjalmar Branting (1918) Fredrik Thorsson Värner Rydén (1919) Olof Olsson Alfred Petersson i Påboda

43. Encyclopedia4U - Hjalmar Branting - Encyclopedia Article
karl hjalmar branting (November 23, 1860February 24, 1925) was a Prime Ministerof Sweden, serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-23, and 1924-25.
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Hjalmar Branting
Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-23, and 1924-25. A lifelong socialist , as Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in

44. La Biblioteca Planettiana
Translate this page karl hjalmar branting (Stoccolma, 1860 - 1925). karl hjalmar branting, uomo di Statoe leader del Partito Socialdemocratico Svedese, nasce a Stoccolma nel 1860.
(Stoccolma, 1860 - 1925) Karl Hjalmar Branting

45. Geneva Library UNOG: "the History Of The League Of Nations"
branting, karl hjalmar (18601925), Prime Minister of Sweden, 1920, 1921-3 and1924-5 awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 with the Norwegian pacifist and
Branting, Karl Hjalmar (1860-1925), Prime Minister of Sweden, 1920, 1921-3 and 1924-5 awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 with the Norwegian pacifist and historian Christian Louis Lange. Branting completed education in science at the University of Uppsala in 1882. As a result of his travels on the Continent, he developed interest in socialism and made acquaintenaces with socialist leaders. In 1883, Branting went to work as editor of the Socialist paper Tiden . He remained on staff of the paper for three years, before accepting the editorship of the daily socialist newspaper, Socialdemokraten

46. Glossary Of People: Br
karl hjalmar branting wrested control of the SocialDemokraten editorship fromAugust Palm and took Swedish Social-Democracy in a reformist direction.
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
Bradlaugh, Charles (1833-1891) English journalist and critic of Marx. Bracke, Wilhelm (1842-80) German Social-Democrat, bookseller and publisher. He was originally a Lasallean but took part in the foundation of the German Social Democratic Workers' Party in Eisenach in 1869 and was a member of the Party Committee. He and W Liebknecht joined Marxist and Lassallean principles. In 1870, on account of the manifesto issued by the Party Committee against the war, he was arrested and imprisoned in a fortress. He criticized the draft program submitted to the Gotha Congress ; in 1878, owing to illness, he withdrew from party work. Brandes, Georg Morris (1842-1927) Danish critic, publicist and historian of history and literature. Brandler, Heinrich (1881-1967) Member of the Spartacus League, and a founding member of the German Communist Party (KPD) and was one its foremost leaders when it failed to take advantage of 1921 insurrection and the revolutionary crisis of 1923 . Brandler was made a scapegoat for their failure and removed from the German leadership in 1924. For sympathizing with Bukharin's Right Opposition in 1929, he was expelled from the German CP and the Comintern. Brandler continued to lead an independent right-wing opposition to the KPD, known as the Communist Party Opposition (KPO), until the beginning of the Second World War. Serge explained him as a "hump-backed bricklayer with malice in his eyes". Branting, Hjalmar (1860-1925)

47. Kalendrium
1921. karl hjalmar branting, Christian Lous Lange. Nie przyznano. karl hjalmarbranting, Christian Lous Lange. Nagroda podzielona pomiedzy laureatów.

48. Bronze Medal: Hjalmar Branting, 1925
biography of branting (http// «father» of socialism in Sweden, karl hjalmar branting (November 23
World Art Medals and Prints
About FAQ Contact ... Bronze Medal: Hjalmar Branting, 1925

49. ÿþ Html Head Title WHKMLA Statesmen Biographies
valign = center width = 1 5 0 font face = Times Roman size = 2 Bobrikov , Nicolai BR BR branting , karl hjalmar BR BR
WHKMLA : Statesmen Biographies : Scandinavia First posted on May 10th 2003 Statesmen Biographies : Scandinavia Bobrikov, Nicolai Branting, Karl Hjalmar Brundtland, Gro Harlem Cajander, Aimo Kaarlo Charles IX. Charles X. Gustavus Charles XI. Charles XII. Charles XIV. Christian II. Christian III. Christian IV. Christian V. Christian X. Christina Erik XIV. Erlander, Tage Estrup, Scavenius Frederick III. Frederick VII. Geer, Louis de Gerhardsen, Einar Gustavus I.

50. Sweden 1919-1929
EXTERNAL FILES, Biography of Per Albin Hansson, from Sveriges Statsministrar genomTiderna, in Swedish Biography of karl hjalmar branting, from Nobel eMuseum
Sweden 1919-1929
A.) Domestic Policy

Once World War I was over, in Sweden political debates again focussed on a revision of the discussion. The left wing of the social democrats, among them PER ALBIN HANSSON, sympathized with the GERMAN REVOLUTION, demanded the abolition of Great Capitalism, of the monarchy, of parliament's first chamber, of mandatory military service and of restrictions on the right to vote. They held a REVOLUTION FESTIVAL in Stockholm on which they turned against moderate social democrates such as HJALMAR BRANTING.
Having potential civil unrest (massive strikes, even a revolution) in mind and with reports from revolutions going on in Russia, Germany and Hungary, the political right conceded to a constitutional reform demanded by the left and the center. This reform included universal suffrage for both men and women (who were given the right to vote in 1919), with property restrictions still in force for elections to the first chamber. In 1919, 54 % of the population had the right to vote, as compared to 19 % in 1911.
In 1921 Sweden abolished the death penalty (the last execution had taken place in 1910). The 8-HOUR-WORKDAY and the 48-HOUR-WORKWEEK were introduced by law in 1919.

