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         Becquerel Antoine Henri:     more detail
  1. BECQUEREL, ANTOINE-HENRI (1852-1908): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  2. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Chemistry: Foundations and Applications</i> by Todd W. Whitcombe, 2004
  3. Recherches Sur L'Absorption De La Lumiere: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte (1888) (French Edition) by Antoine Henri Becquerel, 2010-04-18
  4. Recherches Sur L'Absorption De La Lumiere: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte (1888) (French Edition) by Antoine Henri Becquerel, 2010-09-10
  5. Recherches Sur L'Absorption De La Lumiere: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte (1888) (French Edition) by Antoine Henri Becquerel, 2010-09-10
  6. Antoine Henri Becquerel: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Marjorie C. Malley, 2000
  7. Sur la réflexion et la réfraction des rayons cathodiques et des rayons déviables du radium. with: Sur la rayonnement du radium. with: BECQUEREL, Antoine Henri (1852-1908). Sur la transparence de l'aluminium pour le rayonnement du radium. In: Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Académie des Sciences, Vol. 130, January - June, 1900. by Paul (1860-1934). VILLARD, 1900-01-01
  9. Scintillation Counter: Ionizing Radiation, Sensor, Scintillator, Liquid Scintillation Counting, Organic Liquid, Antoine Henri Becquerel
  10. Becquerel and the discovery of radioactivity by Folke Knutsson, 1975
  11. Neurology's debt to Becquerel by James W. D Bull, 1972

41. Antoine Henri Becquerel Winner Of The 1903 Nobel Prize In Physics
antoine henri becquerel, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at theNobel Prize Internet Archive. antoine henri becquerel. 1903 Nobel
1903 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity.

    Residence: France
    Affiliation: École Polytechnique, Paris
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42. Dictionary Definition Of BECQUEREL, ANTOINE-HENRI
Dictionary definition of becquerel, antoinehenri. Medical dictionary.Browse Dictionary by alphabet. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E

43. Dictionary Definition Of BECQUEREL, ANTOINE
triangle Beclard, Pierre beclomethasone beclomethasone dipropionate become becquerelbecquerel rays becquerel, antoine becquerel, antoinehenri becuna bed bed

becquerel naît à Paris au
ANTOINE HENRI BECQUEREL (1852 - 1908) Radrizzi Gilles, 1B, 1999-2000
Source: Sites Internet, Encyclopédie "Britannica", Encyclopédie "Notre Monde"

45. Antoine-Henri Becquerel
Translate this page antoine-henri becquerel. Retour aux biographies.
Antoine-Henri Becquerel
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46. Biographies De Quelques Pionniers
Translate this page 1928. antoineBéclère . becquerel antoine-henri (1852-1908). Petit mort. antoine-henri becquerel . CURIE Marie (1867-1934). Née
Biographies de quelques pionniers
BECQUEREL Antoine-Henri (1852-1908)
CURIE Marie (1867-1934)
CURIE Pierre (1859-1906)
REGAUD Claudius (1870-1940)
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47. Antoine-Henri Becquerel (1852-1908)
antoinehenri becquerel (1852-1908). Son of Alexandre-Edmond, antoine-henriwas born in Paris, in December 15th 1852, and died, in Croisic, in.
Antoine-Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) Son of Alexandre-Edmond, Antoine-Henri was born in Paris, in December 15th 1852, and died, in Croisic, in Britanny, in August 25th 1908. Becquerel studied in the École Polytechnique and was a civil engineer. He taught Physics in the École Polytechnique and in the Natural History Museum. He completed the research work of his father and grandfather, and in 1896 discovered the radioactivity of uranium salts. This important discovery gave him the Nobel Prize in 1903, together with Pierre and Marie Curie . He was also an active member of the French Science Academy.

