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61. Aage Niels Bohr - InformationBlast aage Niels bohr Information Blast. aage Niels bohr. aage Niels bohr (born inCopenhagen, Denmark on June 19, 1922) is the son of Margrethe and Niels bohr. http://www.informationblast.com/Aage_Niels_Bohr.html | |
62. Berømte Videnskabsmænd >> Videnskabsmænd >> Niels Bohr kendskab til matematik. Da han døde 1962 overtog sønnen aage Bohrledelsen af Instituttet for Teoretisk Fysik. aage blev født http://www2001157.thinkquest.dk/bohr.htm | |
63. LookSmart - Directory - Other Physicists Britannica bohr, aage N. Gives a thumbnail sketch of the physicist,his work, and his garnering of the 1975 Nobel Prize for physics. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us55566/us330165/us331334/us33 | |
64. STENO MUSEET aage bohr blev født ind i fysikkens verden. I 1956 blev aage bohr professorved Institut for teoretisk Fysik (nu Niels bohr Institutet). http://www.stenomuseet.dk/saerud/nobel-aagebohr.htm | |
65. 1960erne.dk: Niels Bohr Harald bohr (1887 1951) Matematiker. Broder til Niels bohr. aage bohr (1922- ) Fysiker. Søn af Niels bohr. Modtog i 1975 Nobelprisen i fysik. http://www.1960erne.dk/dknielsbohr.php | |
66. Niels Bohr: The Atomic Bomb And Beyond British nuclear historian Margaret Gowing wrote that bohr s son aage said his father privately deplored the spirit in which the bomb had been used (Gowing in http://www.doug-long.com/bohr.htm | |
67. Premios Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra Translate this page aage Niels bohr. Fecha Biografía aage Niels bohr nació en Copenhage.Pionero en el estudio de la estructura del átomo. Ayudó http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=350&idpremio=174 |
68. Il Segreto Del Disegno Con L'idea Dell'atomica - Intervista Ad Hans Bethe nazisti, dall altra, gente come il figlio di bohr, aage, nega categoricamente http://www.castfvg.it/articoli/varie/ricerca/bethe_hans.htm | |
69. Aage Niels Bohr: Awards Won By Aage Niels Bohr 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of aage Niels bohr. OTHER-NOBEL, 1975, PHYSICS. http://www.123awards.com/artist/3965.asp | |
70. List Of Physics Topics A-E model; bohr radius; bohr, aage Niels; bohr, Niels; Boltzmann constant;Boltzmann, Ludwig; Born, Max; Boscovich, Rudjer Josip; BoseEinstein http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_physics_topics_a_e.html | |
71. Aage N. Bohr - Wikipedia Translate this page aage N. bohr. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nichtdie Wikipedia. enaage Niels bohr. aage Niels bohr (* 19. http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/Aage_N._Bohr.php | |
72. Søren Rieck Niels bohr, aage bohr and Ben R. Mottelsen all with Nobel Prize in Physics.1922 Physics prt20000315 Portugal 2000. Niels bohr. aage bohr. http://home1.stofanet.dk/rieck/d-nobel-003e.htm | |
73. Encyclopedia: Aage Niels Bohr Encyclopedia aage Niels bohr. aage Niels bohr (born in Copenhagen, Denmarkon June 19, 1922) is the son of Margrethe and Niels bohr. aage Niels bohr. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Aage-Niels-Bohr | |
74. Nobel Prize In Physics 1975 aage Niels bohr 1/3 of prize Denmark born 1922 CA Niels bohr Institute of TheoreticalPhysics, Copenhagen, Denmark AA - Niels bohr Institute of Theoretical http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1975.html | |
75. MSN Encarta - Aage Bohr Translate this page aage bohr. aage bohr (1922- ), físico danés, galardonado con el PremioNobel. Nació en Copenhague. Más información sobre aage bohr de, http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579172/Aage_Bohr.html | |
76. Niels Bohr fishing boat. Then bohr and his son aage left Sweden traveling in theempty bomb rack of a British military plane. They ultimately http://www.thocp.net/biographies/bohr_niels.html | |
77. Källkod Från Seminarium 2 ex1() { Person persons = { new Person( Witten , Edward ), new Person( Dirac , PAM ), new Person( bohr , Niels ), new Person( bohr , aage ), new Person http://www.cs.lth.se/Education/Courses/EDA027/VT/sem/sem2/sem2.html | |
78. Biographies - Bobola To Byrd bohr, aage Niels (1922 ) Danish scientist. Born June 19, 1922 in Copenhagen, Denmark.He shared Nobel prize in physics, 1975, for work with atomic nucleus. http://www.philately.com/philately/biobobz.htm | |
79. Niels Bohr - Danish Physicist Extraordinaire - Suite101.com He married Margrethe Nørlund on August 1, 1912. They had six sons, four of whomsurvived. One son is aage bohr, who also received a Nobel Prize in physics. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/14014/104948 | |
80. Bohr At ChemIndustry.com More relevant pages from this site . 9. aage Niels bohr Autobiographyaage Niels bohr Autobiography. I was born in Copenhagen http://www.chemindustry.com/chemnames/B/bohr.asp | |
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