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         Aston Francis William:     more detail
  1. Isotopes / by F.W. Aston by Francis William (1877-) Aston, 1924-01-01
  2. Nobelpreisträger Für Chemie: Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Otto Hahn, Francis William Aston, Manfred Eigen (German Edition)
  3. Isotopes by Francis William Aston, 2010-08-19
  4. Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. by Francis William, PREGL, Fritz, ZSIGMONDY, Richard Adolf et al. NOBEL. ASTON, 1966
  5. Isotopes and atomic weights. 299-310 pp. In: Notices of the proceedings at the meetings of the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain with the abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings, Vol. XXIII. by Francis William (1877-1945). ASTON, 1924-01-01
  6. Mass Spectrometrists: Francis William Aston, Alfred Bucherer, Alfred O. C. Nier, Kenneth Bainbridge, Walter Kaufmann, Arthur Jeffrey Dempster
  7. Mass spectra and isotopes, by Francis William Aston, 1944
  8. Mass specra and isotopes: Being the twenty-sixth Robert Boyle lecture delivered before the Junior Scientific Club of the University of Oxford on 3rd June ... Junior Scientific Club Robert Boyle lecture) by Francis William Aston, 1924
  9. Francis William Aston

41. Francis William Aston
Translate this page francis william aston (1877 - 1945). Físico británico. Fue profesorde la Universidad de Cambridge y colaborador de JJ Thomson.
Francis William Aston (1877 - 1945) Los autores: e

42. ASTON, FRANCIS WILLIAM (1877 - 1945)
University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Rare Book Room Exhibit.aston, francis william (1877 - 1945). Isotopes. London, 1922.
From Alchemy to Chemistry:
Five Hundred Years of Rare and Interesting Books
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rare Book Room Exhibit
ASTON, FRANCIS WILLIAM (1877 - 1945). Isotopes . London, 1922. Aston's invention of the mass spectrograph, an instrument giving a concentrated and extremely detailed breakdown of the constituents of analyzed material, enabled him to discover that elements are composed of atoms of varying mass, and that the atomic weight of an element is an average of the atoms comprising it. Aston used the word "isotopes" to describe atoms of differing weights within the same element, a term first coined by Frederick Soddy to describe separate elements that are nevertheless homogeneous in chemical behavior. Aston was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1922 "for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of the isotopes of a large number of non-radioactive elements, as well as for his discovery of the whole-number rule." Norman Library of Science
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43. FECS Millennium Project - Aston
FECS Millennium Project 100 Distinguished European Chemists. 20th Century. aston,francis william Born Harborne (England), 1877 Died Cambridge (England), 1945.
FECS Millennium Project
100 Distinguished European Chemists
20th Century
Aston, Francis William
Born: Harborne (England), 1877
Died: Cambridge (England), 1945
Aston studied chemistry at the University of Birmingham. In 1910 he went to Cambridge to work under J. J. Thomson. Aston's mass spectrograph showed that most stable elements were a mixture of isotopes, differing in mass but not in chemical properties. Using this device he was able to discover 212 of the 287 stable isotopes.
Aston was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1922. Links
For further information on this chemist search the RSC's historical chemistry information service provided by the Library and Information Centre Go to 20th Century Chemists About ENC FECS ...
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44. Francis William Aston
Translate this page francis william aston. (1877-1945). francis william aston Físicoinglés Nació en Harborne en el año 1877. Cursó estudios en

45. Francis William Aston (1877-1945)
Translate this page francis william aston (1877-1945). francis william aston, físicoexperimental, nasceu em Harborne a 1 de Setembro de 1877, vindo
Francis William Aston (1877-1945)
Francis William Aston, físico experimental, nasceu em Harborne a 1 de Setembro de 1877, vindo a falecer em Cambridge a 20 de Novembro de 1945. Trabalhou com Frankland em 1898, Poynting em 1903 e J.J Thomson em 1910. A sua larga experiência em técnicas de vácuo permitiu-lhe pôr em evidência pela primeira vez a constituição isotópica de um elemento estável por meio de análise dos raios positivos. Em 1913 conseguiu uma separação parcial de isótopos por um método de difusão. Obteve o Prémio Nobel da Química em 1922. Deixou a obra Mass spectra and Isotopes

46. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici_e_Ricercatori: Aston,_Francis
Translate this page Top International Italiano Scienze Chimica Chimici e RicercatoriAston, francis william (0) Vedi anche International Italiano
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina Principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Chimici_e_Ricercatori/Aston,_Francis_William Top International Italiano Scienze ... Chimici e Ricercatori : Aston, Francis William
Vedi anche: Francis William Aston ¨ stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1922, per gli studi sulla spettrometria di massa e la scoperta di isotopi. Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.5.3
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47. The Hutchinson Dictionary Of Scientific Biography : Aston, Francis William (1877
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography aston, francis william(18771945) @ HighBeam Research. aston, francis william (1877-1945).
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Start T The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography January 01, 1998 ... Aston, Francis William (1877-1945)
Aston, Francis William (1877-1945)
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography; January 01, 1998;
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
January 01, 1998
mass spectrograph, atomic masses, mass, positive rays, aston, magnetic fields, photographic plate, atomic mass, isotopes, mason college, discharge tubes, aston examined, thomson, mass spectrum, discharge tube
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Aston, Francis William (1877-1945)
was a British chemist and physicist who developed the mass spectrograph, which he used to study atomic masses and to establish the existence of isotopes. For his unique contribution to analytic chemistry and the study of atomic theory he was awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Aston was born on 1 September 1877 at Harbourne, Birmingham, the son of a merchant. He went to school at Malvern College, where he excelled at mathematics and science, and then to Mason College (which later became the University of Birmingham) to study chemistry. There from 1898 to 1900 he studied optical rotation with P.F. Frankland (1858-1946). Aston then left aca...

48. Francis W Aston
Translate this page francis william aston. (Harbone, 1877 - Londres, 1945). Físico inglês.Forma-se em Birmingham e em Cambridge, onde trabalha com

Francis William Aston (Harbone, 1877 - Londres, 1945)
Físico inglês. Forma-se em Birmingham e em Cambridge, onde trabalha com Joseph John Thomson na investigação às descargas eléctricas em tubos de baixa pressão. Exerce como professor no Trinity College de Cambridge. Em 1921 ingressa na Royal Society e em 1935 é nomeado presidente do Comité Internacional Atómico. No decurso das suas investigações sobre os isótopos inventa o espectrógrafo de massas (1919). Este elemento de investigação, que tem o seu nome («espaço escuro de Aston»), permite a separação dos isótopos e a determinação das suas massas com uma milésima de aproximação. Os seus contributos principais para a física são a determinação da carga eléctrica dos iónios e uma importante contribuição para a descoberta dos isótopos. Recebe o Prémio Nobel de Química em 1922. Os seus livros principais são Os Isótopos e Espectros de Massas e Isótopos

49. Varanda
Translate this page Arquimedes. Arriaga Brum da Silveira, Manuel José de. Asimov, Isaac. aston,francis william. Asturias, Miguel Ángel. Átila. Augusto, Octávio. Averróis.B.
Regresso à Página Principal Tábua Cronológica Carlos Loures, poeta e romancista, um dia foi comigo à varanda de VIDAS LUSÓFONAS , íamos nós nas 25 biografias já instaladas. Mirou, apontou, disse: - Há por aí muita gente que podemos convidar para dois dedos de conversa... - Quem, por exemplo? - Olha, aquele ali, o Napoleão. Ou aquele outro, o Jesus Cristo. - Mas ó Carlos, não te esqueças que estamos em VIDAS LUSÓFONAS - E depois? Por acaso somos o centro do mundo, os outros não interessam? Mas que lusocentrismo mais parolo... Na varanda também surge a Mirna Queiroz. Mete o bedelho, faz beicinho, reforça: - É isso mesmo, lusocentrismo bobo, muito bobo, isso sim! Já me bastava um, agora tenho de enfrentar dois: - Ouçam lá: não queremos da Internet apenas um barco para irmos a navegar pelo mundo. Também queremos que o mundo comece a navegar por este mar em cujas margens se fala português. A prioridade, agora, é traduzir para inglês as VIDAS LUSÓFONAS para que o resto do mundo saiba quem nós fomos, quem nós somos. O Carlos encolhe os ombros, abre os braços:

50. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Francis William Aston (Chemistry, Biographies) - Encyclo reference and encyclopedia resource provides completeinformation on francis william aston, Chemistry, Biographies.
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Related Category: Chemistry, Biographies Francis William Aston Isotopes (1922) and Mass-Spectra and Isotopes
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  • 51. Aston
    aston, francis william (szül. 1877. szept. 1. Harborne, Birmingham,Anglia megh. 1945. nov. 20. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire), angol

    52. MSN Encarta - Aston, Francis William
    Translate this page aston, francis william. aston, francis william (1877-1945), physicien britannique.Médias. Un guide du Web. Plus de résultats pour aston, francis william,
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    Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Aston, Francis William Aston, Francis William (1877-1945), physicien britannique. M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    53. : International Mass Spectrometry Web Resource
    francis william aston was born in September 1877 in Birmingham, England,the third of seven children. He was educated at Harborne
    o i-mass guides : Index Classic Articles Definitions History ... Tutorials
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  • 54. Francis William Aston
    Masspec Homepage, MS History. Research. Publications. Personnel. Information.Services. Sandman. Contact. previous, Contents, next. (1877 1945).

