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         Begin Menachem:     more books (106)
  1. Israeli Nobel Laureates: Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres, Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Daniel Kahneman, Robert Aumann, Ada Yonath
  2. The life story of Menachem Begin by Richard Pierce Greenfield, 1977
  3. Außenminister (Israel): Schimon Peres, Golda Meir, Ariel Scharon, Benjamin Netanjahu, Avigdor Lieberman, Tzipi Livni, Menachem Begin (German Edition)
  4. Kommunikationsminister (Israel): Schimon Peres, Ariel Scharon, Jitzchak Rabin, Ehud Olmert, Menachem Begin, Benjamin Ben Eliezer (German Edition)
  5. Irgun: Menachem Begin, King David Hotel Bombing, Deir Yassin Massacre, the Sergeants Affair, Russian Compound, Altalena Affair
  6. [IRGUN]Irgun by Books, LLC(Author)paperback{Irgun: Irgun Members, Menachem Begin, King David Hotel Bombing, Yitzhak Shamir, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Deir Yassin Massacre, the S}12 05-2010
  7. University of Warsaw Alumni: Frédéric Chopin, Menachem Begin, Waclaw Sierpinski, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Alfred Tarski, Witold Gombrowicz
  8. Biography - Begin, Menachem (1913-1992): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  9. Menachem Begin: An entry from UXL's <i>Terrorism Reference Library</i>
  10. Zionists: Albert Einstein, Menachem Begin, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Solomon Schechter, Harpo Marx, Sarah Aaronsohn
  11. Israeli Party Leaders: Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, Benjamin Netanyahu, Moshe Dayan
  12. Burials at the Mount of Olives: Menachem Begin
  13. BEGIN, MENACHEM [19131992]: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa 2</i> by Eric Silver, 2004
  14. Rebels: Yasser Arafat, Menachem Begin, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Laurent-Désiré Kabila, Emilio Aguinaldo, Henry Hotspur Percy

61. Menachem Begin: A Who2 Profile
menachem begin • Politician. menachem begin grew up in Russia and studied in Poland, where he joined Zionist forces to fight antiSemitism.
MENACHEM BEGIN Politician Menachem Begin grew up in Russia and studied in Poland, where he joined Zionist forces to fight anti-Semitism. He moved to Palestine in 1940 and became the commander of the Irgun, a guerilla force responsible for terrorist acts against Arab and British military and civilian posts. Elected to the Knesset in 1949, Begin represented the conservatives, and by 1973 he was head of the Likud party. In 1977 he formed a coalition government and served as Prime Minister until 1983. As Prime Minister, Begin signed a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979 (sharing the Nobel Prize with Anwar Sadat ), but was criticized for the 1982 invasion and occupation of Lebanon (led by Ariel Sharon ). After he resigned, Begin lived in relative seclusion until his death. The Quest for Peace in the Middle East
Good online series about Middle East political history The Knesset
Official site of Israeli Parliament, with historical and current info Menachim Begin
Brief timeline of his life in a cluttered design Deir Yassin Remembered
Anti-Begin material, but they also air opposing views

62. Menachem Begin --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
begin , menachem (Wolfovitch) Britannica Concise. menachem begin, 1987. menachem begin, 1987. MLA style menachem begin. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia.

63. Menachem Begin
menachem begin. This insistent respect, pride, and sense of unity are the lasting lecacies of menachem begin, the great Jewish hero. .
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1st Jul 2004 at 12:00 PM - ISRAEL TOUR

19th Jul 2004 at 10:00 AM - Betar Summer Camp

Menachem Begin In all his years in opposition as head of an underground movement denounced by the established
Jewish leadership, for nearly three decades as leader of a party that lost eight Knesset elections
Menachem Begin never lost sight of the goal he moved to realize once he finally came to power as
Israel's sixth prime minister: a proud Jewish people, secure within their own state. Begin died of heart failure in 1993 at the age of 78. He had wanted a simple Jewish funeral, and that

