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         Aston Francis William:     more detail
  1. Isotopes / by F.W. Aston by Francis William (1877-) Aston, 1924-01-01
  2. Nobelpreisträger Für Chemie: Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Otto Hahn, Francis William Aston, Manfred Eigen (German Edition)
  3. Isotopes by Francis William Aston, 2010-08-19
  4. Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. by Francis William, PREGL, Fritz, ZSIGMONDY, Richard Adolf et al. NOBEL. ASTON, 1966
  5. Isotopes and atomic weights. 299-310 pp. In: Notices of the proceedings at the meetings of the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain with the abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings, Vol. XXIII. by Francis William (1877-1945). ASTON, 1924-01-01
  6. Mass Spectrometrists: Francis William Aston, Alfred Bucherer, Alfred O. C. Nier, Kenneth Bainbridge, Walter Kaufmann, Arthur Jeffrey Dempster
  7. Mass spectra and isotopes, by Francis William Aston, 1944
  8. Mass specra and isotopes: Being the twenty-sixth Robert Boyle lecture delivered before the Junior Scientific Club of the University of Oxford on 3rd June ... Junior Scientific Club Robert Boyle lecture) by Francis William Aston, 1924
  9. Francis William Aston

61. Prix Nobel De 1920 à 1924
Translate this page 1921 Frederick Soddy (1877 - 1956). 1922 francis william aston (1877- 1945). 3. Selon le modèle de Rutherford. 1922. francis william aston.
P rix Nobel de 1920 à 1924 Hermann Walther Nernst Frederick Soddy Francis William Aston Fritz Pregl Le prix Nobel de chimie n'a pas été attribué
1920. Hermann Walther Nernst
En reconnaissance de ses travaux en thermochimie. Hermann Walther Nemst est né le 25 juin 1864 à Briessen, en Prusse Orientale (aujourd'hui Wabrzezno en Pologne); c'est lui qui a consolidé les bases de la chimie physique du XXe siècle. Il commence à travailler dans cette discipline auprès de Kohlrausch, à Würzbourg, où il fait la connaissance d'Arrhenius, qui l'amène ensuite à Graz, chez von Ettinghausen. Là, il entreprend des travaux sur les fnrces électromotrices dues au magnétisme des plaques métalliques que traverse un flux de chaleur. Sur la recommandation d'Arrhenius, il devient l'assistant d'Ostwald, qui était alors professeur de chimie physique à Leigzig, et commence de nouvelles recherches en électrochimie. En 1888, il publie la théorie dite aujourd'hui "théorie de Nernst" sur la force électromotrice, suivie en 1889 d'un mémoire intitulé "L'activité élcctromotrice des ions". Cette théorie très féconde constituc la base de l'électrochimie théorique; elle est à l'origine des progrès techniqucs en électrochimie et du développement de l'électrobiologie. Selon Nemst, un métal en solution se comportc comme un donneur d'élcctrons vis-à-vis de la solution; il existe une tension de dissolution électrolytique propre à chaque métal, forte pour les métaux comme le zinc, faible au contraire pour les métaux nobles comme le platine. Ce phénomène se traduit par une augmentation de la pression osmotique des ions en solution, qui aura tendance à s'opposer à la tension de dissolution. Il est alors possible de calculer le travail mis en jeu lorsqu'une mole d'ions passe de la pression de dissolution électrolytique à la pression osmotique de la solution. On peut aussi transposer ce raisonnement aux surfaces de séparation en solutions de concentrations différentes. On sait aujourd'hui que les rclations dtablies par Nemst ne sont valables que pour les solutions dilu

