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         Born Max:     more books (100)
  1. The End of the Certain World: The Life and Science of Max Born by Nancy Thorndike Greenspan, 2005-03-02
  2. Einstein's Theory of Relativity (Classic Reprint) by Max Born, 2010-06-09
  3. Punisher MAX: Born by Garth Ennis, 2007-02-21
  4. Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light (7th Edition) by Max Born, Emil Wolf, 1999-10-13
  5. My Life & My Views by Max Born, 1968
  6. Mein Leben: Die Erinnerungen des Nobelpreistragers (German Edition) by Max Born, 1975
  7. Experiment and theory in physics by Max Born, 1956
  8. Natural Philosophy of cause and chance: Being the Waynflete lectures delivered in the College of St.Mary Magdalen,Oxford,in Hilary term,1948;together with a new essay 'Symbol and reality' by Max Born, 1965-01-01
  9. The Restless Universe by Max Born, 1951-06
  10. The Born - Einstein Letters: Friendship, Politics and Physics in Uncertain Times (Macsci) by Max Born, Albert Einstein, 2005-01-15
  11. James Franck und Max Born in Gottingen: Reden zur akademischen Feier aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr ihres Geburtsjahres (Gottinger Universitatsreden) (German Edition)
  12. Problems of Atomic Dynamics (Dover Books on Physics) by Max Born, 2004-11-30
  13. Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices (Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences) by Max Born, Kun Huang, 1998-11-05
  14. Diffusion Processes: Experiment, Theory, Simulations: Proceedings of the Vth Max Born Symposium Held at Kudowa, Poland, 1 - 4 June 1994 (Lecture Notes in Physics)

1. Max Born
Max Born. Max Born published a paper in 1924 entitled Zur Quantummechanik , and this marked the first time that the phrase Quantum Mechanics was ever used.
Max Born
Max Born published a paper in 1924 entitled "Zur Quantummechanik", and this marked the first time that the phrase "Quantum Mechanics" was ever used. He hired Heisenberg and Pascaul Jordan to come and work for him on these problems and it was this fruitful triad that put Heisenberg's ideas into their most useful form. But Born's most memorable contribution concerns the way in which we are to regard quantum mechanics. What is this wavefunction? What does it mean? Born suggested that the only observable aspect of the wavefunction was its square, not the wavefunction itself. He held that the correct interpretation of the wavefunction was that the square at a given point in space was proportional to the probability of finding the particle at that point in space. The square is called the probability density while we can call the wavefunction is probability amplitude. Author: Dan Thomas email:
Last Updated: Friday, July 5, 1996

2. Born
Max Born 18821970. Max Born, a German-British physicist and Nobel laureate, was born in Breslau (now Wroclaw), Poland, and educated
Max Born
An outstanding theoretical physicist noted for his fundamental contributions in quantum theory, Born shared the 1954 Nobel Prize in physics with the German physicist Walter Bothe. His works include Einstein's Theory of Relativity Atomic Physics Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance Physics and Politics (1962), and My Life and My Views

3. Max Born
Max Born wurde am 11.Dezember 1882 in Breslau geboren. Er starb am 5.Januar 1970 in Göttingen. zwei Sommersemestern in Heidelberg und Zürich bezog Born 1904 die Universität Göttingen, wo sich sogleich enge
Max Born
David Hilbert und Hermann Minkowski ergaben. Beide Mathematiker waren seine eigentlichen akademischen Lehrer. Als Physiker wurde sein Vorbild Albert Einstein , mit dem ihn seit etwa 1914 eine herzliche Freundschaft verband. Nach Einsteins Theodore von Karman Peter Debye ) die . Die ebenfalls 1912 erfolgte durch Max von Laue 'Dynamik der Kristallgitter' 'Atomtheorie des festen Zustandes' 'Bohr-Festspielen' Niels Bohr Bohrsche Atommodell nur einen begrenzten Wert besitzt. 1925 formulierte Werner Heisenberg Pascual Jordan und Heisenberg - Born die geschlossene mathematische Theorie der Quantenmechanik entwickeln konnte: Professor Rosanes "Logik der Atome" 'Kopenhagener Deutung' . In einem Brief an Born urteilte Wolfgang Pauli Werner Heisenberg John von Neumann J.Robert Oppenheimer Wolfgang Pauli Edward Teller und Eugen P. Wigner Nobelpreises Albert Einstein heraus.

