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41. Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates - Biomedical Sciences 1914, barany, robert for his work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibularapparatus , Austria. 1908, Ehrlich, Paul for their work on immunity , Germany. http://www.science.co.il/Nobel-Biomedical.asp | |
42. LookSmart - Directory - Nobel Prize In Medicine Or Physiology Winners A-C barany, robert 1914 Nobel Biography Biography of robert barany details his researchon the physiology and pathology of the human vestibular apparatus. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53764/us968855/us926163/us10 | |
43. LookSmart - Directory - Nobel Prize In Medicine In The 1910s Directory Listings About. barany, robert 1914 Nobel Biography Biography of robertbarany details his research on the physiology and pathology of the human http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53764/us968855/us926163/us10 | |
44. Robert S. Hodges, Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Publications, 2000, The Program In Biomolecul robert S. Hodges, Ph.D., FRSC. for the New Millennium , Proceedings of the SixteenthAmerican Peptide Symposium (GB Fields, JP Tam and G. barany, Eds.), Kluwer http://biomol.uchsc.edu/faculty/BiblioPages/hodges2000.html | |
45. ROBERT - Meaning And Definition Of The Word A. Heinlein, robert Abram Bartlett, robert Adam, robert Alexander Schumann, robertAndrews Millikan, robert Anson Heinlein, robert barany, robert Bartlett http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/robert |
46. Nobel Prize - Neuroscience of the Eye. 1914, barany, robert, 5/22/1876 to 4/8/1936, Austrian, Physiologyand pathology of the vestibular apparatus. 1927, WagnerJauregg http://www.univ.trieste.it/~brain/NeuroBiol/Neuroscienze per tutti/nobel.html | |
47. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY Axelrod, Julius, 1970. Baltimore, David, 1975. Banting, Sir Frederick Grant,1923. barany, robert, 1914. Beadle, George Wells, 1958. Behring, Emil Adolf Von,1901. http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobelc.htm | |
48. Robert Barany Recieved The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine robert barany recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1914 forhis work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus . http://www.peaceuniversalist.com/nobel/Barany.htm | |
49. Wissenschaftskalender - DI 23. MÄRZ 2004 (Textversion) Translate this page DI 23. MÄRZ - robert barany, Köpfe (Kurzbiographie - robert barany ). 1876,Geboren am 22.4. 1894, Beginnt sein Hochschulstudium an der Universität Wien. http://www.wissenschaftskalender.at/cgi-bin/kalender.cgi?0323&txtonly |
50. Barany Abstracts one (EDITH). Qinghong Xu, George barany, robert P. Hammer, and KarinMusierForsyth. Nucleic Acids Research 24, 3643-3644 (1996). http://www.chem.umn.edu/groups/baranygp/abstracts/134.html | |
51. Barany Abstracts Merrifield, robert Bruce (1921 ) (biographical/scientific sketch).George barany and Balazs Hargittai. In Macmillan Encyclopedia http://www.chem.umn.edu/groups/baranygp/abstracts/156.html | |
52. From Owner-luckytown-digest@luckytown.org (LuckyTown Digest) To Contents Bruce and Patti songs on forthcoming L. Ronstadt/Emmylou H. album TomGi Fire Loose Ends in Stockholm robert barany robert@trados.ie more http://www.luckytown.org/luckytown-digest/v06.n353 | |
53. Neurology barany, robert. Vestibularapparat und Centralnervensystem.Reprint Med.Klinik, 1911,47. 1911. 180,-. Garrison Morton http://home.t-online.de/home/Gruber-Gerardy/NEUROLOG.HTM | |
54. BARANY Births And New Arrivals - The Caledonian-Record News robert barany and Kristin (Devereaux) barany of Danville, Vt., announce the birthof their son, Reese Benjamin barany, Friday, April 2, 2004, at 659 pm at http://www.caledonianrecord.com/pages/community_new_arrivals/story/a81f3cfdc | |
55. Nobel A Psicologia Y Medicina Translate this page Rusia) por sus trabajos sobre inmunología 1908 Ehrlich, Paul (Alemania) porsus trabajos sobre inmunología 1914 barany, robert ( Austria) por sus http://www.jai.com.uy/nobelpsicologiaymedicina.htm | |
56. Barany Bárány, robert born April 22, 1876, Vienna died April 8, 1936, Uppsala,Sweden Bárány, c. 1930 Austrian otologist who won the http://www.ipct.pucrs.br/microg/projetos/barany.html | |
57. Robert Barany Article on robert barany from WorldHistory.com, licensed from Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Return to World History (home) Main Article Index robert barany. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/R/Robert-Barany.htm | |
58. Encyclopedia4U - Robert Barany - Encyclopedia Article robert barany. robert Bárány (18761936), Austrian physician. For License.It uses material from the Wikipedia article robert barany . http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/r/robert-barany.html | |
59. Biografia De Bárány, Robert Translate this page Bárány, robert. (Viena, 1876-Uppsala, 1936) Médico austríaco deorigen húngaro. Dedicado a la otorrinolaringología, en 1914 http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/b/barany.htm | |
60. Medicine-Worldwide: Bárány, Robert Translate this page Biographie. Kapitelübersicht robert Bárány. robert Bárány. Chirurg,Otologe. robert Bárány. robert Bárány. * 22. April 1876 in Wien. http://www.m-ww.de/persoenlichkeiten/barany.html | |
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