62. Francis William Aston - Wikipedia
Translate this page francis william aston. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nicht dieWikipedia. francis william aston (* 1. September 1877 in Harborne, † 20.
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Francis William Aston
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Francis William Aston 1. September 20. November in Cambridge ) war ein englischer Physiker , der als erster die Massenspektroskopie erfolgreich einsetzte. erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Chemie
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63. MSN Encarta - Francis William Aston
Translate this page Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesión arriba. francis william aston. Másinformación sobre francis william aston de, Otras funciones de Encarta.
Principal Mi MSN Hotmail Buscar ... Suscribirse a MSN Encarta Premium Buscar en Encarta
Art­culo de suscripci³n MSN Encarta Premium: Consigue este art­culo junto con 41.000 art­culos m¡s, un atlas din¡mico, diccionarios y mucho m¡s por s³lo 29,95 euros/a±o. M¡s informaci³n. Este art­culo s³lo est¡ disponible para los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. ¿Ya eres suscriptor? Inicia una sesi³n arriba. Francis William Aston Francis William Aston (1877-1945), f­sico y premio Nobel brit¡nico, naci³ en Harborne (Birmingham), y estudi³ en el Malvern College de la Universidad... Multimedia ¿Quieres m¡s de Encarta? Suscr­bete hoy y tendr¡s acceso a:
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64. MSN Encarta - Aston, Francis William
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Abonnentenartikel MSN Encarta Premium: Holen Sie sich diesen Artikel, 47.000 weitere Artikel, einen interaktiven Atlas, W¶rterb¼cher und vieles mehr f¼r 29,95€/Jahr (zuz¼glich Steuern). Lernen Sie mehr. Dieser Artikel ist ausschlieŸlich f¼r Abonnenten von MSN Encarta Premium verf¼gbar. Sind Sie schon Abonennt? Melden Sie sich oben an. Aston, Francis William Aston, Francis William (1877-1945), britischer Chemiker, Physiker und Nobelpreistr¤ger, der den Massenspektrographen entwickelte und damit zahlreiche... Multimedia M¶chten Sie noch mehr von Encarta? Werden Sie noch heute Abonnent, und Sie erhalten Zugriff auf:
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65. Storia Della Chimica E Della Scienza. Aston E Lo Spettrografo Di Massa
Translate this page francis william aston (1877-1945). Site Meter. Chemicum/Personae/Aston.htm
Theatrum Chemicum Indice Ritratti Index Chemical Humor Home page Francis William Aston (1877-1945) var site="s10minerva"

66. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Aston
Translate this page Theatrum Chemicum. Personae francis william aston. franciswilliam aston. 1877-1945. Premio Nobel per la chimica 1922. Chemicum/NobelChimica/Aston.htm
Theatrum Chemicum Personae: Francis William Aston Francis William Aston Premio Nobel per la chimica 1922 Premio Nobel 192 Premio Nobel 1923 Monografie, articoli e tesine di storia della chimica! var site="s10minerva"

67. Francis W. Aston
Translate this page Cyberium. (Page consultée le 30 janvier 2003). 1922. francis william aston, Enligne. Adresse URL http//
    Francis W. Aston
    Les isotopes et le spectrographe de masse
    Francis W. Aston, un homme de sciences
    Le cheminement scolaire de Francis W. Aston
    Bibliographie , Paris, Larousse, 1998, 1786 p. [CD-ROM]. Version 1.01.00, Le Livre de Paris-Hachette, 1993. [CD-ROM]. Londres, Larousse, 1994. 1922. Francis William Aston , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: Introduction to Mass Spectometry , [En ligne]. Adresse URL:
    Validation du contenu : Marc Richard
    Francis W. Aston Liste - Chimie et chimistes Chimisterie CyberScol Page mise à jour : le 6 juin 2003
    Tous droits réservés à l'Association québécoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire-secondaire (AQUOPS-CyberScol).
    Conçu et administré par Marc Richard

68. Chemia W Szkole - K±cik Ciekawego Chemika - Europejscy Twórcy Chemii
aston, francis william 1877.09.01, Harborne k. Birmingham, Anglia 1945.11.20,Cambridge, Anglia http//
WSiP Napisz do nas Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne Spó³ka Akcyjna
K±cik Ciekawego Chemika
Chemia on-line
Lista Europejskich Twórców Chemii ASTON , Francis William
[1877.09.01, Harborne k. Birmingham, Anglia -
1945.11.20, Cambridge, Anglia]
Angielski fizyk. Studiowa³ chemiê oraz fizykê w Mason College w Birmingham. Od 1920 r. by³ profesorem Uniwersytetu w Cambridge. Bêd±c asystentem (od 1910 r.) J. J. Thomsona [1856 - 1940] w Cavendish Laboratory w Cambridge bada³ promienie kanalikowe i jako pierwszy wykaza³ (1913) istnienie dwóch trwa³ych izotopów (neonu). W 1919 r. zbudowa³ pierwszy spektrograf mas, co umo¿liwi³o mu identyfikacjê 213, to jest wiêkszo¶ci izotopów trwa³ych (pierwiastków chemicznych) wystêpuj±cych w przyrodzie. W 1925 r. zbudowa³ drugi spektrograf mas o bardzo du¿ej zdolno¶ci rozdzielczej, umo¿liwiaj±cy bardzo dok³adny pomiar masy atomowej, a w 1937 r. trzeci, jeszcze doskonalszy. Przyrz±dy te pozwoli³y mu pokazaæ, ¿e masa j±dra atomu jest mniejsza od sumy mas cz±stek go tworz±cych, to jest nukleonów (protonów i neutronów); ró¿nica ta zwana defektem masy j±dra danego nuklidu jest miar± trwa³o¶ci tego j±dra. Na podstawie tych danych jako pierwszy (1927) wykre¶li³ zale¿no¶æ charakteryzuj±c± energiê wi±zania nukleonów w j±drze. Odkry³ (1931) izotop uranu-238 ( U). Otrzyma³ Nagrodê Nobla (jako pracownik Uniwersytetu w Cambridge) w zakresie chemii w 1922 r. za odkrycie du¿ej liczby niepromieniotwórczych izotopów za pomoc± zbudowanego przez siebie spektrografu mas i za sformu³owanie prawa liczb ca³kowitych (masy atomowej izotopów).

