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Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes: more detail |
1. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. CarlosFelipe Ximenes Belo (born February 3, 1948) received, together http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes_Belo | |
2. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo - Encyclopedia Article About Carlos Felipe Ximenes Be encyclopedia article about Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. Carlos Felipe XimenesBelo in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo | |
3. List Of East Timorese People - Encyclopedia Article About List Of East Timorese Domingos Mendonça; Francisco Xavier do Amaral; Nicolau Lobato; Carlos Felipe Ximenesbelo carlos felipe ximenes Belo (born February 3, 1948) received, together http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/List of East Timorese people | |
4. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo (born Peace Prize,for their work. Info logo Encyclopedia. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. http://www.fastload.org/ca/Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes_Belo.html | |
5. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo (narozený Únor3, 1948) prjímal, spolu s Jose RamosHorta, 1996 Nobelova http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/c/ca/carlos_felipe_ximenes_belo.html | |
6. XIMENES BELO Carlos Felipe XIMENES BELO Carlos Felipe. Navigasjon. Biskop, tidligere apostoliskadministrator for bispedømmet Díli, ØstTimor. Født i Baucau http://www.katolsk.no/utenriks/personer/belo.htm | |
7. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes belo carlos felipe ximenes . Page1 sur 1. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour belo carlos felipe ximenes . http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Belo_Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes.html | |
8. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo - Wikipedia Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo (ur.3 lutego 1948 w Baucau),duchowny katolicki z Timoru Wschodniego, obronca praw czlowieka. http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes_Belo | |
9. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo (born February3, 1948) received, together with José Ramos Horta, the 1996 http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/carlos_felipe_ximenes_belo | |
10. Bishop Carlos Belo Hero File These are spam prevention measures. Sorry for the inconvenience. herofile. Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo. Country East Timor. http://www.moreorless.au.com/heroes/belo.htm | |
11. Encyclopedia: Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Encyclopedia carlos felipe ximenes belo. carlos felipe ximenes belo ( born February 3, 1948) received and Ermelinda Baptista Filipe, carlos felipe ximenes belo was born in the http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Carlos-Felipe-Ximenes-Belo | |
12. Belo Horizonte. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Four American Heritage® Dictionary. belo, carlos felipe ximenes. beloit. CONTENTS · INDEX CONTENTS · INDEX · ILLUSTRATIONS · BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD. belo, carlos felipe ximenes. beloit http://www.bartleby.com/61/94/B0179400.html | |
13. Bishop Belo Allowed To Leave Indonesia For US LOS ANGELES (AP) Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo of Indonesia got the go-ahead to travel to the AFP) - Roman Catholic Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo of East Timor, co http://www.etan.org/et99/july/11-17/16bishop.htm | |
14. Belo-E BISHOP belo AND RECONCILIATION. Extracts from an interview with Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, SDB, Bishop of Dili http://www.easttimor-reconciliation.org/Belo_Interview-E.htm | |
15. Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English L belo, carlos felipe ximenes. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. American Heritage® Dictionary. Belmopan. belo Horizonte. CONTENTS · INDEX · ILLUSTRATIONS · BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD http://www.bartleby.com/61/92/B0179250.html | |
16. MSN Encarta - Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes belo, carlos felipe ximenes. belo, carlos felipe ximenes ( 1946 ), bishop of East Timor and recipient of the Nobel Prize Find more about belo, carlos felipe ximenesfrom http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761596075/Carlos_Ximenes_Belo.html | |
17. MSN Encarta - Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Sign in above. belo, carlos felipe ximenes. belo, carlos felipe ximenes (1946), bishop of East Timor and recipient of the Nobel Prize for peace in 1996. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761596075/Belo_Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes.html | |
18. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Multimedia, from, Encarta, Appears in, carlos felipe ximenes belo. EastTimorese Roman Catholic bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo received http://encarta.msn.com/media_481500004/Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes_Belo.html | |
19. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Definition Meaning Information Explanation carlos felipe ximenes belo definition, meaning and explanation andmore about carlos felipe ximenes belo. carlos felipe ximenes belo. http://www.free-definition.com/Carlos-Felipe-Ximenes-Belo.html | |
20. E. Timor Independence Next Year Too Early: Belo East Timor's spiritual leader, Dili Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, said Friday independence next year would be a press briefing in Tokyo, belo said, ''It is necessary to prepare http://www.etan.org/et2000c/september/10-16/15etinde.htm | |
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