51. Somogyi, Béla
socialdemokrater, som f.eks. hjalmar branting, karl Kautsky, EmileVandervelde m.fl. deltog. Den Internationale faglige Central

52. 20th Century Year By Year 1921
Peace The prize was divided equally between branting, karl hjalmar,Sweden, b. 1860, d. 1925 Prime Minister. Swedish Delegate
Major Event/ Sports Prizes
Major Events of 1921
sports here
Nobel Prizes
SODDY, FREDERICK, Great Britain, Oxford University, b. 1877, d. 1956: "for his contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances, and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes" Literature
ANATOLE FRANCE (pen-name of THIBAULT, JACQUES ANATOLE), France, b. 1844, d. 1924: "in recognition of his brilliant literary achievements, characterized as they are by a nobility of style, a profound human sympathy, grace, and a true Gallic temperament" Peace
Physiology or Medicine

The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. Physics
EINSTEIN, ALBERT, Germany and Switzerland, Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) fŸr Physik, Berlin, b. 1879, d. 1955: "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect"
Pulitzer Prizes
Drama: Zona Gale ... "Miss Lulu Bett"

53. RBML Collections: Branting, Karl Hjalmar, 1860-1925.
. Creator branting, karl hjalmar, 18601925. Title Correspondence,ca. Scopeand Contents. Photocopies of four letters sent to karl hjalmar branting.......
Columbia University Rare Books and Manuscript Library - Manuscript and Archival Collections
Creator: Branting, Karl Hjalmar, 1860-1925. Title: Correspondence,ca. 1901-1907. Physical Description: 4 items. Call Number: BAR Gen Ms Coll/Branting. Location: Columbia University. Bakhmeteff Archive. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. New York, NY. Subjects:
Biographical Note
Leader of the Swedish Social Democrats and the International Socialist Movement.
Scope and Contents

54. Jag Köpte Min Kärlek För Pengar
Det är väl därför alla tror att jag är sjuk hjalmar branting. karl Marxhar en teori om Gustaf Fröding. Jag bryr mig inte om några teorier!
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[En Uppsalaflicka]
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I originaltexten
Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Vilken kamp? Hjalmar Branting Jaha, du menar att jag borde ha satt in mina rim i en sorts politisk stridsformation? Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Karl Marx har en teori om ... Hjalmar Branting Nej. Homo demisapiens dominans. Hjalmar Branting Demisapiens? Det betyder ju halvvetande? Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting Hjalmar Branting [topp]
melodin i midi format
... melodin i midi format EN UPPSALAFLICKA
precis som en laggift fru,
och allsingen porter, men vatten
och jag bjuder ju till, och jag bjuder ju till, med oss alla studenter," sa Fina, [topp] [text- diktarkivet] [tillbaks index] [Den svenska teatern]

55. Statsminister Och Parti
19051906. Arvid Lindman. Höger. 1906-1911. karl Staaff. Liberal. 1911-1914. Liberal(koal med Socialdemokraterna). 1917-1920. hjalmar branting. Socialdemokraterna. 1920.
STASMINISTER: PARTI, KOALITIONSPARTIER: REGERINGSPERIOD: Louis De Geer Arvid Posse Carl Johan Thyselius Oscar Robert Themptander Gillis Bildt Fredrik von Otter Johan Ramstedt Christian Lundeberg Karl Staaff Liberal Arvid Lindman Karl Staaff Liberal Carl Swartz Liberal (koal med Socialdemokraterna) Hjalmar Branting Socialdemokraterna Louis De Geer Opolitisk Oscar von Sydow Opolitisk Hjalmar Branting Socialdemokraterna Ernst Trygger Hjalmar Branting Socialdemokraterna Rickard Sandler Socialdemokraterna Carl Gustaf Ekman Frisinnad Felix Hamrin Frisinnad Per Albin Hansson Socialdemokraterna Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp Per Albin Hansson Socialdemokraterna (koal med Bondef) Per Albin Hansson Samlingsregering Per Albin Hansson Socialdemokraterna Tage Erlander Socialdemokraterna Tage Erlander Socialdemokraterna (koal med Bondef) Tage Erlander Socialdemokraterna Olof Palme Socialdemokraterna Centerpartiet (koal med M och Fp) Ola Ullsten Folkpartiet Centerpartiet (koal med M och Fp) Centerpartiet (koal med Fp) Olof Palme Socialdemokraterna Olof Palme Socialdemokraterna Ingvar Carlsson Socialdemokraterna Carl Bildt Moderaterna (koal med Fp, C och Kd)