69. Cambridge Physics - Splitting The Atom
THE MASS SPECTROGRAPH 6. Neon Problems. francis william aston. On 1st September1877 francis william aston was born at Harborne, a few miles from Birmingham.
6. Neon Problems
Francis William Aston
"There is scarcely a research in nuclear physics which does not use his work, directly or indirectly, and usually many times over." G.P. Thomson On 1st September 1877 Francis William Aston was born at Harborne, a few miles from Birmingham. He was the third child in a family of seven, and enjoyed playing with mechanical toys in his youth. Aston was first educated at Harborne Vicarage School, but began to study science at Malvern College, where he demonstrated his ability in chemistry, physics and mathematics. Aston was at Malvern for two years before entering Mason College, Birmingham, in 1893. At Mason College, Aston was taught chemistry by Tilden and Frankland, and physics by Poynting. In 1898 he was awarded the Forster Scholarship and worked in collaboration with Frankland to publish his first paper in 1901. In 1908 Aston's father died, leaving Aston enough money to travel around the world. The following year Professor J.J. Thomson invited Aston to move to the Cavendish Laboratory and work as Thomson's assistant. Aston had been recommended to Thomson by his former teacher Poynting, and was happy to accept the Cambridge post which would leave him more time for research. Since his discovery of the electron Thomson had been analysing positive rays, and had developed a method of measuring atomic weights by using combinations of magnetics and electric fields to produce curves on a photographic plate. Aston helped to further refine these experiments.

70. Prodex - Der Produktexperte
Translate this page Edelvelours-Brücken ab 29.99 EUR. Stuhl ab 65.95 EUR. francis williamaston. francis william aston (* 1. September 1877 in Harborne, † 20.
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TOP PRODUKTE Fujitsu/ Siemens AMILO K ab 999 EUR Sony "DSC-P72" ab 299 EUR Mikrowelle silber mit Grill, 1000 W Grill, 800 W Mikrowelle, 17 Liter Garraum, drehbarer Glasteller ab 49.99 EUR
Francis William Aston
Francis William Aston 1. September 20. November in Cambridge ) war ein englischer Physiker , der als erster die Massenspektroskopie erfolgreich einsetzte. erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Chemie Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . Die Liste der Autoren ist in der Wikipedia unter dieser Seite verfügbar, der Artikel kann hier bearbeitet werden.
PARTNER Impressum Über Prodex Lexikon

71. William Francis Giauque, May 12, 1895—March 28, 1982 | By Kenneth S. Pitzer And
This connection had a pivotal role in william francis Giauque s later educationand The world authority on isotopes, aston, had studied oxygen with a mass
BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS National Academy of Sciences
Courtesy of the Giauque Scientific Papers Foundation, Inc.
William Francis Giauque
By Kenneth S. Pitzer and David A. Shirley
WILLIAM FRANCIS GIAUQUE is remembered particularly for his discovery of adiabatic demagnetization as a means to reach very low temperatures as well as for his exhaustive and meticulous thermodynamic studies, over a lifetime of research, which utilized the third law of thermodynamics while also developing a large body of evidence for its validity. His "achievements in the field of chemical thermodynamics and especially his work on the behavior of matter at very low temperatures and his closely allied studies of entropy" were cited by the Nobel Committee for Chemistry in the award of the prize in 1949. Giauque was born May 12, 1895, in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, the eldest of two sons and one daughter of William Tecumseh Giauque and Isabella Jane (Duncan) Giauque. His father was an American citizen, and thus William Francis Giauque was able to adopt American citizenship although born in Canada. Neither of Giauque's parents completed a formal high school education, but both were convinced of the value of education. His father was a skilled carpenter and cabinetmaker and was adept at mechanical procedures in general. He was employed variously as a weighmaster and station agent for the Michigan Central Railroad. Giauque's mother was skilled in sewing and tailoring and worked in those occupations on occasion. His father died when Giauque was thirteen, leaving the family with meager financial resources that had to be supplemented from part-time and summer jobs by all members. Among these jobs was part-time seamstress work by the mother for the family of Dr. John Woods Beckman, assigned to Niagara Falls by his employer, American Cyanamid Company. This connection had a pivotal role in William Francis Giauque's later education and career.