4. Born
Max Born. Born 11 Dec 1882 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) Died 5 Jan 1970 in Göttingen, Germany. Max Born was born into a Jewish family.
Max Born
Born: 11 Dec 1882 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland)
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Max Born was born into a Jewish family. His father, Gustav Born, was a distinguished medical professor of embryology at the University of Breslau. Max's mother, Margarete Kaufmann, came from a Breslau family who were in the textile industry. It was from his mother that Max inherited his love of music, but sadly she died when he was four years old. Gustav then appointed governesses to look after Max and his younger sister over the next four years until 1890 when he married again. The family provided a cultured and academic background for Max as he grew up but, although Max's new mother looked after the family well, neither Max nor his sister formed a particularly loving relationship with her. Gymnasium in Breslau, studying a wide range of subjects such as mathematics, physics, history, modern languages, Latin, Greek, and German. He showed little promise at school and in particular he showed more interest in the humanities than in the sciences. Entering the University of Breslau in 1901 he took a wide range of science subjects, mainly to go along with his father's wishes (his father had died shortly before Max left school). The list of courses he took in session 1901-02 was certainly impressive, including mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, logic, philosophy, and zoology.

5. Max Born
Max Born. The German theoretical physicist Max Born, b. Dec. 11, 1882, d. Jan. 5, 1970, was a pioneer in developing quantum mechanics.
Max Born
The German theoretical physicist Max Born, b. Dec. 11, 1882, d. Jan. 5, 1970, was a pioneer in developing quantum mechanics. He received his doctorate in 1907 from Gottingen, where he was influenced by the mathematicians David Hilbert, Felix Klein, and Hermann Minkowski. He remained there until 1915, when he accepted a position at the University of Berlin and became a colleague and friend of Max Planck and Albert Einstein. In 1921, Born was appointed director of the Physical Institute at Gottingen. The years 1921 to 1933 were Born's most productive. In collaboration with his students and assistants Werner Heisenberg, Pascual Jordan, and Wolfgang Pauli, he attempted to develop a new quantum mechanics. When Heisenberg succeeded in 1925, Born and others were able to advance the theory, using more systematic and powerful mathematics. For Born's interpretation of the square of Schrodinger's wave function as the probability of an electron's position, and for his further clarification of the wave-particle duality, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1954. Born, of Jewish origins, lost his professorship with Hitler's rise to power, but he soon was appointed (1936) to a chair at the University of Edinburgh, which he held until 1953. Upon retirement to the countryside near Gottingen, he not only continued his scientific work but wrote and spoke frequently on the social responsibility of scientists.

6. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Born Max
born max . Page 1 sur 1. http// Plus de résultats avec MSN pour born max .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Born Max" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Born, Max Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Born, Max (1882-1970), physicien britannique d’origine allemande, connu pour ses travaux sur la th©orie quantique. Max Born Encyclop©die EncartaImage quantique, th©orie Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article quantique, th©orie Heisenberg, Werner Karl Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Heisenberg, Werner Karl Weimar, R©publique de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Weimar, R©publique de R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
R©sultats provenant de MSN Search Born, Max (1882-1970), physicien britannique d'origine allemande, connu pour ses travaux sur la th©orie quantique
Max Born (1882-1970) Physicien britannique d'origine allemande, connu pour ses travaux sur la th©orie quantique. Il ©tudie tout d'abord aux universit©s de Breslau, de Heidelberg, de Zurich, de G¶ttingen et de Cambridge.

