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         Bergius Friedrich:     more detail
  1. Friedrich Bergius, ein Erfinderschicksal (Abhandlungen und Berichte / Deutsches Museum) (German Edition) by Harald Beck, 1982
  2. Realschule: Erich Kästner Realschule Hermeskeil, Friedrich-Bergius-Oberschule, Schule Tieloh, Käte-Lassen-Schule Flensburg (German Edition)
  3. Hochschullehrer (Th Hannover): Friedrich Bergius, J. Hans D. Jensen, Theodor Lessing, Konrad Meyer, Gerhard Ertl, Wilhelm Kamlah (German Edition)
  4. Ehrensenator Der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg: Karl Jaspers, Friedrich Bergius, Hartmut Mehdorn, Gustav Adolf Scheel (German Edition)
  5. Friedrich Bergius

1. Friedrich Bergius
Friedrich Bergius. ( Alman kimyaci 18841949) Katalik hidrojenleme yoluyla sanayide ilk defasentezleri gerceklestirdi. 1931 yilinda Nobel Kimya Odulunu aldi.
Friedrich Bergius (Alman kimyaci 1884-1949) Katalik hidrojenleme yoluyla sanayide ilk defasentezleri gerceklestirdi. 1931 yilinda Nobel Kimya Odulunu aldi.

2. WIEM: Bergius Friedrich Karl Rudolph
bergius friedrich Karl Rudolph (18841949), chemik niemiecki, 1909-1914 profesor uniwersytetu w Hanowerze, 1914-45 kierownik laboratorium
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Bergius Friedrich Karl Rudolph
Bergius Friedrich Karl Rudolph (1884-1949), chemik niemiecki, 1909-1914 profesor uniwersytetu w Hanowerze, 1914-45 kierownik laboratorium Goldsmitha w Essen. Opracowa³ metody otrzymywania fenolu , glikolu i benzyny syntetycznej, prace nad scukrzaniem drewna. Wraz z  C. Boschem otrzyma³ Nagrodê Nobla w 1931 za wk³ad w rozwój metod wysokoci¶nieniowych w chemii. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

3. Friedrich Bergius - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Not logged in Log in Help. Friedrich Bergius. Friedrich Bergius (October 11, 1884 March 30, 1949) was born near Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland).
Friedrich Bergius
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Friedrich Bergius October 11 March 30 ) was born near Breslau Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland ). In , he and Carl Bosch won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods. edit
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Translate this page bergius friedrich KARL RUDOLF (1884-1949). Chimiste allemand né à Goldschmieden (près de Breslau, Allemagne) et décédé à Buenos Aires (Argentine).

5. Friedrich Bergius
Friedrich Bergius. Friedrich Bergius (October 11, 1884 March 30, 1949) was born near Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland).
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Friedrich Bergius
Friedrich Bergius October 11 March 30 ) was born near Breslau Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland ). In , he and Carl Bosch won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods.
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6. Friedrich Bergius - Encyclopedia Article About Friedrich Bergius. Free Access, N
encyclopedia article about Friedrich Bergius. Friedrich Bergius in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Friedrich Bergius. Bergius
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Friedrich Bergius
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Friedrich Bergius October 11 October 11 is the 284th day of the year (285th in Leap years). There are 81 days remaining.
  • 1614 - Adriaen Block and 12 Amsterdam merchants petition the States General for exclusive trading rights in the New Netherland colony.
  • 1776 - American Revolution: Battle of Valcour Island - On Lake Champlain near Valcour Island, a British fleet led by Sir Guy Carleton defeats 15 American gunboats commanded by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. Although nearly all of Arnold's ships are destroyed, the two day-long battle will give Patriot forces enough time to prepare defenses of New York City.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 - This is a leap year starting on Tuesday (click on link to calendar)
  • January 4 - The Fabian Society is founded in London
  • February 1 - Edition one of the

Click the link for more information.