72. Aston
Translate this page francis william aston. aston, francis william,fisico inglese(Harborne,Birmingham,1877-Cambridge1945).Studiò a Birmingham ea Cambridge
FRANCIS WILLIAM ASTON Aston, Francis William,fisico inglese(Harborne,Birmingham,1877-Cambridge1945). Studiò a Birmingham e a Cambridge,dedicandosi dapprima alla chimica; la scoperta dei raggi X e gli studi sulla radioattività lo portarono successivamente a interessi di fisica-atomica. Divenuto assistente di J.J.Thomson al laboratorio Cavendish, perfezionò i dispositivi usati per lo studio dei raggi-canale costruendo nel 1919 lo spettrografo di massa.Con tale apparecchio fornì ai fisici uno strumento indispensabile per lo studio della struttura atomica della materia:con esso Aston scoprì l’esistenza degli isotopi, prima nell’elio e poi in un gran numero di altri elementi,misurandone il peso e il numero atomico. Membro di numerose accademie inglesi e straniere, ricevette nel 1922, insieme con Soddy, il premio Nobel per la chimica;nello stesso anno scrisse la sua opera principale: Isotopes

73. The Aston Medal
It takes the name of one of Britain s founders of mass spectrometryfrancis william aston . He francis william aston. francis Aston Medal.htm
THE ASTON MEDAL The Aston Medal was established by the British Mass Spectrometry Society in 1987 as the Society's prestigious scientific award, to be given to individuals deserving special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the biological, chemical, engineering, mathematical, medical, or physical sciences relating directly to mass spectrometry. It takes the name of one of Britain's founders of mass spectrometry Francis William Aston He his discovery "by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule". OBJECTIVE To honour individuals deserving special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the biological, chemical, engineering, mathematical, medical, or physical sciences relating directly to outstanding exploitation, application or development of mass spectrometry. ELIGIBILITY Open to academic and industrial scientists who have worked in Great Britain The nominee does not necessarily have to be a member of BMSS or be a British citizen.

74. Grades
C, Bergius, Friedrich. aston, francis william, 76.0, 87.3, 76.0, 79.8,73.9, 58.3, 85.3, 76.6, C, aston, francis william. Hinshelwood, SirCyril
The grades looked great. Pop Quiz: A. I taught really well B. You studied really hard. C. The test and exams were too easy. D. A and B E. B and C G. A and C F. all of the above. FE = 0.60* better of ( W and X Y Z Grades are final unless a mathematical error has been made. Grading is based on the 10 point scale. A final average greater than or equal to 90 is an A a final average greater than or equal to 80 and less than 90 is a B and so on . Note: 90.0000 is an A while 89.9999 is a B. There will be no rounding. Enjoy your summer. W X Y Z FE average average TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST 3 T AVG T AVG FINAL LAB FINAL FINAL alias SCORE SCORE SCORE normal w final EXAM AVG AVERAGE GRADE alias Alder, Kurt A Alder, Kurt Stein, William H. A Stein, William H. Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold A Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery A Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery Perutz, Max Ferdinand A Perutz, Max Ferdinand Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari A Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari Mitchell, Peter D. A Mitchell, Peter D. Cech, Thomas R. A Cech, Thomas R. Sumner, James Batcheller

75. InternetOPAC Der Gemeindebücherei Tutzing
Translate this page Gemeindebücherei Tutzing, Top 20 Buch-Sachbuch. Top 20 Kinder-/Jugendbücher.