64. - Profiles - Menachem Begin
Translate this page menachem begin (1913-1992). menachem begin wurde am 16. August 1913 in Brest Litovsk geboren. Er studierte Jus an der Universitaet Warschau.
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Menachem Begin (1913-1992)
Langzeitoppositionsfuehrer, Ministerpraesident (1977 - 1983), Unterzeichner des Friedensvertrages mit Aegypten, Friedensnobelpreistraeger. Menachem Begin wurde am 16. August 1913 in Brest Litovsk geboren. Er studierte Jus an der Universitaet Warschau. Begin war aktiver Zionist und wurde 1939 Fuehrer des Betar. Als die Deutschen in Polen einmarschierten, floh Begin nach Litauen, wurde verhaftet und 1940/41 in einem sowjetischen Lager inhaftiert, bis er in der UDSSR der Polnischen Armee beitrat, um gegen die Nazis zu kaempfen. Um 1942 kam Begin mit falschen Papieren in Palaestina an und wurde Kommandant der Untergrundorganisation Irgun Zv´ai Leumi, deren Ziel es war, die Briten gewaltsam aus Palaestina zu vertreiben. Nach dem Abzug der Briten befand er sich auf dem Irgun Schiff „Altalena", das sich - entgegen den Anordnungen der neuen israelischen Armee - Tel Aviv mit einer Ladung Waffen naeherte. Die Regierung befahl, die „Altalena" unter Feuer zu nehmen. 1948 wandelte Begin die Irgun in die Cherut (Freiheit) Partei um. 1952 leitete er den Protest der Partei gegen das Abkommen der israelischen Regierung mit Westdeutschland ueber die Reparationszahlungen. Allein die Idee, Israel solle vehandeln und von den Deutschen Geld erhalten, loeste in Israel einen Proteststurm aus. War das Angebot, Reparationen zu zahlen, nicht ein Versuch der Deutschen, fuer ihre Suenden mit Blutgeld zu zahlen? Am neunten Jaenner 1952 wurde diese Angelegenheit in der Knesset diskutiert. Am selben Tag organisierte die Cherut Partei eine Massendemonstration in Jerusalem. Menachem Begin hielt eine Rede, in der er unter anderem sagte:

65. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Begin, Menachem 1913 - 1992
begin, menachem 1913 1992 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. BROŽ, Ivan, 20. století jaké bylo, D 13051. KRUPP, Michael, Sionismus a Stát Izrael, D 12839.
Begin, Menachem 1913 - 1992
Záhlaví Název Signatura BROŽ, Ivan 20. století jaké bylo D 13051 KRUPP, Michael Sionismus a Stát Izrael D 12839 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

66. Menachem Begin
Translate this page menachem begin. menachem begin (16 de agosto, 1913 - 9 de marzo, 1992) obtuvo el cargo de sexto Primer Ministro de Israel en mayo de 1977.
Menachem Begin
Menachem Begin 16 de agosto 9 de marzo ) obtuvo el cargo de sexto Primer Ministro de Israel en mayo de . Negoció los Acuerdos de Camp David con el presidente Egipcio , Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, por los que recibieron conjuntamente el Premio Nobel de la Paz en Begin nació Brest-Litovsk, Russia (localizada en una que fue parte de Polonia de 1918 a 1939 y hoy pertenece a Bielorrusia y es conocida como Brest) desde lideró la organización Sionista Betar. En estuvo preso en la URSS . En se unió voluntariamente a las Fuerzas Armadas Polacas . Licenciado del ejercito junto con muchos otros soldados judíos, en se unió al Irgun(también conocido como Etzel y en asumió su lideranza. Fué el responsable por la voladura del Hotel Rey David de Jerusalén , que mató a más de 70 personas. En estaba en el centro de embarque de armas del Irgun para Israel , que acabó con el hundimiento hecho a tiros del Altalena, y ordenado por David Ben-Gurion. Tras la creación de Israel , Begin fundó el partido político Herut (que más tarde sería el partido dominante en la coalición Likud). En , Begin firmó el Tratado de Paz Israel-Egipto con Anwar Al-Sadat. Bajo los términos del tratado, Israel entregaba la Península del Sinaí a