7. Friedrich Karl Rudolph Bergius
Friedrich Karl Rudolph Bergius. Friedrich Karl Rudolph Bergius (18841949). German research chemist who invented processes for converting
Friedrich Karl Rudolph Bergius
Friedrich Karl Rudolph Bergius
German research chemist who invented processes for converting coal into oil and wood into sugar. He shared a Nobel prize 1931 with Carl Bosch for his part in inventing and developing high-pressure industrial methods. Bergius was born near Breslau, Silesia (now in Poland), the son of the owner of a chemical factory. He studied chemistry at the universities of Breslau and Leipzig, and did research at Karlsruhe Technische Hochschule with German chemist Fritz Haber, who introduced him to high-pressure reactions. Bergius worked in industry 1914-45, then left Germany and eventually settled in Argentina 1948, as a technical adviser to the government.
In 1912 Bergius worked out a pilot scheme for using high pressure, high temperature, and a catalyst to hydrogenate coal dust or heavy oil to produce paraffins (alkanes) such as petrol and kerosene. Yielding nearly 1 tonne of petrol from 4.5 tonnes of coal, the process became important to Germany during World War II as an alternative source of supply of petrol and aviation fuel. He also discovered a method of producing sugar and alcohol from simple substances made by breaking down the complex molecules in wood; he continued this work in Argentina, and found a way of making fermentable sugars and thus cattle food from wood.

8. Storia Della Scienza. Minibiografie Di Scienziati: Rubrica
Translate this page Erdmann, Otto Linné. Wöhler, Friedrich. Arago Jean François Dominique, bergius friedrich, Wollaston, William Hyde. Arrhenius, Svante August.
Minibiografie e biografie di scienziati Rubrica A B C D ... Z Vedi anche: Lavoisier e Natta Indice generale delle minibiografie Biografie più ampie sono indicate con il segno Abegg, Richard Barreswil Charles Louis Arthur Cannizzaro, Stanislao Sklodowska, Marya ... Beccari Jacopo Bartolomeo Curie, Marie: v. Sklodowska , Marya Van't Hoff, Jacobus H. Amici, Giovan battista Béchamp Pierre Jacques Antoine Dalton, John ... Auguste De Broglie, Louis-Victor Volta, Alessandro Angeli Angelo Behrend Anton Friedrick Robert Delbrück, Max ... Young, Thomas Arcet (d'), chimico francese. Vedi Darcet Bergmann Max Zeeman, Pieter Armstrong Henry Edward Bergström Sune ... Bertagnini Cesare Errera, Giorgio Astbury William Thomas Berthelot Daniel Fourcroy, Antoine-François de Aston, Francis William ... Aubry (Jean d') Bessemer, Henry Fraunhofer, Joseph von Auer von Welsbach, Karl Berzelius, Jöns Jacob Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Louis ... Lamprecht Bombast, Theophrast v. Paracelso Guyton de Morveau, Louis-Bernard Babbage, Charles Borodin, Aleksandr P, Hales, Stephen

9. Friedrich Bergius
Friedrich Bergius. Friedrich Bergius (Ríjen 11, 1884 Brezen 30, 1949) se narodil blízko Breslau, Nemecko (nyní Wroclaw v Polsko).
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Friedrich Bergius
Friedrich Bergius 11. ř­jna 30. března ) byl narozen bl­zko Breslau Německo (nyn­ Wroclaw v Polsko ). V , on a Carl Bosch vyhr¡l Nobelova cena v chemii jako uzn¡n­ jejich př­spěvků k vyn¡lezu a v½voje chemik¡lie metody vysok©ho tlaku.
VnějÅ¡­ spojen­
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Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