7. BORN Max
Last updated 25.05.2001 142831. Max Born byl nemecký teoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1882 1970. Je nositelem Nobelovy
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:28:31
Max Born byl nìmecký teoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1882 - 1970. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny za fyziku spolu s Walterem Bothem (1891 - 1957) za kvantovì mechanické výzkumy. Patøil k nejvšestranìjším fyzikùm 20. století, byl èlenem øady akademických vìd v zahranièí. Zabýval se teorií kmitù, krystalové møížky, teorií rozptylu alfa-èástic. Pøedevším však navrhl správnou interpretaci vlnové funkce a zaøadil se tak spolu s W. Heisenberg em, P. Jordanem a P. Dirac em k tvùrcùm vlnové mechaniky.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

8. WIEM: Born Max
born max (18821970), fizyk niemiecki, uczen H. Minkowskiego, D. Hilberta, JJ Thomsona. 1915 Fizyka, Niemcy born max (1882-1970). Born
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Niemcy
Born Max
Born Max (1882-1970), fizyk niemiecki, uczeñ H. Minkowskiego D. Hilberta J.J. Thomsona . 1915 profesor uniwersytetu w Berlinie, 1919-1921 - uniwersytetu we Frankfurcie, 1921-1933 - w Getyndze, 1936-1953 - w Edynburgu (1933 wyemigrowa³ do Wielkiej Brytanii). Od 1953 w RFN. Wspó³pracownik W. Pauliego E. Fermiego J.R. Oppenheimera . Pocz±tkowo zajmowa³ siê zagadnieniami akustycznymi i krystalograficznymi; 1925-1926 wspó³autor (wraz z  W. Heinsenbergiem i P.E. Jordanem) jednego z ujêæ mechaniki kwantowej (tzw. mechaniki macierzowej). 1926 poda³ statystyczn± interpretacjê funkcji falowej , zgodnie z któr± kwadrat amplitudy funkcji falowej obiektu kwantowego opisuje prawdopodobieñstwa znalezienia tego obiektu w danym stanie, za co 1954 otrzyma³ Nagrodê Nobla WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

9. Max Born [Pictures And Photos Of]
Item ID Born G5. Max Born. Max Born Picture, Photo, Photograph; old age, threequarter view, suit, eyeglasses; born max A12. Item ID born max A12. Max Born.
A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
For more information visit our home page Niels Henrik David Bohr, Max Born, Max Delbrück Description L-R: Bohr, Born, Delbruck ; standing ; talking ; outdoors ; 1936 Copenhagen Conference, Bohr Institute Item ID Bohr N C38 Niels Henrik David Bohr, Max Born, James Franck, Oskar Benjamin Klein Description L-R standing: Carl Wilhelm Oseen, Bohr, Franck, Klein. Born is seated. outdoors ; smiling ; Göttingen ; at the "Bohr Festspiels" Item ID Bohr N E2 Max Born Description young ; full-face ; uniform Item ID Born A1 Max Born Description old ; full-face ; suit Item ID Born A2 Max Born Description old ; suit ; sitting ; writing ; pen ; papers Item ID Born A3 Max Born Description young ; three-quarter view ; suit ; sitting ; chair ; book Item ID Born A6 Max Born Description young ; full-face ; suit Item ID Born A8 Max Born Description young ; profile ; uniform ; sitting ; writing ; desk ; pen ; papers Item ID Born B7 Max Born Description old age; profile; suit; smiling; sitting; Lindau Item ID Born B8 Max Born, Werner Heisenberg

10. Max Born - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Max Born. Max Born (December 11, 1882 January 5, 1970) was a German mathematician and physicist and was the only child of Gustav Born and Margarete Kauffmann.
Max Born
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Max Born December 11 January 5 ) was a German mathematician and physicist and was the only child of Gustav Born and Margarete Kauffmann . He is also the maternal grandfather of British -born Australian singer and actress Olivia Newton-John Initially educated at the König-Wilhelm- Gymnasium , Born went on to study at the University of Breslau followed by Heidelberg University and Zurich University . During this period he came into contact with many prominent scientists and mathematicians including Klein Hilbert Minkowski Runge ... Schwarzschild , and Voigt In he was appointed a lecturer at the University of Göttingen where he worked until when he moved to work at the University of Chicago . In after a period in the German army he became a professor at the University of Frankfurt am Main , and then professor at Göttingen . During this period, he formulated the now-standard interpretation of the probability density Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics , for which he was awarded the Nobel prize, some three decades later. In due to the anti-Semitic government activity at the time he went to lecture at Cambridge University , til and Edinburgh University , til Albert Einstein was a friend of Born's, and it was in a letter to him in 1926 that Einstein made his famous remark regarding quantum mechanics, often paraphrased as "God does not play dice with the universe."