67. Menachem Begin Kippa From Israel
menachem begin. Add this product to your cart Price $2.99 How many? (a42l66) This kippa is named after Israel s important leader, menachem begin. L-22-2200-0174.htm
Categories: Kippot "Israel" theme gifts Judaica Gift shop Simchot favors Menachem Begin
Add this product to your cart Price: $2.99
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Dark blue colored hand crocheted kippa with light blue-white diagonal stripes around the edge. (a42l66)
This kippa is named after Israel's important leader, Menachem Begin. Please read below about his biography.
Menachem Begin
Underground commander, parliamentarian and the sixth Prime Minister of the State of Israel - Menachem Begin was born in Brest-Litovsk, Poland in 1913. A passionate Zionist from an early age, he joined the Betar youth movement at the age of 16.
In the mid-thirties Begin received a law degree. In 1938 he became head of Betar Poland, a 70,000-member organization that formed part of the national movement founded by Jabotinsky. Begin concentrated on military training, foreseeing the need to defend Polish Jewry. At the outbreak of World War II he fled to Vilna, was arrested in 1940 by the NKVD (a forerunner of the KGB) and was sentenced to eight years in a labor camp in Siberia. He was freed in 1941 because of his Polish citizenship and joined the Free Polish Army, which in 1943 made its way to the Middle East.
Menachem Begin turned to parliamentary politics, founding the Herut Party, which was based on the political ideology of his mentor, Ze'ev Jabotinsky. As a Member of Knesset, he dominated the political opposition to the ruling Labor party's hegemony during the first three decades of independent Israel.

68. Menachem Begin Definition Meaning Information Explanation
menachem begin definition, meaning and explanation and more about menachem begin. FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, menachem begin.
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Menachem Begin
Menachem Begin August 16 March 9 ) became the 6th Prime Minister of Israel in May . He negotiated the Camp David Accords with Egypt ian president Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, for which they jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in Begin was born in Brest-Litovsk, Russia (located in a region which became part of Poland from 1919 to 1939 and is today a part of Belarus and known simply as Brest ) and since he was the leader of the Zionist Betar organisation. In he was imprisoned in the USSR. In 1941 he volunteered to join the Polish army of Anders. Released from that army along with many other Jewish soldiers, in he joined the Irgun (also known as Etzel ) and in assumed its leadership. He was responsible for the bombing of Jerusalem 's King David Hotel, at that time a British administrative and military headquarters, that killed 91 people. In he was at the center of the shipping of Irgun arms to Israel, ending in the sinking of Altalena, by gunfire ordered by David Ben-Gurion After the founding of the state of Israel , Begin founded the Herut political party (which later on became the dominant party in the Likud coalition).

69. - Menachem Begin
Translate this page Home Prominente, menachem begin. 21.01.2003 Durchschnittliche Leserbewertung Von den Geschichte. menachem begin kommt am 16. August
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Menachem Begin
Durchschnittliche Leserbewertung: Von den Nazis verfolgt, von den Russen inhaftiert und von den Briten gesucht – allein dies ist beeindruckend. Der ehemalige Oppositionsführer Menachem Begin und späterer Ministerpräsident unterzeichnet den ersten Friedensvertrag in der israelischen Geschichte.
Menachem Begin kommt am 16. August 1913 im polnischen Brest Litovsk als jüngstes von drei Kindern zur Welt. Die Familie flieht während des ersten Weltkriegs nach Russland, kehrt aber nach Kriegsende in das jetzt unabhängige Polen zurück. Menachem schreibt sich 1931 an der Universität Warschau ein und studiert dort Rechtswissenschaften. Er ist aktiver Zionist und wird 1939 Führer des polnischen Betar, eine der einflussreichsten jüdischen Organisationen im damaligen Europa. Beim Ausbruch des zweiten Weltkriegs ermöglicht er die Emigration tausender polnischer Juden nach Israel. Begin wird 1940 verhaftet und gelangt in ein sowjetisches Lager. Er tritt in der UdSSR der polnischen Armee bei, um gegen die Deutschen zu kämpfen. Seine Eltern und sein älterer Bruder sind weiterhin in polnischer Haft, sie überleben den Holocaust nicht. Als Terrorist gesucht
1942 kommt Menachem Begin mit gefälschten Papieren in Palästina an und schließt sich der Untergrundorganisation Irgun Zv´ai Leumi an. Ziel der Organisation ist die gewaltsame Vertreibung der Briten aus dem Land. Unter Begins Führung zerstört die Irgun 1946 einen Flügel des King David Hotels, in dem die Briten einquartiert sind. Begin wird daraufhin von den Briten als Terrorist gesucht, sein Foto hängt in vielen öffentlichen palästinensischen Gebäuden. Der ausgesetzte Finderlohn steigt von anfangs 8.000 Dollar auf 50.000 Dollar. Doch Begin entkommt der britischen Fahndung, indem er sich als bärtiger orthodoxer Rabbi verkleidet. 1948 wandelt er die Irgun Organisation in die Cherut Partei um.

