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41. The Hague Legal Capital tobias michael carel asser (18381913). The Institute is named aftertobias michael carel asser (1838-1913), the Dutch lawyer who http://www.thehaguelegalcapital.nl/lc/Members/asser | |
42. Lexikon - Tobias Definition Erklärung Bedeutung tobias Moretti, österreichischer Schauspieler;tobias michael carel asser, niederländischer Friedensnobelpreisträger. http://www.net-lexikon.de/Tobias.html | |
43. Lexikon - 1911 Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Translate this page Friedensnobelpreis - tobias michael carel asser und Alfred Hermann Fried. Weblinks.http//www.dhm.de/lemo/html/1911/ (Lebendiges virtuelles Museum Online). http://www.net-lexikon.de/1911.html | |
44. 20th Century Year By YEar 1910 Peace The prize was divided equally between asser, tobias michael carel, the Netherlands.b. 1838, d. 1913 Cabinet Minister. Member of the Privy Council. http://www.multied.com/20th/1910.html | |
45. Tobias Michael Carel Asser World History TN thru Tobruk Tobermory, Mull, Tobermory, Ontario. Tobey Maguire, Tobi Vail. tobias Hume, tobiasmichael carel asser. tobias Smollett, tobias, Nebraska. Tobin tax, Tobin, California. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/T/Tobias-Michael-Carel-Asser.htm | |
46. Merriam-Webster Online One entry found for asser. Main Entry As·ser Pronunciation äs r Functionbiographical name tobias michael carel 1838-1913 Dutch jurist; promoted http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=Asser |
47. Arm asser, Rab. asser, tobias michael carel. Assideans. asser. asser, Rab. asser, tobiasmichael carel. Assideans. Assiniboin. Assiniboine. Assiniboine, Mount. Assinie. Assir. http://www.slider.com/Enc/A/Arm.htm | |
48. Tobias English explorer. Political Figures tobias michael carel asser (18381913)Co-winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Peace. Popularity http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/t/tobias.html | |
49. Genealogy Data Page 207 (Family Pages) Children asser, tobias michael carel asser, Maria Rose asser, Elisabeth AnnaCarolina b. 4 AUG 1842 Amsterdam d. 13 JAN 1913 Haarlem Gender Female. http://shum.huji.ac.il/~dutchjew/genealog/ndbeli/f_ce.html | |
50. Tobias Asser - Wikipedia NL tobias michael carel asser (18381913) was een Nederlands jurist, en winnaar (metAlfred Fried) van de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede in 1911 vanwege zijn rol bij http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_Asser | |
51. AmIAnnoying.com: Nobel Peace Prize Auguste Marie Francois (1909) * Permanent International Peace Bureau (1910) * Fried,Alfred Hermann (1911) * asser, tobias michael carel (1911) * Root, Elihu http://www.amiannoying.com/(rlk4xqr1vauibd45v5jsxvfk)/collection.aspx?collection |
52. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : ASS asser (tobias michael carel)(1838-1913)Photo 1/2; ASSI (Adolphe Alphonse)(1841-1888) Photo 1 (A)/2 http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/ass.htm | |
53. - Amstelveen Op Het Web (amstelveenweb.com) tobias michael carel asser (18381913) Rechtsgeleerde. asser was zoonvan de rechtsgeleerde carel Daniel asser en was hoogleraar http://www.amstelveenweb.com/straten&straatnum=6610 | |
54. Nobel Peace Prize Berne. ; 1911 tobias michael carel asser (Netherlands), initiatorof the International Conferences of Private Law in The Hague. http://www.fact-index.com/n/no/nobel_peace_prize.html | |
55. Nobelprijzen tussen moleculen. 1911 tobias michael carel asser (prijs voor de vrede),grondlegger van internationaal recht. 1913 Heike Kamerlingh http://people.zeelandnet.nl/acoomens/nobelpri.htm | |
56. Click Here! World Peace 1911 Alfred Fried 1911 - tobias michael carel asser 1968 - ReneCassin 1973 - Henry Kissinger 1978 - Menachem Begin 1986 - Elie Wiesel 1994 http://www.stormpages.com/sammy369/THEpeople91122.html | |
57. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 1910, Permanent International Bureau. 1911, asser, tobias michael carel;Fried, Alfred Hermann. 1912, Root, Elihu. 1913, Fontaine, Henri La. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_peace_hist.htm | |
58. Les Prix Nobel Juifs Elias Canetti 1987 Joseph Brodsky 1991 - Nadine Gordimer 2001- Imre Kertesz WorldPeace 1911 - Alfred Fried 1911 - tobias michael carel asser 1968 - Rene http://harissa.com/D_forum/Autres/lesprixnobel.htm | |
59. Friedensnobelpreis Translate this page 1911 tobias michael carel asser (1838-1913), Niederlande Organisator der InternationalenKonferenz für Privatrecht im Haag Alfred Hermann Fried (1864-1921 http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/kaiserreich/wissenschaft/nobelpreis/frieden/ | |
60. Dossiers Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. 1911 tobias michael carel asser; grondleggervan internationaal recht. Nobelprijs voor Natuurkunde. 1902 http://www.kb.nl/kb/dossiers/nobel/nobel.html | |
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