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         Branting Karl Hjalmar:     more detail

21. Kader
1971. branting, karl hjalmar. 1921. BoydOrr Of Brechin, Lord John 1990. Hammarskjoeld, Dag hjalmar Agne Carl. 1961
var google_language="en"; var adHB=true; wDoL("top","OY83VRO"); wCls("OY83VRO"); wDoL("btm","OY83VRO"); showA("OY83VRO"); NOBEL BARIÞ ÖDÜLÜ ALANLAR ÖDÜLÜ ALAN YIL Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Angell, Sir Norman Arafat, Yasser Arnoldson, Klas Pontus Asser, Tobias Michael Carel Bajer, Fredrik Balch, Emily Greene Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois Begin, Menachem Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Borlaug, Norman Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Brandt, Willy Branting, Karl Hjalmar Boyd-Orr Of Brechin, Lord John Briand, Aristide Bride, Sean Mac Buisson, Ferdinand Bunche, Ralph Butler, Nicholas Murray Cassin, Rene Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Chamberlain, Sir Austen Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Corrigan, Mairead Cremer, Sir William Randal Dalai Lama Dawes, Charles Gates

22. Biografia De Branting, Karl Hjalmar
Translate this page branting, karl hjalmar. (Estocolmo, 1860- id., 1925) Estadista sueco.Miembro del Partido Socialdemócrata, en 1896 fue elegido diputado
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Branting, Karl Hjalmar (Estocolmo, 1860- id. , 1925) Estadista sueco. Miembro del Partido Socialdemócrata, en 1896 fue elegido diputado y en 1917 formó parte del gobierno de Nils Eden. Partidario de una política de neutralidad respecto a la I Guerra Mundial. Presidió tres gobiernos socialistas (período 1920-1924); practicó grandes reformas sociales. Premio Nobel de la paz en 1921. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

23. Branting, [Karl] Hjalmar - Archive
branting, karl hjalmar Period 18981924 Total Size 0.02 m. Biographical/historicalnote branting, karl hjalmar (1860-1925).
International Institute of Social History
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Branting, [Karl] Hjalmar Period Total Size
:0.02 m. Biographical/historical note : Branting, Karl Hjalmar (1860-1925). Zweeds staatsman; een van de oprichters van de Zweedse sociaal-democratische partij; minister van Financiën vanaf 1917 en later minister-president; was in de Eerste Wereldoorlog voor strikte neutraliteit; kreeg in 1921 de Nobelprijs voor de vrede. Contents : Een door het Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv te Stockholm in 1960 geschonken album met kopieën van brieven van Nederlandse sociaal-democraten aan Branting, bevattende: brieven van J.W. Albarda (2x) 4.11.1917 en 25.2.1925, W.A. Bonger (1x) 15.5.1919, H.H. van Kol (18x) 1914-1924, J. Oudegeest (1x) 15.5.1924 (telegram), H. Roland Holst (1x) 15.11.1898, P.J. Troelstra (8x) 1901-1916, W.H. Vliegen (2x) 9.10.1916 en 30.4.1917. Top

24. 2. Branting, Karl Hjalmar (Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexikon)
2. branting, karl hjalmar,. publicist, socialistisk ledare, riksdagsman.Född i Stockholm d. 23 nov. 1860; den föregåendes son.
Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon
2. Branting, Karl Hjalmar
(1906) Author: Herman Hofberg Frithiof Heurlin Viktor Millqvist Olof Rubenson - Tema: Biography and Genealogy Reference
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2. Branting, Karl Hjalmar,
publicist, socialistisk ledare, riksdagsman. Född i Stockholm d. 23 nov. 1860; den föregåendes son. Som talare är B. nämligen ovanligt framstående genom sin förmåga att åt en klar, lugnt och jämnt flytande framställning gifva den underström af öfvertygelsens och hjärtats värme, som är särskildt ägnad att göra intryck å åhörarnas sinnen, och utan tvifvel ha hans personligen sympatiska egenskaper varit rörelsen till stor nytta. Af partiet har han mer än en gång anlitats som förtroendeman vid strider mellan arbetsgifvare och arbetare. B. har vid sidan häraf alltid synts i främsta ledet, där det gällt att värna tankens och ordets frihet, och försöken på 1880-talet att med lagens arm bringa den dåvarande utiliströrelsen till tystnad, funno i honom en kraftig och konsekvent motståndare. Aftrycket af V. E. Lennstrands »En hälsning» föranledde, att B. genom uppgräfvande af den sedan 1821 ej tillämpade straffparagrafen för »förnekelse af den rena evangeliska lära» våren 1888 ådömdes 150 kr. böter och på hösten s. å. tre och en half månads fängelse för aftryck af A. Danielssons artikel »Till världsalltets upphofsman», hvilken betecknades som hädelse af en jury, i hvilken Viktor Rydberg hade plats som en af rättens ledamöter, och hvars dom gifvit anledning till en skarp polemik mellan B., Georg Brandes och Ellen Key å ena sidan samt K. Warburg och S. A. Hedlund m. fl. å den andra.