Palm, August Teodor, 188503-11, skräddaregesällen, branting, karl hjalmar,1887-06-08, litteratören, karlsson, Frans August, 1888-12-28, muraren,
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OBS! En del av de bibliografiska beskrivningarna är fortfarande ofullständiga, måhända även denna! All användning sker på egen risk :-)
Utgivningsperiod: Provnummer: 1885-09-25 1885-11-05 (2 st) Bibliograferad period: ISSN/ONR: Utgivningsuppehåll: Kommentar: Perioden 1890-04-0106-07 utgavs en daglig samt en veckoupplaga. Förklaringar till ovanstående kategorier: ID-titel (ID-år) Utgivningsperiod Provnummer Utgivningsuppehåll ... Kommentar Listan med länkar här nedanför visar vilka kategorier som är registrerade för den aktuella titeln och kan därmed fungera som en sorts översikt.
Ansvarig utgivare
A-region Editionsbeteckning Frekvens ... till sidans början
Startdatum Slutdatum Kommentar
SOCIAL-DEMOKRATEN. ORGAN FÖR SVERIGES SOCIALDEMOKRATISKA ARBETAREPARTI. Devisen "Frihet, jämlighet, broderskap." 1900-01-021927-12-03. Devisen "Svenska folkets tidning" 1941-04-171941-09-11. SOCIAL-DEMOKRATEN.

hjalmar Leonard Hammarskjöld 1862 1953 1917 karl Johan Gustaf Swartz 1858 - 19261917 - 1920 Nils Eden 1871 - 1945 1920 karl hjalmar branting 1860 - 1925
The Kingdom of Sweden was founded ca 970 when the Svea king Erik Segersäll (r. ) united the Kingdoms of the Svea (Svearike) and of the Goths (Götarike). (1) From 1389 to 1521 Sweden was united with Denmark and Norway in the so-called Union of Kalmar but after a revolt in became again an independent state. (1) In fact unity was only really achieved in the 12th century.
Kings Konungar Full Style : King of Sweden, of the Goths and the Wends Sveriges, Göttes och Vendes Konung The Kings of Sweden were also Kings of Norway from 1814 to 1905. House of Bernadotte (ruled since 1818) 1859 - 1872 Carl XV (Carl Ludvig Eugène) (2) 1826 - 1872 1872 - 1907 Oscar II (Oscar Fredrik), brother (2) 1829 - 1907 1907 - 1950 Gustaf V (Oscar Gustaf Adolf), son 1858 - 1950 (2) In Norway : 1859 - 1872 Karl IV (Karl Ludvig Eugenius) 1872 - 1905 Oscar II (Oscar Frederik)
Note : Formally Sweden only had - and still has - only two government officials styled "Ministers" (Ministrar), all the others being styled "State Councillor and Head of the Department of ..." (Statsråd och Chef för ... departementet). It's only recently they also started to be called ministers.

58. Encyclopedia Articles - Art
Gustav Ahlefeldt; karl Harrer; karl hjalmar branting; karl Jansky;karl Jaspers; karl Jatho; karl Koch; karl LaGrand; karl Lagerfeld;karl
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59. Leading Statesmen Of Sweden - Swedish Prime Ministers And Chancellors
Lindman 1911 1914 karl Staaff (2nd time) 1914 - 1917 hjalmar Hammarskjöld 1917karl Swartz 1917 - 1920 Nils Edén 1920 - 1920 karl branting 1920 - 1921
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Subscribe to the About European History newsletter. Search European History The Leading Statesmen of Sweden: From 1809 Until Today
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From 1809 Sweden had two Prime Ministers, each initially equal in stature: the Prime Ministers for Justice and the Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs. The former grew to be the more powerful, with the title changing to Chancellor in 1858; both offices were replaced in 1876 by a single Prime Minister. The minister for justice is listed first, followed by the minister for foreign affairs. This is a chronological list of Sweden's leading statesmen; the dates given are the periods of said rule. Prime ministers for justice
1809 - 1810 Carl Axel Trolle-Wachtmeister
1810 - 1829 Fredrik Gyllenborg
1829 - 1840 Mathias Rosenblad
1840 Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister (Didn't make it into office)
1840 Arvid Posse
1843 - 1844 Lars Herman Gyllenhaal
1844 - 1846 Johan Nordenfalk 1846 - 1848 Arvid Posse (2nd time) 1848 - 1856 Gustaf Sparre Chancellors 1870 - 1874 Axel Gustaf Adlercreutz 1874 - 1875 Eduard Carleson Prime ministers for foreign affairs

60. Hjalmar Branting - Hotels Travel References
Main Page , hjalmar branting. karl hjalmar branting (November 23,1860February 24, 1925) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister
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Hjalmar Branting
Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman.

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