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Bothe Walther: more detail | |||||||
81. Nobel2002 Translate this page Lebenslauf. 8.1.1895. walther bothe wird in Oranienburg geboren. 1954. Nobelpreisfür Physik mit Max Born. 8.2.1957. walther bothe stirbt in Heidelberg. http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/ebook/a/2002/nobelcd/html/bothe3.htm | |
82. B-Mitglieder Translate this page in Jb. 19541956, S. 264265. bothe, walther, * 08.01.1891, 08.02.1957, Nachruf in Jb. 19571959, S. 335. BRANDENBURG, ERICH, http://www.saw-leipzig.de/sawakade/2mitglie/b.html | |
83. List Of Physics Topics statistics ?; Bose, Satyendra Nath ?; Boson ?; bothe, walther? ?;Boyle s law ?; Boyle, Robert ?; Bradley, James ?; Braket notation; http://www.fastload.org/li/List_of_physics_topics.html | |
84. Nobel Prizes In Physics Max Born. German. quantum theory. 1954. walther bothe. German. quantum theory. 1955.Willis Eugene Lamb. 88. 72. 1954. bothe, walther. Max Planck. 1914. Berlin. 1891 1957. 66. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS/ | |
85. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway - Web Catalogue walther bothe Biography walther bothe Biography walther bothewas born on January 8, 1891, at Oranienburg, near Berlin. From http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=300&term1=P |
86. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Bothe,_Walther - Translate this page In tutta la Directory. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Fisica/Fisici_e_Ricercatori/ | |
87. Alsos: Hitler's Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings At Farm Hall Otto Hahn, Max von Laue, Erich Bagge, Kurt Diebner, walther Gerlach, Paul Harteck,Werner Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker, Horst Korsching, and Karl http://alsos.wlu.edu/information.asp?id2=581&past=1 |
88. Glossar WALTHER Translate this page .. des Neutrinos Kurt Gödel veröffentlicht seinen Unvollständigkeitssatz WaltherBothe und Herbert Becker entdecken die Neutronen Paul Dirac postuliert http://www.orthopedia-shop.de/glossar/glossar_wort-WALTHER/walther.html | |
89. © 1998-2002 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 29. Dezember 2002 James (1882-1964); Gerlach, walther (1889-1979); Hippel, Artur (1841-1916 http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/BriefDat/03594.html | |
90. © 1998-2002 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 29. Dezember 2002 Wolfgang (1878-1945); Geiger, Hans (1882-1945); Gerlach, walther (1889-1979 http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/BriefDat/05901.html | |
91. Prodex - Der Produktexperte http://www.prodex.de/lexikon/w/wa/walther_bothe.html | |
92. SAPERE.it - Radiazione Translate this page avanzata, In tutto il Sito, http://www.sapere.it/gr/ArticleViewServlet?tid=1138548&rid=1138548&from=ArticleV |
93. ¢Æ¢Æ¢Æ û¼Ò³â °úÇи¶´ç¿¡ ¿À½Å°ÍÀ» ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.most.go.kr/most/Young_most/novel2.html | |
94. ÇнÀÀθí»çÀü The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.encyber.com/biodic/category_n.php?cd=1703&p=8 |
95. ÇнÀÀθí»çÀü The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.encyber.com/biodic/category_n.php?cd=1104&p=3 |
96. ¬ò@¡úqÈÇ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.pag1u.net/kanshi/kanshi31.htm | |
97. Vermessung, Liegenschaften, Wohnen Physiker, baute das erste Zyklotron in Deutschland; 1954 Nobelpreis. http://www.karlsruhe.de/Stadt/VLW/vlastrnw.htm | |
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