11. Max Born
born max. Wolf,M. Man Without a Face. 1997 (229). pages cited this search 1 Order hard copy of these pages
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12. BORN Max
Last updated 19.02.2004 165823. Max Born byl nemecký teoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1882 1970. Je nositelem Nobelovy
Last updated: 19.02.2004 16:58:23
Max Born byl nìmecký teoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1882 - 1970. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny za fyziku spolu s Walterem Bothem (1891 - 1957) za kvantovì mechanické výzkumy. Patøil k nejvšestranìjším fyzikùm 20. století, byl èlenem øady akademických vìd v zahranièí. Zabýval se teorií kmitù, krystalové møížky, teorií rozptylu alfa-èástic. Pøedevším však navrhl správnou interpretaci vlnové funkce a zaøadil se tak spolu s W. Heisenberg em, P. Jordanem a P. Dirac em k tvùrcùm vlnové mechaniky.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

13. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
53; Belgian jazz guitarist 3. Max ( born max Goldmann) 18731943; Austrian theatrical director producer in Germany and later in the US Copyright 1994 Born

14. Max Born
Max Born. Max Born (December 11, 1882 January 5, 1970) was a German mathematician and physicist and was the only child of Gustav Born and Margarete Kauffmann.
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Max Born
Max Born December 11 January 5 ) was a German mathematician and physicist and was the only child of Gustav Born and Margarete Kauffmann. He is also the maternal grandfather of British -born Australian singer and actress Olivia Newton-John Initially educated at the König-Wilhelm- Gymnasium , Born went on to study at the University of Breslau followed by Heidelberg University and Zurich University . During this period he came into contact with many prominent scientists and mathematicians including Klein Hilbert Minkowski , Runge, Schwarzschild , and Voigt In he was appointed a lecturer at the University of Göttingen where he worked until when he moved to work at the University of Chicago . In after a period in the German army he became a professor at the University of Frankfurt am Main , and then professor at Gottingen . During this period, he formulated the now-standard interpretation of the probability density Schrodinger equation of quantum mechanics , for which he was awarded the Nobel prize, some three decades later. In due to the anti-Semitic government activity at the time he went to lecture at Cambridge University , til and Edinburgh University , til . After World War II, Max and Hedwig Born retired from England, to Germany, but his children remained in the Commonwealth.

15. Max Born
Max Born. Domovská stránka Fyzici Max Born. 11. 12. Max Born emigrant. 1933 Max Born byl kvuli svému židovskému puvodu donucen opustit Nemecko.
Max Born
Domovská stránka Fyzici Nìmecký fyzik Max Born se narodil 11. prosince 1882 v Nìmecku v Breslau (nyní polská Wroclaw). Max Born navštìvoval školu v Breslau a studoval celou øadu pøedmìtù. Zajímal se více o humanitní než o pøírodní vìdy. Na Univerzitì v Breslau zaèal Born studovat v roce 1901 øadu vìdeckých oborù. Mezi jeho oblíbené pøedmìty patøily matematika a astronomie. Max Born se rozhodl specializovat na astronomii. V roce 1902 studoval v Heidelbergu a v roce 1903 v Zürichu. 1907 - doktorát. 1912 - místo v Göttingenu a zaèal spolupracovat na výzkumném projektu s von Kármánem, který se týkal dynamiky krystalových møížek. Práce vedla k urèení stupòù volnosti krystalu s normálními vibraèními módy celého tìlesa. 1914 - Born získal místo na Univerzitì v Berlínì. Jeho kolegou byl také Max Planck 1919 - Max Born odešel do Frankfurtu, ale o dva roky pozdìji se vrátil znovu do Göttingenu. 1921 - stal se profesorem v Göttingenu. Ve stejném roce nalezl nové vyjádøení prvního zákona termodynamiky.
Kvantová teorie
1926 - jeho spolupracovníky jsou Wolfgang Pauli a Werner Heisenberg , kteøí u nìj studovali jeho kvantovou teorii. Born rozpoznal význam Heisenbergovy maticové algebry v kvantové mechanice. Born napsal fundamentální práci o kvantové mechanice v níž nahradil pùvodní kvantovou teorii, která považovala elektrony za bodové èástice, matematickým popisem, který jejich pozorované chování vysvìtloval pøesnìji.

