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         Aston Francis William:     more detail
  1. Isotopes / by F.W. Aston by Francis William (1877-) Aston, 1924-01-01
  2. Nobelpreisträger Für Chemie: Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Otto Hahn, Francis William Aston, Manfred Eigen (German Edition)
  3. Isotopes by Francis William Aston, 2010-08-19
  4. Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. by Francis William, PREGL, Fritz, ZSIGMONDY, Richard Adolf et al. NOBEL. ASTON, 1966
  5. Isotopes and atomic weights. 299-310 pp. In: Notices of the proceedings at the meetings of the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain with the abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings, Vol. XXIII. by Francis William (1877-1945). ASTON, 1924-01-01
  6. Mass Spectrometrists: Francis William Aston, Alfred Bucherer, Alfred O. C. Nier, Kenneth Bainbridge, Walter Kaufmann, Arthur Jeffrey Dempster
  7. Mass spectra and isotopes, by Francis William Aston, 1944
  8. Mass specra and isotopes: Being the twenty-sixth Robert Boyle lecture delivered before the Junior Scientific Club of the University of Oxford on 3rd June ... Junior Scientific Club Robert Boyle lecture) by Francis William Aston, 1924
  9. Francis William Aston

1. ThinkQuest : Library : Atom. The Incredible World.
FRANCIS WILLIAM ASTON. Francis William Aston lived in the years 18771945. He studied at Cambridge and was a Rutherford's student. After studies he became Thomson's assistant. he constructed a special device - a mass spectrograph. Aston researched 213 out of the total of 276 isotopes
Index Physical Science Chemistry
Atom. The incredible world.
This site presents problems and discoveries in experimental atomic physics. Textbook-like, its contents spans 2,000 years of history, starting with Democritus, the Greek philosopher. A special section on the twentieth century provides information on x-rays, radiation, and the quantum theory. Historical background information on the scientists helps develop an overview of the achievements in this area. The site is in English and Polish. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Polish Students Grzegorz XIV L.O. im. Stanislawa Staszica, Warszawa, Poland Tomasz XIV L.O. im. Stanislawa Staszica, Warszawa, Poland Gabriela 49 L.O. im. Johanna Wolfganga Goethego, Warszawa, Poland Coaches Stanislaw XIV L.O. im. Stanislawa Staszica, Warszawa, Poland Konrad IL L.O. im. Johanna Wolfganga Goethego, Warszawa, Poland Miroslawa Szkola Glowna Handlowa, Warszawa, Poland Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

2. Aston
Francis William Aston ( 18771945) English chemist and physicist born in Harborne, Birmingham. He was educated at the universities of Birmingham and Cambridge. In 1909 he became an assistant to J. J .
Francis William Aston
English chemist and physicist born in Harborne, Birmingham. He was educated at the universities of Birmingham and Cambridge. In 1909 he became an assistant to J. J. Thomson at Cambridge and worked with him on many studies with the parabola mass spectroscope. Aston returned to Cambridge after Word War I and constructed a new type of mass spectrograph and discovered the existence of isotopes in many elements (of 281 naturally-occurring isotopes, Aston discovered 212). He also calculated atomic weights from nuclidic masses and abundances, and brought about the use in physics of the mass of oxygen-16 as exactly 16, whence all other elements had nearly integer masses. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1922 for his development of the mass spectrograph, the discovery of isotopes of non-radioactive elements, and the enunciation of the whole number rule. In later years he measured with ever greater precision the nuclidic masses of many elements.

3. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Aston Francis William
Encarta Search results for aston francis william . Page 1 of 1. Found in the Hawaii(state) article. 7. Magazine and news articles about aston francis william *.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Encarta Search results for "Aston Francis William" Page of 1 Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers Aston, Francis William Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Aston, Francis William (1877-1945), British physicist and Nobel laureate, born in Harborne, Birmingham, England, and educated at Malvern College,... related items mass spectrometer study of isotopes Francis William Aston Picture—Encarta Encyclopedia Picture from Encarta Encyclopedia William Francis Giauque Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Giauque, William Francis (1895-1982), American chemist and Nobel laureate, best known for discovering a method for producing temperatures approaching... William Francis Giauque Picture—Encarta Encyclopedia Picture from Encarta Encyclopedia Bourdillon, Francis William (quotation) Quotation—Encarta Encyclopedia The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies

4. ASTON Francis William
Last updated 25.05.2001 142758. Francis William Aston byl britskýchemik a fyzik, žijící v letech 1877 1945. Je nositelem
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:27:58
Francis William Aston byl britský chemik a fyzik, žijící v letech
1877 - 1945. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny za chemii z roku 1922 za objevy mnoha izotopù a pøístroje k jejich identifikaci - hmotnostního spektrografu (1919).
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

5. WIEM: Aston Francis William
edycji WIEM 2004. Multimedia, Ilustracje, Zdjecia aston francis william.Opis aston francis william. WIEM zostala opracowana na
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Multimedia, Ilustracje, Zdjêcia
Aston Francis William
Aston Francis William. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

6. WIEM: Aston Francis William
aston francis william (18771945), fizyk i chemik brytyjski. Fizyka, Chemia,Wielka Brytania aston francis william (1877-1945). aston francis william.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Chemia, Wielka Brytania
Aston Francis William
Aston Francis William Aston Francis William (1877-1945), fizyk i chemik brytyjski. Od 1920 profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge, od 1921 cz³onek Royal Society. Uczeñ J.J. Thomsona, z którym wspólnie wykaza³ 1913 istnienie 2 trwa³ych izotopów neonu. 1919 zbudowa³ pierwszy spektrograf masowy , za pomoc± którego odkry³ wiêkszo¶æ naturalnych trwa³ych izotopów (ok. 212). Zaproponowa³ te¿ tzw. fizyczn± skalê mas atomowych, opart± wy³±cznie na izotopie tlenu O, dla którego przyjêto masê równ± dok³adnie 16 (poprzednio jednostk± masy atomowej by³a 1/16 masy atomu tlenu bez uwzglêdnienia sk³adu izotopowego tlenu). 1922 laureat Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie chemii. G³. prace:

7. ASTON Francis William
Last updated 19.02.2004 165820. Francis William Aston byl britskýchemik a fyzik, žijící v letech 1877 1945. Je nositelem
Last updated: 19.02.2004 16:58:20
Francis William Aston byl britský chemik a fyzik, žijící v letech
1877 - 1945. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny za chemii z roku 1922 za objevy mnoha izotopù a pøístroje k jejich identifikaci - hmotnostního spektrografu (1919).
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

8. Francis William Aston - Wikipedia
Translate this page Francis William Aston. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. FrancisWilliam Aston (* 1. September 1877 in Harborne, † 20.
Francis William Aston
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Francis William Aston 1. September in Harborne 20. November in Cambridge ) war ein englischer Physiker , der als erster die Massenspektroskopie erfolgreich einsetzte. erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Chemie Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge

9. Francis William Aston
Francis William Aston. Francis William Aston (18771956). Britishphysicist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1922 for his
Francis William Aston
Francis William Aston
British physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1922 for his development of the mass spectrograph, a device that separates atoms or molecular fragments of different mass and measures those masses with remarkable accuracy. Aston used the mass spectrograph to discover a large number of nuclides, or nuclear species that differ in mass. The mass spectrograph is widely used in geology, chemistry, biology, and nuclear physics.
Aston was trained as a chemist, but, upon the rebirth of physics following the discovery of X rays in 1895 and of radioactivity in 1896, he began in 1903 to study the creation of X rays by the flow of current through a gas-filled tube. In 1910 he became an assistant to Sir J.J. Thomson at Cambridge, who was investigating positively charged rays emanating from gaseous discharges. During Aston's assistantship Thomson obtained, from experiments with neon, the first evidence for isotopes (atoms of the same element that differ in mass) among the stable (nonradioactive) elements. After World War I, Aston constructed a new type of positive-ray apparatus, which he named a mass spectrograph. It showed that not only neon but also many other elements are mixtures of isotopes. Aston's achievement is illustrated by the fact that he discovered 212 of the 287 naturally occurring nuclides.