70. - Menachem Begin
Translate this page menachem begin. 21.01.2003. menachem begin kommt am 16. August 1913 im polnischen Brest Litovsk als jüngstes von drei Kindern zur Welt.
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Menachem Begin
Von den Nazis verfolgt, von den Russen inhaftiert und von den Briten gesucht – allein dies ist beeindruckend. Der ehemalige Oppositionsführer Menachem Begin und späterer Ministerpräsident unterzeichnet den ersten Friedensvertrag in der israelischen Geschichte.
Menachem Begin kommt am 16. August 1913 im polnischen Brest Litovsk als jüngstes von drei Kindern zur Welt. Die Familie flieht während des ersten Weltkriegs nach Russland, kehrt aber nach Kriegsende in das jetzt unabhängige Polen zurück. Menachem schreibt sich 1931 an der Universität Warschau ein und studiert dort Rechtswissenschaften. Er ist aktiver Zionist und wird 1939 Führer des polnischen Betar, eine der einflussreichsten jüdischen Organisationen im damaligen Europa. Beim Ausbruch des zweiten Weltkriegs ermöglicht er die Emigration tausender polnischer Juden nach Israel. Begin wird 1940 verhaftet und gelangt in ein sowjetisches Lager. Er tritt in der UdSSR der polnischen Armee bei, um gegen die Deutschen zu kämpfen. Seine Eltern und sein älterer Bruder sind weiterhin in polnischer Haft, sie überleben den Holocaust nicht. Als Terrorist gesucht
1942 kommt Menachem Begin mit gefälschten Papieren in Palästina an und schließt sich der Untergrundorganisation Irgun Zv´ai Leumi an. Ziel der Organisation ist die gewaltsame Vertreibung der Briten aus dem Land. Unter Begins Führung zerstört die Irgun 1946 einen Flügel des King David Hotels, in dem die Briten einquartiert sind. Begin wird daraufhin von den Briten als Terrorist gesucht, sein Foto hängt in vielen öffentlichen palästinensischen Gebäuden. Der ausgesetzte Finderlohn steigt von anfangs 8.000 Dollar auf 50.000 Dollar. Doch Begin entkommt der britischen Fahndung, indem er sich als bärtiger orthodoxer Rabbi verkleidet. 1948 wandelt er die Irgun Organisation in die Cherut Partei um.