16. Max Born
Max Born, Education on the Max Born was born into a Jewish family in Breslau, Germany, on 11th December, 1882. He studied physics
Max Born
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Max Born was born into a Jewish family in Breslau, Germany , on 11th December, 1882. He studied physics at the University of Gottingen and obtained his doctorate in 1907. Born became professor of physics at Frankfurt-am-Main (1919-21) before moving back to the University of Gottingen where he made it into the centre for theoretical physics. Inspired by the work of Nils Bohr , Born attempted to seek a mathematical explanation for the quantum theory. In 1924 Born coined the term quantum mechanics and the following year worked with his student, Werner Heisenberg , to develop a system called matrix mechanics that accounted mathematically for the position and momentum of the electron in the atom.

17. Max Born
Max Born. Max Born (1882 1970). German physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954, with Walther Bothe of Germany, for
Max Born
Max Born
German physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954, with Walther Bothe of Germany, for his statistical formulation of the behaviour of subatomic particles. His studies of the wave function led to the replacement of the original quantum theory, which regarded electrons as particles, with an essentially mathematical description representing their observed behaviour more accurately.
In 1933 Born fled the Nazis and became Stokes lecturer at the University of Cambridge. He was elected to the Tait chair of natural philosophy at the University of Edinburgh in 1936, becoming a British subject in 1939. After his retirement in 1953 Born returned to Gottingen.
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18. Max Born - Encyclopedia Article About Max Born. Free Access, No Registration Nee
encyclopedia article about Max Born. Max Born in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides Max Born. Word Born
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Max Born
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Max Born December 11 December 11 is the 345th day (346th in leap years) of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 20 days remaining.
  • 1205 - John Grey, Bishop of Norwich, elected Archbishop of Canterbury
  • 1792 - King Louis XVI of France goes on trial for treason
  • 1816 - Indiana becomes the 19th U.S. state.
  • 1816 - Citizens of Geneva, Switzerland repel attack by Savoy

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 -
  • February 2 - The Knights of Columbus are formed in New Haven, Connecticut
  • February 7 - In Mississippi City the last heavyweight boxing championship bareknuckle fight takes place.

Click the link for more information. January 5 January 5 is the 5th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 360 days remaining (361 in leap years).
  • 1463 - Poet François Villon is banned from Paris.
  • 1500 - Duke Ludovico Sforza conquers Milan.

19. Ìàêñ Áîðí { Born Max } (11.12.1882–5.01.1970)
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20. Max Born - Biography
max born – Biography. For more updated biographical information, see born, max, My Life Recollections of a Nobel Laureate. Taylor Francis, London, 1978.
Max Born was born in Breslau on the 11th December, 1882, to Professor Gustav Born, anatomist and embryologist, and his wife Margarete, Kauffmann, who was a member of a Silesian family of industrialists.
for his work on the stability of elastic wires and tapes in 1906, and graduated at this university a year later on the basis of this work.
Born next went to Cambridge for a short time, to study under Larmor and J.J. Thomson
An appointment as professor (extraordinarius) to assist Max Planck at Berlin University came to Born in 1915 but he had to join the German Armed Forces. In a scientific office of the army he worked on the theory of sound ranging. He found time also to study the theory of crystals, and published his first book, Dynamik der Kristallgitter
At the conclusion of the First World War, in 1919, Born was appointed Professor at the University of Frankfurt-on-Main , where a laboratory was put at his disposal. His assistant was Otto Stern , and the first of the latter's well-known experiments, which later were rewarded with a Nobel Prize, originated there.
James Franck
, and he remained there for twelve years, interrupted only by a trip to America in 1925. During these years the Professor's most important works were created; first a modernized version of his book on crystals, and numerous investigations by him and his pupils on crystal lattices, followed by a series of studies on the quantum theory. Among his collaborators at this time were many physicists, later to become well-known, such as

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