10. Francis William Aston
Francis William Aston (18771945). Profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge.Prowadzil badania nad promieniami kanalikowymi; wykazal
Francis William Aston (1877-1945)
Profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge. Prowadzi³ badania nad: promieniami kanalikowymi; wykaza³ istnienie dwóch izotopów neonu w roku 1913. W roku 1919 zbudowa³ pierwszy spektrograf masowy, a co za tym idzie zidentyfikowa³ wiêkszo¶æ izotopów trwa³ych. Nagrodê Nobla otrzyma³ roku 1922.

11. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Aston Francis William
aston francis william . Page1 sur 1. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour aston francis william .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Aston Francis William" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Aston, Francis William Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Aston, Francis William (1877-1945), physicien britannique. Francis William Aston Encyclop©die EncartaImage isotopes Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article isotopes spectrom¨tre de masse Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article spectrom¨tre de masse Giauque, William Francis Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Giauque, William Francis (1895-1982), chimiste am©ricain, connu pour sa d©couverte d'une m©thode appliqu©e pour g©n©rer des temp©ratures approchant... William Francis Giauque Encyclop©die EncartaImage Bacon, Francis (philosophe) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Bacon, Francis (philosophe) ‰lisabeth I re Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article ‰lisabeth I re Shakespeare, William Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Shakespeare, William

12. Aston
Francis William Aston byl britský chemik a fyzik, žijící v letech.1877 1945. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny za chemii z roku 1922
1877 - 1945. Je nositelem Nobel
Francis William

1913. aston francis william ( 1877 - 1945) wraz z Sir Josephem Johnem Thomsonem( 1856 - 1940) wykazal istnienie dwóch trwalych izotopów neonu .
Od 1898 roku do 1994 roku: Odkrycia cz¹stek elementarnych; Teorie chemiczne; Modele budowy atomu (Od modelu Thomsona do modelu Bohra- Sommerfelda); Kwarkowa struktura materii
Ernest Rutherford ( 1871 - 1937) udowodni³, ¿e promieniowanie uranu jest promieniowaniem z³o¿onym z co najmniej dwóch ró¿nych rodzajów promieniowania. Promieniowanie ,które ³atwo ulega absorpcji Rutherford nazwa³ promieniowaniem alfa. Drugi rodzaj promieniowania o bardziej przenikliwym charakterze nazwa³ promieniowaniem beta. Charakterystykê podan¹ przez Ernesta Rutherforda w 1899 r. w pracy " Uranium Radiation and the Electrical Condution Produced by It" - Phil. Mag., 47, 114, 1899 uzupe³nili inni badacze, którzy wykazali, ¿e promienie alfa i beta s¹ z³o¿one z cz¹stek elektrycznie na³adowanych. Cz¹stki te ulegaj¹ odchyleniu w polu magnetycznym i elektrostatycznym odchyleniu, lecz w przeciwnych kierunkach. Stosunek e/m dla promieniowania beta wyznaczony przez Becquerela Henri ( 1852 - 1908) mia³ tak¹ sam¹ wartoœæ jak zmierzony przez Thomsona Josepha ( 1856 -1940) dla promieni katodowych ( elektronów).

