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1. John Bardeen John Bardeen was born in Madison, Wisconsin on May 23, 1908. His father, Charles Russell Bardeen, was the first graduate of the Johns Hopkins Medical School and founder of the Medical School at the http://www.physics.uiuc.edu/people/jbardeen.html | |
2. John Bardeen John Bardeen was born in Madison, Wisconsin on May 23, 1908. Hisfather, Charles Russell Bardeen, was the first graduate of the http://www.physics.uiuc.edu/People/jbardeen.html | |
3. John Bardeen - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia John Bardeen. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. John Bardeen (May 23, 1908 January 30, 1991) was a physicist who was the co-inventor of the transistor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bardeen | |
4. WIEM: Bardeen John bardeen john (19081991), wybitny fizyk i elektronik amerykanski, uczen JH vanVlecka i EP Wignera. Fizyka, Stany Zjednoczone bardeen john (1908-1991). http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/0127a5.html | |
5. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Bardeen John bardeen john . Page 1 sur 1.*, Réservé html. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour bardeen john . http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Bardeen_John.html | |
6. Recherche Inventeur - Invention bardeen john en 0.100 s. Ø Site(s)trouvé(s) 1 à 1. 344. Titre Transistor, Date ( 1947 ), Classé 2. http://www.awake2life.com/ericc/phpmyannu/search.php3?mots=Bardeen John&and=0 |
7. John Bardeen [Pictures And Photos Of] John Bardeen. John Bardeen Picture, Photo, Photograph; middle age, threequarterview, eyeglasses, suit; bardeen john A3. Item ID bardeen john A3. John Bardeen. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Bardeen_John.html | |
8. Walter Houser Brattain [Pictures And Photos Of] Brattain, Walter Hans Schottky Picture, Photo, Photograph; middle age, suit, standing,outdoors; LR J. Bardeen, W. Schottky, W. Brattain.; bardeen john C5. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Brattain_Houser.html | |
9. John Bardeen John Bardeen. 19081991. By Jessica. Welcome to my colorful little web page! Belowis a list of all of the resources I used to find information John Bardeen. http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/ryn/projects/inventors/bardeen/bardeen.ht | |
10. Bardeen John Bardeen b. May 23, 1908, Madison, Wis., USA d January 30, 1991,Boston, Mass., USA. John Bardeen participating in official meetings. http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/~eugeniik/history/bardeen.htm | |
11. John Bardeen John Bardeen Born 23 May 1908, Madison WI; died 30 January 1991, BostonMA. Bardeen, John, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley. 1964. http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs1104/BuildingBlocks/Bardeen.html | |
12. John Bardeen John Bardeen. John Bardeen (May 23, 1908 January 30, 1991) was aphysicist who was the co-inventor of the transistor. He developed http://www.fact-index.com/j/jo/john_bardeen.html | |
13. John Bardeen John Bardeen. http://www.lucent.com/minds/transistor/brinkman/pictures/bardeen.html |
14. John Bardeen - Encyclopedia Article About John Bardeen. Free Access, No Registra encyclopedia article about John Bardeen. John Bardeen in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. John Bardeen. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/John Bardeen | |
15. The History Of Computers: John Bardeen John Bardeen. Born May 23, 1908 Died January 30, 1991. Born in Madison,Wisconsin, Bardeen obtained his Ph.D. in 1936 in mathematics http://www2.fht-esslingen.de/studentisches/Computer_Geschichte/grp4/bardeen.html | |
16. John Bardeen John Bardeen. John Bardeen (1908 1991). American physicist who wascowinner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in both 1956 and 1972. http://www.nobel-winners.com/Physics/john_bardeen.html | |
17. IEEEVM: John Bardeen John Bardeen. Born 23 May 1908. Died 30 January 1991. John Bardeenwas born in 1908 to Charles Russell and Althea Harmer Bardeen. http://www.ieee-virtual-museum.org/collection/people.php?taid=&id=1234624&lid=1 |
18. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. John Bardeen. Everything you wanted to know about John Bardeen but hadno clue how to find it.. Learn about John Bardeen here! John Bardeen. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/John_Bardeen | |
19. John Bardeen - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia PhatNav s Encyclopedia A Wikipedia . John Bardeen. John Bardeen (May 23, 1908- January 30, 1991) was a physicist who was the co-inventor of the transistor. http://www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=John_Bardeen |
20. John Bardeen John Bardeen. John Bardeen (Kveten 23, 1908 Leden 30, 1991) byl fyzikkdo byl co -vynálezce tranzistor. On rozpracoval základní http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/j/jo/john_bardeen.html | |
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