76. England's Players - Hacking To Hurst
Andrew, aston Villa, 1, 0. Henfrey, Arthur George, Cambridge University, Corinthians,5, 2. Henry, Ronald Patrick, Tottenham Hotspur, 1, 0. Heron, Charles francis william,
England Football Online The National Team New Team Competition Matches ... Appendices Last Revised 19 February 2004 England's Players - Hacking to Hurst [Complete through Match No. 810 Against Portugal on 18 February 2004] Players on Recent Squads Players in Major Tournaments Players by Season Most Capped Players Goalscorers Players by Manager Black Players ... Honoured Players Player Biographies Players by Name 1872-2004 A B C D ... G H I J K L ... Y Player Club(s) App G Hacking, John Oldham Athletic Hadley, Harold West Bromwich Albion Hagan, James Sheffield United Haines, John Thomas William West Bromwich Albion Hall, Albert Edward Aston Villa Hall, George William Tottenham Hotspur Hall, Jeffrey James Birmingham City Halse, Harold James Manchester United Hammond, Henry Edward Denison Oxford University Hampson, James Blackpool Player Club(s) App G Hampton, Harry Aston Villa Hancocks, John Wolverhampton Wanderers Hapgood, Edris Albert

77. Les Grands Chimistes :: Département De Chimie :: Université Laval
Translate this page ARRHENIUS (Svante August) aston (francis william) AVOGADRO (Amadeodi Quaregna, comte), ARRHENIUS (Svante August) Chimiste suédois
A B C D E ... W
ARRHENIUS (Svante August)
ASTON (Francis William)
(Amadeo di Quaregna, comte)
ARRHENIUS (Svante August)
Wijk 1859 - Stockholm 1927
Prix Nobel de chimie en 1903
  • Un des fondateurs de la chimie physique.
ASTON (Francis William)
Physicien britannique
Harbone 1877 - Cambridge 1945 Prix Nobel de chimie en 1922
  • Inventa le spectrographe de masse.
AVOGADRO (Amadeo di Quaregna, comte) Chimiste italien Turin 1776 - Turin 1856
  • haut
  • 78. Aston
    Translate this page francis william aston. 1877-1945. Physicien britannique. Prix Nobel de Chimie1922. Assistant de JJ Thompson, il perfectionne la spectrométrie
    Francis William Aston Physicien britannique. Prix Nobel de Chimie 1922. Assistant de J.J. Thompson , il perfectionne la spectrométrie de masse grâce à laquelle il est alors possible de découvrir les isotopes des éléments naturels. Il montrera que l'on peut construire aisément une échelle des masses atomiques en prenant comme référence l'oxygène-16. var site="sm5xavier9"
    Tous droits réservés Xavier Bataille janvier 2000

    79. Les Briques De L'Univers (TM) - Biographies
    Translate this page Vers le haut de la page aston, francis william (1877-1945) Chimisteet physicien britannique. En 1913, francis william aston montre
    Les briques de l'Univers
    A B C D ... Z
      ABELSON, P.H. (xxxx-xxxx)

      AMPERE, André-Marie
      ASTON, Francis William
        Chimiste et physicien britannique.
        En 1913, Francis William Aston montre que le néon atmosphérique est bien un mélange de deux isotopes de masse 20 et 22 dans le rapport de 10 à 1.

      AVOGADRO, Amedeo
        Chimiste italien né et mort à Turin (Italie).
        En 1811, il formula le premier que "
      BALARD, Antoine
        Chimiste français, né à Montpellier (France). Il fut professeur à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, à la Sorbonne et au Collège de France. Excellent expérimentateur, il était si passionné par ce qu'il faisait qu'il rentrait rarement chez lui le soir.
        Parmi tous ses élèves, il compta Pasteur et lui demanda de rester à ses côtés comme agrégé préparateur.
        En 1826, il découvre le brome dans les eaux mères des salines de la région de Montpellier.

      BARTLETT, Neil (19xx-xxxx)
        Chimiste suédois.
        Il fut un des premiers chimistes à accepter la théorie atomique de Dalton
        En 1818, il publia le premier tableau des masses atomiques de 45 des 49 éléments connus à cette époque. Il proposa la représentation symbolique des éléments chimiques en introduisant l'usage d'une ou deux lettres tirées de leurs noms latins.
        En 1817, il découvrit le sélénium et le silicium, en 1823.

    80. Biographical Database Of British Chemists, Open University
    0); ASHWORTH, Robert de Brath (1913 1991); ASKEW, Henry Oscar (1899- 1977); aston, francis william (1877 - 1945); ATACK, Frederick

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