14. System Analysis - Cross Over Research - Metaphysics - Philosophy By Jörg Lenau
Translate this page Friedrich, Wundt Wilhelm, Yukawa Hideki, Achard Franz Karl, Adler Alfred, AndersonCarl David, Arkwright Sir Richard, aston francis william, Avogadro Amadeo
A strologische C harakteranalyse A strologische C harakteranalyse ... mail Abaelard Peter, Albategnius, Albert der Große (Albertus Magnus) , Anaxagoras, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anselm von Canterbury, Archimedes, Aristarch(os) von Samos, Aristippos, Aristoteles, Augustinus, Avenarius Richard, Averroë (arab. Ibn Róschd) , Averroës, Avicenna, Baader Franz Xaver von, Bacon Francis, Bahnsen Julius, Baumgarten Alexander, Bavink Bernhard, Bayle Pierre, Bentham Jeremy, Bergson Henri, Berkeley George, Bernhard von Clairvaux, Boëthius, Bolzano Bernhard, Brentano, Bruno Giordano, Cassierer Ernst, Clausius Auguste, Cohen Hermann, Comte.Schleiermacher, Condillac Etienne Bonnet de, Cousin Victor, Croce, d'Alembert Jean le Rond, Dalton John, Demokrit (Demokritos) , Descartes René, Dewey John, Diderot Denis, Dilthey Wilhelm, Dingler Hugo, Diogenes Laërtius, Diogenes von Sinope, Diophantos von Alexandria, Donatus Aelius, Driesch, Dühring Eugen, Duns Scotus, Emerson Ralph Waldo, Empedokles von Akragas (Agrigent), Engels Friedrich, Epiktet, Epikur(os) von Samos, Eriguena, Espinas Alfred, Eudoxos aus Knidos, Euklid, Fechner Gustav Theodor, Feuerbach Ludwig, Fichte J.H., Fichte Johann Gottlieb, Fischer Kuno, Francis Bacon von Verulam, Freidrich der Große (II.), Fries Jakob Friedrich, Gassendi Petrus, Gemelli Agostino, Gentile, Geulincx, Gilson Etiennne, Giordano Bruno, Gorgias, Groce Benedetto, Guyau Jean Marie, Haller Karl Ludwig von, Haman Johann Georg, Hartmann E.v., Hartmann Eduard von, Hartmann N., Hegel Goerg Wilhelm Friedrich, Heidegger, Helvétius Claude-Adrien, Hemsterhuis Franz, Heraklit (Herakleitos) von Ephesos, Herbart Johann Friedrich, Herbert Edward Lord von Cherbury, Herder Johann Gottfried von, Heron (H. von Alexandria), Hertling Georg Graf von, Hippokrates (H. von Kos)
, Hobbes Thomas, Holbach Dietrich Baron von, Hume David, Husserl Edmund, Huxley Thomas Henry, Jacobi Friedrich Heinrich, Jaeger Werner, Jaensch Erich Rudolf, James William, Jansen Cornelius, Jaspers Karl, Jung Carl Gustav, Kant Immanuel, Keyserling Herrmann Graf von, Kierkegaard, Klages Ludwig, Klemens von Alexandria (Titus Flavius Clemens Alexandrianus) , Kluge Friedrich, Kratylos, Krause, Kung-(fu)tse (Kung-tse - Meister Kung) , Lamarck Jean-Baptiste de, Lamettrie Julien Offray de, Lange Friedrich Albert, Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von, Leukippos (Leukipp) von Milet, Lipps Theodor, Locke John, Lotze Hermann, Mach Ernst, Maimon Salomon (Salomon ben Josua) , Maimonides Moses (Rabbi Mosche ben Maimon) , Maine de Biran François Pierre, Maistre Josef-Marie Comte de, Malebranche Nicolas de, Marx Karl, Meister Eckhart, Menge Hermann, Mengtse (Möng-tse eigtl. Meng Ko - Möng-Kho) , Montesquieu Charles de Secondat, Müller Adam Heinrich, Natorp Paul, Nietsche Friedrich, Nietzsche, Nikolaus von Kues, Nostradamus (Michel de Notre-Dame) , Ockham Wilhelm von, Oken Lorenz (eigentl. Ockenfuß) , Origenes, Ortega y Gasset José, Parmenides von Elea, Pascal, Peirce Charles Santiago Sanders, Philon, Plato(n), Platon, Plotin(os), Plutarch(os) (von Chäronea) , Poseidonios, Protagoras, Protagoras (aus Abdera) , Ptolemäus Claudius (grch. Ptolemaios) , Pufendorf Samuel Frhr. von, Pythagoras (von Samos) , Rickert, Roger Bacon, Rousseau Jean Jaques, Russell, Satre Jean Paul, Savigny Friedrich Carl von, Scheler, Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, Schiller Ferdinand Canning Scott, Schopenhauer Arthur, Seneca, Shaftesbury, Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of, Smith Adam, Sokrates, Solowjew, Spengler Oswald, Spinoza Benedictus (Baruch d'Espinosa) , Stirner Max (eigentl. Kasper Schmidt) , Strauß, Suarez, Suëton(ius) Gajus S. Tranquillus, Taine Hippolyte, Thales (von Milet) , Theophrastus, Thomas von Aquin(o), Thomasius Christian, Thukydides, Toqueville Alexis Comte de, Troeltsch, Voltaire, Whitehead, Widelband, Wilhelm von Ockham, Wolff Christian Frhr. von, Wundt, Zenon (Zeno) von Kition Abderhalden Emil, Agricola Georg, Angström Anders Jonas, Arrhenius Svante, Baer Karl Ernst von, Basedow Johannes Bernhard, Bastian Adolf, Bat'a Thomas, Baur Erwin, Bebber Wilhelm Jakob van, Becquerel Henri, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Berzelsius Jöns Jacob