10. System Analysis - Cross Over Research - Metaphysics - Philosophy By Jörg Lenau
Translate this page Karl, Adler Alfred, Anderson Carl David, Arkwright Sir Richard, Aston Francis William, Avogadro Amadeo, Barkla Charles Glover, bergius friedrich, Bernard Claude
A strologische C harakteranalyse A strologische C harakteranalyse ... mail Abaelard Peter, Albategnius, Albert der Große (Albertus Magnus) , Anaxagoras, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anselm von Canterbury, Archimedes, Aristarch(os) von Samos, Aristippos, Aristoteles, Augustinus, Avenarius Richard, Averroë (arab. Ibn Róschd) , Averroës, Avicenna, Baader Franz Xaver von, Bacon Francis, Bahnsen Julius, Baumgarten Alexander, Bavink Bernhard, Bayle Pierre, Bentham Jeremy, Bergson Henri, Berkeley George, Bernhard von Clairvaux, Boëthius, Bolzano Bernhard, Brentano, Bruno Giordano, Cassierer Ernst, Clausius Auguste, Cohen Hermann, Comte.Schleiermacher, Condillac Etienne Bonnet de, Cousin Victor, Croce, d'Alembert Jean le Rond, Dalton John, Demokrit (Demokritos) , Descartes René, Dewey John, Diderot Denis, Dilthey Wilhelm, Dingler Hugo, Diogenes Laërtius, Diogenes von Sinope, Diophantos von Alexandria, Donatus Aelius, Driesch, Dühring Eugen, Duns Scotus, Emerson Ralph Waldo, Empedokles von Akragas (Agrigent), Engels Friedrich, Epiktet, Epikur(os) von Samos, Eriguena, Espinas Alfred, Eudoxos aus Knidos, Euklid, Fechner Gustav Theodor, Feuerbach Ludwig, Fichte J.H., Fichte Johann Gottlieb, Fischer Kuno, Francis Bacon von Verulam, Freidrich der Große (II.), Fries Jakob Friedrich, Gassendi Petrus, Gemelli Agostino, Gentile, Geulincx, Gilson Etiennne, Giordano Bruno, Gorgias, Groce Benedetto, Guyau Jean Marie, Haller Karl Ludwig von, Haman Johann Georg, Hartmann E.v., Hartmann Eduard von, Hartmann N., Hegel Goerg Wilhelm Friedrich, Heidegger, Helvétius Claude-Adrien, Hemsterhuis Franz, Heraklit (Herakleitos) von Ephesos, Herbart Johann Friedrich, Herbert Edward Lord von Cherbury, Herder Johann Gottfried von, Heron (H. von Alexandria), Hertling Georg Graf von, Hippokrates (H. von Kos)
, Hobbes Thomas, Holbach Dietrich Baron von, Hume David, Husserl Edmund, Huxley Thomas Henry, Jacobi Friedrich Heinrich, Jaeger Werner, Jaensch Erich Rudolf, James William, Jansen Cornelius, Jaspers Karl, Jung Carl Gustav, Kant Immanuel, Keyserling Herrmann Graf von, Kierkegaard, Klages Ludwig, Klemens von Alexandria (Titus Flavius Clemens Alexandrianus) , Kluge Friedrich, Kratylos, Krause, Kung-(fu)tse (Kung-tse - Meister Kung) , Lamarck Jean-Baptiste de, Lamettrie Julien Offray de, Lange Friedrich Albert, Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von, Leukippos (Leukipp) von Milet, Lipps Theodor, Locke John, Lotze Hermann, Mach Ernst, Maimon Salomon (Salomon ben Josua) , Maimonides Moses (Rabbi Mosche ben Maimon) , Maine de Biran François Pierre, Maistre Josef-Marie Comte de, Malebranche Nicolas de, Marx Karl, Meister Eckhart, Menge Hermann, Mengtse (Möng-tse eigtl. Meng Ko - Möng-Kho) , Montesquieu Charles de Secondat, Müller Adam Heinrich, Natorp Paul, Nietsche Friedrich, Nietzsche, Nikolaus von Kues, Nostradamus (Michel de Notre-Dame) , Ockham Wilhelm von, Oken Lorenz (eigentl. Ockenfuß) , Origenes, Ortega y Gasset José, Parmenides von Elea, Pascal, Peirce Charles Santiago Sanders, Philon, Plato(n), Platon, Plotin(os), Plutarch(os) (von Chäronea) , Poseidonios, Protagoras, Protagoras (aus Abdera) , Ptolemäus Claudius (grch. Ptolemaios) , Pufendorf Samuel Frhr. von, Pythagoras (von Samos) , Rickert, Roger Bacon, Rousseau Jean Jaques, Russell, Satre Jean Paul, Savigny Friedrich Carl von, Scheler, Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, Schiller Ferdinand Canning Scott, Schopenhauer Arthur, Seneca, Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of, Smith Adam, Sokrates, Solowjew, Spengler Oswald, Spinoza Benedictus (Baruch d'Espinosa) , Stirner Max (eigentl. Kasper Schmidt) , Strauß, Suarez, Suëton(ius) Gajus S. Tranquillus, Taine Hippolyte, Thales (von Milet) , Theophrastus, Thomas von Aquin(o), Thomasius Christian, Thukydides, Toqueville Alexis Comte de, Troeltsch, Voltaire, Whitehead, Widelband, Wilhelm von Ockham, Wolff Christian Frhr. von, Wundt, Zenon (Zeno) von Kition Abderhalden Emil, Agricola Georg, Angström Anders Jonas, Arrhenius Svante, Baer Karl Ernst von, Basedow Johannes Bernhard, Bastian Adolf, Bat'a Thomas, Baur Erwin, Bebber Wilhelm Jakob van, Becquerel Henri, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Berzelsius Jöns Jacob