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Borlaug Norman: more books (52) | |||||
61. Cafe Hayek: Norman Borlaug May 20, 2004. norman borlaug. Yesterday work.). One of the guest speakersat the dinner was norman borlaug, father of the green revolution. http://cafehayek.typepad.com/hayek/2004/05/norman_borlaug.html | |
62. The Globalization Website - Global Actors borlaug, norman E. (1914). Sources D. Paarlberg, norman borlaug Hunger Fighter,1970; DG.Johnson, The Struggle Against World Hunger,1967. LINKS http://www.emory.edu/SOC/globalization/people.html | |
63. Www.emory.edu/CARTER-CENTER/BIOS/borlaug.htm norman borlaug Museum. October 26, 2002. norman borlaug Geneticist. * *. norman borlaugachieved much of his success because he was a risk taker. In http://www.emory.edu/CARTER-CENTER/BIOS/borlaug.htm |
64. Norman Earnest Borlaug - Ayn Rand & Objectivism Franklin in something less than a millennium, and whose work, according to soberestimates, has led to the saving of a billion lives norman borlaug, father of http://www.dailyobjectivist.com/Heroes/NormanBorlaug.asp | |
65. Norman Borlaug High Profile norman borlaug. Forgotten Benefactor of Humanity The AtlanticMonthly Billions Served Reason Magazine. norman borlaug International Forum. http://www.lawzone.com/half-nor/borlaug.htm | |
66. The Life Of Dr. Norman Borlaug Back The Life of Dr. norman borlaug Dr. norman borlaug, Nobel PeacePrize winner, turns 90. Working in Mexico in the mid1960s, Dr http://www.globalenvision.org/library/6/604/ |
67. The Life Of Dr. Norman Borlaug Close this window This item www.globalenvision.org/library/6/604 The Life ofDr. norman borlaug Dr. norman borlaug, Nobel Peace Prize winner, turns 90. http://www.globalenvision.org/index.php?fuseaction=library.print&printerfriendly |
68. A Better Earth - Norman Borlaug: A Billion Lives Saved norman borlaug A Billion Lives Saved. One would think that savinga billion lives in developing countries, winning the Nobel Peace http://www.abetterearth.org/subcategory.php/175.html | |
69. ASPB - Public Affairs - Plant Biotech Issues - Norman Borlaug Cites Importance O Public Affairs PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY ISSUES norman borlaug Cites Importance ofPlant Biotechnology in Fighting World Hunger See the video of the talk here. http://www.aspb.org/publicaffairs/agricultural/borlaug.cfm | |
70. EVENE - Norman E. Borlaug - Biographie norman Ernest borlaug obtient le prix Nobel de la paix en 1970 pourses recherche en faveur de la Révolution verte , projet considéré par http://www.evene.fr/celebre/fiche.php?id_auteur=14771 |
71. Doug Grow Norman Borlaug Deserves His Day Doug Grow norman borlaug deserves his day. Doug Grow, Star TribuneMarch 25, 2004GROW0325. 16 norman borlaug World Food Prize Day. http://www.startribune.com/stories/465/4684130.html |
72. Norman Borlaug norman borlaug. norman borlaug with his bust in the University of Minnesotasborlaug Hall (COAFES, 2004). The Life of norman borlaug. (B. 25 March 1914). http://www.bio.davidson.edu/people/kabernd/seminar/2004/GMbios/SP.html | |
73. De Montfort University - Applied Science - Norman Borlaug The norman borlaug Institute. for Plant Science Research. Welcometo Home Page of The norman borlaug Institute. Nobel Peace http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/applied_sciences/molecular_sciences/research/nbi_ |
74. NORMAN BORLAUG INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FELLOWS PROGRAM UNVEILED March 29, 2004. norman borlaug INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FELLOWS PROGRAMUNVEILED. Photos and Graphics. Dr. norman borlaug. Click for larger images. http://agnews.tamu.edu/dailynews/stories/AGPR/Mar2904a.htm | |
75. The Green Revolution: The Norman Borlaug Institute For Plant Science Research The NBIPSR. The Green Revolution Dr norman borlaug. In an effort to speed upthe programme norman borlaug came up with the idea of shuttle breeding . http://www.nbipsr.org/greenrev.html | |
76. Home: The Norman Borlaug Institute For Training And Research In Plant Science Welcome to. The norman borlaug Institute For Training and Research inPlant Science. Director Professor Malcolm C. Elliott. The Institute http://www.nbipsr.org/ | |
77. TCS: Tech Central Station - Stormin' Norman the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner and a far better expresident than president,but, when it comes to saving lives, no one can compete with norman borlaug. http://www.techcentralstation.com/102502A.html | |
78. DuPont.com: Norman Borlaug/DuPont Scholarship To Benefit Tuskegee Biosciences S norman borlaug/DuPont Scholarship to Benefit Tuskegee Biosciences Students.WILMINGTON, Del., December 15, 2000 . Dr. norman borlaug. http://www.dupont.com/corp/news/releases/2000/nr12_15_00.html | |
79. Norman Borlaug Bio York Lecturer Series. Inaugural York Lecturer Biographical Sketch Dr. norman E.borlaug Senior Scientist Emeritus, Rockefeller Foundation, 1970 Nobel Laureate. http://yorklecture.ifas.ufl.edu/Borlaug.htm | |
80. Norman Borlaug: Forgotten Benefactor Of Humanity -- Center For Global Food Issue norman borlaug, the agronomist whose discoveries sparked the Green Revolution,has saved literally millions of lives, yet he is hardly a household name. http://www.highyieldconservation.org/articles/forgotten_benefactor.html | |
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