Frhr. von, Binet Alfred, Bodin Jean, Bogomoletz Alexander, Bohr Niels, Brown Robert, Carus Carl Gustav, Cavendish Henry, Celsius Anders, Chadwick James, Clausius Rudolf, Coloumb Charles Augustin de, Darwin Erasmus, Darwin Charles, Davenport Charles Benedikt, Dewar Sir James, Döbereiner Johann Wolfgang, Doppler Christian, Du Bois-Reymond Emil, Fischer Eugen, Fizeau Armand Hippolyte Louis, Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron de, Fraunhofer Joseph von, Fresenius Carl Remigius, Fresnel Augustin Jean, Freud Sigmund, Freyer Hans, Fröbel Friedrich, Frobenius Leo, Galen (Galenos), Galilei Galileo, Gall Franz Joseph, Galton Sir Francis, Gauß Karl Friedrich, Gay-Lussac Louise Joseph, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Etienne, George Henry, Gesell Silvio, Gesner Konrad, Gilbert William, Goldschmidt Rich., Göschen Georg Joachim, Gray Stephan, Grimaldi Francesco, Grimm Jakob und Wilhelm, Grotefend Georg Friedrich, Grotius Hugo (Huig de Groot), Guericke Otto von, Gutenberg Johannes, Guts Muths Johann Christoph Friedrich, Haeckel Ernst, Hahn Otto, Hahnemann Samuel Friedrich Christian, Hamilton Sir William Rowan, Harvey William, Haushofer Karl, Helmholtz Hermann von , Helmont Johann Baptist van, Henle Friedrich Gustav Jakob, Henlein Peter, Hertz Heinrich, Hittorf Johannes Wilhelm, Amuel Hahnemann, Hooke Robert, Hughes David Edward, Humboldt Alexander Freiherr von, James William, Jeans Sir James Hopwood, Jenner Edward, Johnson Samuel, Joliot-Curie, Kamerlingh Onnes Heike, Kepöer Johannes, Fröbel Friedrich, Klaproth Martin Heinrich, Koch Robert, Kopernikus Nikolaus, Kürschner Josef, La Bruyère Jean de, Law John L. of Lauriston, Leblanc Nicolas, Le Bon Gustave, Lersch Philipp, Leverrier Urbain Jean Joseph, Liebig Justus Frhr. von, Linné Carl von, Lorentz Hendrik Anton, Macchiavelli Niccolò, Malpighi Marcello, Malthus Thomas Robert, Maxwell James Clerk, Mayer (Julius) Robert (von), Mendel Gregor, Meitner Lise, Mesmer Franz Anton, Meyer Julius Lothar, Meyer Victor, Michelson Albert, Mill James, Mill John Stuart, Millikan Robert Andrews, Minikowski Hermann, Mitscherlich Eilhard, Moissan Henry, Monier Joseph, Morgan Thomas Hunt, Moseley Henry, Muckermann Hermann, Müller Georg Elias, Müller Johannes, Nernst Walter, Newton Isaac, Nobel Alfred, Oersted Hans Christian, Ostwald Wilhelm, Planck Max, Prout William, Prozeß, Raman Chandrasekhara Venkata, Ramsey Sir William, Ratzel Friedrich, Réaumur René-Antoine de, Ricardo David, Richards Theodore William, Richthofen Ferdinand Frhr. von, Riese Adam, Rodbertus Johann Karl, Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad, Seaborg Glenn Theodore, Stark Johannes, Stein Lorenz von, Steinach Eugen, Steiner Rudolf, Thomson Sir William Lord Kelvin, Virchow Rudolf, Volta Alessandro Graf, Vornoff Serge, Wiclif John, Hus Johannes, Wöhler Friedrich, Wundt Wilhelm, Yukawa Hideki, Achard Franz Karl, Adler Alfred, Anderson Carl David, Arkwright Sir Richard, Aston Francis William, Avogadro Amadeo, Barkla Charles Glover, Bergius Friedrich, Bernard Claude, Berthelot Marcelin, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von, Boltzmann Ludwig, Boyle Robert, Bragg Sir William Henry, Brahe Tycho, Brauchle Alfred, Bridgman Percy William, Broglie Louis Duc de, Bronn Heinrich Georg, Carnap Rudolf, Carnot Sadi, Cartwright Edmund, Correns Carl, Davy Sir Humphry, Debye Peter, Dessauer Friedrich, Dulong Pierre-Louis, Dumas Jean-Baptiste, Ehrlich Paul, Einstein Albert, Engler Adolf, Euler Leonhard, Fahrenheit Gabriel Daniel, Faraday Michael, Fermi Enrico, Foucault Jean Bernhard Léon, Geiger Hans, Geitel Hans, Gibbs Josiah Willard, Hahn Otto, Henry Josef, Hoff Jacobus Hendricus van't, Huygens Christian (Huyghens), Joule James Prescott, Kirchhoff Robert, Kepler Johannes, Lagrange Joseph Louis de, Lahmann Heinrich, Langmuir Irving, Laplace Pierre Simon Marquis de, Laue Max von, Lavoisier Antoine Laurent, Lenard Philipp, Lumière Auguste, Lyell Sir Charles, Lyssenko Trofim Denisowitsch, MacDougall (eigtl. McDougall), M(a)cMillan Edwin Mattison, Magnus Heinrich Gustav, Millikan Robert Andrews, Naumann Karl Friedrich, Nicol W., Papin Denis, Paracelsus (Humanistenname des Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), Pasteur Louis, Pauli Wolgang, Pauling Linus, Pettenkofer Max von, Pflüger Eduard Friedrich Wilh., Priestley Joseph, Ramsay Sir William, Rutherford Ernest, Sabatier Paul, Tesla Nicola, Thünen Johann Heinrich von, Weizsäcker Carl Friedrich Frhr. von, Weizsäcker Viktor Frhr. von