Frhr. von, Binet Alfred, Bodin Jean, Bogomoletz Alexander, Bohr Niels, Brown Robert, Carus Carl Gustav, Cavendish Henry, Celsius Anders, Chadwick James, Clausius Rudolf, Coloumb Charles Augustin de, Darwin Erasmus, Darwin Charles, Davenport Charles Benedikt, Dewar Sir James, Döbereiner Johann Wolfgang, Doppler Christian, Du Bois-Reymond Emil, Fischer Eugen, Fizeau Armand Hippolyte Louis, Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron de, Fraunhofer Joseph von, Fresenius Carl Remigius, Fresnel Augustin Jean, Freud Sigmund, Freyer Hans, Fröbel Friedrich, Frobenius Leo, Galen (Galenos), Galilei Galileo, Gall Franz Joseph, Galton Sir Francis, Gauß Karl Friedrich, Gay-Lussac Louise Joseph, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Etienne, George Henry, Gesell Silvio, Gesner Konrad, Gilbert William, Goldschmidt Rich., Göschen Georg Joachim, Gray Stephan, Grimaldi Francesco, Grimm Jakob und Wilhelm, Grotefend Georg Friedrich, Grotius Hugo (Huig de Groot), Guericke Otto von, Gutenberg Johannes, Guts Muths Johann Christoph Friedrich, Haeckel Ernst, Hahn Otto, Hahnemann Samuel Friedrich Christian, Hamilton Sir William Rowan, Harvey William, Haushofer Karl, Helmholtz Hermann von , Helmont Johann Baptist van, Henle Friedrich Gustav Jakob, Henlein Peter, Hertz Heinrich, Hittorf Johannes Wilhelm, Amuel Hahnemann, Hooke Robert, Hughes David Edward, Humboldt Alexander Freiherr von, James William, Jeans Sir James Hopwood, Jenner Edward, Johnson Samuel, Joliot-Curie, Kamerlingh Onnes Heike, Kepöer Johannes, Fröbel Friedrich, Klaproth Martin Heinrich, Koch Robert, Kopernikus Nikolaus, Kürschner Josef, La Bruyère Jean de, Law John L. of Lauriston, Leblanc Nicolas, Le Bon Gustave, Lersch Philipp, Leverrier Urbain Jean Joseph, Liebig Justus Frhr. von, Linné Carl von, Lorentz Hendrik Anton, Macchiavelli Niccolò, Malpighi Marcello, Malthus Thomas Robert, Maxwell James Clerk, Mayer (Julius) Robert (von), Mendel Gregor, Meitner Lise, Mesmer Franz Anton, Meyer Julius Lothar, Meyer Victor, Michelson Albert, Mill James, Mill John Stuart, Millikan Robert Andrews, Minikowski Hermann, Mitscherlich Eilhard, Moissan Henry, Monier Joseph, Morgan Thomas Hunt, Moseley Henry, Muckermann Hermann, Müller Georg Elias, Müller Johannes, Nernst Walter, Newton Isaac, Nobel Alfred, Oersted Hans Christian, Ostwald Wilhelm, Planck Max, Prout William, Prozeß, Raman Chandrasekhara Venkata, Ramsey Sir William, Ratzel Friedrich, Réaumur René-Antoine de, Ricardo David, Richards Theodore William, Richthofen Ferdinand Frhr. von, Riese Adam, Rodbertus Johann Karl, Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad, Seaborg Glenn Theodore, Stark Johannes, Stein Lorenz von, Steinach Eugen, Steiner Rudolf, Thomson Sir William Lord Kelvin, Virchow Rudolf, Volta Alessandro Graf, Vornoff Serge, Wiclif John, Hus Johannes, Wöhler Friedrich, Wundt Wilhelm, Yukawa Hideki, Achard Franz Karl, Adler Alfred, Anderson Carl David, Arkwright Sir Richard, Aston Francis William, Avogadro Amadeo, Barkla Charles Glover, Bergius Friedrich, Bernard Claude, Berthelot Marcelin, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Boltzmann Ludwig, Boyle Robert, Bragg Sir William Henry, Brahe Tycho, Brauchle Alfred, Bridgman Percy William, Broglie Louis Duc de, Bronn Heinrich Georg, Carnap Rudolf, Carnot Sadi, Cartwright Edmund, Correns Carl, Davy Sir Humphry, Debye Peter, Dessauer Friedrich, Dulong Pierre-Louis, Dumas Jean-Baptiste, Ehrlich Paul, Einstein Albert, Engler Adolf, Euler Leonhard, Fahrenheit Gabriel Daniel, Faraday Michael, Fermi Enrico, Foucault Jean Bernhard Léon, Geiger Hans, Geitel Hans, Gibbs Josiah Willard, Hahn Otto, Henry Josef, Hoff Jacobus Hendricus van't, Huygens Christian (Huyghens), Joule James Prescott, Kirchhoff Robert, Kepler Johannes, Lagrange Joseph Louis de, Lahmann Heinrich, Langmuir Irving, Laplace Pierre Simon Marquis de, Laue Max von, Lavoisier Antoine Laurent, Lenard Philipp, Lumière Auguste, Lyell Sir Charles, Lyssenko Trofim Denisowitsch, MacDougall (eigtl. McDougall), M(a)cMillan Edwin Mattison, Magnus Heinrich Gustav, Millikan Robert Andrews, Naumann Karl Friedrich, Nicol W., Papin Denis, Paracelsus (Humanistenname des Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), Pasteur Louis, Pauli Wolgang, Pauling Linus, Pettenkofer Max von, Pflüger Eduard Friedrich Wilh., Priestley Joseph, Ramsay Sir William, Rutherford Ernest, Sabatier Paul, Tesla Nicola, Thünen Johann Heinrich von, Weizsäcker Carl Friedrich Frhr. von, Weizsäcker Viktor Frhr. von