48. Antoine-Henri Becquerel (1852-1908)
Translate this page Filho de Alexandre-Edmond, antoine nasceu em Paris a 15 de Dezembrode 1852 e morreu a 25 de Agosto de 1908 em Croisic, na Bretanha.
Filho de Alexandre-Edmond, Antoine nasceu em Paris a 15 de Dezembro de 1852 e morreu a 25 de Agosto de 1908 em Croisic, na Bretanha. Estudou na École Polytechnique e era "engenheiro de pontes e calçadas". Ensinou Física na École Polytechnique e no Museu Nacional de História Natural. Continuou os trabalhos dos seus pai e avô, descobrindo em 1896 a radioactividade dos sais de urânio . Esta importantíssima descoberta valeu-lhe a atribuição do Prémio Nobel da Física em 1903, juntamente com o casal Pierre e Marie Curie Foi membro da Academia das Ciências Francesa.

49. Antoine Henri Becquerel - Pøirozená Radioaktivita
antoine henri becquerel. Domovská stránka Fyzici antoine henri becquerel.15. 12. 8. 1908. Francouzský vedec antoine henri becquerel se narodil se 15.
Antoine Henri Becquerel
Domovská stránka Fyzici Francouzský vìdec Antoine Henri Becquerel se narodil se 15. prosince 1852 v Paøíži. Jeho otec (profesor aplikované fyziky Alexander Edmond Becquerel) i dìdeèek (èlen Královské spoleènosti Antoine César) byli pøedními francouzskými fyziky. V roce 1872 zaèal Becquerel studovat paøížskou polytechniku. Pozdìji se specializoval na stavbu silnic a mostù. Jeho hlavním zájmem zùstala fyzika.
Pøirozená radioaktivita
V roce 1895 se Becquerel stal profesorem fyziky na polytechnice v Paøíži. Zde uèinil svùj nejvýznamnìjší objev. Roku 1896 Becquerel objevil pøirozenou radioaktivitu.
Nobelova cena
V roce 1903 spolu s manželi Curieovými dostal Becquerel Nobelovu cenu za fyziku za zkoumání radiaèních jevù. Antoine Henri Becquerel zemøel 25. srpna 1908 v Le Croisic. Hledat:
Becquerel [Bq] - jednotka aktivity
Jiøí Bureš Popis Download FAQ ... Jiøí Bureš

50. Adventures In CyberSound: Becquerel, Antoine César, Alexandre Edmond And Antoin
ADVENTURES in CYBERSOUND. antoine César, Alexandre Edmond and antoinehenri becquerel. antoine antoine henri becquerel 1852 1908. The
A D V E N T U R E S in C Y B E R S O U N D
Source: Chambers Biographical Dictionary Alexandre Edmond Becquerel : 1820 - 1891 Alexandre Edmond Becquerel phosphoroscope
Chambers Biographical Dictionary Antoine Henri Becquerel : 1852 - 1908 radioactivity (1896) for which he shared the 1903 Nobel Prize for physics with Marie and Pierre Curie . Among a variety of luminescent crystals, Becquerel found that only those containing uranium emitted radiation naturally. This significant discovery opened the way to nuclear physics. He subsequently discovered that the radiations of radium comprise electrons, and he was the first to supply experimental evidence of the phenomenon of radioactive transformation. He was elected to the Academy of Sciences (1889) and appointed professor of physics at the Museum of Natural History (1892) and the Ecole Polytechnique (1895). E. Robert Paul
Source: The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Antoine Henri Becquerel electrochemistry while his father, Alexandre Edmond, had investigated the phenomena of fluorescence and phosphorescence Becquerel not only inherited their interest in science, he also inherited the minerals and compounds studied by his father. And so, upon learning how

51. Biografia De Becquerel, Antoine-Henri
Translate this page becquerel, antoine-henri. (París, 1852-Le Croisic, Francia, 1908)Físico francés, descubridor de la radiactividad. Educado en
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Becquerel, Antoine-Henri Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

52. Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) X1872
Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) X1872
Cornu (X1860)

53. LookSmart - Directory - Antoine-Henri Becquerel
becquerel, antoinehenri - 1903 Nobel Biography Presents a biographical sketchof this Nobel Prize-winning scientist who first discovered the phenomena of
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Antoine-Henri Becquerel - Get bios and profiles of Nobel Prize-winner Antoine-Henri Becquerel, who discovered radioactivity.
Directory Listings About
  • Becquerel, Antoine - Encyclopedia Britannica
    Narrative of the life and accomplishments of this pioneering scientist focuses on his early training and his study of radiation.
    Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - 1903 Nobel Biography

