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Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes: more detail |
41. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo - The Best Online Hotel Deals - Book Your Hotel Room Main Page , carlos felipe ximenes belo. carlos felipe ximenes belo(born February 3, 1948) received, together with Jose RamosHorta http://www.voyagenow.com/travel-references/en/wikipedia/c/ca/carlos_felipe_ximen | |
42. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 1995, Pugwash Conferences On Science And World Affairs; Rotblat,Joseph. 1996, belo, carlos felipe ximenes; RamosHorta, Jose. 1996, http://www.planet101.com/nobel_peace_hist.htm | |
43. STL: Uskup Belo Meminta Pendirian Timor Gap Watch Lihat juga Bahasa Tetum Fev 3 STL Bispo carlos ximenes belo husu atu Ini ditegaskanoleh Uskup Dili Monsignor carlos felipe Ximines belo ketika dia http://www.pcug.org.au/~wildwood/01febbelob.htm | |
44. UNTAET: Chief Minister, SRSG Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Dili Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo lent his voice to one of two public serviceannouncements that will be broadcast on national television. UNTAET Daily http://www.pcug.org.au/~wildwood/02jandv.htm | |
45. Keesing's Worldwide Online - Hot Topics: East Timor shelter in the compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)and at the official residence of Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, the 1996 http://www.keesings.com/hot_topics/east_timor/ | |
46. La ONU Promueve El Aborto En Timor Oriental Translate this page El obispo de Dili, monseñor carlos felipe ximenes belo, la figura más destacadade la comunidad católica timorense y Premio Nobel de la Paz, tal vez debe su http://www.archimadrid.es/alfayome/menu/pasados/revistas/2000/jul2000/num223/mun | |
47. EAST TIMOR - 1997 carlos felipe ximenes belo, East Timor s Archbishop and Jose Ramos Horta, an exiledTimorese leader, were awarded the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize for their work http://www.webcom.com/hrin/parker/country/etimor.html | |
48. Eskalation Der Gewalt In Osttimor :: Presseinformationen :: Missio Online :: Mis Translate this page Dramatischer Höhepunkt der Eskalation der Gewalt sind die Attacken gegenden Friedensnobelpreisträger Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo SDB. http://www.missio.at/publikationen/presse/info21.html | |
49. 27.11.02: Salesianerbischof Belo Zurückgetreten Translate this page die Internationale Missionsprokur der Salesianer Don Boscos in Bonn die Nachricht,dass Friedensnobelpreisträger Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo, SDB den http://www.orden-online.de/archiv/00000280.php | |
50. Ranesi Radio Nederland menghubungi Monsigneur carlos felipe ximenes belo kepala keuskupanDili, ibukota Timor Loro Sa e. Pertamatama kami tanyakan apa tanggapannya http://www.rnw.nl/ranesi/html/gwbeloragu.html | |
51. Ranesi Uskup belo Mengundurkan Diri. Uskup belo Mengundurkan Diri. Oleh Joss WibisonoUskup Dili Monsinyor carlos felipe ximenes belo dikabarkan mengundurkan diri. http://www.rnw.nl/ranesi/html/gw_20021127.html | |
52. Glossar BELO Translate this page .. Literatur Wislawa Szymborska Friedensnobelpreis carlos felipe ximenes Belound Jose Ramos Horta Wirtschaftswissenschaft James Mirrlees und William http://www.orthopedia-shop.de/glossar/glossar_wort-BELO/belo.html | |
53. PAULINUS Trierer Bistumsblatt Translate this page Ein sanfter Rebell. Friedensnobelpreis für Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belovon Osttimor. Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo. Foto Karl Heinz Melters. http://www.bistumsblatt.paulinus.de/archiv/42/titel.htm | |
54. AmIAnnoying.com: Nobel Peace Prize 1994) * Peres, Shimon (1994) * Pugwash Conferences On Science And World Affairs(1995) * Rotblat, Joseph (1995) * belo, carlos felipe ximenes (1996) * Ramos http://www.amiannoying.com/(rlk4xqr1vauibd45v5jsxvfk)/collection.aspx?collection |
55. Timor-chronologie l évêque catholique de Dili, Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo, et le http://asiep.free.fr/indonesie/timor/timor-chronologie.html | |
56. Ganadores Del Premio Nobel De La Paz, 1996-1901 MINAS; JODY WILLIAMS. 1996. carlos felipe ximenes belo; JOSE RAMOS-HORTA. 1995. http://www.nalejandria.com/utopia/GanadoresPremioNobel.htm |
57. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. Leon. carlos Delgado, carlos Durán Cartín, carlos Ezquerra. carlosFamoso Hernandez, carlos felipe ximenes belo, carlos Ferrero. carlos http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Carl_Andre | |
58. UD - Søk Die Entscheidung des Norwegischen Nobelkomitees, den Friedensnobelpreis für 1996zu gleichen Teilen an carlos felipe ximenes belo und José Ramos Horta von http://odin.dep.no/ud/global/p15900081/bu.html?sok=rel&dok=032001-990592&sokeord |
59. :: Indonesia House :: Wakil Panglima Pasukan Pejuang ProIntegrasi, menantang Uskup Titularis Lorium danAdministrator Apostolik Dili Monsignor carlos felipe ximenes belo, SDB untuk http://www.indonesia-house.org/PoliticHR/impunity/092002-tni-adhoc.htm | |
60. The Art Of Peace Nobel Peace Laureates Discuss Human Rights I bring to you the warmest greetings of my good friend and colaureateof the 1996 Peace Prize, Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo. http://www.snowlionpub.com/chapters/arpe.htm | |
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