11. Friedrich Bergius
Wikipedia Article Friedrich Bergius. Friedrich Bergius (October 11, 1884 March 30, 1949) was born near Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland). Bergius

12. Börsenspiel Hauptseite
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13. Friedrich Bergius - Encyclopedia Article About Friedrich Bergius. Free Access, N
Definition of Friedrich Bergius in the Medical Dictionary and Thesaurus. Friedrich lookup. Provides search by definition of Friedrich Bergius. Bergius
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Friedrich Bergius
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Friedrich Bergius October 11 October 11 is the 284th day of the year (285th in Leap years). There are 81 days remaining.
  • 1614 - Adriaen Block and 12 Amsterdam merchants petition the States General for exclusive trading rights in the New Netherland colony.
  • 1776 - American Revolution: Battle of Valcour Island - On Lake Champlain near Valcour Island, a British fleet led by Sir Guy Carleton defeats 15 American gunboats commanded by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. Although nearly all of Arnold's ships are destroyed, the two day-long battle will give Patriot forces enough time to prepare defenses of New York City.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 - This is a leap year starting on Tuesday (click on link to calendar)
  • January 4 - The Fabian Society is founded in London
  • February 1 - Edition one of the

Click the link for more information.

14. Friedrich Bergius - Encyclopedia Article About Friedrich Bergius. Free Access, N
Definition of Friedrich Bergius in the Ledal Dictionary and Thesaurus. Provides examples from classic literature, search by definition of Friedrich Bergius. Bergius
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Friedrich Bergius
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Friedrich Bergius October 11 October 11 is the 284th day of the year (285th in Leap years). There are 81 days remaining.
  • 1614 - Adriaen Block and 12 Amsterdam merchants petition the States General for exclusive trading rights in the New Netherland colony.
  • 1776 - American Revolution: Battle of Valcour Island - On Lake Champlain near Valcour Island, a British fleet led by Sir Guy Carleton defeats 15 American gunboats commanded by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. Although nearly all of Arnold's ships are destroyed, the two day-long battle will give Patriot forces enough time to prepare defenses of New York City.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 - This is a leap year starting on Tuesday (click on link to calendar)
  • January 4 - The Fabian Society is founded in London
  • February 1 - Edition one of the

Click the link for more information.