15. Francis W. Aston - Biography
francis W. aston – Biography. francis william aston was born in September 1877at Harborne, Birmingham, England, the third of a family of seven children.
Francis William Aston was born in September 1877 at Harborne, Birmingham, England, the third of a family of seven children. He was educated at Harborne Vicarage School and Malvern College where his interest in science was aroused. In 1894 he entered Mason College, Birmingham (later to become the University of Birmingham ) where he studied chemistry under Frankland and Tilden, and Physics under Poynting. His winning of the Forster Scholarship in 1898 enabled him to work on the optical properties of tartaric acid derivatives; the results of this work were published in 1901.
Leaving academic life for a time, he worked for three years as a chemist in the laboratory of a brewery. At about this time, however, his interest in physics, rather than chemistry, began to predominate; his aptitude for mechanical contrivance showed itself in his design and construction of new types of pumps for evacuating vessels. From this stemmed his interest in gas discharge phenomena in evacuated tubes.
In 1903 he obtained a scholarship to Birmingham University (as it had now become) to work on the properties of the Crookes Dark Space in discharge tubes. Within a short time he had discovered the phenomenon which is known as the Aston Dark Space. At the end of 1909 he accepted the invitation of

16. Aston, Francis William
aston, francis william. francis william aston. CorbisBettmann ( b. Sept. 1, 1877, Harborne, Birmingham, Eng.d. Nov. mass and measures those masses with remarkable accuracy. aston used the mass
Aston, Francis William
Francis William Aston Corbis-Bettmann (b. Sept. 1, 1877, Harborne, Birmingham, Eng.d. Nov. 20, 1945, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire), British physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1922 for his development of the mass spectrograph, a device that separates atoms or molecular fragments of different mass and measures those masses with remarkable accuracy. Aston used the mass spectrograph to discover a large number of nuclide s, or nuclear species that differ in mass. The mass spectrograph is widely used in geology, chemistry, biology, and nuclear physics. Aston was trained as a chemist, but, upon the rebirth of physics following the discovery of X rays in 1895 and of radioactivity in 1896, he began in 1903 to study the creation of X rays by the flow of current through a gas-filled tube. In 1910 he became an assistant to Sir J.J. Thomson at Cambridge, who was investigating positively charged rays emanating from gaseous discharges. During Aston's assistantship Thomson obtained, from experiments with neon, the first evidence for isotopes (atoms of the same element that differ in mass) among the stable (nonradioactive) elements. After World War I, Aston constructed a new type of positive-ray apparatus, which he named a mass spectrograph. It showed that not only neon but also many other elements are mixtures of isotopes. Aston's achievement is illustrated by the fact that he discovered 212 of the 287 naturally occurring nuclides.