25. Branting, Hjalmar (Nordic Authors)
branting, hjalmar (1860 1925) (karl hjalmar) politician, Sweden. BiographicReferences Hofberg, Herman (et al), Svenskt biografiskt
Project Runeberg Nordic literature on the Internet since 1992
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Tema: Reference Biography and Genealogy
Branting, Hjalmar Branting, Hjalmar (1860 - 1925) (Karl Hjalmar) politician, Sweden. Biographic References:
Hofberg, Herman (et al), Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon , 1906, Swedish
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Verdandis småskrifter

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26. Hjalmar Branting
hjalmar branting. karl hjalmar branting (November 23, 1860February 24,1925) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden, serving
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Hjalmar Branting
Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-1923, and 1924-1925. As the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats he was the first head of government in the country of that affiliation. As Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in
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27. Prime Minister Of Sweden
19051906); Arvid Lindman, conservative (1906-1911); karl Staaff, liberal Ed?, liberal-socialdemocrat coalition (1917-1920); hjalmar branting, social democrat
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Prime Minister of Sweden
The Prime Minister or Statsminister is the head of Government in Sweden . Before , when the office of Prime Minister was instituted, Sweden did not have a formal head of Government. The architect behind the new Riksdag of Louis De Geer became the first Prime Minister, but ironically it had been the absence of his informal leadership in the Government that had brought about the reform. Table of contents 1 Under the Constitution of 1809
2 Constitutional Reform

3 The Sager House

4 Prime Ministers for Justice
8 See also
Under the Constitution of 1809
Since the Constitution of there had actually been the two titles of Prime Minister for Justice or Justitiestatsminister and Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs or Utrikesstatsminister , but their roles had merely been that of a head for respective Ministry. At the introduction of the new office in 1876, the Prime Minister for Justice became Prime Minister, while the Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs was nominally demoted to Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Minister for Foreign Affairs did however continue to be styled as Excellency, an honour shared only with the Prime Minister.

28. Premio Nobel Per La Fisica, La Chimica, La Medicina E Fisiologia, La Letteratura
Léon Bourgeois. 1921, Albert Einstein, Frederick Soddy, non assegnato,Anatole France, karl hjalmar branting, Christian Lous Lange. 1922,à/Strutture_Sociali/Persone
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina Principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Biografie/Premio_Nobel Top International Italiano Societ  ... Biografie : Premio Nobel I laureati al Premio Nobel per la Fisica, la Chimica, la Medicina e fisiologia, la Letteratura e la Pace, nel periodo dal 1901 fino al 1968. Italiano>Nobel Overview Name Fisica Chimica Medicina e fisiologia Letteratura Pace anno Wilhelm Conrad R¶ntgen Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Emil Adolf von Behring Sully Prudhomme ... Henri La Fontaine non assegnato Theodore William Richards Robert B¡r¡ny non assegnato non assegnato Sir William Henry Bragg William Lawrence Bragg Richard Martin Willst¤tter non assegnato Romain Rolland non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato Verner von Heidenstam non assegnato Charles Glover Barkla non assegnato non assegnato Karl Adolph Gjellerup Henrik Pontoppidan Comitato Internazionale Croce Rossa Max Karl Planck ... Fritz Haber non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato Johannes Stark non assegnato Jules Bordet Carl Friedrich Spitteler Thomas Woodrow Wilson Charles Edouard Guillaume ... Frederick Soddy non assegnato Anatole France Karl Hjalmar Branting Christian Lous Lange ... William Butler Yeats non assegnato Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn non assegnato Willem Einthoven Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont non assegnato James Franck Gustav Ludwig Hertz Richard Adolf Zsigmondy non assegnato George Bernard Shaw Sir Austen Chamberlain Charles Gates Dawes Jean Baptiste Perrin ... Sigrid Undset non assegnato

29. Hjalmar Branting - Reference Library
hjalmar branting. karl hjalmar branting (November 23, 1860February 24,1925) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden, serving
Reference Library: Encyclopedia
Main Page
See live article Alphabetical index
Hjalmar Branting
Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-1923, and 1924-1925. As the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats he was the first head of government in the country of that affiliation. As Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in
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30. Hjalmar Branting :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
hjalmar branting. Online Encyclopedia karl hjalmar branting (November23, 1860February 24, 1925) was a Swedish statesman. Prime
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Hjalmar Branting
Online Encyclopedia

Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-1923, and 1924-1925. As the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats he was the first head of government in the country of that affiliation. As Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in
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31. WIEM: Branting Hjalmar Karl
branting hjalmar karl (18601925), polityk szwedzki. Postacie historyczne,Historia powszechna, Szwecja branting hjalmar karl (1860-1925).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Postacie historyczne, Historia powszechna, Szwecja
Branting Hjalmar Karl
Branting Hjalmar Karl (1860-1925), polityk szwedzki. Od 1883 wspó³pracownik, a nastêpnie redaktor czasopisma Tiden . W 1889 jeden ze wspó³twórców Szwedzkiej Socjaldemokratycznej Partii Robotniczej, od 1907 jej przywódca. W latach 1886-1917 redaktor naczelny czasopisma Social-Demokraten , bêd±cego od 1889 organem prasowym partii. W okresie od 1896 do 1925 deputowany do Riksdagu. Od pocz. XX w. negowa³ koncepcjê walki rewolucyjnej i dyktatury proletariatu. Jeden z organizatorów II Miêdzynarodówki. 1917-18 minister finansów. 1919 przewodnicz±cy kongresu II Miêdzynarodówki w Bernie. Uczestnik konferencji pokojowej w Pary¿u 1919, a tak¿e konferencji w Londynie w sprawie Wysp Alandzkich 1920 (spór szwedzko-fiñski). od marca do wrze¶nia 1920, od wrze¶nia 1921 do kwietnia 1923 i od pa¼dziernika 1924 do stycznia 1925 premier. 1921-1923 minister spraw zagranicznych. W latach 1922-1925 cz³onek Rady Ligi Narodów. Inicjator rewizji konstytucji i utworzenia ministerstwa opieki spo³ecznej. Rzecznik respektowania praw ma³ych narodów, zdeklarowany pacyfista. Zwolennik reformizmu, przeciwnik przewrotu bolszewickiego w Rosji 1917. 1921 laureat (wraz z 

32. Hjalmar Branting
hjalmar branting. karl hjalmar branting (Listopad 23, 1860Únor 24,1925) byl Švédština státník. Ministerský predseda Švédska
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Hjalmar Branting
Karl Hjalmar Branting 23. listopadu 24. ºnora ) byl Å v©dÅ¡tina st¡tn­k. Předseda vl¡dy Å v©dska , porce pro tři oddělen¡ obdob­ v 1920, 1922-1923, a 1924-1925. Jako vůdce Å v©dÅ¡t­ soci¡ln­ demokrat© on byl prvn­ hlava vl¡dy na venkově toho vztahu. Jako předseda vl¡dy on přinesl Å v©dsko do Liga n¡rodů a byl osobně aktivn­ jako deleg¡t uvnitř toho. Laure¡t Nobelova m­rov¡ cena v
VnějÅ¡­ spojen­

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33. MSN Encarta - Branting, Karl Hjalmar
Translate this page branting, karl hjalmar. branting, karl hjalmar (1860-1925), homme d’Étatsuédois, figure éminente du parti social-démocrate. Médias.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Branting, Karl Hjalmar Branting, Karl Hjalmar (1860-1925), homme d’‰tat su©dois, figure ©minente du parti social-d©mocrate. M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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34. Hjalmar Branting - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
hjalmar branting Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahjalmar branting. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. karl hjalmar branting(November 23, 1860-February 24, 1925) was a Swedish statesman.
Hjalmar Branting
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Karl Hjalmar Branting Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-1923, and 1924-1925. As the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats he was the first head of government in the country of that affiliation. As Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in edit
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35. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Victor Auguste Bourgeois 1921 karl hjalmar branting and Christian Lous Lange 1922Fridtjof 1921 karl hjalmar branting, Sweden; Christian Lous 13.

36. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Fridtjof Nansen, Nor. 1921 karl H. branting, Swed.; Christian L. Lange, Nor.1920 hjalmar Schacht, 18771970, (Ger.) economist

37. Nobels Fredspris Gjennom 100 år - Karl Hjalmar Branting
1921 karl hjalmar branting (18601925), Sverige. Aktive Fredsreiser TRAVEL FORPEACE AS Postboks 19 N-4951 Risør Telf 37 15 39 00 Faks 37 15 43 58.
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1921 Karl Hjalmar Branting (1860-1925), Sverige
Aktive Fredsreiser
Postboks 19
N-4951 Risør
Telf: 37 15 39 00
Faks: 37 15 43 58
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38. Hjalmar Branting Definition Meaning Information Explanation
definition, meaning, explanation information in -. karl HjalmarBranting (November 23, 1860-February 24, 1925) was a Swedish statesman.
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Hjalmar Branting
Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-1923, and 1924-1925. As the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats he was the first head of government in the country of that affiliation. As Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in
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39. MSN Encarta - Karl Hjalmar Branting
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Karl Hjalmar Branting Karl Hjalmar Branting (1860-1925), pol­tico sueco, primer ministro (1920; 1921-1923; 1924-1925), premio Nobel de la Paz. Nacido en Estocolmo, en cuyo... Multimedia ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
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40. Online Encyclopedia - Karl Hjalmar Branting
Skandinavischer Wohlfahrtsstaat branting, hjalmar Translate this page Stichwortkategorie AFR. karl hjalmar branting Schwedischer Politiker, Sozialdemokrat.Geboren am 23. 11. 1860 in Stockholm, gestorben am 24. 02.
Encyclopedia Entry for Karl Hjalmar Branting
Dictionary Definition of Karl Hjalmar Branting

Karl Hjalmar Branting November 23 February 24 ) was a Swedish statesman. Prime Minister of Sweden , serving for three separate periods in 1920, 1922-1923, and 1924-1925. As the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats he was the first head of government in the country of that affiliation. As Prime Minister he brought Sweden into the League of Nations and was personally active as a delegate within it. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in
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