15. Friedrich Bergius
Main Page See live article, Friedrich Bergius. Friedrich Bergius (October 11, 1884 March 30, 1949) was born near Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland).
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Friedrich Bergius
Friedrich Bergius October 11 March 30 ) was born near Breslau Germany (now Wroclaw in Poland ). In , he and Carl Bosch won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods.
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This article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Note: The original source of this article can be found on the main Wikipedia Web site. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License , which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

16. Friedrich Bergius - Biography
friedrich bergius – Biography. friedrich bergius was born on October 11, 1884, in Goldschmieden near Breslau, Silesia. He belonged
Friedrich Bergius was born on October 11, 1884, in Goldschmieden near Breslau, Silesia. He belonged to an old respected family of scientists, theologians, civil servants, army officers, and business men. His grandfather was Professor of Economics in Breslau and his father owned a chemical factory in Goldschmieden.
Bergius was educated in Breslau and whilst still at school took great interest in his father's factory where he was able to study various working methods under the guidance of his father and thus became acquainted with chemicotechnical processes. The time spent in the laboratories and the works there later stood him in good stead, as already at a very early age he obtained considerable insight into industrial as well as scientific matters.
Before entering University, Bergius was sent to the Ruhr for six months by his father, where he studied the practical aspects of a large metallurgical plant and profited greatly by this experience.
In 1903 he entered Breslau University to read chemistry under Ladenburg, Abegg and Herz ; after doing one year's military service he proceeded to Leipzig University in 1905 and worked under Hantzsch on his thesis (On absolute sulphuric acid as a solvent). This work was completed in Breslau under Abegg, and Bergius received his degree at Leipzig in 1907. The lively scientific atmosphere in the laboratories of Hantzsch and Abegg induced Bergius to devote himself to a career in scientific research; for this reason he worked for two further terms at

17. Bergius, Friedrich
bergius, friedrich. ( b. Oct. 11, 1884, Goldschmieden, near Breslau, Ger.d bergius was educated at the universities of Breslau, Leipzig, and Berlin and at technical schools in
Bergius, Friedrich
(b. Oct. 11, 1884, Goldschmieden, near Breslau, Ger.d. March 30, 1949, Buenos Aires, Arg.), German chemist who succeeded in converting coal dust and hydrogen directly into gasoline and lubricating oils without isolating intermediate products. For his work in developing the hydrogenation method necessary for this process he shared the 1931 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Carl Bosch of Germany. Bergius was educated at the universities of Breslau, Leipzig, and Berlin and at technical schools in Karlsruhe and Hannover. He described his research in The Use of High Pressure in Chemical Actions (1913). These studies led to his work on converting coal into liquid hydrocarbons. Bergius also researched the conversion of wood into sugar and of sugar into other food products. This work helped to provide Germany with food during World War II.

18. Bergius, Friedrich Karl Rudolf
bergius, friedrich Karl Rudolf German chemist who invented processes for converting coal into oil and wood into sugar
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Bergius, Friedrich Karl Rudolf German chemist who invented processes for converting coal into oil and wood into sugar. He shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1931 with Carl Bosch for his part in inventing and developing high-pressure industrial methods.
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19. Friedrich Bergius: Awards Won By Friedrich Bergius
The biggest english dictionary Awards of friedrich bergius. Real Dictionary. Make 123Awards your start page. Add
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20. History Of Chemistry
Genes and Genomes. friedrich bergius 1931Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1931, friedrich bergius, Prix Nobel de 1930 à 1934, friedrich bergius, friedrich bergius. Niels Bohr
Biographies of Chemists
Biographical Collections Classic Papers in Chemistry History of Science Links
Biographies of Chemists
and some physicists
including all Nobel Prize winners in chemistry through 2000 [Nobel Prize Year]
Last updated September 2, 2001 All links were last verified between June 30, 2001 and September 2, 2001.
The links are organized from most comprehensive to least, except that foreign language links generally appear at the end. Although I have not given information about each link, you can learn a lot by passing the cursor over the link and reading the web address. Kurt Alder Kurt Alder Kurt Alder Kurt Alder ... Sir Humphry Davy; Electricity and Chemical Affinity , Sir Humphry Davy, Sir Humphry Davy Sir Humphry Davy
Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936 ... Roald Hoffmann on NT , " The same and not the same " (highly recommended for high school students), "In Praise of Synthesis" A proporsed Methodological Improvement... Oxygen Prix Nobel de 1980 à 1984 ...
Irene Joliot-Curie
and Jean Frederic Joliot Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1935 Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie Irene Joliot-Curie ... Dr. Jerome Karle

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