71. Menachem Begin Quotations
menachem begin Quotations. Goyim kill goyim and the Jews are blamed. In the name of Jerusalem. If I forget the extermination of the
Menachem Begin
Goyim kill goyim and the Jews are blamed. In the name of Jerusalem. If I forget the extermination of the Jews, may my right hand wither, may my tongue stick to my palate if I cease to think of you, if I do not keep the extermination of the Jews in memory even at my happiest hour. There will be no fraternal strife while the foe is at the gate.
Memorable Quotations:
Philosophers of Western Civilization
... Memorable Quotations: Zodiac Signs
Memorable Quotations. com

72. Carte Du Ciel Et Planètes Pour Menachem BEGIN
Translate this page Astrologie thème astral des célébrités, Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de menachem begin, né le 15 août 1913 à 23h59 à Brest (Litovsk).
L'Astrologie NEWS ** Webmasters / Services *** Marque Blanche *** ... Espace Membres Identifiant Mot de passe Mot de passe perdu ? Astrologie : thème astral des célébrités Carte du ciel et positions planétaires de Menachem BEGIN,
né le 15 août 1913 à 23h59 à Brest (Litovsk) Lion 22°26 AS Gémeaux 21°15 Positions des planètes Soleil Lion Lune Verseau Mercure Lion Vénus Cancer Mars Gémeaux Jupiter Capricorne Saturne Gémeaux Uranus Verseau Neptune Cancer Pluton Cancer Chiron Poissons Cérès Scorpion Pallas Scorpion Junon Poissons Vesta Verseau Noeud Nord Poissons Lilith Poissons Fortune Capricorne AS Gémeaux MC Verseau Positions des maisons Maison 1 Gémeaux Maison 2 Cancer Maison 3 Cancer Maison 4 Lion Maison 5 Vierge Maison 6 Balance Maison 7 Sagittaire Maison 8 Capricorne Maison 9 Capricorne Maison 10 Verseau Maison 11 Poissons Maison 12 Bélier Liste des aspects Lune Conjonction MC Orbe Mars Conjonction Saturne Orbe Saturne Conjonction AS Orbe Lune Conjonction Uranus Orbe Pluton Conjonction AS Orbe Mars Conjonction AS Orbe Uranus Conjonction MC Orbe Mercure Conjonction Neptune Orbe Vénus Conjonction Pluton Orbe Mercure Opposition Uranus Orbe Vénus Opposition Jupiter Orbe Lune Opposition Mercure Orbe Soleil Opposition MC Orbe Jupiter Opposition Pluton Orbe Mercure Opposition MC Orbe Uranus Opposition Neptune Orbe Lune Trigone Mars Orbe Saturne Trigone MC Orbe Mars Trigone MC Orbe Lune Trigone Saturne Orbe Mars Trigone Uranus Orbe Soleil Sextile AS Orbe Mercure Sextile Mars Orbe Lune Quinconce Vénus Orbe Mercure Quinconce Jupiter Orbe Mars SemiCarré Neptune Orbe Mercure SemiCarré AS Orbe Pluton SesquiCarré MC Orbe Soleil SesquiCarré Jupiter Orbe Uranus SesquiCarré AS Orbe Vénus SemiSextile

73. Menachem Begin Wallpaper
menachem begin Wallpaper. z, ,. All of menachem begin Wallpaper. Education Activists Revolutionaries menachem begin Anwar Sadat
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75. Menachem Begin :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
menachem begin. Online Encyclopedia menachem begin (August 16, 1913 March 9, 1992) became the 6th Prime Minister of Israel in May 1977.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Menachem Begin
Online Encyclopedia

Menachem Begin August 16 March 9 ) became the 6th Prime Minister of Israel in May . He negotiated the Camp David Accords with Egpytian president Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat , for which they jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in Begin was born in Brest-Litovsk, Russia (located in a region which became part of Poland from 1919 to 1939 and is today a part of Belarus and known simply as Brest ) and since he was the leader of the Zionist Betar organisation. In he was imprisoned in the USSR . In 1941 he volunteered to join the Polish army of Anders. Released from that army along with many other Jewish soldiers, in he joined the Irgun (also known as Etzel ) and in assumed its leadership. He was responsible for the bombing of Jerusalem 's King David Hotel that killed more than 70 people. In he was at the center of the shipping of Irgun arms to Israel, ending in the sinking of Altalena , by gunfire ordered by David Ben-Gurion After the founding of the state of Israel , Begin founded the Herut political party (which later on became the dominant party in the Likud coalition).