17. Chemistry 1922
of the wholenumber rule . francis william aston. United Kingdom.University of Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdom. b. 1877 d. 1945.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922
"for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule" Francis William Aston United Kingdom University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom b. 1877
d. 1945 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922
Presentation Speech
Francis W. Aston
Nobel Lecture
The 1922 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: SITE FEEDBACK CONTACT TELL A FRIEND Last modified January 14, 2004 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

18. Francis William Aston
Born in Birmingham, England in September 1877, francis william aston was fascinated by science at an early age. In 1894, aston attended Birmingham University to study chemistry and physics.
home key issues history resources ... contact us Francis William Aston Born in Birmingham, England in September 1877, Francis William Aston was fascinated by science at an early age. In 1894, Aston attended Birmingham University to study chemistry and physics. Aston won the Forster Scholarship in 1898, allowing him to conduct research that was published in 1901. He began working as an assistant at Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge in 1909 and conducted research on positive rays. Aston remained at Cavendish until1914 when World War I required his skills at the Royal Aircraft Establishment. After World War I ended, Aston returned to his studies at Cavendish, now focusing on isotopes. In 1919, Aston made his most significant contribution to atomic science with the invention of the mass spectrograph. The device was capable of separating isotopes by measuring the minute differences in their masses. Using the mass spectrograph, Aston successfully identified 212 existing isotopes. The invention also prompted him to devise his famous Whole Number Rule which states, "the mass of the oxygen isotope being defined, all the other isotopes have masses that are very nearly whole numbers." The rule became crucial to future developments in nuclear energy technology.

19. Francis William Aston Winner Of The 1922 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
francis william aston, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. francis william aston. 1922 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry aston( submitted by Chris Shoemaker)
1922 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule.

    Residence: Great Britain
    Affiliation: Cambridge University
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20. Francis William Aston Winner Of The 1922 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
francis william aston, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at theNobel Prize Internet Archive. francis william aston. 1922 Nobel
1922 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule.

    Residence: Great Britain
    Affiliation: Cambridge University
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