    Presents a biographical sketch of this Nobel Prize-winning scientist who first discovered the phenomena of spontaneous radioactivity.
    Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - Figures in Radiation History

    Supplies a concise career profile of the man who first detected the radioactivity produced by uranium. Includes a photograph.
    Bioanalytical Systems - Becquerel

    Focuses on the work of Antoine Cesar Becquerel, a physicist and the ancestor of Antoine-Henri.
    Britannica - Becquerel, Antoine-Henri
    View a photograph of the physicist and read of his discovery of radiation. Also tells of his later important contributions to physics. Fact Monster - Becquerel Sums up the work of the Becquerel family of physicists, including Antoine-Henri.
  • 54. Lexikon - Antoine Henri Becquerel Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
    Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist antoine henri becquerel - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von antoinehenri becquerel. antoine henri becquerel. antoine henri becquerel (* 15.
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    ... englischen Lexikon Google News zum Stichwort
    Antoine Henri Becquerel
    Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
    Artikel auf Englisch: Henri Becquerel
    Antoine Henri Becquerel 15. Dezember in Paris 25. August in Le Croisic ( Bretagne )) war ein franz¶sischer Physiker und ist der Entdecker der radioaktiven Strahlung . Er erhielt den Nobelpreis f¼r Physik. Becquerels Vater Alexandre Edmond Becquerel (1820 - 1891) und GroŸvater Antoine C©sar Becquerel (1788 - 1878) waren ebenfalls bedeutende Physiker. Antoine Henri studierte von bis an der ‰cole Polytechnique und bis an der ‰cole des Ponts et Chaussees, die er als Ingenieur verlieŸ. Er arbeitete zun¤chst mit seinem Vater ¼ber die Phosphor e. ¼bernahm Bequerel die Professur f¼r Physik am Mus©e d'histoire naturelle. experimentierte er mit der Phosphoreszenz von Uran salzen. Nachdem er einige Pr¤parate in einem dunklen Raum abgelegt und darauf eine Fotoplatte gelegt hatte, bemerkte Becquerel, dass die Platte eingeschw¤rzt worden war. Dies ist ein Beweis daf¼r, dass zum Aussenden dieser neuen Strahlung eine vorherige Lichteinstrahlung nicht erforderlich ist. Solche Eigenschaften weisen auch die kurz vorher entdeckten R¶ntgenstrahlen und die Kathodenstrahlen auf. Henri Becquerel hatte die Radioaktivit¤t entdeckt.

    55. Becquerel
    Translate this page Biografias. antoine henri becquerel. (1852 - 1908). antoine henri becquereldescende de uma família tradicional de físicos e químicos franceses.
    Antoine Henri Becquerel
    (Maison Cuvier, onde Becquerel descobriu a radiatividade) (Chapa de Becquerel) , assim como pouco mais de um ano antes os raios X foram chamados raios Roentgen.

    56. Henri Becquerel - Encyclopedia Article About Henri Becquerel. Free Access, No Re
    antoine henri becquerel (December 15 December 15 is the 349th day of the year (350thin leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 16 days remaining. Becquerel
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Henri Becquerel
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Antoine Henri Becquerel December 15 December 15 is the 349th day of the year (350th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 16 days remaining.
    • 687 - St. Sergius I becomes Pope
    • 1702 - Forty-seven ronin, formerly in the service of Asano Naganori, assault the household of Kira Yoshinaka, and kill him in vengence for their lord. Their display of the ideals of bushido becomes a national legend.

    Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1800s 1810s 1820s 1830s 1840s - Years: 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 -
    • January 14 - President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte proclaims a new constitution for the French Second Republic.
    • January 17 - United Kingdom recognizes independence of the Transvaal

    Click the link for more information. August 25 August 25 is the 237th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (238th in leap years), with 129 days remaining.
    • 1580 - Battle of Alcantara. Spain defeats Portugal.