76. EVENE - Menachem Begin - Biographie
TOUT menachem begin SUR

77. The Sixth Prime Minister Of The State Of Israel - Menachem Begin
The Nation Set. menachem begin The Sixth Prime Minister of Israel. menachem begin was born in Brest-Litovsk in 1913, and received a Jewish-Zionist education.
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In the Israeli View you can see Israel from different perspectives through pictures

78. In Memoriam -- Menachem Begin
In Memoriam menachem begin. The lesson menachem begin drew was that the major reason for the destruction of the Second Commonwealth was civil war among Jews.
Israel: Constitution, Government and Politics
In Memoriam Menachem Begin
Daniel J. Elazar
It is becoming clear that the two people who stand head and shoulders above the other founders of Israel are Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion. In that sense, Begin has come into his own only in the last few years. Each of these two great men drew a very important lesson in their own lives and behavior from the failures of the Jewish people at the time of the Second Commonwealth, failures that indeed led to the destruction of the Second Temple and the Second Commonwealth. The lessons they learned, as they themselves have written, were important operative principles in their lives. The lesson Menachem Begin drew was that the major reason for the destruction of the Second Commonwealth was civil war among Jews. Since we Jews have a propensity for it, he vowed that he would do everything in his power to prevent such a thing. One of the greatest moments in his life, certainly the most significant for Jewish history, was when he boarded the ship Altalena after it came under attack from the Israeli army, at Ben-Gurion's direct order, to prevent it from bringing in needed arms for the Israeli forces in violation of the UN-imposed truce in 1948, and refused to give the order to fire back. For Ben-Gurion, he was willing to take that risk rather than risk alienating the United States, so he ordered opening fire. Israel Galili and his other advisors at that time were ready to go to the limit. But Begin would not fire back.

79. Online Encyclopedia - Menachem Begin
, Encyclopedia Entry for menachem begin. Dictionary Definition of menachem begin. Imagembegin.jpg. menachem......Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Entry for Menachem Begin
Dictionary Definition of Menachem Begin

Menachem Begin August 16 March 9 ) became the 6th Prime Minister of Israel in May . He negotiated the Camp David Accords with Egpytian president Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat , for which they jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in Begin was born in Brest-Litovsk, Russia (located in a region which became part of Poland from 1919 to 1939 and is today a part of Belarus and known simply as Brest ) and since he was the leader of the Zionist Betar organisation. In he was imprisoned in the USSR . In 1941 he volunteered to join the Polish army of Anders . Released from that army along with many other Jewish soldiers, in he joined the Irgun (also known as Etzel ) and in assumed its leadership. He was responsible for the bombing of Jerusalem 's King David Hotel that killed more than 70 people. In he was at the center of the shipping of Irgun arms to Israel, ending in the sinking of Altalena , by gunfire ordered by David Ben-Gurion After the founding of the state of Israel , Begin founded the Herut political party (which later on became the dominant party in the Likud coalition).

80. An Open And Distressed Letter To Menachem Begin
An Open and Distressed Letter to menachem begin from Hegyonot Yisrael. I hope that you receive not only echoes of the political opposition and security fears
P.O. Box 1901
Bensalem, PA 19020 HOME Dr. Israel Eldad
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Memorial for Fighters for the Freedom of Israel

by Dr. Eldad What We Need Is A King by Dr. Eldad You Should Be Ashamed! by Dr. Eldad Jabotinsky Distorted by Dr. Eldad The Fifth of Iyar by Dr. Eldad Temple Mount in Ruins by Dr. Eldad Jerusalem: The City of Faith by Dr. Eldad The Challenge of Jerusalem by Dr. Eldad Between Giving the Torah and Receiving It by Dr. Eldad The Jewish Defense League of Shushan Habira by Dr. Eldad An Open and Distressed Letter to Menachem Begin by Dr. Eldad Elnakam: Story of a Fighter for the Freedom of Israel by Dr. Eldad The Israel Restraint Forces by Dr. Eldad

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