    55. Aston
    Translate this page francis william aston (1877-1945). francis william aston foi físicoexperimental que nasceu em Harborne a 1 de Setembro de 1877, vindo
    Francis William Aston (1877-1945) Francis William Aston foi físico experimental que nasceu em Harborne a 1 de Setembro de 1877, vindo a falecer em Cambridge em 20 de Novembro de 1945. Francis trabalhou com Frankland em 1898, Poynting em 1903 e J.J Thomson em 1910. A sua larga experiência em técnicas de vácuo permitiu-lhe pôr em evidência pela primeira vez a constituição isotópica de um elemento estável por meio de análise dos raios positivos. Em 1913 conseguiu uma separação parcial de isótopos por um método de difusão. Obteve o Prêmio Nobel da Química em 1922.

    56. Aston, Francis William
    Site Map. encyclopediaEncyclopedia aston, francis william. aston,francis william, 1877–1945, English physicist and chemist. He


    Aston, Francis William Aston, Francis William, , English physicist and chemist. He was affiliated with the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, from 1910. In 1922 he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry mainly for his discovery of a number of isotopes in nonradioactive elements by means of a mass spectrograph of his own invention. His writings include Isotopes (1922) and Mass-Spectra and Isotopes The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
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    57. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science
    Scientist aston, francis william (1877 1945). Discipline(s) Chemistry; Physics. Portrait of francis william aston ~ Enlarge Image ~,

    58. Noble
    1921 1923. francis william aston. francis william aston was born in September 1877at Harborne, Birmingham, England, the third of a family of seven children. Winners/f
    Nobel Prize Winning Chemists Francis William Aston The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922 Francis William Aston was born in September 1877 at Harborne, Birmingham, England, the third of a family of seven children. His winning of the Forster Scholarship in 1898 properties of tartaric acid derivatives; the results of this work were published in 1901. In 1903 he obtained a scholarship to Birmingham University to work on the properties of the Crookes Dark Space in discharge tubes. Within a short time he had discovered the phenomenon which is known as the Aston Dark Space. It was during this period that he obtained definite evidence for the existence of two isotopes of the inert gas neon. In 1919, he again attacked the problem of the separation of the isotopes of neon. He quickly achieved success in this by his invention of the mass spectrograph, an apparatus in which the ingenious use of electromagnetic focusing enabled him to utilize the very slight differences in mass of the two isotopes to effect their separation. Extending this principle to other chemical elements, he discovered, in a series of measurements, no less than 212 of the naturally occurring isotopes. From the results of this work he was able to formulate the so-called Whole Number Rule which states that, the mass of the oxygen isotope being defined, all other isotopes have masses that are very nearly whole numbers.

    59. Francis William Aston Example - Over 101,000 Essays, Term Papers And
    Go here to log in and view the entire paper! francis william aston. francis william,aston (1922) francis william aston, a man who won the Nobel Prize on 1922.

    60. Biographical Notes
    1903AD. In 1905 he predicted global warming as a result of carbon dioxideemission from burning fuels. francis william aston. A British
    Svante August Arrhenius
    A Swedish physical chemist, Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927) was born near Uppsala, he became a professor at Stockholm in 1895, and his special study was Electrolysis . He developed the theory concerning the properties of ionic species in solution. They are Arrhenius Concept of Bases Arrhenius Concept of Neutralisation and Arrhenius Concept of Acids
    He wrote "Worlds in the Making and Destinies of the Stars" He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903AD. In 1905 he predicted global warming as a result of carbon dioxide emission from burning fuels.
    Francis William Aston
    A British physicists, Francis William Aston (1877-1945) invented the Mass Spectrometer
    and used it to identify and separate the Isotopes , of elements, for which he was awarded the Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1922.
    Count Amedeo Avogadro
    An Italian physicist, Count Amedeo Avogadro, published his hypothesis in 1811AD, which states that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. His work was revived by Cannizzaro The Avogadro's Number , N, 6.02 X 10^23 is the number of molecules in one mole of a substance.

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