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21. Emily Greene Balch Winner Of The 1946 Nobel Prize In Peace emily greene balch, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. emily greene balch. PEACEMAKER HERO emily greene balch (submitted by Jackson). http://almaz.com/nobel/peace/1946a.html | |
22. Emily Greene Balch -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia balch, emily greene Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , balch, emily greene (18671961). US economist and sociologist emily greene http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=341720&query=universities and colleges& |
23. The My Hero Project - Emily Greene Balch PrintFriendly Version. Bill Wood from Watertown, Massachusetts, writes My hero is emily greene balch. PEACEMAKER HERO emily greene balch. http://myhero.com/hero.asp?hero=emilybalch |
24. The My Hero Project - Emily Greene Balchemilybalch Bill Wood from Watertown, Massachusetts, writes My hero is emily greene balch. An economist PEACEMAKER HERO emily greene balch. emily greene http://myhero.com/myhero/heroprint.asp?hero=emilybalch |
25. Balch, Emily Greene. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. balch, emily greene. (b lch) (KEY) , 18671961, American economist and sociologist, b. Jamaica Plain, Mass., grad. Bryn Mawr, 1889. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ba/Balch-Em.html | |
26. Balch, Emily Greene balch, emily greene (18671961). emily greene balch (January 8, 1867-January 9, 1961) was born in Boston, the daughter of Francis V. and Ellen (Noyes) balch. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/B/Balch/balch.ht | |
27. Balch, Emily Greene Translate this page balch, emily greene (1867-1961). Pacifiste américaine (Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, 1867 Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1961). Elle http://www.cartage.org.lb/fr/themes/Biographies/mainbiographie/B/Balch/Balch.htm | |
28. BALCH-EMILY-GREENE balch, emily greene. Enlace http//www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1946/index.html. Fecha Alta 07/06/2003. Descripción The Nobel Peace Prize 1946. http://www1.universia.net/CatalogaXXI/C10056PPESII1/E132972/ | |
29. MSN Encarta - Balch, Emily Greene balch, emily greene. balch, emily greene (18671961), American social reformer, economist, and pacifist who won the Nobel Prize for peace in 1946. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761596072/Balch_Emily_Greene.html | |
30. Biografia De Balch, Emily Greene Translate this page balch, emily greene. (Boston, 1867-Cambridge, 1961) Socióloga, economista y pacifista estadounidense. Profesora de economía, en http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/b/balch.htm | |
31. Em-u Systems Segr?/a emily, Minnesota emily Bissell emily Bront?/a emily Carr emily Davenport emily Davison emily Dickinson emily Erwin emily greene balch emily Hahn http://www.fact-index.com/e/em/ | |
32. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's Pages - Emily Greene Balch emily greene balch, http://www.dassk.org/contents.php?id=70 |
33. Balch, Emily Greene balch, emily greene, www.trellian.com Still searching the hard way? Try the Free Slider Search Toolbar and spend less time searching!! Sponsored Link. http://www.slider.com/Enc/B/Ba/Balch-Em.htm | |
34. Emily Greene Balch Translate this page SPIP CEC Chavanne, emily greene balch. emily greene balch. emily greene balch vendredi 26 décembre 2003, par Floralie et Sophie. http://p7app.geneve.ch:8007/po/chavanne/article.php3?id_article=57 |
35. Person Of The Week: Emily Greene Balch swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/Exhibits/EGBphotos/dg006egbph.htm has photos of balch from emily greene balch Papers at the Swarthmore College Peace Collections. http://www.wellesley.edu/Anniversary/balch.html | |
36. Peace And Justice Studies-Internships The program sponsors one internship, the emily greene balch Internship, but there are also many other summer internships available through Wellesley College s http://www.wellesley.edu/Peace/Peace_justice_internships/peace_justice_intern.ht | |
37. EVENE - Emily Greene Balch - Biographie Translate this page emily greene balch Pacifiste, syndicaliste et féministe américaine Née à Boston le 08 janvier 1867 Décédée à Cambridge le 09 janvier 1961. http://www.evene.fr/celebre/fiche.php?id_auteur=14799 |
38. Report From Emily Greene Balch To Jane Addams, 1915 Document 13 Official Report from emily greene balch to Jane Addams, 1 July 1915, Jane Addams Papers, Series I, Swarthmore College Peace Collection (Jane http://womhist.binghamton.edu/hague/doc13.htm | |
39. Emily Greene Balch, Peace Delegates In Scandinavia And Russia, Sept. 1915 Document 14 emily greene balch, Peace Delegates in Scandinavia and Russia, The Survey, 34 (4 September 1915), pp. 50608. Introduction. By emily greene balch. http://womhist.binghamton.edu/hague/doc14.htm | |
40. Emily Greene Balch http://www.nobel-paix.ch/bio/balch.htm | |
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