    57. Henri Becquerel
    They had a son Jean, B. In 1878, who was also a physicist the fourth generationof scientists in the becquerel Family.antoine henri becquerel died in Le
    Henri Becquerel Father of Radioactivity Puzzle Picture of Becquerel Early Life Henri Becquerel was born into a family of scientists. He was born in the city of Paris, France, on December the fifteenth 1852. He inherited from his father a large supply of minerals and compounds which were also studied by his father. His father, Alexander Edmond , contributed greatly to the theory of light. His grandfather, Antoine Ceaser, was a pioneer in the field of electrochemistry. Discovery of Radiation In February 1896 Henri Becquerel was experimenting with uranium salts, in the Natural History Museum , when he accidentally discovered radioactivity. Becquerel worked with a double sulfate of uranium and potassium which he exposed to sunlight and placed on photographic plates wrapped in black paper. Becquerel discovered that the plates revealed an image of the uranium crystals. He concluded "that the phosphorescent substance in question emits radiation which penetrates paper opaque to light". Originally Becquerel thought that the sun's energy was being absorbed by the uranium which then emitted X rays , but later on his discoveries led him to learn that the uranium emitted radiation without an external source of energy such as the sun. As a result of these conclusions Becquerel amazingly had discovered

    58. Henri Becquerel
    antoine-César, fondateur de
    La dynastie des BECQUEREL
    est issu d'une famille de savants et appartient à une dynastie de quatre physiciens, académiciens, titulaires de la chaire de Physique au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle à Paris. Henri a hérité de la vocation de son père Edmond et de son grand-père Antoine-César ; son fils Jean , polytechnicien aussi, entrera à son tour à l'Académie des Sciences et comme lui, enseignera la physique au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle.
    Antoine-César BECQUEREL
    Edmond BECQUEREL


    Découvreur de la radioactivité de l'uranium en 1896
    Antoine-César BECQUEREL
    Antoine-César BECQUEREL, fils de Louis Hector naît à Chatillon en 1788. Reçu à l'Ecole Polytechnique en 1806, il est envoyé en 1810 à la guerre d'Espagne et prendra en 1815 sa retraite comme chef de bataillon. Il se consacrera inlassblament à la science pendant 60 ans. Parmi son oeuvre scientifique, on peut citer :
    - Découverte de la piézoélecricité en 1819
    - Etude la conductibilité des métaux, de l'électricité atmosphérique, des phénomènes électro-capillaires
    - Invention de l'électrochimie - Réalisation en 1829 de la première pile à courant constant exploitée quelques années plus tard par DANIELL.

    59. Henri Becquerel
    henri antoine becquerel did one such act at the end of last century byforgetting some photographic plates in his drawer for a few days.

    Becquerel, fortuitous father of radioactivity
      Some of our acts seem to be of very little importance. But, eventually, they might bring a major revolution, one of those strong movements which change the world. A world in which a hundred years later, its effect are still felt. Henri Antoine Becquerel did one such act at the end of last century by forgetting some photographic plates in his drawer for a few days. He discovered by pure chance that radiation ionises the air. It is not caused by the Sun and its intensity does not decrease with the passage of time. This is the beginning of nuclear age. "if certain mediums whose fluorescence is strong enough could not emit X rays along with the light, whatever the cause of their fluorescence" . This was enough to arouse Becquerel's curiosity. The form of a screen appears In his laboratory in the Natural History Museum, he multiplied his trials. He tried to induce fluorescence in some chemical compounds by exposing them to sun rays with the mepe that they will form an impression on the pmeto plates later. Calcium sulphide seemed to produced some results. But, they could not be reproduced. On the other hand, uranium sulphate seemed to veil pmetographic emulsions when exposed to sunlight. But the results were still misleading. On 26 February 1896, Becquerel resumed his experiments but stopped immediately. There was hardly any sun shine as it was winter time. He was vexed and shoved the uranium salts that he wanted to expose and the photo plates in his drawer. He developped them only four days later. He was amazed to see the impression emerging. The shape of the copper screen kept between the salts and the photographic emulsions appeared clearly.

    60. Biografía - Resultado
    Translate this page memo encontró esta biografía antoine henri becquerel (París, 1852 – Le Croisic,1908) Físico francés, nace en el seno de una familia de científicos.

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